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Mace of the Apocalypse

Page 17

by Daniel J. Williams

  She stopped and he paused for a second, and when she turned, she could sense a nervousness and seriousness in his demeanor.

  “I need to talk to you. About what happened that first night.”

  She felt herself become uncomfortable and was about to make an excuse to leave when she saw a look of such contrition and sadness on his face that she forced herself to stay. She didn’t know what to say so she remained silent, and after a second, he continued.

  “I…I don’t know how I could possibly say how sorry I am for what I did. I’ve never been like that before.” He lowered his head and tried to gather the right words. The room was coated in uncomfortable silence until he raised his head again. “My wife was murdered right in front of me. We’d lost our son only a few months earlier…What it did to me…what I felt…I can’t even explain. I lost myself that day. I lost all control.”

  Maria was surprised by the feelings of loss and understanding that she felt as she looked at him. She had feared and despised him after that first night, but had grown to respect him for his actions and courage. Now she found that she actually felt something for him. She was at a loss for words and simply stood there, unsure of what to say.

  “I understand if you hate me and if you are just doing this out of a sense of duty, but I’d really like to try to make things up. There are things I’ve done that I will have to always live with, but I just want you to know that those things would never happen again. I’m really not a violent man.”

  Maria slowly walked over to his bed and sat down. She reached for his hand and squeezed it, igniting small sparks of chemistry from the touch. While she had been deeply traumatized by the actions of that night, she believed in the sincerity of his words.

  They sat there and stared at each other, connected by the silence of their pain. John finally asked her to leave, explaining that he was feeling tired, but that had not been entirely true. He was feeling something else, and it left him in a strange and uncomfortable state.

  Chapter 36

  Jade had been working for a straight nine hours and was trying to remain understanding to Yvette.

  “I’m concerned for Rob.” Yvette stood next to her as she gave an injection of antidote to another in a line of recipients. “He’s recruiting boys for an army. Did you know that?”

  Rob had made it back to the hospital three days after disappearing. He never gave anyone an explanation of his whereabouts or what had happened, instead relishing the mystery and power it gave him.

  Jade finished giving the shot to the man and said to him, “Please come back in 48 hours to give blood. You’ve been cleared. Thank you.”

  The man had filled out a questionnaire that had been created and analyzed by Maria for all who were going to receive the antidote, and she’d given the green light for him to become a donor. As he got up to leave, he gave Yvette a strange look. He couldn’t help but hear the conversation. Yvette shook it off and turned back to Jade, who was waving over another recipient.

  “Did you know he’s taken over the third floor? He says it’s his.”

  Jade stopped what she was doing and gave Yvette her full attention. “I’m sorry, Yvette, but I really don’t have time to deal with this right now. I knew that he was on the third floor. Mace felt that it might be better to just let him do his thing up there and not disrupt what we’re doing.” Her looked changed to one of concern. “I didn’t know about him recruiting others, though. I’ll make sure it gets looked into.”

  Yvette rubbed her forehead over her right eye, trying to stem the onslaught of a headache, then rubbed her shoulder scar absentmindedly. The shoulder had healed itself quickly, but she had developed a habit of playing with the indentation. “I’m sorry Jade. I don’t mean to be a pest. I just don’t want to see my brother go off the deep end. He’s always been a little…different.”

  Jade gave her an understanding look, placing a gentle hand on her arm. “I know. We’ll do whatever we can to save him. I promise. I’ll talk to Mace about it tonight.”

  As Yvette walked away, Jade took a second to reflect on what they’d been able to accomplish so far.

  Since the explosion, over 500 doses of antidote had either been created or distributed and more were being made on a daily basis. She and Maria had made it the focus of their time and energy. Once the original six doses were distributed, they began the blood transfusions. With people showing up nightly, it wasn’t long before they had a system down.

  The lights were drawing people to the hospital, especially with the dramatic decrease in the number of infected. Regular night patrols since the explosion were keeping their numbers down and the area relatively safe.

  It wasn’t long before they had more volunteers than they needed and were able to work in shifts to keep the serum moving. People were anxious to keep themselves busy and feel like they were contributing something. Somehow, word of the hospital was spreading, and people were arriving from all around the area, finding hope and strength in the structure and order of the facility.

  “Why don’t you sign up for the caravan if you plan on leaving? There is safety in numbers and this way you can assist in the creation of a new distribution center.”

  Father McCann was busy promoting his new idea. He was creating a list of travel destinations people were thinking of, and then coordinating them to create safer modes of transportation. People were constantly coming and going, with many seeking to return to their homes or hometowns, which led him to develop the plan to help in the dispersal of the antidote.

  He took up residence in the hospital chapel, which had become like a second home to him. He’d been delighted to discover that many people wished to return to a more spiritual way of life after the devastation of the attacks and spent most of his time offering counsel to those in crisis or searching for greater answers. He started offering up a daily mass and was pleasantly surprised by the number of those in attendance. He was feeling his own soul being rejuvenated by the resurgence of faith, and was silently hoping that the worst might actually be over. That hope would not live long.

  Chapter 37

  With the steady traffic of lost or damaged souls seeking assistance, Rob had begun assembling a small army of young adolescents to take part in search and destroy missions late at night, killing any infected who ventured into the area while searching for guns and supplies. Most of the kids were either new orphans or had simply lost their parents, and were easily influenced by Rob’s penchant for violence and talk of power and control. They had joined Rob on the third floor of the hospital, silently becoming more violent and unpredictable.

  They had all refused the antidote, heeding Rob’s counsel and psychotic belief in their invincibility as an army and the undermining weakness of accepting the antidote. He had visions of his army ruling the world, and his dreams were infused with images of Roman-like debauchery and savagery. They had a large supply of alcohol and pornography that they had secured on their night runs and obtained an impressive collection of amphetamines and painkillers by raiding local pharmacies. They steered clear of the hospital pharmacy, however, not wanting to draw attention to their increasing taste for drugs.

  Rob was sitting in his office (One of the large administrative offices on the third floor), reclining comfortably in a spacious leather chair with his feet resting lazily on the desk before him, when one of the boys he’d recruited came knocking on his open door. “There’s something I think you should know.”

  Rob looked up slowly from his large oak desk, his mind slightly muddled from the alcohol in his system, and he thought about taking another hit of speed to sharpen him up. He stared impatiently at the boy in the doorway, waiting for him to continue. “Well, what is it?”

  “You were right about the antidote. The people who are taking it are having side effects.”

  With the dispersal of the antidote, a new problem had arisen: The wounded. Before, anyone that was attacked by an infected either turned into one or was killed. Now the hospital was slow
ly finding itself catering to a growing crowd of walking wounded. Those who were scratched or bitten after receiving the antidote fell ill. The conditions were the same: Nightmarish visions coupled with very high temperatures, followed by an increase in hunger, volatility, and sexual appetite.

  Sexual liaisons and advances were becoming noticeable among those who had received the antidote and then been attacked, leading to discussions of the cause of the problem. No one was sure if it was the antidote itself that was leading to the condition, but it was becoming apparent that those going through adolescence were hit especially hard and were having difficulty coping with the increased desire.

  Rob sat in his chair and pondered the information, an idea growing slowly in his mind before bubbling to the top. I am going to be like Caesar. They are going to love me like a God, he thought, before pushing his feet off the desk and rising from his leather throne. His twisted smile lit up the glaze that coated his eyes and he addressed the messenger standing before him. “I think we need to start some new recruitment.”

  Rob began to immediately and aggressively pursue any girl or young woman that had been infected after receiving the antidote. With the lure of free drugs and uninhibited sex, Rob used his best looking soldiers to seduce those struggling with their new affliction. After getting them hooked on drugs and sex, he used them as bait for new recruits.

  Soon there was a large influx of young men who had heard about the army’s perks and favors. With bold recklessness, Rob’s entourage began to affect the safety and order of the hospital. They were soon roaming the hallways fully armed without concern of reprimand or trouble. They began to harass others in the hospital and their collective ego seemed to grow as large as the cache of weapons and drugs they possessed.

  Gilbert was becoming as strange and isolated as Rob. Feeling like an outcast and being unable to satisfy his taste for sexual perversion, he found himself lusting after Rob’s soft and youthful army. He also stayed clear of the antidote, hoping it would help gain favor with Rob. Encountering Rob with some of his soldiers late one night, he tried to suck up and make his way up to the third floor. Rob had blown him off, leaving him to retreat in frustration to masturbate in his room, vowing to develop a plan to grow closer to them.

  Rob’s boys had come into the day care center and given Lisa a rough time. Mace was trying to reassure her that the situation would be handled immediately. “Lisa, we’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to handle this. We’ve got a small posse ready to go, and it will be taken care of by the end of the week.”

  “Mace, they came in here and scared the hell out of the children. I really thought they were going to hurt me. If it hadn’t been for Buster I think they might have.”

  Lisa had found some confidence and purpose by putting together a day care center, offering people the opportunity to help with the hospital mission without worrying about the safety and welfare of their children. She’d wanted to contribute in some way but couldn’t bear the thought of leaving Chelsea, and one day while discussing it with Father McCann, he’d suggested the idea. She’d grown so excited by the project that she’d started opening up and coming out of her shell, and Chelsea loved being able to interact with other children and have her mother so close at the same time.

  Buster ended up being a remarkable dog, always remaining close and protective of Chelsea yet very gentle and patient with the other children.

  Yvette bounced back from her wound very quickly, devastated at first by the loss of Rob and then by his strange and dangerous behavior. She found solace and purpose by helping Lisa set up a place for lost children. She could connect and relate to their pain and frustration by the loss of her own parents.

  Chapter 38

  Mace was lying in bed with Jade, resting after their love making session and basking in the knowledge of impending fatherhood when John knocked on the door. It was a little after 10:00 pm. Mace got up, threw on a robe, and answered the door, cracking it open.

  “I hate to bother you this late, but something’s come up. It’s Rob. We can’t put it off any longer.”

  Mace nodded. “Just give me a minute to put some clothes on. I’ll be right out.”

  He shut the door and Jade started getting out of bed. “I’m coming with you. You’re going to need all the back up you can get. This has gone on long enough.”

  Mace shook his head. “Not now you’re not. You’ve got a little bun in the oven, remember?”

  She rolled her eyes and said, “God, you’re such a romantic. What did I ever see in you?”

  He sat on the bed, pulling on a pair of jeans, before turning and winking at her. “I believe you said I was good in bed.”

  A corner of her lip rose as she tried to suppress a smile. “If I remember correctly I said you were just a little quick, remember?”

  He leaned over and gave her a light smack on her butt. “Well if you weren’t just so damn sexy.”

  She laughed and said, “Good answer, Mr. Marconi. You may just get lucky again later for that one.” Her face grew serious, and she looked at him with almost pleading eyes. “Be careful. He’s gotten more dangerous. I don’t trust any of those little punks.”

  Mace nodded. “I know. I never should have given him the third floor. It’s taken him out of my control. I’m not even sure what he’s up to anymore.”

  He finished getting dressed then threw on the protective vest, putting the shoulder harness over that and tucking his spare .38 behind his back. He walked over and kissed her. “I’ll be back shortly. Hold that other thought.”

  As he turned to leave, she smacked him on his butt in return. “I want to hold more than just that thought. Hurry up and be safe.”

  Chapter 39

  Mace and John stopped at a number of rooms to gather back up. A few people had volunteered to be called in case of an emergency. Mace was now kicking himself for allowing Rob to occupy the third floor. At the time he thought it would keep him out of trouble and out of their hair. He never expected it to become this volatile.

  They gathered up ten men and discussed their plan of action. Rob and the others would be forced to leave, and that was all there was to it. Mace would do the talking and the others would be there for support, with guns visible for all to see. They would help them pack and relocate to another area, but there was only one conclusion and one solution to the problem: The small army had to vacate the premises immediately.

  They reached the third floor by staircase, not wanting the elevator to give them away. As they entered through the stairway door, they could hear music blasting from a room down the hall. It was some heavy rap music and it immediately grated on Mace’s nerves.

  As they moved down the hall, they could hear loud talking coming from one of the first rooms to their left and they moved quietly towards it. Mace stopped just behind the open door, listening to what was being said.

  “We could just take what we want and blow the place. Nobody would be the wiser.”

  It sounded to him like they were thinking of leaving. He put his hand back, signaling everyone to remain quiet. He heard more talking, but this time it was a different voice, a higher voice.

  “That John guy is a fucking asshole. I want to put a cap in his ass before we light it up.”

  Mace could feel his nerves tighten as he listened. He unholstered his weapon, bringing it up as he crossed the threshold into the room.

  There were three boys inside, the two that were talking and one that was dispensing drugs into different piles. They all looked around fourteen and they all jumped when they saw him.

  “Well now boys, would someone like to tell me what’s going on?”

  At the sight of the gun, they began to reach for their own, until John and another man named Roy walked into the room, guns drawn.

  “Aww shit. What do ya want?” the one that had spoken first about ‘blowing the place’ said.

  Mace looked around quickly before answering. “Where’s Rob?”

  The kid looked a
t him defiantly and shrugged. “Got me. I haven’t seen him all day.”

  Mace motioned to Roy. “Watch them. We’re gonna take a look around.”

  Mace walked back in the hallway and motioned for the others to follow. When they came to the room with the rap music blasting, they saw a teenage couple having vigorous sex on the floor. Two others boys stood with their backs turned to them, naked, watching and waited their turn. Mace’s mouth dropped as he walked into the room, nudging one of them with the barrel of his gun.

  The kid waved him off, not looking back and not wanting to be disturbed. Mace nudged him harder and the kid half turned, angry at first until he saw the gun. His face turned beet red as he tried to cover his genitals. Mace walked around him so the other kid could notice.

  The other boy yelled in surprise and the girl in mid-coitus screamed, scrambling for her clothes. The male of the couple rose to his feet, swearing and furious. He took a step towards Mace until the gun lifted in his direction, stopping him short. He spit on the floor, cursing under his breath.

  The one Mace had nudged went to turn off the stereo, but Mace waved at him with two fingers, signaling ‘no.’ He walked over and whispered in his ear. “Where’s Rob. If you don’t tell me right now I am going to make you hurt, you understand me?”

  The kid nervously shuffled his feet, staring at the floor before pointing through the wall towards the East end of the floor. “He’s in the second room to the end on the left. He’s not going to like being disturbed, though.”


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