Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2)

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Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2) Page 5

by Adams, Zoe

  “So you like the color blue more than green?” Lady teased him.

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  Del turned the bathroom light on and stood back.

  Lady stood by the sink. Her eyes were wide and Del got the reaction he was looking for.

  “The bathroom’s the only room I’ve remodeled. The room next door got cut in half. Now it’s half closet and half bathroom.”

  “Wow,” Lady remarked. “This isn’t what I was expecting.”

  “Oh, you mean I can surprise you for once? After last night, and all your bag of goodies.” Del winked at her.

  Lady blushed and nodded. “Yeah, I’m out of surprises.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you plan surprises for me or not.” Del swaggered past her and turned on the shower.

  Lady’s breath exhaled in a shot but no other part of her moved.

  Del’s eyes went wide. “You’ve never taken a shower with a man, have you? Have you ever even had a boyfriend?”

  Lady huffed. “No, I had friends who were boys. But you’re a man. I want to dress up sexy and impress you.”

  “All right, you can have the bathroom all to yourself. Here, you can wear my robe when you’re done. I’ll make breakfast.” Del gave her one lasting look and then shut the door.

  Del silently wondered how long it would take her to shower. If it were him, then it would take about twenty minutes to emerge clean and happy.

  He stood on the front deck. The day hotly turned into a crispy clear afternoon. He hadn’t lived a day like this yet. And it started with sleeping in late. Work usually beckoned him from the shade. A mental load of things to be accomplished usually creased his eyebrows and bent his back.

  Today everything felt different. A lady inside the house mentally called him back. Del wasn’t quite sure how to handle everything, but he was up to the challenge.

  Back inside the house, he could hear the shower running. He smiled to himself because it never sounded like this.

  Del started the drippy coffee machine. He walked upstairs to his room. Looking at his clothes, it was easy to lose momentum.

  For the first time he felt inferior. There were work clothes and more work clothes. They varied from stained to holey sets for every job. He even kept some just to trash and throw away.

  A slight step above them were normal, everyday work clothes. Small holes and little stains didn’t affect job performance. Those clothes were saved for normal jobs.

  Del continued to peruse the closet. He pulled out a pair of jeans and looked at them carefully. They were stained. He tossed them on top of the trash pile.

  Another pair was pulled out and studied. These weren’t good enough either.

  The pile of clothes to be thrown away grew quickly. He realized dressing in the dark had a benefit. All his clothes were work clothes on their way to the trash.

  Maybe it was the misdemeanor of dressing before the sun came up. He’d wear his Sunday best. Or in this case, bar clothes. He slid into a pair of black jeans. They were clean and straight but lacked the stiff starchiness of a new pair.

  At least his underclothes were still white. Del smoothed a ribbed tank top over his shoulders. Next was a favorite blue shirt. The silver snaps were more manageable than buttons, and the greatest reason for his devotion.

  Del felt much better. His wide shoulders bumped the narrow hallway and heavy boots creaked down the stairs.

  The kitchen was much easier. At least for now it was. He wondered what kind of food Lady would want. Del made everything he had. Frozen waffles, pancakes, and toast. Bacon sizzled in the microwave.

  He stood at the counter and waited. Everything was seen with a newcomer’s eye, and everything looked old.

  He wiped down the table and scrutinized the silverware. Standing back, he studied the whole wall. Everything could use an update. Maybe Lady had some fashion sense and could direct him.

  Lady emerged from the shower. Her hair was still dripping wet. She’d combed it straight and it hung down her back. Without makeup on she looked younger. Her cuteness would follow her forever.

  “How was the shower?” Del focused on easy conversation.

  Lady dipped her head to the side slightly when she smiled. “It was nice. Thank you.”

  She rolled up the extra wide sleeves of the robe. Del noticed how she looked small in his clothes.

  He hoped she was comfortable. There hadn’t been an overnight bag when she arrived. He wondered how long she would stay. Del was determined for her to stay. He would work for it no matter what.

  He mustered up his bravado. “So. What do you like for breakfast?”

  Lady took a full spin around the kitchen. She glanced around the room and seemed to notice everything. She redirected her focus on Del and smiled guiltily.

  “Everything. I like all of it.” Lady sat down slowly and regally. “As long as my hot food is steaming and my cold food is icy, then I’m fine with it.”

  She could lead him on and slow him down at the same time. The realization made him happy. He felt like things in the universe were going right.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean.” The microwave dinged behind him.

  Del set the rest of the food on the table. He sat down across from Lady.

  “Do you want butter for your waffle?” Del held up the butter dish politely.

  “No, thanks.” Lady sat back in her chair. She stirred sugar and milk into her coffee and set the teaspoon carefully on the saucer. She took a sip of hot coffee and smiled.

  “What do you have to do today?” Lady asked.

  Del appreciated her choice of words. “I don’t have to do a lot. It kind of depends.”

  Lady set down her teacup. “Are you setting work aside because of my presence?”

  “Yes, of course I am.” Del wanted a new life. He smoothed his voice like the butter on his knife. “Work can wait. I want to enjoy my first twenty-four hours with you.”

  A big smile rushed over Lady’s face as relief lit up her eyes. “It’s a big deal. I feel like getting to know you is like an atomic bomb, and it just keeps peeling back layer after layer of you. I mean, it actually peels back layers of me too. I was hoping that you were just as sexy in the daylight as in starlight. And in campfire, you must be the sexiest man on earth.”

  Lady swallowed her compliments with another sip of coffee. She sat back, accomplished.

  Del was having difficulty with his waffle. She had a way of being so truthful that it almost alarmed him, but then she was kind of goofy as well. Her brown eyes twinkled and a giggle twitched at the side of her lips.

  Del found it easy to converse with her. Or maybe it was just easy to talk about himself. “Yes, I might be the sexiest man on earth, but I am the most stubborn and picky for sure.”

  “Lucky me.” Lady rolled her eyes. “At least I’m pretty sure I should feel lucky. If you are so attractive, why are you hiding? Why are you single and alone?”

  “Is being single a red flag? Keep options open until you meet the right person. It’s been the right way to start a relationship for thousands of years. But honestly, I never had time to fall in love. I’ve been working day and night on this farm, trying to make money.”

  The answer satisfied Lady. She leaned forward for some food. They talked about trivial things, but none of it was small talk to Del. There was no reason to doubt her innocent eyes. Things between them were new, fresh, and exciting.

  “Do you want to see the rest of the farm?”

  “Sure.” Lady pushed her half-eaten plate away.

  “Good. It’ll be the best way to find out what you really think about small houses, old tools, and temperamental crops. But first, I always leave the kitchen clean.”

  Del stood up and began clearing the table. He washed the dishes with a scrubby and green soap. They were left to drip dry on a rack.

  Lady participated lightly in the chores. She courteously handed him a few items and mostly stayed out of the way.

  Lady rema
rked, “You have nice things. I have to admit I’m a little surprised about your crystal cut glasses and fine china.”

  Del shrugged. “Honestly, I haven’t picked out anything in this house. My grandma was the last person to decorate anything here.”

  Lady got a faraway look in her eye. Somehow he knew she was wondering if he was open to change, or if the room had to remain the same.

  He was insanely flattered by her interest. It took every weight in the world to hold him back from touching her. Somehow, he commanded his brain to function on an earthbound wave.

  “Thank you for helping me clean up.” He cleared his throat loudly and she turned to face him.

  The large flannel shoulder of the robe slid down her collar bone. The v-shaped opening below her neck kept getting wider.

  Her skin distracted him easily. He wanted nothing to stop his eyes from rolling across her skin. Even her bony clavicle led him to more desirable places.

  Lady shifted slightly. Many wilted under scrutiny, but Lady bloomed for him. He wanted to touch her.

  Lady read his eyes and nodded. Del placed both palms heavily on her shoulders. Kissing her was easy, and she was just the right height.

  He pulled back but didn’t give her a chance to move. He placed his claim on her and would be moving her to a more accommodating surface. Del took his precious, time-consuming way with her.

  Chapter 6

  The shadows of the day had been stretching for a while. The sun would be setting soon. For the first time, Del avoided work all day long. He wondered how often he would be doing it with Lady. She wasn’t the only one to blame. Del had been insatiable.

  Lady’s voice whimpered and commanded. She could control and lead him on so easily. Del wasn’t quite sure how their futures would combine outside of the bedroom. But inside the bedroom there were no worries.

  “I want to spoil you.”

  Lady smiled widely. “You want to spoil me?”

  “Yes, I want to spoil you. Should I do it right now?” Del grunted. “I’ll destroy everything you know about love and make you completely dependent on mine.”

  Lady laughed a full and round laugh. Del was pulled back by her joy. He could easily linger by her side forever, but nature called.

  He stood up. Lady looked at him like a contented kitty.

  “Whew.” Del ran a hand along his cheek. It was a bit more than a five o’clock shadow. “I’m taking a shower.”

  Lady leaned back on the bed and stretched. She didn’t say anything. Del winked and walked away. As soon as he left her side his brain cleared, slightly.

  Luckily Del observed little rituals. He cranked the oven before knowing what to cook. The refrigerator door swung open while deciding which homebrew to drink. He picked out a nice lager to kill the first part of his thirst. He switched hands and opened the frozen side of the ice box. Things were separated by cook time. He found something that cooked in thirty minutes.

  Del grabbed another beer and left the kitchen. He carried it into the shower with him. Del’s refreshment came from the cool water on his head and the cold beer inside of him. Alcohol took the edge off cleanup time and helped him have fun. He rinsed the shampoo from his hair and sang to the wall.

  He believed in love and loved beautiful women. Maybe it was all the black-and-white movies his grandmother used to watch. They had instilled romanticism inside him. He was ready for love, and Lady was so loveable.

  The bathroom door opened.

  “Did you say something?” Lady’s hot voice carried across the steam.

  Del turned off the water and grabbed a towel. “No, I didn’t say anything. I was just singing.”

  He felt a little self-conscious until he saw Lady. She wore one of his nicer shirts. It was big on her, but she had it tied up in a cute way. She had accepted him and his things. She wore half her clothes and half his. She stared at him brightly and caused Del’s previous smile to return.

  He lathered up some soap for his shave. He used an old-fashioned single blade razor. He flicked it down his cheek smoothly.

  “Wow. Why would I be surprised you use a flat razor?” Lady watched carefully for him.

  Del stopped the downward motion and bragged. “It cuts close and sharp.”

  “You’re good at it.” Lady spoke with pride.

  Del wasn’t entirely sure if she was proud of him or herself, but pretty soon there wouldn’t be a difference.

  He grinned. “I’m a professional at using this razor by now. It’s lucky to learn where no one sees you mess up.”

  He opened the second beer. Using a straight edge razor made him feel like a real cowboy.

  His wet hair was drying. He combed it out, but soon it would be wavy or straight, just like the blond versus brown of his hair color confusion.

  When it was cleanup time he didn’t spare a thing, and took plenty of time. He liked being old-fashioned. Lady grinned at him through the mirror until he finished.

  They ate together in the country kitchen. Afterward, Lady pointed at a plain wooden door.

  “Where does that go?” she asked smoothly.

  “To the craft room. Do you want to see it?” Del didn’t wait for an answer and opened the door. “This was my grandmother’s room. She insisted on getting her own craft room. It was only fitting since grandpa had rooms and sheds for his things. Being a housekeeper warranted her own work room.”

  “Wow,” Lady whispered. “Aren’t you sweet to leave her things out? Her sewing machine’s still set up in front of the window. I think I would’ve loved your grandmother.”

  Lady ran her finger along the edge of the shelf and studied it.

  Del didn’t wait for an inquiry or accusation. He wasn’t one to wait, and took pride in his judgment of character, or in this case, his judgment of where the conversation might go.

  “This is all girl stuff. I didn’t know what to do with it, so I just shut the door.” Del slid the light yellow curtains open.

  “I really like it,” Lady said quietly.

  Del was convinced earlier she had just been being cordial or sweet. This time, she really was excited.

  “Why? Does it look like your maid’s room?” He received the reaction he wanted from her.

  Lady stood her ground on the measly, mashed down carpet. “Hey, what makes you think my maid dresses me? Why do you think I need someone else doing things for me? I might get pampered with manicures and pedicures but I still get dirt underneath my fingernails.”

  One of Del’s nails was turning black. All of his fingers were crooked from working the farm. Talking about work was easy, but knowledge of pampering was for someone else.

  “So, um…” His stammering shocked him and he blushed. “What do you do? I mean, how do you get dirty?”

  Del felt even more distraught when he looked down at her clean white fingernails.

  “Well, I…” Lady looked over his shoulder. “You don’t understand, Del. I’ve been told what to do my whole life. There are things I want to do, but I’m not allowed to do them.”

  Del knew the credibility of her story, but tried to imagine someone stopping her.

  Lady forced him to look in her eyes. “Are you just wondering about where I’m from and what I left behind? Or do you want to know how much money I’m worth?”

  Lady was so precise. Del felt himself crumbling before her. He sucked in a deep breath but knew he couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to speak. He carefully considered her. Was he supposed to feel insulted or angry?

  Lady smiled and shook her head. “I’m sorry. You’re right to wonder about me. After all, we did just meet.”

  She placed her hands on his chest.

  The physical connection broke Del of his helpless spell. He wrapped his hands around hers.

  “Yes, we did just meet, and I can’t imagine your fingers or anything else of yours being hurt.”

  Lady shook her head sarcastically. “I did play sports. That’s probably the one thing in school that taught moral fiber and tena
city. I played volleyball, soccer, basketball. I can even throw a football.”

  If Del’s tongue weren’t attached then it would’ve been swallowed. He imagined her sweating on a basketball court.

  Lady laughed at him. “See, look, both of my index fingers have been sprained. They’re crooked for life. But I didn’t care, I kept playing volleyball.”

  Del looked down at healthily tapered fingers. They could’ve been genetically slightly crooked or physically altered by sports. It didn’t matter, they were still perfect.

  He shook his head and laughed softly. He wouldn’t accuse her of being pampered anymore. Her future in anyone else’s hands made him queasy. However, he wasn’t exactly sure what she was used to, or if he could maintain a high level of attention for her. He didn’t question them getting along, he questioned the level of care she would need.

  Part of him wanted to know and part of him didn’t. He wanted to enjoy their time together, but not knowing how much time they’d have together made him uneasy.

  Del tried to recover some sort of reassurance, but it was hard to find. Then he realized there still hadn’t been any promises, plans, or expectations between them. Knowing it still hadn’t happened yet helped reel himself in to a more powerful stance.

  “Your hands are just fine,” he said. “They’re even better when they’re held by mine.”

  Lady smiled up at him. “Thanks. I like your hands too. They are so rough, tough, and useful. They are manly hands. Much more manly than any I’ve ever seen.”

  “Well, that’s good.” Del was at a loss for words and turned toward a clapboard closet.

  Lady shrieked. “Look at all those cute dresses.”

  Her voice had taken on a girly tone as she stepped around him.

  “Oh yeah, those were dresses my grandmother made.” Del shrugged sheepishly. “She loved to dance.”

  Lady fingered a red satin dress. “I love to dance too, when I’m in the right mood. This dress is beautiful. I can tell she sewed the sequins on by hand. It’s so pretty. Can I try it on?”

  She had already taken the dress out of the closet and replaced the empty hanger. Her face disappeared under a fluff of red. Lady reappeared all smiles. She twisted her narrow rib cage and the dress swooshed to her knees.


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