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Mace of the Apocalypse

Page 23

by Daniel J. Williams

  Chapter 58

  Mace had just come back from a provision run when he spotted a boy loitering outside the hospital. By the looks of him, he could tell he was one of Rob’s. Mace had two other men with him, and as he parked the truck, he motioned for them to carry on as he exited the truck and headed for the youngster.

  He could see the presence of fear in the boy’s eyes as he approached. “Is there something I can do for you?” He instinctively rubbed his thumb against his pistol’s hammer, stealing a quick glance around.

  The kid took a step back at the motion and raised his hands in surrender. “I’m not looking for any trouble. I just wanted to talk is all.”

  Mace stopped, looking skeptical. “What is it that you think we have to talk about?”

  The kid’s eyes turn glossy with tears as the corners of his mouth turned down. “Things are crazy over there. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know where to go.”

  There was genuineness in his demeanor, allowing Mace to relax a slight bit. “What are you talking about? What’s going on? What’s Rob up to?”

  The kid shook his head. “Rob’s dead. Kevin’s in charge now.”

  Mace got a flash of the pictures on the table and the kid who had confronted him. “How many other’s are there? What are they planning?”

  “I don’t know. I left yesterday. I don’t know where else to go.”

  Mace motioned towards the hospital entrance, eyeing him carefully. “Let’s go and talk inside.”

  Within a few minutes, Mace was caught up on all the kid knew. He was trying to hide the discomfort he felt at the news, and was trying to work out some type of plan as the kid continued to ramble on.

  “…they fed Rob’s body to Butter’s. I thought they were going to kill me next.” The kid looked at him fearfully, lost between worlds. “I didn’t know where else to go.”

  Mace eyed him seriously. “What kind of drugs are you on.”

  The kid shook his head, appearing wide-eyed and innocent. “None. I swear.”

  Mace squinted as he regarded the statement then slowly shook his head. “No. You’re lying. If you’re not going to be straight with me, you’re on your own. That’s it. No second chances.”

  The kid lowered his head, silent for a few seconds. “I haven’t done anything since yesterday.” He raised it cautiously and considered Mace’s proposition. “I was taking painkillers and amphetamines. I feel like I’m coming off them right now.”

  Mace nodded. “Alright, that’s more like it. If you’re straight with me, I’ll be straight with you. I’d personally like to beat the shit out of you for even being mixed up with them, but I’ll give you one shot to prove yourself. You screw up, you’re gone.” Mace eyed him for a few seconds and the kid remained quiet and submissive.

  “If you think you’re going to need some help coming off the drugs, we’ll get to work on that.”

  “I might need some help. I’m not sure.”

  “I’ll wake you up at 6:30 tomorrow morning. We’re going to go for a run.”

  The kid’s shoulders slumped and he appeared slightly agitated. “I’ve got to run?”

  Mace nodded without changing his expression, which was stone cold. “We’re going to clean out your system. You’re going to have to help around here as well. They’re no free rides.”

  The kid silently weighed the options before responding with a nod. “Okay. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  Mace rose to his feet. “Don’t let me down. This is the only shot you get.”

  The kid stood, briefly making eye contact with Mace before averting his gaze and staring at the floor. “I won’t. I’ve got nowhere else to go.”

  Mace started to head back towards the exit to help with the provisions when he stopped and turned around. “What’s your name, anyway?”

  The kid looked uneasy. “Jim. Jim Meyers.”

  Studying him carefully before answering, Mace said, “I’m Mace. You get one shot, Jim Meyers, and for that you owe me. Don’t forget that.”

  Jim nodded quickly, grateful for a chance at redemption. “I won’t.”

  Chapter 59

  Jade sat in front of the computer screen, nervously waiting once again for an answer to her query. Within a few minutes of entering her text, an answer suddenly emerged, leading her heart to race once again as she read the response from Sarah Thompson.

  ‘Thought you might have been killed. Kept up hope. Been waiting for you. Things are still good here.’

  Jade smiled instantly, feeling excitement and faith return. She began typing rapidly.

  ‘Had some problems but got them all worked out. Planning a move to your parts. Are you still welcoming strangers??’

  The answer popped up almost immediately. ‘Would LOVE to see you. When are you coming?’

  Jade smiled again and starting tapping the keyboard. ‘Hopefully leave within the month. Will let you know. Don’t know how long it will take?’

  Sarah was feeling the same sense of excitement on her end. ‘Will be waiting anxiously. Keep me informed.’

  Chapter 60

  Kevin was staring at the body of Alexa as he tried to catch his breath. He was covered in sweat and his head was spinning. “Are you alright?” He knew the answer before he’d asked it, but felt compelled to ask anyway.

  They had just gotten through with a marathon sex session, which had grown rougher as it progressed, and he’d been choking her as they climaxed. They’d played the game a few times before, the violence and oxygen deprivation leading to a more intense orgasm for both of them.

  Alexa just stared at the ceiling blankly, her eyes dead and unmoving, and Kevin rose and began to put his clothes back on. “Shit.”

  He’d enjoyed having sex with her and didn’t want to lose her as a partner. He sat on the bed and pulled his pants on, staring at her as he did so. “Shit.”

  He didn’t want anyone to know she was dead. He grabbed one of her legs and pulled her towards him, her body lifeless and awkward. He lifted her under the arms and threw her body over his shoulder, her bodily fluids leaking onto his stomach and legs. “Shit, this is fucking gross.”

  He carried her to the closet, sliding the door open carefully as he held her before dumping her body inside. It fell with a thump and he slid the door closed. He’d take care of her body later, maybe feed it to Butter’s if he could get the chance. For now, all he wanted to do was get her stench off him. He had a busy day ahead of him.

  It had been two weeks since the Meyers kid had taken off. One of his scouts had recently spotted him running with Mace on the streets surrounding the hospital. They’d have to take care of him swiftly and decisively. His army had grown to nearly thirty-five boys, and he didn’t want anyone getting any similar ideas.


  Yvette had a crush on Jim. It was obvious to anyone who saw her gaze at him when he was near. Mace had put him on a daily regiment of three mile runs in the morning and long hours of work under his own guidance during the day. The first week had been rough, as the kid had lumbered and struggled as his body fought his addictions and Mace’s constant pressure, but towards the end of the second week he was beginning to get back into shape and adjust to his new surroundings. He’d kept his mouth shut and listened whenever Mace criticized him, and Mace had slowly begun to develop some respect.

  Jim was sixteen and had been a good kid in school. A mediocre jock who knew it; he spent as much time on the bench as he did on the field and felt happy just to contribute. He’d kept his grades up and had just started experimenting with alcohol when the attacks came.

  He lost contact with his parents and siblings immediately, feeling devastated and disoriented. He’d found the hospital by the draw of its lights and it hadn’t taken long before he was easily influenced by Rob’s promise of power and women. He had found a release for his anger and confusion through enlistment in Rob’s army. The first infected he had killed felt extremely liberating, like he was finally able to pay something
back, and he never missed any night patrols, relishing any opportunity for revenge or gunplay.

  Back at the hospital, he felt deeply ashamed over his previous actions, and worked hard to make amends. He started spending time in the daycare center, helping Lisa and Yvette by running errands, or helping with the children. He missed his family and it helped being able to make real connections with people.

  Yvette had been taken by him the first time she’s seen him. He was a handsome kid with short, dark hair, a strong jaw line, and deep brown eyes. Whenever Jim was in the center, she’d find a reason to be near him. She never once asked about Rob and he never offered, too embarrassed by what he’d done and wanting to spare her feelings. Yvette just assumed that Rob was still in charge, holding on to hope that she could get him back before they moved. She also feared learning about what he was up to, so she resisted the urge to ask Jim.

  Chapter 61

  They were into their second mile when Mace spotted movement up ahead. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something dart behind a bush. He put his hand in front of Jim and slowed down until he stopped, kneeling down to feign tying his shoes. Without lifting his head, he remarked quietly, “There’s someone up ahead to the left. I only got a quick glimpse but it looked like a teenager.” He glanced up at Jim. “I think it might be one of Kevin’s.”

  Jim’s heart started pounding immediately and he looked around nervously before Mace caught his attention.

  “Don’t give it away. I don’t want him to know we’ve seen him.”

  He reached behind his back for his back up weapon. He pulled it out and placed it by his side, rising slowly. Eyeing Jim with distrust he said, “Take it when we start moving again. I’m going to trust you on this one. Don’t let me down.”

  Jim glanced at the weapon and felt a cold sweat cover him. “What are we going to do?”

  Mace started moving again, picking up the pace to a slow jog as he handed the weapon to Jim. “Find out what the hell he wants.”

  Mace pulled his primary weapon from his shoulder holster and readied himself as they grew closer to the bush. When they were within a foot of the bush he caught movement up ahead and to the right, as a teenager entered the street from behind a tree, and he saw the flash of the gun a split second before he heard the shot. He ducked, hearing a ping to the side as the shot missed left and he raised his gun towards the hedge, firing four shots into the approximate area where he had seen the first kid.

  Another shot rang out from down the street as they passed the bush, and Mace felt it wiz by as he spotted the kid from the bush on the ground, unmoving. Jim yelled and fired a shot towards the assailant to the right before Mace grabbed him by the arm and ran to where the first gunmen lay.

  They ducked behind a car in the driveway, with Jim fighting to catch his breath from the excitement and the run. They were on a deserted residential street, a good distance from the hospital, and Mace had a feeling they were on their own.

  “Keep down.”

  Mace was trying to look through the side windows of the car to locate the gunman when another shot rang out that plucked a hole in the car a few inches from Jim. They both looked at the hole and then at the six boys approaching them from directly across the street, firing at them repeatedly as they approached.

  “They’re everywhere!” Jim yelled as they maneuvered around the car to hide from the incoming rounds. The constant plunking of metal on steel could be heard as more shots found the car and the boy’s grew closer. Mace took a quick look towards the other gunman down the street and discovered that he wasn’t alone either, as he was now joined by two more kids who were moving in their direction.

  Mace looked behind them at the house and noticed the gate leading to the backyard was open. “We’re going to have to make a run for it,” he said as he braced himself to push off the bumper of the car. He quickly checked his 9mm, nervously smiling at Jim. “Ready?”

  Jim had turned nearly white, and his eyes were jerking around wildly as he searched for another place to hide. “No way, we’ll never make it.”

  “We’ve got no choice. We’re dead if we stay here.”

  Mace popped up and fired a series of shots towards their assailants, feeling a hot slash across his cheek as a bullet cut a 1/16 of an inch gash across it. He grabbed Jim by the collar and almost threw him through the gate, Jim slamming into it as he went through, and Mace tried to slam it shut behind them as he passed through.

  Shots rang out as they ran down the small alley leading to the backyard, splintering the gate, and Mace fired a series of shots behind them to keep the boy’s at a distance. As he ran, it felt like someone slapped him in the butt with a hot poker as a bullet passed through his left butt cheek and he clenched his teeth as he continued to run.

  They turned in for cover at the back of the house and Mace saw the big glass doors leading inside from the backyard. There was a glass topped patio table with four rod iron chairs around it and Mace grabbed one, hurling it through the glass doors and diving inside as the boys turned the corner, firing wildly.

  Jim hit the ground behind a couch and started to panic, “What do we do now?!” He looked at Mace and started to freak out, seeing the blood dripping down his face for the first time. “Oh my God, you’re shot!”

  Mace touched his face and shook his head. “It’s nothing. We can’t let them get inside.” Mace quickly looked around and noticed the staircase directly behind them. “Stay back here and keep them off us. I’ve got an idea.”

  Jim looked at him wide-eyed. “What?! What are you going to do?!”

  A barrage of bullets rang out and they both ducked down as wood splintered off the walls and a mirror shattered behind them, dropping fragments of glass all around.

  Mace grabbed Jim by the face and shouted at him over the explosion of bullets. “Once they stop you’re going to have to keep them off me! Take about six shots and let them know we’re still here. I’m going upstairs.”

  Jim was completely wide-eyed and stressed. Mace could see the tension in his face and noticed the tears barely restrained as Jim nodded, a frown appearing on his face.

  Outside, the barrage stopped as the boys reloaded and Mace shouted “Now!” as he rose to run for the stairs. Jim popped up from behind the couch and fired off a series of six shots, hearing a scream of pain erupt from one of the boy’s as a bullet caught flesh. The boys were all standing out in the open, feeling invincible and powerful in their newly infected state. Jim could hear the boy yell out, “Motherfucker! You are going to pay for that!”

  Jim recognized the voice as that of Will, one of the larger and crazier boys in the gang, and it sent a shiver of fear down his spine as he thought of what Will might do to him.

  Will stood outside the back door, bleeding from a critical wound to the stomach, the pain of the bullet increasing the anger and hatred he felt. Looking at the wound, he felt supremely powerful. One bullet wasn’t going to stop him. It was the wild, wild, west once again and he was going to be the last man standing. He shouted, “Let’s charge them!” as Mace threw open an upstairs window and placed a shot directly to his chest. Will dropped and Mace picked off four more soldiers before the remaining three were able to find cover.

  Mace turned to race back down the stairs when his knees went completely weak and he almost stumbled. Directly in front of him was an old woman, diseased past death with infection, crippled by age and damage from attack. She limped slowly forward, a useless leg dragging at a deformed angle, her eyes blood-filled and consumed with hate.

  In one of her hands, her arthritic fingers clung to a wad of hair. Below the hair swung the severed head of a small child. A moan escaped her lips as she reached towards Mace, the head slowly bobbing in her hand.

  Fighting the urge to vomit and feeling sick throughout his whole being, he lifted the handgun and placed a shot directly between her eyes. She whipped back and slammed against the wall.

  Mace stared at her for a brief second before racing back down th
e stairs, landing on the bottom floor with a bang and a grimace before rushing quickly towards Jim and whispering loudly, “Let’s go: Out the front. We’ll flank them.”

  Jim didn’t say a word as they slipped swiftly and quietly out the front door. They made their way to the next house and entered through the adjoining gate to the back yard, moving as fast as they could to the back fence, which separated the properties. Mace was trying not to hobble as pain shot down his back and legs with every step.

  “I saw a hole in the fence from the window. We should be able to take them by surprise.”

  A few shrieks filled the air around the neighborhood and they knew they only had a few minutes before the infected would be on them. They came to the hole and Mace paused, listening closely for any sign of their presence. He heard nothing so he took a quick peak at the boys, spotting the backs of their heads as they hid off to the side of the house. They were seething with anger and he could pick up some of their conversation as they plotted their next move. “Let’s kill those bastards! Will you look what they did! If Kevin finds out he’s gonna skin us alive.”

  Mace motioned for Jim to follow and he carefully popped through the fence, watching the kids’ backs closely as Jim crept through behind him. Jim was almost clear when he caught his foot on the bottom board and stumbled through the hole. The commotion caught the attention of the boys and they immediately turned, throwing up their weapons and firing as Mace and Jim fired back. A bullet pierced one of the boy’s foreheads, knocking him back lifeless into the other two.

  Mace felt a bullet rip through his arm and cursed as blood soaked through the shirt. Jim gave a frenzied shout at the sight of the blood, rushing the last two as they struggled to get their dead comrade off them. A few weeks earlier he had eaten and spent time with them. Now, as they tried to cover up, he blasted away in rage at all they had done, watching in disgust as red blotches speckled their torsos and legs. He continued to fire until the gun was empty and nothing remained but silence.


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