A Summoner's Calling
Page 11
“You alright?” Erryn asks.
“Yes, I’m fine. It’s amazing seeing a summoner born carrying Zaravarn within her,” he smiles, admiring her palms as faint flares of fire dance lightly off her skin.
“Shall we relight his flame, then?” Drotonic asks.
“Relight his flame?” Erryn asks.
“Yes, I almost forgot. Ladies, could you help Lady Erryn find the ceremonial dress?” the bishop requests. Two girls come guide her to a room without touching her.
“Drotonic?” Erryn raises a brow.
“I’ll be right here waiting. Everything will be fine,” Drotonic assures her.
In the dressing room, the girls help Erryn don a short black singed dress which seemed to have been burned at one time. She steps out as she drags her foot behind her other leg rubbing it and feeling awkward in a dress.
“You look adorable,” Drotonic says.
“I feel silly,” she says.
“You look fine. Come on, people are waiting,” Drotonic says, leading her to the prayer room. The room is overflowing. Crowds are gathered outside. All are watching, listening and praying for the new summoner. She and Drotonic walk to the front of the room. As she passes the benches, she feels hands touch her as people pray for her blessing.
Erryn imagined there would be an altar, but it’s just an empty space like it was in Drotonic’s ceremony.
“Where’s the alter?” she asks.
“You are the alter,” the bishop says, standing next to them. Erryn looks at Drotonic’s eyes as he nods, smiling. She turns for the platform. Inhaling a deep breath, she releases it along with immense power. Gusts of hot wind swirl around her. The candles in the room are held by other priests’ light. Their flames whirl around Erryn, engulfing her in flames.
The power continues to build, making her levitate into the air. At the power’s limit within her, flames burst from her mouth. Moving straight up through the top of the tower, it lets in a faint moonlight. Then she returns to the ground without her legs buckling from under her this time.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,” Erryn says as Drotonic gives her the thumb ups.
“You did as it was meant to happen. Thank you, Lady Erryn,” the priest bows.
“Would you like to get out of the dress now?” Drotonic asks with a chuckle.
“Please, yes,” Erryn says as maids await her at the prayer doors.
“Erryn, when you’re finished, come back to the lobby,” the bishop shouts. Erryn nods before leaving to change clothes. She returns to the lobby changed as Drotonic waits for her.
“Where’s the bishop? Didn’t he say to meet back here?” Erryn asks.
“I believe so. I can’t imagine him being far,” Drotonic says as the bishop enters from the outside.
“Ah, Lady Erryn and Sage Drotonic. Would you care to join this old man for an evening walk?” the bishop smiles.
“Wait. It’s already nighttime?” Erryn asks.
“It is. We almost thought you weren’t going to make it back tonight,” the bishop says as they follow him outside. They walk onto the bridge where Erryn sees Irba standing there, smiling.
“Irba!” Erryn runs and hugs her.
“Ladies and gentlemen of Nija, the Summoner of Nija. Lady Erryn,” Irba presents her as confetti is thrown, and everyone cheers. Erryn looks directly back at the bishop.
“You two deserve this. They wanted to thank you for bringing Zaravarn back to them,” the bishop smiles. While connected by the arm, Erryn and Irba walk down the path. There they find a large table filled with the largest buffet of assorted foods Erryn had ever witnessed.
“They figured you would be hungry after your journey,” Irba smiles. Erryn sits, licking her lips and eats. While she enjoys the food, everyone, even children, join her and ask about her journey in becoming a summoner.
“Lady Erryn, come play with us,” a kid pulls her arm as she finishes her last bites. Meanwhile, the bishop walks over to Drotonic. “You’ve been quiet. You’re thinking about leaving, aren’t you?”
“I think it’ll be best for the village. We’ll be leaving in the morning, so she can at least get her rest,” Drotonic says.
“I agree, and it’ll probably be your only opportunity. There’s word that Vladimir is in the works of returning. She can’t be here when he does. We’ll be safe now thanks to Zaravarn being reunited with Nija. Her safety would be in jeopardy if she is,” the bishop says.
“Thanks, dad. For everything,” Drotonic gives him a firm handshake as the bishop pulls him in for a hug.
Erryn walks over as the kids turn in for the night. “Well, hello mister anti-socials. What are you guys talking about?”
“Nothing special,” Drotonic sticks his tongue out.
“Oh, now I know it’s something,” Erryn smiles.
“Lady Erryn,” shouts the tavern’s innkeeper coming over. “Would you do me the honor of using one of our rooms tonight?” She looks to the bishop since she usually sleeps at the temple.
The bishop shrugs as she turns to him. “I’d be delighted.” Erryn waves goodnight, following the innkeeper in for the night as Irba walks over, giving Drotonic a hug.
It seems like only moments have passed since laying her head on the pillow in comfort. Her heavy eyes close, relieving a weight upon them. Suddenly, they fling open as she becomes aware of smashing glass outside her door. She looks around, noticing the daylight trying to shine through the curtains. The smell of something burning nearby permeates. After peering out behind the curtain, she sees buildings on fire and hears people screaming from the halls. What is going on? she wonders.
Moving to the door, she’s about to turn the knob when she hesitates and hears someone coming down the hall. His footsteps are heavy with a metal clang to each step. Erryn bends down and looks through the keyhole as he passes, witnessing a familiar sword. It was the Sentinel’s Edge, which is only wielded by one person—Gesthal Stoneforge.
“Soldier! Take a group of men and clear out this establishment. She must be found. Kill all who resist,” Gesthal orders.
“Yes, sir. If she’s here, we’ll find her, sir.” The soldier salutes. Gesthal marches back down the hall as more soldiers charge in, checking the rooms. Did I bring this onto Nija? she wonders as she scrambles for a way out.
Nija : Drotonic
In the morning, Drotonic leaves the temple to stroll by the waterfall on the bridge. This is the last time he’ll view it for a while. His sense of excitement toward starting this new chapter in his life is tempered by a small sense of sadness. The sun pierces through the surrounding trees, warming his face as he continues across the bridge. Drotonic steps off the bridge, greeting his fellow Nijans opening their windows. Farmers, too, are tending to their livestock.
The early dew remains on the blades of grass glittering in the sunshine. He passes the tavern where Erryn has spent the night. Drotonic has grown close to her over the past twelve months, but he also recognizes that she is the reason his life has changed. His eyes gleam as he approaches the gates, realizing his life’s tranquility will end.
“Good morning. How’s the morning treating you?” Drotonic greets a couple of the ground guards who walk over to shake his hand.
“Slow and quiet,” one guard states.
“Isn’t today the big day for you?” a scout calls down from the catwalk bridge following the gate’s wall.
“Yeah. It’s exciting but not without the awkward idea of knowing I’ll be away from Nija, or the fact I won’t be able to see this for a while,” Drotonic admits.
“You just make sure you use that head of yours and come back safe,” A soldier grips Drotonic’s shoulder as he fights the tears and nods. Above them, another scout hurries from a tree to the first scout whispering.
“No, where?” The scout inhales sharply as he turns to look in the direction of where the other scout is pointing.
“What is it, Raven?” asks a ground guard as the scout shakes his h
“It’s a small unit of Vladimir’s soldiers approaching fast,” he says.
“Wait, what?” Drotonic clambers up the wooden stairs of the defenses, his heart pounding and sweat beading on his forehead. He reaches the top to witness the army emerge by the base of the trees.
“Drotonic, hurry! Alert the bishop. We’ll hold them here,” Raven says, pointing off to the wooden bridge that branches from the village’s perimeter walls supported by the vines and dangles from the trees. Drotonic rushes across the bridge which leads to the back of temple. He is about ten feet across when an explosion blows up the gate, rattling the bridge. Drotonic is knocked over by the blast and grabs onto the bridge. He tries not to fall as the guards at the gate lie dead.
“Oops. Guess I should have knocked first,” Gesthal laughs, walking onward as his men march on their corpses, entering Nija.
Drotonic’s heart weighs greatly for the dead but he knows that, if he doesn’t move, more will die. A sudden snapping begins around him as he moves up the bridge.
“The vines….The bishop,” Drotonic says to his feet as the bridge starts collapsing behind him. He starts to run, but the pressure from his feet only cause the vines to snap quicker along the path.
The domino effect causes it to collapse faster, chasing his feet. The disintegrating bridge challenges him to balance, preserving the bridge long enough to reach the bishop. Drotonic takes the risk and moves faster. He feels the planks under him shift. While running, he notices the last of the vines straining. Just as it gives way under him, he jumps for the solid stone platform which connects the bridge to the temple. Drotonic lands on the rock surface, tumbling across until he hits the temple’s wall. A dirt cloud kicks up from the bridge, hitting the ground as he sits up. Drotonic braces his back against the wall.
After using the most vigorous and physical might to get to safety, Drotonic feels weight of the charge that has been laid on him. How many more will die before we succeed? He wonders as tears stream down his cheeks, trying not to give into grief or sob over all this death. Fearing Nija may be doomed, he knows the only hope the village had is for him was to reach the bishop.
“Drotonic, are you okay?” One of the maids of the temple steps out, looking through the dirt cloud where the bridge was once connected.
His face is strained, and his words have a finality to them. “They’re dead. They’re all just dead.”
“Dead? Who’s dead?” She steps toward him, covering her mouth as screams from the village reverberate off the surrounding trees.
“All by the gate with more to add; I’m sure of it. I must hurry,” Drotonic points to the village.
“Let’s get you to the bishop,” She grabs his arm, pulling him inside. Drotonic’s determined footsteps echo down the corridor as he makes his way to the bishop’s study.
“Bishop,” Drotonic says, his voice raw.
The bishop looks up from his desk, his eyes widening as he sees Drotonic’s distraught face.
“Drotonic, what’s wrong?” He gets up from his desk with caution, crossing to Drotonic.
“They’re dead. Father, everyone at the gate is dead.” Drotonic’s eyes fill with the tears he’s been struggling to contain.
“What? How? Get me the captain immediately.” The bishop orders the young woman as he places a hand on Drotonic’s shoulder to console him.
“Gesthal and a small army unit invaded. They blasted the gate. People in the village are screaming,” Drotonic says, drying his eyes as he attempts to return his breathing to normal.
“My Lord,” the captain stands at attention at the bishop’s door.
“The village it’s under attack,” the bishop looks to him.
“Yes, sir. I have reports from the guard. The village has been set ablaze,” the captain reports. “I’ve deployed the guard to counter the attack. An effort is needed to suppress their powerful forces at the gate. It delayed me bringing news to you. However, my absence from the village could be causing us to lose ground.”
“Damn it, man. They’re here for her. Gather a squad. Get all of Nija’s people to the temple,” the bishop orders.
Drotonic blinks. “Erryn.”
“Drotonic, where’s Erryn?” The bishop grabs his shoulders, searching his stricken eyes.
“Didn’t she go to the Tavern Inn?” Drotonic asks.
“Damn it. That’s right by the gate. They’ll already be searching it by the time I get there.” The bishop scrounges the room for his cloak and searches for his misplaced pendant.
He won’t make it in time if we wait for him to find his pendant. Hang on, Erryn; I’m coming, Drotonic thinks. He runs down to the lobby and barges out the temple doors. Once outside, Drotonic spots numerous smoke spirals rising from the village. Hearing the cries of the villagers, he questions Erryn’s safety.
“Alright, men. This isn’t a drill. Let’s get these people to temple. Move out,” shouts the captain as all the guards, except a few who remain to defend the temple doors, hustle into the village.
Drotonic moves in between the guards, determined to find Erryn as he catches up to the captain.
They notice each other with a nod. As they cross the bridge, Drotonic pauses. The village is in chaos. The captain signals his men to assist those defending their families and home. Drotonic heads off in the direction to the tavern. He steps over a body, which is so badly mutilated that he can’t recognize the person. A wounded woman cries out for help, but Drotonic’s focus is on finding Erryn. He hears the pleas for help from a mother whose son is trapped in their burning home. Drotonic hails a guard to help, but he must keep going. The guards disperse through the village, engaging the invaders in combat.
Drotonic can hear them ordering the people. “Go to the temple.” Some in the village remain to help the guard with the fighting. Some of the children desperately try to put out the fire with magic but to no avail. They’re forced to fall back as they cry with defeat. Drotonic reaches the split in the road. Where the stage to the left once was, the path of the bridge is still to his back. The gate to his right is overrun by soldiers.
Villagers are running from the oncoming soldiers, and Drotonic must force his way against the tide. He tries to look over their heads, but he is too short. He sees stairs leading to a neighboring balcony and begins to climb. Once he’s halfway up, the windows burst out in flames. He strains his eyes through the smoke.
“Erryn!” Drotonic’s relief is palpable as he sees her run out of the alleyway next to the Tavern. She trips, falling to her knees, and he loses sight of her. He heads down the stairs, but the flames are raging in his way. He has to jump. He thrusts his way through the crowd in the direction of where he last saw Erryn scanning every face. Then he spots her telltale hairstyle and pushes over to her. He reaches out his hand, touching her arm. She looks around and smiles, her eyes watering from the smoke.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” She leans into his chest.
“I’m just happy to see that you’re alive,” he says.
“Yeah, for the most part, but I don’t think we’re out of trouble yet,” She nudges her head, meaning behind her as Gesthal exits the Tavern.
“Let’s get you to the temple where it’s safe,” Drotonic attempts to help, but she rips her arm back.
“Safe? There is nowhere anyone can go where it’s safe from them. And now, thanks to me, everything will be destroyed just like my childhood.” Tears flood her face, glossing her eyes.
“You’d rather stay here?” Drotonic offers his hand as Erryn looks back. After a moment, she nods. Taking his hand, she hurries to the intersection where Drotonic spots the bishop coming across the bridge. Drotonic approaches him and sees him using his pendant on the injured. It stops the bleeding on villagers so they can get to the temple.
“Drotonic, did you find her?” he asks.
“Yeah, she’s … she was just right here,” he swears.
The bishop points behind him to where Erryn is standing. She’s tryi
ng to put her hands to the flames, closing her eyes. What is she doing? Drotonic wonders.
“Go and bring her to the temple. You two will be safe there,” the bishop says.
When Drotonic gets over to her, he asks, “What are you doing?” He notices little amounts of the fire entering her hands.
“Well, I thought if I was the one to cause this mayhem that there had to be a way to help. So, I’m trying to put my training to the test, but it’s not working like I practiced,” she says. Drotonic looks back at the bishop as he waves him to hurry back. He looks back at Erryn, who’s desperate face melts his heart, yearning to help protect their home.
Drotonic sighs, confirming in his decision, “Well, I didn’t become your Divine Sage for nothing.”
Erryn’s face brightens as his words reinstate her hope and confidence as she nods.
“You remember how to sense the magical energy that lives flowing in all things?”
“Yes. That was one of the first things I learned a year ago,” Erryn says.
“Good. Now you need to focus and feel that energy making a relationship of a bonded connection. Once this is made, you can use it as you wish,” Drotonic says. Erryn closes her eyes, calms her emotions, and disconnects from the chaos surrounding them. The white magical aura resembling a summoner’s magic outlines her body as she takes a final soothing deep breath in. With her eyes still closed, a magical vortex swirls around her.
Then the flames burning throughout Nija channel right to her. The continuous vortex causes her to levitate while absorbing the flames into herself. The soldiers nearest to her stop what they are doing, turning their attention to her. Drotonic looks back at the bishop who is frantically waving them to run to the temple.
“Thank you for making this so much easier to find you. Erryn, it’s time to come home now,” Gesthal walks over with the soldiers following behind him, stretching across the path.
“What are you talking about? She’s already home,” Drotonic stands firm. Erryn comes back down as the flames encompassing her finish absorbing into her body. She kneels on the ground, bent over as her hands support her torso.