Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2)

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Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2) Page 4

by Adams, Zoe

  Del stopped kissing her. She should be kissed on her mouth to stop her talking. She had slighted him. The idea annoyed him. He let go of her and circled the fire pit.

  He walked around and this time stood on the other side of her. He grabbed her by both arms to face him.

  “Listen, Lady. I don’t know what kind of games you play. But here’s my advice. Be real, don’t play games, and don’t lie. You’re young and need someone like me. We’ll soon see what the future will bring.”

  Del couldn’t believe what he just said. He needed more than a hot body. He stared into her eyes carefully. They each had the same questioning eyes. It wasn’t a question of trust. Their souls finding a mate had been answered. The question of who to love forever had instantly been answered. The question in Del’s eyes involved how to accommodate and cater to a beautiful woman he just met.

  Del felt like he knew her heart and soul. He was shocked to see a big piece of himself there. He just wasn’t sure which part of him it was yet. No matter what it was, he would squash any idea of separation. Lady needed to hear his commitment and he needed to establish himself in her life as quickly as possible. Any and all opposition would be met with the molten lava core he kept in reserve.

  “No. There are no other men like me. If you’re looking for charm, an easy life, or a professional suit then there are other places to look. I’m just a man.”

  Lady nodded. “Trust me, I’ve been traveling my whole life. No other man is for me.”

  “That’s fine. It sounds good to me. Of course it is about you. I don’t know anything about you or your expectations. Will the bed be soft enough? Will you get breakfast in time? It’s a good thing there’s no walk of shame. Or does that happen tomorrow at your home?”

  Del named some fears. He circled the tent and ended up on the other side of her. There was nowhere to go. The slope of the teepee kept him close. Del cleared blond hair away from his temples in one smooth handed wipe.

  Lady stood with one foot forward. Her thin arms made her look vulnerable. She had a certain kind of commanding pose to close any critic’s mouth.

  “You’re the one complaining, not me.” Lady knew she was on exhibition. She twisted a hand behind her head. Thick brown hair covered her open shoulders and back of the dress. Her hair looked dark brown. But the firelight brought out red fringes along the edges.

  The exhaustion of trying to figure everything out added up. Being near her brought him unexpected feelings. He wanted to dominate her. It wasn’t thoughts of control, but the feeling of mating. Or more particularly, it was the feeling of being alike. His gaze went up and down her body.

  “For some reason it’s too good to be true. A beautiful woman like you doesn’t just happen along. I built this teepee with high hopes for a squaw, but you’re no country girl.”

  “It’s probably just the dress. I’ll make a nice country dress.”

  Del raised his eyebrows. “You make clothes?”

  “Yes. If you saw my things then you would know. But I don’t want you to see where I come from yet.”

  Del had seen real pain in her eyes. He realized his own fears had made him inhospitable. He saw the look on her face and put his arms around her protectively.

  “You’re my guest. I want you to feel like you own the place. Be as comfortable as you’d be in your own house. I think you’ll be most comfortable over here.”

  The stack of buffalo skins was knee deep. He fluffed up a patch before facing her.

  “You’re just what I wanted. I needed a strong Viking warrior who already had his own land. You already said something about destiny…”

  Her voice had a quiet lull. “I get moments of clarity and know everything is all right. Like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, or have reached a checkpoint, or something. So I have to explain myself to you. It’s not very smart to just hand out my virginity like it’s a hamburger. And yet we talk of money, fools, and which one of us will lose. Tonight I’ll be the fool. It’s so important to me, because it’s always been intact. I feel like somehow I won’t feel completely whole anymore.”

  Lady had a perfect skeletal structure and concisely placed attributes. All of her looked natural in the most feminine and lady-like way he could think. Del wanted to check her out thoroughly. He could learn the rest of her later. She didn’t act like the spoiled rich girl Del expected. Her face was trained to be politely blank. It could’ve been for a president or a butcher.

  Del already had big feelings about her. His plans were simple; to pleasure her. Del needed to play his cards right. Lady was one in a million. No, wait, scratch that estimation. Lady was an original. He grinned and considered himself a rag and her a piece of gold. She needed to be polished.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” Lady inquired. “You have a very mischievous face.”

  “Well, ma’am, I can’t help it. I try to be a good steward of my body and take care of it. I’ll take real good care of you as well. I’m not treacherous or dangerous. I have been accused of being too slow, but that’s because I spend a lot of time thinking. I talk a lot too, but as long as my facts are straight no one seems to mind.”

  Lady stuck up her fingers and started counting. “I’ve been accused of being a square, a prude, a shrew, a witch, a mom, and a grandma. I’m none of those things.”

  They laughed together.

  Del reached out and said, “Maybe you just haven’t had the right compliment yet.”

  “Maybe I’ve never met a real man before.” Her hand made a circle regarding the tent. “I’ve never been in a real teepee either. So many firsts. Here are things I didn’t even think about. I mean sex in a teepee. That probably hasn’t happened in two hundred years.”

  Lady touched his knee. It was a wonderful decision to choose him. The brain pushing her forward was stored in a magnificent body. She gave herself to him. Del wanted to enjoy and savor every part of her. He’d planned on a girl like her and remained single for a reason. All his hope in humanity was renewed in one single evening.

  “Take off your dress.” His voice was gruff, but considering the hardness of his condition, it sounded more like a plea. She unzipped her dress and stood in scant underclothes.

  Everything Del wanted in a woman stood right in front of him. Then he realized what he saw. The old-fashioned black panties were wavy and shiny. He recognized the dated underwear like people’s tattoos. They were from a different time. Del saw all of her before she was even naked. His mind flashed through everything as he considered her likes. He knew they would have lots of old-fashioned things in common.

  “Take it all off. I want you fresh and clean, just like you look. Just like you really are.”

  He watched her like a hawk. She was naturally sexy all the time. Even when she was just walking with flat footed surety.

  She looked like a smooth, milky contrast to his weathered self. Flawlessly clean, no tattoos in sight, not even a mole to gauge, count, or connect.

  Lady held both hands up. “This is me. I’ve never let a man look at me naked before.”

  “Yes, and you’re choosing who’s looking at you.” Del tried to keep the mood light, but felt like he was walking a very thin line. Del ran out of words or smart explanations. He picked her up and gently laid her on the fur skin.

  “Once we go under this fur skin, we’ll be family. I’ll care for you like family,” Del said simply.

  The poignancy of the situation struck a chord deep inside of him. He searched Lady’s eyes for distance. Golden flecks of fire shone in them, and they were full of wonder. Del thought there was something more. Just like everything about her was something more.

  Perhaps he hadn’t lived until this moment. But it was all worth it.

  Del looked at the woman below him. Her femininity beckoned with curves and soft places to touch. He started on her face and could’ve kissed for a lifetime. The kiss hungrily exploded into many different languages.

  Del’s hands felt rough against her smoothness.
Lady had the most luscious body in all the right places. Little pink indents were left on her skin where a bra had been stifling her. The pink spots were so pink he could hardly believe it.

  “Very nice,” she said between kisses. “You’re probably in every girl’s western fantasy. How can I believe it’s real?”

  Del shook his head. “How do you think I feel?”

  All of Del’s wonder flew away when she fondled him. She was too innocent and perfect to be his conquest. He would much rather have a virgin take advantage of him than be slandered any time after.

  Lady lowered her chin and looked at him. The fact that she could touch nose and toes with him enthralled him. Her heart-shaped face looked up at him with all the right attributes.

  She stretched her body and said, “I’m going to be honest with you. I might move in with you.”

  Del had illusions about her. She was super rich, so he didn’t expect her to be so down to earth. She didn’t have any annoying habits. And even better, she knew how to keep up with him.

  Del lost his speech making abilities again. She had a taste for aged things. He could only imagine her palette for wine and other things. He knew she was picky, he just wasn’t sure how high her standards went.

  “Don’t let doubt trouble those incredible blue Viking eyes. I choose to be here. And I would like to choose if and when I leave.” She stopped and shrugged. “How much trouble can a little girl make?”

  Del fell from cloud nine to cloud five at the question. “Trouble? I’m not expecting any trouble.”

  His eyes cleared of the double haze of love. He looked her up and down. “Of course you’re trouble. Why didn’t I think of that before?”

  He palmed his forehead with the lightning bolt mentally striking him. He was the only one with anything to lose. He had expected to be the one begging her to stay. He could spend all of his money trying to please her. She might be playing it easy tonight, but he would never stop trying to please her. She, on the other hand, could never run out of money.

  There were rules for love. She was just barely old enough for it. There were other things, but Del didn’t figure on spending much time on have nots and why nots. Del had already spent a lot of time wondering. This was the time to act.

  How could he spend time on her brain when he wanted to spend time mapping places of her body? In that exact moment, Del knew he never wanted to be alone again. No stack of women could measure up to her. At least, none of the women around here could hold him in that intellectual, regal air. He knew it wasn’t fair to him. Del knew every girl after this one would be a disappointment. He also knew there were hallucinogenic drugs for just this sort of thing.

  It was a disservice to close his eyes when dealing with Lady. She deserved every good piece of everything wonderful in the world.

  “You are so beautiful,” Del said slowly.

  Lady got an arrogant look on her face. “Not beautiful enough. I still don’t get what I want. I’m not a machine. When can we have sex?”

  She looked at him hungrily. “With me you could never work a day again in your life.”

  “Well, ma’am, that depends on what you call work.”

  Chapter 4

  The sun had almost cleared the land. Birds and roosters cheered for dear life. Del usually got up with them. Again he realized how quickly time could pass.

  Lady’s breath softly spun a web around them. He let her sleep and took a few nonjudgmental minutes to think. They both had limited past relationships to draw from. Del had already lived life, or some form of it. His lack of experience was made up for in quality. It seemed to make Lady happy.

  The big question was how much did Lady’s comfort zone cost, and not just in money. Del thought of mental, spiritual, physical, sexual, and, of course, humanistic states. After thorough research, he knew she was all woman. Lady was high end and high upkeep whether she wanted to be or not.

  Del also knew about her bravery and adventurousness. He didn’t even know if he himself would follow a stranger to their home. Those could be serious levels of desperation.

  All of this questioning kept him close to her. It helped hold her steadfast. His thoughts went full circle and returned to feelings of pride. She was a woman, and currently all his. She slept beside him of her own free will.

  Lady had indeed been a virgin. The realization still shook him to the core. He thought only fumbling adolescents got the privilege to pop someone’s cherry.

  Lady may have lost a piece of herself last night, but gaining him would be worth it. Now he wanted her heart. He wouldn’t let his guard down or take her for granted. Del embraced the change in life. Their relationship would be just fine.

  Del stared at Lady until his eyes drooped shut. The next time his eyes opened, the teepee was lit up. The combination of leather and sunlight were like honey luminescence. Lady’s eyes were open, and she looked at the circle of exposed sky.

  Del followed her gaze up. The roundness of blue was a brilliant centerpiece for the teepee. Paintings on the walls made gigantic marching shadows.

  “It looks like a nice day,” Del commented toward the bright sky light.

  Lady shifted slightly. “It could be another nice day, or maybe it will be the best day ever.”

  Del rolled onto his back like he’d been shot through the heart. “I like how you think. Just add it to the mountain of things I already like about you.”

  Lady looked overwhelmed. “A mountain? That’s a lot of things to have about me so soon.”

  “Hmm. Maybe I’m confused.” Del twisted a strand of hair. “I had you figured for all bravery and pure courage. But the truth is, I’ll always want to know more about you.”

  Lady looked at him complacently. Del knew she was offering herself up to him again. He bent his head and kissed her. He intended to linger beside her all day. Time got away from him, and her body ran away with his.

  They emerged from the tent much later. Del stood to his full height and stretched, unhindered. He lived alone at the farm, and walking around naked wasn’t a problem.

  Lady stepped out the same way. She held her dress and belongings carefully.

  Del could tell she admired the landscape before even saying so. “Wow, Del, this is incredible.” Her voice had a singsong timbre when saying his name.

  “Thanks. I love living somewhere like this. There are no inhibitions. I can just walk to the house, or walk to the barn in my birthday suit.” He pointed to his arms. “It helps keep my farmer’s tan in check.”

  “Yes, your arms are very nice. So far, everything about you is nice. Or should I say, incredible.”

  “I’ll treat you to breakfast. What kind of food do you like? I like everything as long as it’s meat. I have a lot of bacon, sausage, lamb, and duck. Of course I have the obvious beef, venison, and bison.”

  Lady looked over her shoulder. “That’s funny. How can you have so many animals here and smell so fresh?”

  “Well, I trade the meats with other ranchers and farmers I know. The rest I shoot in fair game.” Del smiled with his choice of words.

  “Do you mean fair game like a game, or fair game as in the fowl?”

  Del liked her thought process. “Whenever I’m holding a loaded gun, I never think it’s a game. Birds being called game isn’t enough to convince me it’s a game. But the contradiction is saying that it’s fair. I hunt with guns, scopes, and whistles. Wild animals get in my way all the time, and I have to move or control them. But everything is balanced. The different seasons in a year are aware of their quarterly job. Life is enjoyment, learning, providing, and rest.”

  “How full can your life be when you seclude yourself?” She asked the question softly, like she was a little unsure about doubting him. Nevertheless, it was a question full of credit. It also showed she could think deeply about him and his situation.

  Del smiled at her. “A half empty or half full life is a matter of opinion. I have a problem with half of anything. I mean, who asks if you are half hun
gry? Do you want to have half sex? No, not me, I’ve never been a half kind of guy.”

  Lady stopped walking and faced him. “Wow, that’s funny. You really do think a lot.”

  “Yes, I do, but it’s not a problem for me. I like to plan for sexy and cool. And seclusion on the tractor gives me plenty of time to think about things.”

  Lady absorbed information with just the right amount of thought and quirky acknowledgement. Del knew he’d never meet another girl quite like her; and his seclusion was not to blame.

  She eased herself through situations with curiosity. She might have been a little skeptical, but once a question was answered, then she would smile and move on with the conversation.

  The high beams of her smile caught him unprepared. She turned things up so nicely. Del felt his whole body lurch toward her. He overcompensated and careened off the path.

  He silently reminded himself to be careful. He needed to address things one by one. His body might pull one way, but he didn’t need all the force in the world to pull back. Or did he?

  Chapter 5

  Del held the door of the country house open. Lady stepped past him. In the full light of day, she seemed more conservative. Or maybe it was Del’s imagination. She’d stood shyly to the side last night as well. But how could he expect her to act when he was doing all the leading?

  He realized she was nervous. More of his heart went to her.

  “Come on.” He took her hand and led her down the hall.

  He tried to see the house through a newcomer’s eyes. The wallpaper looked old and dated. He wasn’t sure if it had ever been stylish. He always told people it would be cool again. Everything in the house had turned into antiques. Solid wooden chairs with curved handles and legs faced each other. Pictures hadn’t been moved in years.

  “I know the house is old. I need to change things in here. Look what happens when I move something.”

  Del used his finger and barely moved the corner of a picture. The consecutive diamond wall behind the frame was bright green.


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