A Summoner's Calling
Page 26
“Although it’s surreal that I’m home and loving it, I can’t help but think about Pinya,” Jet sighs and starts to eat her food.
“Where’s the old fart?” asks Katty.
“Oh, he’s just lounging on the cot in the back room,” Jet says. The room is in darkness, but the door is ajar, leading Jet to presume that the occupant can hear what is going on. She finishes her breakfast but can’t help the returning uncertainty to Erryn’s safety. The smell of fish and blood assaults Jet’s nostrils as two people come down the stairs. Jet turns her head to see the woman kick the man down the stairs.
“What the hell, Kayla?” the guy says, lying on the ground.
“You were in my way, and you’re not dirtying my outfit,” Kayla says, checking her boot for his filth.
“Kayla, Skylar. Hey,” Jet waves to them.
“No way, you’re back? Since when?” Kayla steps over the prone figure. He attempts to grab at her leg, but she makes a quick swipe with her foot, kicking him just under his rib cage. Kayla hugs Jet extra tight, as if needing to confirm the reality.
Jet taps her arm, struggling for air and coughs, “I’ve missed you, too. You still keeping everyone entertained?”
“Am I ever? Someone has to keep those Vladimir loving pricks in check,” she winks.
“I’d hug you as well, but I doubt you want this blood all over you. I know you hate smelling fish, but I just got done at the harbor,” Skylar says.
“Honestly, I don’t mind that smell compared to the smell of corpses,” Jet smiles.
“You better wash that smell off. She may not mind it, but I sure as hell do,” shouts Thomas.
“Oh, shut it, you grumpy old crone,” Kayla jokes.
“For now, I suppose,” Skylar laughs, and Jet smiles. He walks over next to a workbench covered with unfinished projects where a sawed-off pipe empties through a grate, draining to elsewhere after turning a valve for running water.
“Don’t make me get off this cot,” Thomas threatens as Skylar turns on the valve running the water.
“So, how’s it been at the docks?” Jet asks.
“Pleasant, I suppose,” he shrugs.
“Oh lies; don’t keep the truth from her. It’s not like she’s a child,” Kayla crosses her arms.
“What do you mean?” Jet asks as an irritating beep sound goes off.
The four occupants pause. Jet tries to identify the sound, but nothing further happens.
“Well, you see...,” Katty starts as the beep sounds off again.
What the hell is that? Jet wonders.
“Hey, Gramps! You going to get that, whatever that is?” Jet shouts.
“Hm, what noise? I didn’t hear anything,” Thomas denies.
“So, as you were saying,” Kayla insists, and Katty keeps trying to talk as the noise keeps interrupting her.
“For heaven’s sake. Will you shut that darn thing off, you lazy old oaf,” Katty shouts. Jet, also annoyed by the noise, rolls her eyes with a sigh and goes over to see what’s causing it.
“Uh- oh. There goes the tinker,” Skylar comments.
Jet examines the room to a machine like back at Inbitwit as a lever with an opal stone on top blinks a blue hue, fading in and out. Jet clenches the lever, pushing it forward and initiates the machine. The machine activates. Jet studies the receiver gauges and realizes it’s attempting a connection.
“Hey, what’s going on out there? Who’s playing with my machine?” Thomas shouts from his room.
“That would be your daughter,” Skylar answers, and Thomas grumbles, getting up from his cot.
Jet looks at the incoming signal that she construes. It’s registering from Pinya.
A distorted man’s voice sounds over the speaker. “Hello? Is anybody there?”
“Are you sure you’re even doing it right?” Jet also hears a woman’s voice over the machine, struggling to gain a clearer connection, turning the dials.
“Hey, are you touching the dials?” Jet asks to the two over the machine, unsure if they could hear her.
“Yes?” the man replies.
“Knock it off,” Jet scolds. She moves the mechanics until a picture comes through showing a skinny guy with glasses, a short blonde-haired woman, and a familiar energetic little girl.
“It looks like Aunty Jet. Aunty Jet. I see her.” The little girl jumps with excitement.
“Um, yes. Is the beefy old guy there?” the young man asks as Katty, Skylar and Kayla burst out laughing.
Jet fights the urge to laugh, “Who’s asking?”
“I’m Wark and this is Liza. We were asked to get in touch with you by Valedent,” he says, and Thomas walks over.
“Aunty Jet, the Doom King is making all of Pinya shake,” Kiley intervenes.
Doom King? Oh, she must mean Vladimir, Jet thinks.
“Beefy old guy here. What’s the update?” Thomas rubs his eyes.
“The harbor has been invaded and the docked ships have been destroyed. Gesthal and his men are using it as their point of entry. They’re taking charge and infiltrating the town like a wildfire, while pounding persists at the gate. I fear the full force is yet to come through those gates. ” Liza steps up, picking up the Kiley.
“How’re you guys faring with the assault?” Jet asks.
“They definitely have their hands full, and with the harbor being out, there are fewer ways to defend Pinya. It’ll be tough,” Wark says.
“Okay, I’ll ask. Where’s Valedent now?” Thomas says.
“Rescuing a ‘precious’ summoner from a traitorous guard. Apparently, not even a secret secured room can hide or protect her from Vladimir,” Wark says as Jet feels pressure at the back of her eyes. Thomas lays a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Keep us informed,” Thomas says and pulls the lever ending communications.
Jet stands there in quiet thought. She doesn’t even know they’re coming.
“Something wrong?” Skylar walks over.
“You okay?” Thomas asks as Katty and Kayla join them.
“No, I’m not, but at least I’m not going to explode. It’s just my sister,” Jet says as she looks at the machine’s wires and gears thinking.
“Wait, Jet has a sister? Like a blood sister?” Kayla asks.
“Yes, and Vladimir’s men are being brought to her doorstep with only Valedent to protect them,” Thomas says.
Kayla covers her mouth as Skylar’s mouth gapes.
“Is there anything that we can do?” Katty asks.
“No, nothing,” Thomas says, stepping away.
“Nothing? You’re so easy to quit,” Jet shakes her head as an idea sparks.
“I don’t quit. There’s just nothing I can do to help her,” Thomas argues.
“How do I get in touch with Inbitwit? Jet asks Thomas. “I have an idea.”
Thomas turns the dials and flicks switches as a clear picture appears.
“Guild hall receiving. State your business, and we’ll have Richard Banks return to you as quick as possible,” says a teenage boy, gathering a pencil and paper.
“Seriously? Hold on a sec,” Jet says. Walks over to her mask and goggles, she puts them on with a trench coat.
“What’s she doing?” Kayla asks as Thomas signals with a finger to wait.
She returns to the machine. “Do I have your undivided attention now?”
“Oh my god. Gears, it’s you. Um, h-how can I help you?” the teenager jumps, tripping over himself as he drops his paper and pencil.
“Get me Ilyana.”
“Are you sure? I can go get Richard,” the boy asks.
“Ilyana. Now,” Jet repeats herself.
Thomas tilts his head, watching her closely.
Ilyana comes to the communicator waving hi, and orders everyone to leave the room.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Ilyana asks, as Jet removes her mask and hood.
“You’ve heard about Vladimir invading Pinya? My sister is trapped, and I need help to get a message to her
. So, I wanted to ask about your specialty,” Jet says.
“I heard. I’m sorry about your sister. Rumor has it he’s not holding back this time. What can I help you with?” Ilyana offers.
“My sister was able to travel in a purple ghostly form with a bestial demonic being to find me in the volcano. How?” Jet asks.
“I can only assume your sister is normally not purple. Hold on a sec,” Ilyana moves to the side. Jet hears a metal door opening which sounded like the vault.
“Jet, what’re you thinking?” Katty asks.
“Alright, two things,” Ilyana returns, “First off, the bestial character you mentioned sounds like one of the forms of the fire god, Zaravarn. Second, I believe what your sister accomplished was something called astral jumping.”
“Is there any way I can manipulate it so I can communicate with her? I want to warn her she’s in danger,” Jet says.
“You’ll need a team, a table to keep your body comfortable, and something to help you channel your direction to her,” Ilyana says.
“What about the machine?” Thomas steps in.
“That could work if you know how to rewire it to do so,” Ilyana says.
“I’ve seen it done with similar tech back in Vladimir’s castle. I could figure it out. It can’t be that different,” Jet says.
“Do you have anything to keep the machine and you cool?” Ilyana asks.
“I have ice generators in my tavern,” Katty offers.
Jet looks over and realizes her most trusted friends are the head team of individuals she needs. The ones to help her start a movement against Vladimir. Jet nods thank you to them, as they do everything per Ilyana’s instruction.
Before disconnecting Ilyana warrants caution. “Jet, it’s important you stay calm and channel your spirit using your power,” Ilyana says.
“Won’t that wake it up again?” Jet asks.
“Let’s hope not. I’m going to transmit some frequencies for Thomas to stay in between. As long as he remains within them, you should be fine with your powers still dormant.” Ilyana says.
Pinya’s Gate : Vladimir & Kosmos
Outside Pinya’s gate, Vladimir awaits within the woods. The sun begins kissing Arthro’s open waters as the skies begins to darken. With Gesthal commanding the ships, Vladimir expects his general to already have docked the three frigates and unleash the 300 soldiers onto the streets of Pinya.
“He better not fail me this time,” Vladimir declares and orders as men to start ramming the gate with full force, gaining Pinya’s attention.
“How are my TEDD’s doing?” Vladimir turns to Kosmos as the Kozrot mutates the creature’s bodies into irritable demonic bears.
“Thanks to their poison immunity, the Kozrot doesn’t kill them but rather enhances them by evolving them to an almost godly level,” Kosmos says.
“Excellent, and we don’t have to worry about their instability?” Vladimir asks.
“You won’t have anything to worry about,” Kosmos assures him.
“The harbor. Head over to the harbor. Stop Gesthal and his men. Sink their ships,” shouts a guard, defending the wall.
Oh, how I’ve waited to take Pinya as my own. It only took Erryn to hide within your walls to bring it finally into my grasps! Vladimir revels in his thoughts.
Soldiers throw spears while archers fire at the men attacking the gate. Vladimir watches as cracks begin to form spider web-like fractures within the wall. He smiles as the gate buckles with weakness. He pays no attention to his soldiers as they are wounded or slain. He looks to a row of launchers.
“I think it’s time we send our love,” Vladimir says and orders them to ignite boulders, catapulting them into the town. Vladimir hears the screams of the citizens with satisfaction.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit early to be sending those?” Kosmos asks.
“Nope. You’re not getting soft on me, are you?” Vladimir smirks at him, as a crystal on Kosmos glows.
“Oh, looks like Gesthal is in position. It’s time to send the battering ram,” Kosmos holds out his hand in front of one of the TEDDs as the crystal transforms into a large rift. Kosmos directs the TEDD to enter and closes the rift after it passes through.
“It should be a wonderful surprise for Erryn,” Vladimir says.
“True, but you should allow me to give you protection. I know the powers in there that you’ll have to face,” Kosmos warns.
“What powers?” Vladimir asks.
“A passionate but vengeful ice goddess,” Kosmos says. Vladimir accepts, extending his hand while assuming he will receive a talisman. However, Kosmos walks right up to him and into his body, storing himself inside Vladimir.
“What? What did you do? You’re inside of me,” Vladimir says, not able to shake the awkward violated feeling. Then Kosmos fuels Vladimir’s body with his power, invigorating him with raw cosmic energy.
“Think of me like a ghost inside you. I’m just possessing your senses and keeping you protected while you still remain in control,” Kosmos explains.
“This power…it’s so immense and thrilling. I’ve felt nothing like it.” Vladimir marvels as he can now see flakes in the air on a molecular level. “I’m unstoppable. No one in Pinya can defy me now,” Vladimir boasts.
Pinya : Erryn
The bed Erryn lies is the softest she’s ever felt. Its comfort cuddles her body, soothing her while putting her senses at peace. She can’t resist the urge of closing her eyes, sending herself into a slumber. Moments later, Erryn’s eyes pop open as she’s being blinded by a dazzling light. She swiftly draws her arm above her eyes, giving them shade as they struggle to focus.
“Drotonic, you can get the light out of my face,” Erryn says as she sits up annoyed, pushing on the bed. However, her hands touch soft bristles of which none of her blankets possessed. Confused, she gives pause before retracting her hand. She sits in a vibrant green meadow under clear blue skies, not having a clue as to how she got there or any proof to its realism.
Is this even real, a dream maybe? Man, I hope so or else Drotonic is going to go nuts, finding a vacant room, Erryn wonders, rising to her feet.
“Who’s Drotonic?” asks a mechanical voice.
“Who’s there? Where have you taken me?” Erryn asks, becoming defensive.
“Why don’t you come and find out? I’m only though the door behind you, Erryn,” insists the voice.
After dusting the dirt from her butt, she turns, searching for the proclaimed door, but it’s nowhere in sight. Then in the corner of her eye, a white door with a black doorknob and gear designs appears.
What a strange door. How does it know my name? she wonders, approaching it with caution.
“It’s not locked,” the voice says as it becomes clearer and more feminine.
Upon opening the door, Erryn investigates a room that seems to be more of a vast continuous space. There’s a division at the center where darkness and light meet.
“Please, come in. It’s not like you to be shy,” the voice says, chuckling. The laugh seems oddly familiar to Erryn.
“True, but how would you know?” Erryn asks, taking a step onto the blackness. Assuming she would fall through, she’s surprised when her feet meet a solid platform. Once inside, Erryn couldn’t believe the contrast in the area. The black was as dark as a starless sky, while the white was as bright as the reflective snow on Froztia’s mountain.
“What makes this place so weird?” Erryn asks.
“I don’t know, but it’s pretty interesting, don’t you think?” the female asks.
“Interesting is a good way to describe it, I suppose. However, I think mysterious and maybe confusing might suit it better. You still haven’t answered me, though. Who are you? You seem familiar,” Erryn looks around the room. Then she stops as a figure moves within the white side of the room.
Erryn walks to the figure. It stands a little taller than herself. The hairs on the back of her neck stand on
end, her hands collect sweat, and her feet gather warmth as the figure begins to turn around.
“Are you telling me a sister who just saved me doesn’t remember who I am?” the figure says as her voice becomes crystal clear to Erryn. Erryn’s body fills with warmth, and her heart soars to the highest cloud.
“Jet?” Erryn steps forward.
“Hi, Erryn,” Jet smiles and Erryn runs to hug her.
“How is this even possible? Are you okay now?” Erryn asks.
“I have managed to make friends of my own, you know,” Jet laughs as something grabs her attention.
“Something the matter?” Erryn asks.
“Nothing. I just wish this was a pleasure visit so we could catch up. However, I’ve come to warn you,” Jet says.
“Warn me? About what? I already know about Vladimir.” Erryn kinks her head to one side.
“Listen carefully,” she says as the room begins to rumble and crack. Someone that you trust is not a friend. He’s leading Vladimir right to you. You have to get out of there, now.”
Erryn looks around as the room seems to be collapsing and falling through Jet as she begins to become transparent. A blackness starts surfacing through her eyes.
“Okay, do you know who? How do you know this?” Erryn asks as the room continues to crumble.
Jet grasps her head as other voices start mumbling in the background. “Just get out of there. You still have a promise to keep. I’ll be waiting for you,” Jet says as she turns into a shadow and fades out.
Erryn turns, beating her way to the door to the meadow as chunks of the room break off, crashing onto the floor. She dives to the left, narrowly avoiding a falling block. In her haste to get out, she trips on the threshold. She closes her eyes, expecting to be crushed by the weight of the room. But as her face hits the ground, she opens her eyes to find herself on the bedroom floor.
Erryn hoists herself up. Her heart is still reliving the joy of meeting with her sister, but then her sister’s alarming words replay through her mind. I’ve got to wake Drotonic up, Erryn realizes and scrambles into her clothes. After putting on her boots, she dashes to the living room to find Drotonic on the couch.