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One More Day

Page 12

by Hadley, Auryn

  "Yeah," she agreed. "For at least one more day."

  "Deal. Your meds kicking in, yet?"

  She nodded, all too aware that he was still holding her hands and looking at her like she was honestly beautiful. "Yeah, and if those girls are gone, I probably won't even puke for an hour or so."

  "You eat?"

  "No, and water tastes like dog butt."

  He nodded. "Hence the cherry kool-aid. Let me go grab some and bring it down."

  "Thanks, Ryan," she said. "I mean it."

  He leaned over and kissed her head. "Gotta take care of my girlfriend. Think about food. I'll be back in a second."

  He stood, collecting the bottles of her pills from his desk, and left, leaving the door open behind him. She honestly did feel better, so convinced her weary body to leave the couch. She still had a design in the break room that she was working on, and if Colby hadn't left, yet, she was supposed to pick out a few paintings. Problem was, she couldn't manage to convince the silly smile to leave her face. She was dating the sexiest - and nicest - man she'd ever met. Ok, not dating, since, well, she was a vegetable, but still! Her, Mackenzie Lawrence, with a hottie! She staggered into the break room to two faces grinning at her.

  "So," Colby said, chewing at the corner of his lip. "Ryan said something about bringing down kool-aid for his girlfriend."

  Tony chuckled. "Sounded like a kid getting his first BB gun about it, too."

  "So it's official?" Colby asked.

  Mack tried to hide it, but she giggled a bit as she sank into her chair. "Yeah. No idea what he sees in me, but I'm sick, not stupid."

  "Guess this means I can call you a sick fuck now," Colby teased.

  Mack shrugged. "Something like that. Where'd you put my design?"

  "Just moved it off the table," Tony said, pointing to the counter. "Who's getting that?"

  "Me, maybe."

  "Nice!" Colby said. "Gonna scale it down?"

  Mack shook her head. "I was thinking ribs to thigh."

  "What?" Ryan asked, walking in. "Who's getting a side piece?"

  "Me, eventually," Mack said.

  "Paper on the counter." Tony pointed at it.

  Ryan set a glass in front of her and poured red kool-aid from a jug, filling it half full. He put the container in the fridge before grabbing the design. He looked over it for a long moment, then glanced at her.

  "Can I make a suggestion?" he asked.

  "Sure. It's not done."

  He nodded. "I can see that. But make it wider across the hip and under the arm pit. Taper it at the waist, and blunt the end more at the thigh by curling it back on itself. You planning to do these colors?"

  Mack nodded. "Yeah. Too much?"

  Ryan just shook his head. "Nah, sweetie. But if it's this vivid, then it's mine, not Colby's."

  "Yours anyway," Colby said. "You can do the darks, too, man. I'm not inking your girl."

  "You are if you're the better artist for the piece," Ryan said. "Thing is, Mack, you can't do this, yet. Gonna be a bit before we don't have to worry about an infection."

  She sighed and sipped at her kool-aid, hiding her disappointment. "Yeah. Not even a little at a time?"

  Ryan shook his head. "Not till your white count is back up. Compromise?"

  "Ok?" she asked.

  "We'll do a temporary. Anything you want, as crazy as you want."

  "I know," Colby said, reaching over to touch her arm. "That phoenix. Fuck, Ryan can probably free hand that. It looks like his style as is."

  "First, though," Tony said, sliding a small container over to her. "Smell that."

  "What is it?" she asked.

  "Purple hair dye. It's just temporary, but should last longer than your hair." He smiled as he watched her carefully open the container. "So, my ex-wife is a beautician. Told her about your thing with the hair, and she said that should work, and not be too bad."

  "No," Mack said, surprised. "It doesn't smell bad, at all."

  "No puking?" Ryan asked.

  She shook her head. "Maybe it's the meds, but not yet, at least."

  "Food?" he reminded her.

  Mack shook her head. "Kool-aid, but that's enough."

  "For now," he agreed, then turned to Colby. "You know that chair that has the hydraulics? Think we can move it into the supply room?"

  Colby thought about it, then tapped Tony's arm. "C'mon, man. More heavy shit to lift."

  "I'm dying your hair for all this," Tony said as he walked out, patting her shoulder.

  When the two men were gone, Ryan grabbed a chair and pulled it closer. "Purple hair, then food. Otherwise no body paint," he warned her.

  "Yeah," she agreed. "Thing is, why bother if it's just going to come up again?"

  "Because it makes me feel better. Mack, I don't care what sounds good. You want it, we'll fucking make it happen, ok?"

  "Nothing does, though," she grumbled. "I'm not being fickle. I'm serious, Ryan. I can barely walk across the shop, and eating does not sound like a good idea, at all."

  "I know. Sometimes it will be like that. You'll probably also start eating like a five year old - nuggets and French fries - but it's ok."

  "I'm gonna get as fat as a whale," she moaned.

  "Not really. Probably the opposite. I think you're already lighter."

  "That means you're picking me up too much."

  He smiled and leaned over to kiss her again. "Nope. And next time, I get to convince you that you don't need a towel in the shower."

  She looked up at him. "I am not sexy like this, Ryan."

  He shrugged, a devilish smile on his lips. "You're always sexy, Mack. Fucking get used to it." He stood, then leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Wet boxers are a bad way to hide a hard-on. Don't tell me about sexy."

  Before she could say anything, he stepped away, daring her to mention it loud enough that the men walking up the hall could hear. Mack gaped at him, and he shrugged, the corner of his lip twitching up just a bit.

  "So which paintings do you want upstairs, and which in the lobby?" he asked, looking through the stack of canvases against the wall. He paused, and pulled one out. "This goes down here."

  It was a smaller piece, and one she'd done as a study in pigments. The left side was dark and harsh, moving to pastels at the right. The art was nothing but shapes and colors, but it was striking.

  "You see the tattooed angels yet?" she asked.

  "No?" He set the one he liked aside and kept looking.

  Mack knew which it was just from the size of the canvas. When his hands moved that piece, he paused. "Dear god," he whispered. "Mack, that's amazing."

  Colby and Tony were coming back in as he pulled the canvas out. It was four feet tall and over six feet wide. A beam of light surrounded an angel girl with dark feathered wings and blue-black hair, crumpled and chained to the floor. Standing over her, protectively, was a more traditional angel, his wings spread to shield her from the light. Both were covered from head to toe with runes that glowed from some internal light, his gold, hers a cold blue.

  "That's one of my favorites," Tony said.

  Ryan knelt before the canvas, looking at every detail. "This one's new, isn't it?"

  "I did it last spring."

  He chuckled. "Gotcha. That one goes upstairs."

  "What?" Colby gasped. "Uh uh. That goes over the front door, man."

  Ryan looked across the room at Mack. She refused to acknowledge what he saw in the painting. The golden angel wore his face. "Fine," he said, giving in. Facing the chairs, so we get to enjoy it more than the clients."

  "Deal," Colby said. "I'll start hanging them tomorrow."

  "Leave them there," Mack said. "They're as safe here as anywhere. Let Colby choose the ones he likes."

  Ryan nodded but kept flipping through them. Colby and Tony moved beside her, both grinning like they had a plan. With a nod, they grabbed the chair, and began rolling it into the hall.

  "Come on, Ryan," Tony called, "or you're going to miss out on
helping to dye your girlfriend's hair."

  They laughed and pushed her all the way through the lobby, to a small room at the back. It was filled with nothing but boxes of needles, gloves, and pigments, but a barber style chair had been moved in front of the sink.

  "We made the walk shorter," Colby said. "Into the chair you go, baldy."

  She moved over, and they jacked the chair higher, making it easy for her to lean her head back over the sink. Colby grabbed a couple of towels, wrapping one around her shoulders while Tony pulled on a pair of purple gloves, remarking on the good color choice. It didn't take long before Ryan was leaning against the door frame, watching Tony slather her short stubble in nearly black gel.

  "Eyebrows too," Tony said before wiping a line across each one.

  "Maybe we should stain all the hair on her body" Colby teased. "Ryan, I think anything below the belt is yours."

  He laughed. "Need hair to dye."

  "Oh!" Colby laughed. "Things have been interesting upstairs, I see."

  "Ryan," Mack hissed.

  "Very," Tony agreed, gesturing between Mack and Ryan.

  "That's the rumor, at least," Ryan said, but he couldn't stop laughing.

  "I am going to kill you!" Mack threatened.

  Ryan just shrugged. "It's all gonna fall out anyway. Smooth as a baby's bottom."

  The three men started laughing even harder, making Mack blush. "Why the hell do I like you people?" she asked.

  They continued to pick on her for over an hour. During that time one guy came in to get a price on a tattoo, but that was it. Eventually, they washed the dye from her hair, Colby carefully wiping it from her eyebrows. Done, they lowered the chair enough for her to rub the towel across her short hair and stand, making her way to the full length mirror in the main room.

  Looking back at her, in a pair of Yoga pants and a long sleeve T-shirt, was a rather cute, punkish looking girl. Mack couldn't help it, she smiled. Sure there were some serious circles under her eyes, and maybe her skin was a bit pallid, but she didn't look like someone to feel sorry for. She looked like she could kick the shit out of that dumb blonde bitch that used to sleep with Ryan.

  As if her thought had invoked him, the Super Hot Guy stepped behind her, that boyish smile on his lips. "I like it," he said.

  "Me, too. It's kinda tough."

  "It's pretty fucking cute is what it is."

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tony slap Colby's arm.

  "Fuck off," Mack told them.

  "So," Colby said, very obviously changing the subject. "Food?"

  Ryan looked at her. "Would you think I'm insane if I said French fries?"

  "Anything to go with those?" Colby asked.

  "A coke?" She scrunched up her face as she asked. "I could be very wrong on that."

  "Burger? Nuggets? Onion rings?" Tony asked.

  Mack just shook her head. "No. I'm worried fries might be pushing it."

  "Lots of fries," Colby said, tapping Tony's arm. "You parked out front?"

  "Sure am."

  "Then you're driving. You two hold down the shop," Colby called over his shoulder as they left.

  Ryan watched the headlights turn on, then steered Mack toward the employee only side of the building. As soon as they were in the hall, he leaned her against the wall, standing close, nearly every inch of his body touching hers.

  "Still feeling ok?" he asked softly.

  Mack's heart was beating a little too fast, but she was pretty sure that wasn't what he meant. "I'm actually feeling great. This has been the best day in as long as I can remember. How sad is that?"

  He smiled and looked down. "I'm trying." His voice was almost apologetic. "We're all trying. You deserve this, Mackenzie. God, you look so fucking good with a purple crew cut."

  Gently, so gently, Ryan rested his palm against the side of her face and brushed his lips against hers, but he didn't pull away. His lips paused, barely a breath away, then his thumb caressed her cheek, the pressure of his hand encouraging her to kiss him back. Mack leaned into him, reaching up to his chest, her mouth parted, and he pulled her the rest of the way, their tongues meeting.

  She felt like heavy bass was playing in her chest and her knees were suddenly weak. She moaned softly, clinging to his neck, wanting it to never end. At first he kissed her carefully, but the more she gave, the more he took, until they were both breathless. Her back was crushed to the wall by his body and their mouths danced, his arm around her back, holding her, neither able to stop.

  The sound of the front door was the only thing that made him pull away. Breathing hard, Ryan looked in her eyes.

  "Damn," he whispered.

  Chapter 15

  Colby rounded the corner. Seeing Mack and Ryan so close together, he just laughed. One slap on Ryan's shoulder, and he continued down the hall, heading for the break room.

  "You have to feed her, still," he yelled behind him. "Don't tell me you've been there since we left."

  "Maybe," Ryan said softly.

  "Get a room," Tony teased. "Well, after she samples the food." He also laughed as he passed, making Ryan blush.

  "You ok?" he asked.

  Mack just nodded. "I'm a bit weak in the knees for a reason that has nothing at all to do with cancer."

  His smile was so honest. "Good. C'mon, sweetie. Food, then meds, then I get you to take your clothes off." He grinned for moment then added, "So I can paint your body."

  "Have something in mind, do you?"

  He nodded. "Yeah. It'll last about two weeks, and yeah."

  Mack ducked under his arm, and stepped back toward the break room, offering her hand. With a shy smile, he took it, letting her lead him like an obedient puppy, slowly shuffling to the back. The guys had already started handing out food, placing the two of them side by side.

  "Coke, fries, and an assortment of anything that you can pick at," Tony said. "Anything that smells bad, we shall remove from the face of the earth for all time."

  Mack walked behind him and wrapped her arms over his shoulders. "Thanks, Tony." She glanced at Colby, intending for him to be her next victim.

  "Oh, uh uh," he said, waving her off. "I am not getting my ass kicked for hitting on Ryan's girl. Nope. Sit down."

  They ate and talked. Mack managed to eat a few pieces of chicken and most of her fries, but that was all. The coke, however, was a hit with her sensitive stomach. Halfway through, Ryan disappeared. Mack checked the clock, realizing it was, once again, time for her medication.

  "How often does she take that?" Colby asked when he returned.

  "Every four hours."

  Colby nodded and pulled out his phone, opening an app. "Starting when?"

  "Seven in the morning, if she can stick to it."

  "Fuck," Colby moaned. "No wonder you're dragging ass, Mack. No one should be up at that time. K, if you're busy, I'll remember now, too."

  "Thanks, man," Ryan said.

  "Ok." Tony stood. "This was fun, but I should head home. Call me if you need me again."

  "Thanks," Mack said, meaning it.

  Colby stood as well, and began throwing things away. "You need me anymore?" he asked Ryan.

  "Nah, go home, it's almost nine."

  "Thanks, man. Katie's being cool, but I haven't seen her all week, and she's off tonight." He rubbed Mack's purple hair and smiled at her. "And show me your new art tomorrow."

  "Thanks, Colby, I mean it," she said.

  "I know, baby. Two more days until you get to sleep in a bit."

  They left, leaving Mack alone with Ryan, again. She sighed, and leaned back in the chair.

  "Tired?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "Well, no more than usual."

  "Want to take your clothes off for me?" There was a devious glint in his eye.

  "What the hell are you planning?"

  "A surprise. Since this is temporary, and your boss doesn't mind how crazy your tattoo is, I figured we'd make one hell of a statement, right?"

  "Ok?"r />
  "I've been inspired, Mack." He waved at the stack of canvases behind him. "You're truly amazing, you know that?"

  She shrugged. "And you saw the angel."

  "Yeah. I kinda don't feel bad about my secret sketch book, now. Very happy Hailey didn't recognize you, though."


  He sighed. "Yeah, she caught me drawing once. Wanted to know who the hell that bitch was, or something equally tasteful."

  "Oh, shit," Mack muttered. "You were fucking the beauty queen, and still drawing me?"

  Ryan shrugged. "Only days I ever missed were when you didn't show or I was slammed as soon as we opened. Most of those, I tried to make up that night. I think there's three that I didn't get at all."

  "I called in sick to work twice, so skipped coffee."

  "Yeah. I wondered why you weren't there."

  She shook her head. "A damned year, and you never talked to me?"

  "Hey. You never talked to me, either. Don't give me that shit." His smile proved he wasn't truly upset. "Now c'mon. I have rooms in the back for a reason."

  "And if you get a client in the next three hours?"

  The corner of his lip twitched. "Then you can lay naked on the bed waiting for me."


  He shrugged. "Close enough. Figured you won't want me explaining all of the minor details of our private life to the guys, right?"

  Mack just shook her head.

  "So let them believe what they will. You've been in my bed, we've showered together, and here in a minute, I'll lay you out. That's all you need to say."

  Mack laughed, still feeling somewhat embarrassed. "Ryan - "

  He held up his hand. "Maria was very clear about some things, Mack. A little too clear."


  "I'm good," he promised. "Keep kissing me like you were in the hall, and yeah."

  "Ok." She gestured to the other room. "So where are we going?"

  He grabbed her hand and slid his fingers between hers, leading her back to the work area, to a small private room in the back. It was where the guys did the genital piercings and tattoos on private areas. There wasn't a lot of space, just a large padded table, a stool, and a rolling tray. Ryan gestured to the bed.

  "Everything over the waist off, lay face down. Slide your pants down to the middle of your hips. I will be right back."


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