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Royal Pride

Page 5

by Zelda Knight

  Caine didn't want to wash up or collect any belongings. I agreed with that sentiment.

  If we travelled in our wolf forms, we didn't need any of that stuff. All we needed was each other.

  No one tried to stop us as we slipped through the back door. It was still early. No one knew Mina was gone yet. Why would they? We were the ones who usually went to her first.

  Sometimes, I even slipped into her room to watch her for a moment before I had to wake her. She loved sleeping in, and I loved letting her because the sounds of her soft breaths and the peaceful look on her face in the morning light offered me a peace I had never experienced before. Then that inevitable smile when she first opened her eyes and looked at me... there was nothing in this world worth more.

  Mina had lived her whole life in her father’s home, kept like a princess in a tower with us, her dragon guards, keeping everyone away.

  She didn’t know how cruel the wilderness could be with rough terrain, animals ready to attack the moment you showed weakness, and the biggest threat of all; lone wolf shifters.

  I pushed harder. In wolf form, her scent was easier to detect. With Caine at my side, we tore through the underbrush toward her.

  Chapter Four


  I collapsed against the base of a tree, body automatically shifting to my human form, exhaustion finally forcing me to stop.

  The sun was already up. The Wild Night was over, the full moon retreated beyond the horizon.

  Caine and Brighton would be free from their beasts by now, probably getting ready for their day.

  Regret hit me.

  For a moment it was overwhelming—as though, since I was finally resting, my thoughts were waiting, ready to bombard me.

  I didn't say goodbye. Did they know I was gone yet?

  I pressed my face into my hands, rubbing up and down, then into my hair, trying to ground myself.

  I was so tired.

  Had I run far enough? Would I be lost to the wilderness now, just as I'd wanted?

  I squeezed my eyes shut, sinking down into the earth beneath me as the reality of what I had done settled over me. I was completely lost. I couldn't go back home even if I wanted to, and I didn't want to, but...

  I would never see Brighton's brilliant smile again. I would never feel the warmth of Caine's gaze again.

  I'd probably fooled myself into thinking they meant more than they did—that Caine's eyes on me hid more than he would say—that the smiles Brighton flashed at me throughout the day were special.

  Ugh. I was always a naive fool, always assuming the best, right up until my daddy decided to sell me. Clearly, I didn't have a very good understanding of the men in my life. I bit back tears.

  "Come on, Mina," I whispered. "You have to be stronger than this."

  I took a deep breath, and then another, finally, my thoughts started to calm. As the sun rose higher, brightening the forest through the needles of the evergreens above, sleep overwhelmed me.

  "Ah, there she is. The sweet little snack."

  The hissed words filtered into my dream, tainting the colors briefly before someone grabbed me by the ankle, gripping so tightly I kicked before I was even fully awake.

  The hands tightened, dragging me a couple feet before a body pressed down on me, holding me still.

  Finally, my eyes flew open just as a hand clamped down over my mouth.

  Eyes wide, I stared up into a man's face. He was bloody, disheveled and reeked of body odor, urine and other unidentifiable things that I didn't want to place.

  "I've been looking for you half the night, little omega."

  The stink of his breath, so close to my face made my eyes water.

  He grinned, exposing misshapen grey teeth and I finally recognized him. He was one of Alpha Rafe’s men. I didn't catch his name. They'd all leered at me when I'd entered the room yesterday. Aside from the initial glance, I hadn't looked at any of them if I could help it.

  I thrashed, but he was stronger, he'd caught me at my most unguarded and my struggles only made him laugh, a deep bellowing sound tinged with something more sinister.

  "Oh," he breathed as I finally collapsed, gasping, his hand still clasped over my mouth. "I love a girl who fights back."

  My heart was racing harder than I'd ever felt before.

  I could barely breathe from the weight of him on top of me. Any second now I was pretty sure I was going to pass out.

  Maybe that would work in my favor. Maybe he'd be so disappointed that I wasn't fighting anymore that he would leave me alone.

  Yeah, right.

  He shoved my face to the side, pressing it into the soil. His hand traced the line of my bare neck. He was naked too, and his body stirred against me in a way I had never felt before.

  At times, I'd wanted it so bad. I'd never had sex—how could I when I was always being kept under supervision, allowed to socialize only when my father and guards were there. I'd longed for that alone time with the two of them. I'd wished for Caine to escort me to my room and come inside with me, to seal the door shut behind him and take me. I'd fantasized on the mornings when Brighton woke me, of pulling him down on top of me. I would have done anything if I thought they wanted me the way I wanted them. Now, my fevered dreams of having a man on top of me were coming true in the worst, most twisted way.

  Revulsion. Fear. Disappointment. There was no limit to the number of negative emotions hitting me as his length grew against my thigh.

  I couldn't help struggling, kicking with all my might.

  For a moment, I dislodged him, but just as I rolled away, just as my heart leaped with hope, he tackled me back down.

  He landed on my back, shoving me, face first, into the earth. I choked on it, coughing it out of my lungs as he held me down.

  "Please," I begged. "Let me go."

  He laughed again.

  "I'm afraid not," he growled. "I won’t be going wild again. You're going to make sure of it."

  A scream tore from my lips just as his teeth grazed my shoulder.

  The mating bite. The cure to the wilds. He wasn't going to use my body and take me back to his master. He was going to steal my freedom without a second thought.

  From the trees, an inhuman shout tore through the air. My entire body wrenched and suddenly, I was free.

  I gasped, staring at the wolf who had attacked him. My attacker shifted, but not before claws tore deeply into the flesh of his rotund belly, and a strong jaw clamped onto his shoulder.

  I rolled onto my back, about to dive to my feet when suddenly, Brighton was in front of me. I blinked, sure I had dropped back into a dream.

  For a moment, I stared at him and then my gaze went back to the wolves fighting.

  “Caine,” I breathed.

  Brighton nodded.

  Only a few feet away, Caine held my attacker in his strong jaw. I knew Caine. I knew he was determined enough that he would never let go.

  The other shifter had already lost so much blood. It was pooling beneath him as he was brought lower and lower, until he was laid flat, panting while Caine crushed the last of his life from his veins.

  Finally, the other wolf lay still.

  I shut my eyes, turning away.

  It had all happened so fast I could barely understand any of it. Waking up under attack. Assaulted and nearly mated. Then just like that, it was over.

  They’d come for me. Both of them.

  “Are you okay?” Brighton asked, crouching next to me.

  His gentle hands ran over my neck, my arms. His beautiful crystal blue gaze swept over me, traced my face and my hair with such tenderness and worry that tears sprang to my eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he repeated, with more urgency.

  I knew it might not mean anything to them. That my father probably sent the two of them after me the moment they knew I was gone, but it meant something to me.

  I pushed myself into Brighton's arms, burying my face against his neck.

  The moment he wrapped
his arms around me, the tears came and his embrace tightened. The warmth of his bare skin was so comforting, his familiar scent so soothing, I wanted to bury myself inside him and never come out.

  "Please," I gulped. "Don't make me go back there. I don't want to be mated to the Cliffmont Pack. I'd rather die."

  Brighton inhaled sharply at my brash statement. His hand flew to my hair, stroking it back into some semblance of order.

  I pulled back meeting his gaze. It didn't look right so sad like that.

  "Stay with me," I whispered. "The three of us can hide somewhere. Together."

  I knew it was futile, but there was no sense in hiding anything now.

  Brighton's gaze flew over my shoulder, and I turned, realizing that Caine had shifted to his human form. He stood behind me, naked in streaks of light, coated in dried and fresh blood. Bruises and scrapes decorating his skin.

  I knew it wasn't all from the fight. Every morning after the Wild Nights, he was like this. My heart went out to him, as always, but more now than ever.

  I had never seen him so exposed, so vulnerable and beautiful and the way he was looking at me, like he would do anything for me... it made my entire body ache.

  "You're not going back there, Mina," he promised. "We won’t let them take you."

  "You'll hide me?" I asked, tone tinged with disbelief.

  "We won’t have to," Brighton said.

  I looked at him, touched, but confused, until his fingers traced the line of my throat and shoulder, just as my attacker had done. I shivered, just like before, but the feeling that trembled through me was far from disgust.

  There were times when I'd had to force myself from throwing myself at them. Suddenly, it appeared that I shouldn't have.

  The way Brighton looked at me now, the way Caine touched my shoulder, as he came to kneel next to me, there was no mistaking their feelings now.

  Father had put them in a position to watch me because their pack had been known for their decency. I guessed that was why they worked so hard to keep me safe, but now it looked like there was more to it than that.

  "We can start our own pack," Caine whispered. "Just the three of us and no one will be able to take you away."

  The way he said it, like he was afraid I might refuse! It was almost laughable, except I wanted it so bad that I couldn't laugh. I could do nothing but pull my hair back.

  His breath hitched, gaze tracing my features, searching, always so careful. I met his gaze unwavering, praying he could see how much I wanted this. How much I always had.

  "You too," I whispered to Brighton.

  The familiar flicker of Brighton's smile warmed me straight through.

  "I wouldn't let him have you all to himself," he promised.

  My heart quickened, desire pooling in me as they both leaned closer. Their lips touched my skin. One on each side.

  I expected pain. I expected them to bite me at once and my body stiffened, but neither of them did it, not right away. Instead, a tongue flicked out on one side, I was kissed on the other.

  My breath caught as I realized what was happening. Their hands traced my skin, both so gentle, leaving trails of fire wherever they touched.

  One touched my chin, tilting me toward them. Brighton, I registered, and then his lips pressed to mine, kissing my so softly at first that I nearly lost Caine's touch pressing in for more. He obliged with a breathy laugh against my lips, deepening the kiss.

  My body melted, head fell back, giving him more access as he sucked my lips and tongue, going deeper and deeper until I was a moaning mess, barely able to hold myself up if not for Caine's strong hands steadying me.

  "What about me," he muttered, and Brighton laughed again, this time parting from me. I was about to complain, not quite following what was happening until I was turned and Caine's lips met mine, soft and full with a rough scrape of stubble.

  His grip was tighter, mouth more demanding but just as passionate.

  I held on tight, fingers digging into flesh, feeling as much of them both as I could while I was gently laid down.

  "This is really happening, isn't it?"

  I was about to lose my virginity in the middle of the forest with not one, but both men I'd lusted after and loved for years.

  Caine looked down at me, shaking his head with a rare, gentle smile.

  "I can't believe it either," he said.

  He reached down, gently traced my cheek and then turned my face to the side giving Brighton the access he was seeking.

  Brighton's lips touched my neck where it met the shoulder, the same place he'd been kissing earlier.

  I shut my eyes, expecting more of that treatment. That was when he did it.

  The bite did hurt, but only for a moment. It was excruciating, a sudden, fiery pain and then his tongue pressed against it and a soothing balm settled over the spot.

  My gasp of pain turned into a sigh of relief and pleasure as he licked my skin.

  It appeared to take everything in him to pull back. When he finally did, he turned his face away, taking deep lungsful of air.

  “My turn,” Caine whispered.

  He bent low, lips brushing my neck on the other side and then he hesitated, pulled back and met my gaze looking worried.

  “You are sure, right?”

  I looked up at Caine, the man who had spent so many years offering me comfort and reached my hands up to cup his strong jaw.

  “I am,” I said, playfully. “But you should probably do it quick in case I change my mind.”

  I pulled him down, greedily taking another quick kiss before turning my face to the side.

  For a moment, he breathed me in, then without further hesitation, he bit into my flesh.

  Chapter Five


  The moment Mina’s blood touched my tongue, something swept through my entire body. I imagined it was like what the earth felt when mountains moved. Everything shifted. Everything changed. In the most basic of descriptions, it felt soothing like every wrong thing inside me clicked into the proper place. Things I didn’t even know were wrong, were fixed.

  I shivered, still attempting to come back to reality, to come back to the beautiful woman lying in front of me, offering herself to me and my companion.

  Finally, my eyes drifted open.

  Mina was lying exactly as she had been, nude, open, free. Except now, two vicious bites adorned her neck.

  Regret swamped me—along with the strangest most misplaced feeling of pride. As much as I felt guilt for scarring her, now no one could argue the facts; Mina was ours and we were hers.

  Caine had the strangest look on his face. Staring at Mina like he was seeing the stars and the moon for the first time.

  For a man always so pent up and on guard, it seemed out of place for a moment but then gratitude swelled in me. Caine deserved happiness. He deserved to have a family again. We all did.

  “What’s wrong?” Mina asked, pushing herself up so she was sitting between us. “Did it not work?”

  The uncertain tone of her voice made my heart swell.

  “It worked,” I said, giving her a reassuring smile.


  She looked from me to Caine and bit her lip.

  “So then… why has the kissing stopped?”

  A laugh burst from my lips, and I had to bite them to keep it in when she shot me a glare.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize kissing me was so hilarious.”

  I dove forward capturing her in one of the kisses she was so eager for but pulled away just as she started to lean into it.

  “Sorry Mina, I guess the moment was broken.”

  “For now,” Caine added, shaking his head at me. He often told me I needed to ‘read the room.’ I assumed this was one of those times because Mina suddenly looked overcome with worry.

  Her jaw set, she nodded, not looking at either of us as she pushed to her feet.

  The sight of her lovely, willowy body in the afternoon light nearly made my mouth w
ater. Why had we stopped again? She wanted this as much as we did. That much was clear.

  I stood up, shaking off whatever thoughts had told me we should cool it before it went too far.

  As soon as I swept her into my arms, she sighed in relief, clinging to me.

  Caine sighed heavily next to us me.

  “Please don’t make me be the bad guy.”

  As one, we turned and looked at him.

  “You know I’d rather join you,” he said. “But they’re going to come looking for us soon. All the other Briar Pack alphas will follow your father’s orders, Mina. They’ll scour the forest for you. Even the Cliffmont Alpha’s clearly feel they have some claim over you. Until they realize we’re now mated and all of this blows over, we have to get somewhere safe.”

  He glanced over and I followed his gaze to the remains of the alpha who we had found attacking Mina.

  Getting to her in that moment, just before she was hurt, was probably one of the best things to have happened to me. Followed quickly by the best thing that had happened to me.

  My gaze fell tenderly on Mina. Her hazel eyes, when they caught the sun, always shined orange. I would do anything for that colorful gaze to land on me and now they would all the time.

  No more leaving her at night. No more standing in the background watching her. Nope. Now, I would always be at her side. Always protecting her.

  "What should we do?" I asked.

  I would follow Caine's lead. I always had. He was the responsible one anyway and I was having a hard time thinking beyond the fact that I finally had a mate. I would never experience the Wild Nights again. Our lives were forever altered.

  "I think... we should get to the nearest humans.”

  Caine's words drew my gaze with a start, all attention finally focused on him.

  "What are you talking about?" I demanded.

  "We can't mingle with humans, Caine. Are you insane?"

  He shook his head.

  "We'll keep contact to a minimum.” He shrugged helplessly. "I don't know how else we can protect her. Or each other."


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