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The Six Month Lease (Southern Hearts Club Book 2)

Page 28

by Melanie Munton

  So, instead of communicating with me like a decent human being, he went and buried his relationship woes balls-deep in the barista at our favorite coffee shop.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t learn just how immature Grant really is until well after our marriage license was notarized. Hence, my presence here today.

  Since Grant and I met in college, I haven’t done much venturing outside of my own dating pool age group. For whatever reason, I never really look twice at older men. Even when they hit on me at my job, I just don’t typically give them much thought.

  Yet I’m giving my new attorney plenty of thought right now.

  But it only takes me a second to realize he’s a straight-up Maserati.

  So insanely beautiful to look at, yet completely unattainable to someone like me.

  I mean, why would a successful man like him, who clearly has his life together, ever find a frazzled, scatterbrained, twenty-three-year-old, soon-to-be-divorcee, hot mess of a graduate student attractive?

  Although if I’m not mistaken, the gleam in his hazel eyes is one of…interest.

  With my thick, layered black hair pulled up into a loose knot that shows off my long neck and aforementioned cleavage, sky-blue eyes that I’ve been told are a “mystical” color, narrow waist and hips, and pale Irish skin, I guess I’m not terrible to look at.

  Your boobs are basically winking at him. He would probably show the same amount of interest to a stripper that motor-boated him during a lap dance.

  No one can put things into perspective quite like my bitch of a conscience, that’s for sure.

  Then I have to go and make things awkward by actually addressing the elephant in the room. “Yeah, sorry about my attire.” I pick at my asymmetrical skirt, trying to cover as much of my legs as possible. “I had to practically sprint here as soon as I got off work.”

  There was a crazy lunch rush today, so I had to stay later to help with the orders. Between that and the fact that my PMS-ing car decided not to start, forcing me to literally run all the way here, I didn’t have time to change.

  A coughing sound comes from the back of his throat as he averts his eyes, seeming to shake himself out of his daze. “No problem. It’s actually not the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in this office.”

  My eyebrow goes up, curiosity piqued. “Care to share?”

  His eyes dart back to mine.

  I shrug. “I could use a laugh right now.”

  His upper lip twitches. He leans back in his chair, tapping his finger on the desk’s surface. “There was this one client who came into the office for her divorce settlement…and brought along a friend for emotional support. One she’d never mentioned before. And one she failed to mention was an animal.” He visibly shudders, staring at the wall behind me. “I just wish I’d known about the peacock before I went to use the facilities. One minute I’m alone in the stall, and the next, I’m face-to-face with the bathroom bird from hell.”

  I stare at him for four straight seconds—

  Then burst into laughter.

  My ribs are probably going to bruise from slamming against the tight-ass corset with my every guffaw, but it’s totally worth it.

  “So, you were ‘peacocked’ in a men’s restroom?” I wipe away tears from the corners of my eyes. “You poor man. How traumatizing that must have been for you.”

  He slowly shakes his head, his eyes wide. “You have no idea. It haunts me. I avoid public restrooms at all costs these days.”

  “That’s understandable. I mean, you never can be too careful with those pervert birds.”

  He nods. “I won’t get cornered again. I carry a rape whistle with me everywhere I go now.”

  “You know, you should probably look into taking some self-defense classes,” I suggest. “I hear that Toucan Sam is teaching some down at the community center.”

  He waves me off. “Nah, I’ve already got it covered. Woody Woodpecker is going to give me some private training lessons.”

  That brings another round of laughter from me.

  It’s refreshing to laugh at someone other than myself and the mess I’ve made of my life for a change.

  “Thanks,” I eventually say after catching my breath.

  His gaze remains locked on me for several long, assessing moments, as if I’m an animal at the zoo. I find myself squirming in my chair at his silent scrutiny. When I almost can’t take it anymore, he responds with a curt nod.

  Funny how I don’t even need to explain what I’m thanking him for. He seems to automatically know.

  He glances down at his watch. “We’ve got a few minutes before the proceedings. You want to go over some details and get through any questions you might have?”

  My mood sobers.

  Back to giving my joke of a marriage the ax.


  So, that’s the story of how I meet my drop-dead gorgeous divorce attorney dressed like a lusty tavern wench.

  And intriguingly…he doesn’t seem to mind it.


  Order The Divorce Attorney today and dive into the world of the Southern Hearts Club!

  Also by Melanie Munton:

  Southern Hearts Club:

  The Divorce Attorney

  Brooklyn Brothers:

  Lace & Lies

  Scars & Sins

  Sultry Nights:

  Salsa (Sultry Nights 1)

  Tango (Sultry Nights 2)

  Rumba (Sultry Nights 3)

  Samba (Sultry Nights 4)

  Mambo (Sultry Nights 5)

  Standalone romance:

  King of the Court

  The Unforgettable Kind

  Slow Seductions series:

  Casual Affair (Slow Seductions #1)

  Sweet Attraction (Slow Seductions #2)

  Cruz Brothers series:

  Playing for Kinley (Cruz Brothers #1)

  The Art of Sage (Cruz Brothers #2)

  Always Mickie (Cruz Brothers #3)

  Timid Souls novellas:

  Stubborn Hearts

  Unexpected Love

  Possession and Politics Trilogy:

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three




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  THANK YOU so ridiculously much to all of you readers out there who took a chance on The Divorce Attorney by an author you’d never heard of before. THANK YOU for sticking with me and grabbing up Harper and West’s story. And I HOPE you’re itching to read Gretchen’s story as anxiously as I am to write it!!

  The Southern Hearts Club has been a completely different undertaking than any of my previous projects. What motivated me to write these stories more than anything was the concept of these four best friends, sticking together and supporting each other no matter what. I wanted to write their journeys solely from a woman’s point of view, a diversion from every other book I’ve ever written. It honestly didn’t occur to me until I was plotting The Divorce Attorney that I’d never not written a book from both the heroine’s and hero’s perspective. So, I looked at this series as both a challenge for me, but also a way of offering a fresh take on some of the ways we read love stories these days.

  I wanted these books to have a kind of Chick Lit vibe. I wanted them to feel light and sexy and sweet, with some emotion thrown in but nothing too heavy. I wanted a sense of comradery among friends with plenty of humor…because honestly, what’s life without laughter? And most of all, I wanted to leave room for the reader to interpret the stories from his/her own personal perspective. By not reading the hero’s every thought, I think (hope!) it leaves room for the reader’s own insight to shape the story and the characters themselves. Ultimately, my goal with each of these books is to off
er a feel-good read that will leave you smiling at the end of it. Because if I can infuse even a tiny bit of happiness into your day with my words, then I’ll be satisfied that I’ve done my job. And all the hair-pulling, stress-snacking, sleepless nights, and wino-ing will have been worth it. ;)

  As always, to my husband Sean, I probably never would have started writing if it wasn’t for you. You’ve supported and encouraged me from day one, and made me believe that I could accomplish great things. YOU are my West. YOU make my dreams possible. Thank you for that, and for every other beautiful thing you bring to my life.

  To all of my readers, those who have been with me from the beginning and those who are brand new, THANK YOU times infinity. Your feedback over the years has been amazing, and your support has been overwhelming. I know that if you guys aren’t happy, I’m not happy, so I always want to hear from you. Thank you so much for hopping on this rollercoaster with me, and for sticking with me throughout my journey! I so so soooo appreciate all of your love!

  Melanie grew up in a small town in rural Missouri. After marrying her husband, she decided she wanted to try coastal life because why not? A few months later, they moved to North Carolina where she discovered her passion for writing, and they never looked back. They are now enjoying life with their beautiful daughter in Savannah, GA and loving every minute with their little Georgia peach.

  Melanie’s other passion is traveling and seeing the world. With anthropology degrees under their belts, she and her husband have made it their goal in life to see as many archaeological sites around the world as possible.

  She has a horrible food addiction to pasta and candy (not together…ew). And she gets sad when her wine rack is empty.

  At the end of the day, she is a true romantic at heart. She loves writing the cheesy and corny of romantic comedies, and the sassy and sexy of suspense. She aims to make her readers swoon, laugh out loud, maybe sweat a little, and above all, fall in love.




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