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Dark Demands 2 - Made to Submit

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by Nell Henderson

  Dark Demands 2

  Made to Submit


  Nell Henderson

  Copyright – Nell Henderson 2012


  Gina Deverell wanted answers. Why had her father’s business failed? Why were there so many rumours about that failure having being orchestrated by Matthew Dark, CEO of Dark Industries?

  One way to get those answers was to get her old job back so Gina applies using a false name and finally gets an interview with Matthew Dark himself.

  He isn’t like she expected – he’s young, very handsome but above all he runs his organisation in his own unique way and he doesn’t employ women in managerial positions. Gina is outraged by his chauvinist attitude but nonetheless the ‘way out of line’ but enigmatic Mr Dark has left his mark on her.

  She soon discovers that he has enemies and that his number one rival, Benito Carlotti, is also a global player in the electronics industry. She also learns that rumours are rife around the industry about a new product Dark Industries is developing – a product that will seriously damage the chances of his rivals in its sector of the market. She is invited by an old customer to Carlotti’s birthday party and there she bumps into Matthew Dark once again.

  Dark likes Gina – she’s his type and he promises her the job she wants if she can impress him. It soon becomes obvious that impressing Matthew Dark means going to bed with him and submitting to his every demand.

  Gina knows she shouldn’t fall for this, she realises he is selfish and domineering and possibly even dangerous – she has already been warned. But she is intensely attracted to him and she can’t help herself.

  Dark is living in the penthouse of the hotel where the party is being held and he gives Gina the key telling her to go up and wait for him. She does but determines to use this as an opportunity to search for information about the mysterious new product Dark Industries are developing.

  Gina finds what she wants and takes photos with her cell phone then leaves. But that wasn’t all she found in Dark’s bedroom. Under a pillow on the bed she finds a pair of handcuffs and a length of fine rope. She is stunned – what sort of a man is Matthew Dark and what did he have planned for her? Earlier he’d kissed her and more – but only once he’d made her put her hands behind her back and keep them there. Control – she realised – that was what Dark was about. Gina knows now that she shouldn’t have any sort of relationship with him but she is fast being drawn in and becoming obsessed with him.

  They meet for lunch the next day and after he takes her back to his office – her father’s old office. He wants her and Gina is fast loosing the ability to refuse him anything. But Dark doesn’t just want her – he wants her in his own special way – restrained and helpless. So he binds her hands with rope before starting his sexual onslaught of her needy body.

  But he doesn’t finish this intimate interlude. He leaves her hungry for more, frustrated and puzzled. He knows Gina has stolen from him, he has a camera in his penthouse and that captured her every move the night before. Now he is going to punish her. He takes her home and tells her and her step mum, Grace - that she is to be his captive for the next few weeks.

  Chapter 1

  Dark’s large frame towered over Gina as he spoke to the seated girl. “It’s very simple,” he told her with his hands on his tapering hips. “I need to make sure that you’re well out of the way for a couple of weeks. Somewhere nice and secure and unable to contact anyone, no cell ‘phone, no internet and no one around who knows my business for you to gossip to.”

  Matthew Dark watched her big blue eyes widen with incredulity as she considered this prospect but he simply nodded back at her questioning face. He wouldn’t brook refusal he meant it, every word, she was going with him whether she liked it or not, so she’d just have to get used to the idea and quick.

  “Like I said, Gina – you’re very perceptive and you got it right - I am going to take you captive and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

  “Well that’s where you’re wrong,” she fired back angrily. “For a start I can just refuse to go with you,” she told him confidently and looked at her step mum for confirmation. “Tell him Grace, tell him he can’t make me and that his idea is ridiculous,” she urged the older woman. “What you’re suggesting is tantamount to kidnap!” She exclaimed shaking her head and making her corn coloured hair swish over her shoulders. “And you can’t do that, it’s against the law.”

  “So is industrial espionage, Gina,” he replied simply with a shrug. “So I won’t tell anyone if you won’t,” he joked lightly. “And as for making you, as you put it, well we both know that I can make you do a lot things you think you won’t like, don’t we Gina?”

  Gina flushed, she couldn’t help it and she glimpsed her step mum’s face to see if she’d caught the hidden meaning behind those words but she gave no indication that she had. Gina knew exactly what he was referring to and the memory made her face pink. She didn’t need reminding how helpless he could make her and how much she enjoyed it when he did. Flash backs of their intimacy in his office earlier filled her head. He’d tied her hands, tied her hands, removed her underwear and helped himself. Gina shook her blonde head as if trying to shake the images away. Images of her lay on her back across his desk, the memory of the passion, the pleasure he’d heaped on her unsuspecting body and the uncontrollable heat of his touch was still fresh and raw.

  “You should have thought about the consequences before you stole my plans,” he reminded her. “Surely you didn’t imagine I’d just let you get away with what you did?” He watched her scowl and turn from him. “If anyone asks you’re simply away on holiday for a few weeks. That I’m keeping you captive will be difficult to prove. I’m not that stupid, Gina. But I do need to distance you from all the likes of Carlotti and his crew.”

  So Carlotti was the rival he feared the most. But of course he had to be because he ran an organisation as large and powerful as Dark’s. And if anyone could mount a race to beat Dark to market with the new product they were all hell bent on stealing from him then Carlotti could. But could he also be the new business partner Charlie had spoken about? If he was then ‘Carlotti and his crew’ were a formidable force and it wasn’t surprising that Matthew didn’t want her anywhere near them. What she’d found out was too valuable. Did Kyle Hastings suspect she knew about the product, she wondered? He’d helped her get away from Matthew’s penthouse last night and he must be curious about what she’d been doing there on her own.

  “I’ve already said I won’t talk to any of them, so there’s no need for this. You’re over reacting, Mr Dark.” She reassured him formally, which after what had happened between them this afternoon seemed quite ludicrous. But her voice was shaking with nerves. She realised now that she’d not thought this through properly. It was just possible that if Carlotti couldn’t get what he wanted from Charlie’s spy, whoever that was, once he’d spoken to Kyle, he’d come after her.

  “Well I don’t think I am and if you persist in arguing with me over this we could always take the whole sorry little tale, film and all, to the police. What do you think? The choice is yours”

  She was still being defiant, still fighting him and Dark was fast loosing patience with her. The sooner he started teaching her how she should behave around him the better.

  Gina scowled up at him again. He was probably bluffing but she couldn’t take that risk. The more she thought about Carlotti and what he might be prepared to do to get the information she had the more she realised that disappearing for a while wasn’t a bad idea. But did it have to be with Matthew Dark?

  “I don’t have the time to go anywhere, I’ve a job to find,
remember,” she reminded him.

  She’d never imagined Matthew would react like this. She’d expected him to be angry, she’d stolen from him and she’d betrayed his trust but never once had she considered that he’d want to hide her away, take her prisoner. And where did that leave their relationship, she wondered. That was if it ever had a chance. Dark’s attitude to women was so selfish that the only relationship he’d tolerate was one run strictly on his terms.

  “No, what you need to do is to pack a few things and find your passport,” he continued taking no notice of her complaints. “I’m not leaving here without you so the sooner you get on with it the more time you’ll have to get organised.”

  So that was why he’d been so keen to accompany her to her home. He’d known all along what he intended to do.

  “You don’t have to worry, Mrs Deverell,” he said turning to Grace. “This is for the best and I can assure you Gina won’t come to any harm. In fact, she really is one very lucky young woman. I’m about to whisk her off for a few weeks of wonderful surroundings, glorious food and warm sunshine.”

  Gina didn’t know what to think. Whisk her off but to where, she wondered? In what far flung corner of the word was he going to imprison her? But on the plus side this little bombshell did have its upside. Now she’d get to spend some time with him, quality time she could use to mend a few fences. Matthew Dark, despite his dubious sexual predilections, fascinated and intrigued her to the point of obsession.

  “Come on then, Gina, let’s go and pack your stuff,” he said taking her hand and helping her off the chair. “We have a plane to catch later on today.”

  Gina didn’t really have much choice and led the way up to her flat at the top of the house. She had a living room, small bathroom and a bedroom. She took a suitcase from a storage cupboard on the landing and placed it open on her bed. Dark sat himself down on a cushioned wicker chair and watched her choosing which clothes to take.

  “I’ll be very warm where we’re going, so think shorts, tops and sandals,” he advised checking his watch. “Perhaps something dressier for the evenings,” he suggested.

  “So we’re going to socialise, are we? And just how will you introduce me to your friends, as your captive, your captive spy who you daren’t let out of your sight,” she scoffed.

  “I might, but then whose fault is that,” he asked dryly. “But perhaps if we can get past this then I could introduce you as my ‘captive lover’. Does that label suit you better?”

  He watched her - a half smile lingering on his lips as she shook her lovely head and considered this. Gina’s heart missed a beat. So he did still want a relationship with her. Now she was nervous again as she realised what that would mean.

  “I think it does. I think that title suits you perfectly, Gina. The words ‘captive’ and ‘lover’ in the same breathe, what do you think?” He asked her. “You know very well, after this afternoon, you’d like to give my brand of sex a go. You might be able to fool yourself for a while but you can’t fool me.”

  He was looking at her again with that moody, sexy look he did so well. It made Gina’s heart race and her toes curl. He’d got her so right – seen right through her - to her very core but she couldn’t just admit it – could she?

  “You know nothing about me Matthew Dark so don’t go making any presumptions. And if you want to know the truth I find your attitude towards women and your ways pretty disgusting,” she flared in retaliation. But the anger was more about show than anything else. She was holding back – she still didn’t want to admit how much she really enjoyed his lovemaking and how it made her feel.

  “You can flounce and spit all you like, Gina. But I know the truth, I’ve experienced it, remember – in my office,” he reminded the embarrassed girl. “And I watched the recording and what you did with those cuffs so don’t tell me you’re not keen to give it a go,” he told her smugly. “Anyway I’m not giving you any choice in the matter.”

  “What do you mean, of course I have a choice,” she railed back at him.

  “No you don’t. I’m going to re-boot this relationship and start it over again and this time it’ll run according to my rules,” he told her bluntly.

  Gina gasped, re-boot – what sort of description was that?

  “What do you mean - your rules?” She parried facing him now with her eyes blazing.

  “You know what I mean, Gina. The rule where I say and you do – I demand – you obey and without argument.”

  “Well I won’t,” she insisted her voice so shaky it belied her refusal. “I won’t agree and you can’t make me.”

  “My rules don’t allow you to refuse, Gina. If I want something then I get it and that includes your body. Like I said downstairs I can make you do many things. This defiance you exhibit is a sham, you like what I do, you like it a lot. And I know you have a taste for it.”

  “A taste for what exactly, Matthew,” she flushed turning to face him while still bent over her case her hands pressing down her clothes. “Letting you restrain me while you do whatever you want while I’m helpless to stop you – that’s what you really mean isn’t it? Because up to now that’s about all I’ve experienced with you,” she told him angrily. “And what comes next, Matthew? What happens once I’m happy with the rope and the cuffs, what then, will you start torturing me with whips and other things?” She asked screwing up her face at the thought.

  “I might,” he agreed darkly. “And I know you’d enjoy that too,” he added softly. “There’s a strong chemistry between us, you know there is and I want us both to enjoy exploring it further,” he tempted in his deep, sexy voice.

  His eyes never left hers and Gina was squirming inside. How did he do it – how had he got her so right? She couldn’t keep up this mask of outrage for much longer and anyway – what was the point? Perhaps she’d argued with him enough – perhaps it was time to come clean and admit her own need – because that’s what she really wanted to do. To go to him – give in to him and let him use her however he wished. The thought of what he might do to her was making her head spin and her body burn with hunger for his touch.

  He was on his feet and coming towards her – sensing her weakness – her imminent submission.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered running a solitary finger down her cheek. “We’ll have an arrangement, a safeword you can use if things get too heavy for you. But I don’t think they will. Because I think you’re going to enjoy this - my sort of torture is what you desire deep inside here – isn’t it, Gina,” he said tracking the finger down her body until it danced over her sex. “If your recent experiences with me have taught you anything, Gina, it’s that there’s a whole untapped wealth of sexual activity you’d like to try. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Gina blushed again and this time nodded meekly at his words while gazing up into his dark eyes. The man was outrageous but he’d hit that nerve – the one Gina was trying to pretend didn’t exist and Gina hated herself for being so transparent. Despite desperately wanting the comfort of a quite different attitude towards what he’d described she was, in fact, seriously turned on by the whole idea. The truth was Matthew seemed to wield a strange power over her, a power she couldn’t quantify and which scared her to half to death. And of course he knew, he always knew. What was happening to her? This was so out of character. What was it that had changed inside her head this last couple of days? It didn’t really take much working out, she told herself. Matthew Dark had happened and what was worse she had instigated that first meeting. Nonetheless as she fell into his eager arms Gina couldn’t help but wish she’d never got herself into any of it.

  Their lips fused together as he kissed her hard. She melted she had no resistance but despite wanting his embrace she whimpered and tried to push him away.

  “Don’t Matthew, not here. Grace could come up and catch us,” she warned nervous about the proximity of her step mum.

  “OK but hurry and we’ll finish this back at my penthouse,” he promised
his voice thick with lust. “Before we get on that plane I need to teach you the error of your ways, Miss Deverell,” he pulled her close again and cupped one of her large breasts in his hand. “I’m going to take you and I’m not going to be gentle either. Does that excite you, Gina,” he asked feeling the shiver shoot down her body. “Because it should. I’m going to bind you tight and fuck you hard.”

  Gina swayed she could barely stand unaided her legs were so wobbly and her body fizzed with a wild, dangerous desire. His description of what he was going to do should shock her but it didn’t. It tore through her brain igniting every nerve end with want. But Matthew just smiled and sat down again nodding at her case indicating that she should get on with her packing. He’d said those things and now he was so cool – so together just casually watching her. Whereas the turmoil in both her brain and body were indescribable!

  She couldn’t think straight and finally heaving a sigh of frustration she grabbed a handful of clothes from the wardrobe and tossed them on the suitcase.

  “Don’t be so impatient,” he tutted at her. “We still have plenty of time to play,” he smirked sensing her desire. “Don’t forget your passport, find it and I’ll look after it for you.”


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