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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 131

by Demelza Carlton

  “Fucking shit!”

  The one on her left managed to rattle the door handle.

  Sweat beading on her brow, she wiped her forehead and mentally double checked that the doors were locked and breathed a quick sigh of relief that yes, the doors weren’t opening unless she hit the switch to unlock them.

  Something flew past her on the driver’s side, taking the dreaded creature with her.

  Tempest looked in her rearview mirror and saw the creature and something else tumbling to the ground and rolling several feet behind her.

  “What in the fuck?” Her gaze darted around and saw the bikers in front of her had sped off down the highway.

  Slowing, she saw another motorcycle coming toward her in the passenger lane but no one manned it. “Double what the fuck?”

  Loading a shell into the chamber, Tempest prepared to shoot the creature fighting to get inside before another motorcycle pulled up behind her and yes, her vampire senses did go off, loud.

  “Damnit. I so don’t want to fight my own kind right now.”

  Guiding the truck back into the proper lane, she waited for the creature to get the door open but when she blinked, he’d disappeared.

  Then the biker, a full-blooded vampire, sped past her and waved.

  She slowed, he didn’t appear to want to harm her but she couldn’t take any chances. The gun would blow a hole in his heart but if she shot him in the head, the chances of him surviving were slim to none.

  Unless he was fucking ancient.

  Remaining steady in front of her, he continued to wave her, lifting both arms in what appeared to be a surrender gesture.


  Thinking back on her bounty for this job, Tempest did the smart thing and tapped the horn, waving back at the biker.

  Slowing the truck took a moment, the weight of the thing going at seventy miles per hour meant it’d take a good mile to stop.

  Heart still pounding, she finally brought the truck to a stop in front of the biker who had also stopped, and was now leaning on his bike.

  The truck’s brakes hissed when she pulled the parking brake in place. Gun in hand, she waited a beat to catch her breath before exiting the truck.

  The biker smelled of the undead. Yet, he looked cool and calm with his head bowed and that long, flowing hair hanging behind him. Looking up, he patted his helmet and set it on the seat beside him before raising his hands and taking one step toward her.

  She lifted her gun. “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “Hey, easy now. I’m here to help you.” He spun around slowly, lifting the back of his leather cut to reveal nothing hidden. She caught the patch on his cut and took another step back.

  Adrenaline pumping through her made her pull the hammer on the pistol back, a gesture that only served to calm her nerves. A round was already loaded.

  Those eyes, so beautiful, so bright in the darkness she swore they could be a beacon all their own, met hers. His full lips curled up in a smile and she caught the faintest hint of fang. Jeans and boots perfected the MC look. Pale skin reinforced her thoughts.

  Damn but he was tall.

  “You’re not going to feed on me tonight, vampire.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I merely wanted to get those wretched creatures away from you. Nasty fucking things, imps.”

  Her breath hitched. “Those were imps?”

  “Yeah. Little buggers travel the lands looking for unsuspecting victims to take back and devour. Guess they thought you were unsuspecting.”

  “I could have handled them.”

  ‘You looked like you were doing really well.” He smiled and she swore she caught the glint of moonlight above gleaming off his fangs.


  “Look, just be careful. Don’t need the Fae getting the wrong idea about anything.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. Just don’t need ideas floating around the Fae.”

  “They wouldn’t.” She waved the gun in front of her. “I have plenty more after this runs out.”

  “I don’t doubt you do. What’s your name?”

  Giving her name to the Fae could be dangerous. Names were power in Faery. Avoiding that was how she’d managed to stay alive in worse predicaments. But vampires? They didn’t work on the same magical spectrum as the Fae. “You first.”

  He shrugged, shoved his hands in his pockets. “Jonas.”

  “Just Jonas?”

  “Yeah. Kinda been dead too long to remember my surname.”

  “I see.”

  “Your turn.” He crossed his arms over his chest and her heart skipped a beat.

  She blinked. Was he serious?

  “Look. I appreciate the help, despite the fact that I had shit under control. But I’ve gotta get going.”

  “You had them on the ropes for sure. If I hadn’t been impulsive,” he took a step back, stumbled and leaned into his bike, “leapt off my bike, shifted and dragged that one off your driver’s side door, you’d have what? Shot him? I knew you could take them. By the way, he’s not getting up again.”


  “Been called worse by lesser. You going to tell me your name, darlin’?”

  “Fuck.” She tapped her forehead with the barrel of the gun.

  His head cocked to one side. “Odd name.”

  “No, you ass. My name is Tempest.” She didn’t mean to blurt it out, but in the two minutes she’d known him, he’d already managed to reach down and rattle her emotions. Nothing did that.

  Again, he shrugged, in that lazy, old vampire manner she’d heard of, before he picked up his helmet and slid it on. Adjusting the chinstrap, he straddled his bike and an impure thought settled in her mind and stirred her body.

  She shook it off.

  “Truck stop about an hour back. Might be a good idea to get in for the night. Things worse than vampires go bump more often than not in the darkness of the Fae Kingdom.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Suit yourself. Pleasure to meet you, Tempest. Be safe now.”

  Before she could reply, he started his bike and steered it in the same direction she’d been heading, leaving her speechless.

  The deafening roar of his bike lessened the farther out he’d ridden from her until she could no longer hear it.

  Blinking, Tempest shook her head and yawned into her palm. “I must not be awake enough.”

  Her vampiric self could deal with the nighttime, in fact, it flourished. Her Fae side did well in the daytime, but she hadn’t slept in about a day and was running on empty.

  It would take her more time than she cared to exert, but she needed to turn the truck around and rest for a few hours.

  No one would attack her in a group.

  Forty-five minutes later, she pulled into the lot of the truck stop she’d skipped earlier, and parked the truck. Sliding both handguns into the holster rig that had been included in the duffle, she slipped the rig on, covered up with a leather jacket, and opened the door to get out.

  Fresh night air hit her face and she yawned, another reminder of her waning energy.

  Washing her face would do her some good.

  Heading toward the old brown building, she yanked open the door, spotted a sign for the ladies’ room and walked inside. Dim lighting mimicked the human bathrooms she’d been in and cast odd shadows on the floor and walls that she tried not to think about.

  Again, more superstition?

  No. Things in Faery were odd, and nothing worked with logic except for low-level technology like GPS and vehicles.

  Gripping the first sink she spotted, she turned on the cold tap and let the water run for a few seconds before splashing her face.

  The cool water woke up her senses. Mirrors would have helped but those didn’t exist in common bathrooms like this, too easy for certain Fae to slip through.

  Mirrors were also used as communication devices, but she heard those only existed in the Queen’s palace and only
in the homes of important Fae.

  Senses on high alert due to fatigue, Tempest walked out of the bathroom at a slow pace and headed for her truck. Keys in her pocket, she looked around and saw a few other rigs parked, each a good distance from one another.

  Not wanting conversation, she headed straight for her truck, unlocked the door, swung it open and jerked herself inside before shutting the door, locking it and heading for her bunk.

  One question remained as she settled in, slid the guns beneath her pillow, and closed her eyes.

  How did Jonas know she was in trouble?

  Something in him told him to wake up, that it was nearing the night hour and he needed to get on his bike. When Jonas rose, he looked around, found no sign of the brownie but a vial of blood had been left on the makeshift table.

  He didn’t want to take it, but to refuse that gift would insult the brownie as much as thanking him would.

  He said a silent prayer to whatever gods may have been listening, drank the little snack and set the vial down before leaving, only to find his bike nearby, upright and cleaned off. It had a few scrapes still but it appeared fine.

  He’d have to remember that favor.

  Riding down the highway toward the next truck stop let him see the land with clear, awake eyes and what his eyes didn’t see, his vampire senses picked up on. The various sounds around him. Once he pulled back onto the main highway, he’d headed further north until he’d spotted a semi and felt her. Another of his kind? A female?

  Then he’d seen the real danger.

  Several imps on bikes were trying to derail the truck and cause her to flip.

  Speeding up, he steadied himself, decided to make a fool of himself when he spotted the one imp hanging onto the driver’s side door. Leaping into the air, he hoped he wasn’t too out of practice before turning into a large bat-like creature, soaring toward the truck and ripping off the imp clinging for life to the truck.

  Hitting the ground hard, he’d managed to snap the fucker’s neck, leap into the air, shift and land back on his motorcycle, all without missing a beat.

  Except the heart that shouldn’t have beat had actually thumped loud against his ribcage.

  That startled him.

  Oh, and he’d let a magically enhanced bike ride off into the distance to end up who only knew where.

  Reminded himself that wasn’t the point, he spun around, sidled up and waved the truck to stop.

  He knew what that truck was and that he had to get it off the road long enough to get back to the clubhouse and inform the MC that it wasn’t that far out.

  Speeding back toward the clubhouse, Jonas thought back about the half-breed he’d encountered. No doubt she knew more than she said.

  They’d have to act fast and while he could clear distance faster than the ever so lovely Tempest, just due to size and torque of his bike over the semi’s, he’d prefer to buy the club time.

  Following his hunch had been the right move.

  But Tempest...her demeanor had an edge about it.

  Even though she was a half-breed, he had enough strength to send the compulsion to her and make her rest, even if just for a few hours.

  The moon hung high above, casting a haunting blue hue on the land around him, but he’d made good time when he pulled into the parking lot and slid his bike into his spot. Stalking toward the clubhouse, he stopped short when the door swung open. Davin and Rasputin marched through and eyed him.

  “Well? What news have you? Have you a better vantage point for attack?”

  “I do.” He nodded at Davin. “Much better plan. But we must act quickly. The truck should be back at the truck stop two hours north from here. I sent the driver to bed, but I fear it’ll only last a short while.” He didn’t want to give away Tempest’s half-breed status. That information belonged to him, for some strange reason. Jonas took a step forward, testing the weight on his bruised leg. Damnit, he should have healed by now.

  “Are you well?”

  “Just took a nasty fall, thanks to the fucking land and some imp trouble. I’m good.”

  “Aye. Our boys are ready. Rasputin says we must fly in our old forms. Is this true?”

  “If we want the element of surprise, yes. I managed to fend off a band of imp bikers from damaging the truck. I don’t know if the imps are local or what, but we can easily overpower them if they come out again.”

  “Did you catch the number of imps? And why would they be on motorcycles? They’re not that bright.”

  Jonas shrugged. “No idea, man. They appeared to be targeting that truck. I’m guessing they were looking to loot and rape the driver before devouring her body.”

  “Aye. Good thing you stepped in to protect our precious cargo. You’re worthy of the patch, mate.”


  Davin turned toward the clubhouse and opened his mouth to speak, but stopped. “Wait, you said we needed to be as bats.”

  Nodding, Jonas looked at Rasputin. “Or our raven form. Whichever.”

  “Then I shall tell the club of our need and gather them.” Rasputin clasped his hands together and straightened his shoulders, looking very much the part of regal VP.

  “We leave in five minutes.” Davin clapped a hand on Jonas’ shoulder. “Good work, brother.”

  Ten minutes later, all patched members of the MC had taken flight. It took some of them, particularly Davin and Pliny, time to adjust to changing to a form that they hadn’t used in quite some time, but within minutes, the old habit became familiar.

  Soaring through the clear skies with raven’s eyes, they flew in formation similar to how they rode, with Jonas and Cristin in the middle, Pliny and Bogart in the back, Davin and Rasputin up front.

  A few screeches later, Jonas signaled to his brothers of the truck stop and the prize in question.

  It looked like Tempest hadn’t moved yet.

  The murder landed in a tree only a hundred yards from the truck stop.

  We could steal the truck now with no one the wiser.

  Jonas looked, reached out with his senses and felt something off. He peered around, using the raven’s excellent distance vision to spot Tempest.

  No sign of her.

  Being this near, he felt her. He didn’t understand why, other than her being the first female vampire he’d dealt with in quite some time. That made sense.

  Let’s do this. Davin gave the signal and the murder took flight, gliding down to the parking lot and landing in human form. They quickly surrounded the truck.

  Jonas kept his eyes peeled but something in his stomach told him this wasn’t the time or the place to do this.

  Nothing looked out of place. The layout was simple. Building in the distance, probably a restroom and maybe vending machines like in the human world. Four trucks spread out across the parking lot and nothing else.

  Cristin kept close to Jonas. “We ready to do this?”

  Jonas turned toward the rear of the truck and started for it. “Yeah. We’ve got cover.”

  Davin and Rasputin joined them, waving the others to follow suit. “Keep an eye out. Two of us can break that lock and open the door.”

  This was the moment of truth. Jonas grasped the lock in both hands and looked at it. In just a few moments, he’d be able to free the bikes, hop on one and head into the Shadowlands.

  First, he needed to accost Tempest. Where was she?

  “I have to find the driver.” He whispered, waving at Davin. “I have business with her. Plus, subduing her will buy you all time.”

  “I have been informed of your needs, Jonas. Go. Find what you must and return with haste.”

  Jonas let the lock slip from his hands, then darted up the right side of the truck until he’d reached the door.

  The truck had a big enough cab for it to house a sleeper and with no place else to crash, he figured she was inside.

  What to do once inside?

  He’d worry about that once he got the door opened.

  Pulling gently
on the handle revealed it locked.

  He’d need to pick it then.


  Reaching into the pocket of his cut, he pulled out a few tools, looked around, then back at the keyhole.

  Listening, he heard only the sounds of boots scuffling against the ground and only because of his enhanced hearing. He waited, slid the pick inside the door handle, then inserted the tension wrench alongside it.

  Slowly raking across the pins, he waited until he heard them all slide into place before tugging on the handle.

  The click echoed and he pulled the door open. It creaked but hopefully Tempest was inside and asleep still thanks to his compulsion.

  He forced himself into the driver’s seat through the tiny opening before shutting the door and cursing that the overhead light turned on.

  So far, nothing happened on the noise front.

  He sat, holding a breath he didn’t think vampires could do, before moving again.

  Making his way back, he found the reason for his heart hammering in his throat despite his undead status.

  “Don’t fucking move, Jonas. I will not hesitate to put two holes in your head and chest and they will kill you.”

  Chapter 3

  She should have fucking known. The way she fell asleep too easily was a warning, but how the hell he did it was beyond her.

  Vampires weren’t supposed to be able to ensnare others with compulsion, not in Faery.

  Luckily, the Fae blood seemed to cancel out part of his compulsion and now he stared at her from the wrong end of two pistols, both aimed at his head and chest.

  His hands rose, palms out. “You don’t want to do that, darlin’.”

  “I don’t? Why not? What are you doing here?”

  He blinked. “Just paying you a visit, of course.”

  “Because you sent me here. You bastard. I’m going to give you five seconds to get out before I unload both of these clips into you.”

  “It’s not what it looks like.”

  She lifted her nose just slightly. “I smell your lie. Five. Four. Three…”

  “You don’t want to do that.” He turned, showing her more of his profile.

  “Dare me? Two…”

  “I have my reasons for being here.” He shifted, moving slightly closer.


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