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Royal Pride

Page 39

by Zelda Knight

  "Fuck", I moaned under my breath. Am I attracted to women now? I smiled at the bartender on the way out and decided to forget about the beautiful stranger while I walked back to the Moonglow Inn.

  Chapter Four


  It had been almost a week since I had met Naemi, and she was all I could think about. She was beautiful, and although I could tell she was a tad nervous, she remained fully confident in herself. I sat at my desk, barely listening to my assistant Taiya, as she went over the concerns raised by the elders at the last meeting. Instead, I was thinking of Naemi's deep chocolate eyes and her full, rosy-tinted lips and how soft they probably were.

  "Alpha?" Taiya slowly put her tablet down and glared at me. "Is everything okay? Would you like me to continue later? She adjusted the collar on her blazer. Today was her first day, and although she was slightly overdressed, she was incredibly attentive and stived to do her job well.

  "Everything is fine, but I think this is a great stopping point, don't you? It's getting close to dinner time, and I think I've taken enough of your day today. See you tomorrow?"

  "Oh, of course, Alpha. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. I hope you have a great night." She swiftly grabbed her tablet off my desk and started backing towards the door. "See you tomorrow." She gave a nervous smile and closed the door behind her.

  Before I closed my laptop, there was a chime from a new email. A family on the edge of our lands had noticed a wolf running in the woods near their home a couple of nights in a row. The wolf had not wandered into our territory or threatened the family in any type of way, but they just thought I should know. Usually, I would have handed this off to my Alpha Guard and went about my day, but Marlize and I had been arguing for the past few days, and I was in no rush to head home. So instead, I would just take a look and make sure all is well.

  If I didn't have my duties as Alpha, I would spend all my time soaring high above the clouds, looking down at clan lands. My mind was free above all the responsibilities and the drama waiting for me to return. I started my descent at where the forest started near the end of our territory. The forest was free land and belonged to no one, but other shifters customarily didn't come close without some kind of heads up.

  I caught the scent as soon as I set foot on the ground and heard a long howl. My heart started beating faster. A wolf? I hadn't been sure what kind of shifter Naemi was, but I sure knew her scent. I slowly made my way through the forest, following her smell. I was grateful that the paths close to our homes had been made to fit dragons of my size. Then, another long howl sounded and echoed in the dense forest.

  Sensing that I was being tracked, I stopped in an opening and waited. I turned as I picked up the slow approach of the wolf while she lifted her snout and sniffed the air. Her silvery-white fur was shimmering in the light of the setting sun, and I recognized the warmth in those chocolatey eyes. I did not want to scare her as I wasn't sure if she knew it was me or not, but Naemi’s smell was so strong now, it was painful, forcing myself not to shift and run to her.

  The white wolf brazenly closed the distance between us, and I compelled myself to wait for her to make the first move. I wasn't sure how intimidating it was for her to find a massive dragon stalking her in the woods. Suddenly a surge of heat rushed through my body as the wolf nudged against me. It was soothing knowing she recognized me, and I exhaled in contentment.

  After a few minutes, Naemi shifted into her naked human form. "I knew it was you. How did you find me?"

  I took a deep breath and shifted and stood face to face with Naemi. I was used to seeing shifters naked, but I took my time taking in Naemi's body, trying to memorize every soft curve of her shapely figure. I could sense a heat burning in her and smell her arousal. I smirked as her breath shuddered slightly.

  "I know your scent, Naemi," I snarled huskily.

  "Do you?" She asked with an innocent smile that stole my breath. "A dragon, huh?"

  "And you're a wolf. Certainly, not from around here, like I said the first time we met. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so close to my Clan's lands."

  Naemi's eyebrows rose then scrunched together. " I'm sorry. I didn't know I had crossed over into someone's territory. I just like to let my wolf run free sometimes."

  "No. Like I said, you were just close no need to apologize at all. It was quite serendipitous that you chose this area to let your wolf run free. I get to see you again." I smiled and felt satisfaction as I noticed a hint of pink under her usual tawny cheeks.

  "I'm still learning about the area and the people. My friend Astair is teaching me all about the area, the families, the clans, and the packs. You said we are near your Clan's lands. Which clan?"

  Stepping closer to her, I continued to study her face. "Candle District Clan."

  Her face signaled recognition, and she stepped back. "You're the Alpha? I sensed it the first time we met."

  "Yea. So?" I laughed as I once again took a step to close the gap between us. I just wanted to submerge myself in her scent. I longed to be closer to her.

  She stepped back again. "You have a mate."

  "A partner. A girlfriend, I haven't claimed or marked her." I shook my head in disbelief that I let those words slip out so effortlessly.

  "I don't understand your point. You are together. She is who you have chosen."

  We stared at each other in silence with only the wind whistling among the trees and a distant chirping filling the air around them.

  "I guess I should get going. It's getting late." Naemi gave an unsure smile and turned to leave.

  This would not do at all. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. Naemi gasped as our naked bodies pressed up against each other. "I'm not ready for you to go just yet. I've been thinking about you since the first time I saw you, Naemi."

  I couldn't endure any longer and gave in. I leaned in to kiss those round succulent lips. Naemi unfolded herself like a blossoming rose petal as she surrendered to the kiss. Naemi moaned into my mouth as the kiss slowly turned desperate. My skin was burning as if it was going up in flames. I didn't want the feeling to stop. I placed soft kisses trailing from her neck to her shoulder, and my heart drummed in my chest as the urge to bite down was overwhelming.

  Naemi abruptly pushed me away. "Arami, you have already claimed someone. We cannot do this." Her eyes were downcast, but I could hear the sorrow in her voice.

  Before I could begin an apology, she instantly shifted and ran away. Shit. This was the last thing that I wanted to happen, but I was unable to control myself. It was taking every ounce of self-control I had not to chase after Naemi. This wasn't fair to her, and it wasn't fair to Marlize. I gave one last look at the direction she had taken off in before I shifted and started my way back home.

  Chapter Five


  I didn't stop running until I reached the spot where I had left my clothes. I grabbed them off the largest of the three boulders that marked the path to the woods’ entrance. I shifted quickly and got dressed even quicker. I sighed deeply. I did not want to be here any longer than I had to. There needed to be as much distance as possible between Arami and me. I had lost her scent, so I assumed she hadn't followed me, but I was not about to take any chances. I started making my way back into town while tears began streaming down my cheeks.

  This was tough for some reason, I barely knew Arami, but man, I craved her. I had never wanted anyone before, so all these emotions and sensations were entirely new for me. I breathed in a sigh and thought back to how I felt when I had first scented Arami in that bar. Her intoxicating smell assaulted my mind and nose. When we actually spoke, it was like an immediate connection. It was like what I had heard all my life about wolves finding their mate and forming an instant bond, but Arami was not a wolf.

  I was more bewildered than ever, considering I had no family here. Even my best friend didn't know where I was, and I was too afraid to call or text her for fear that my father or Adem would find me. Thinking about m
y father made me wonder what he and my brothers would say, knowing I was having complicated feelings toward a woman. He would probably forbid me from even thinking about it any further and say something about making sacrifices for the pack, which correlates to me marrying the Alpha of the Inigo pack and producing lots of pups, I'm sure.

  "Get it together, girl," I muttered to myself as I got closer and closer to the Moonglow Inn and swiped away any stray tears from my face. Astair and Belai, her cat, were resting in the herb garden behind the Inn. As a witch, she and her family used an array of herbs for various spells, potions, and cooking, of course. She gave a hearty wave followed by her usually sparkling smile. I went over to join them as the aroma of the nearby rosemary greeted me. Astair could almost always be found lounging in the garden after her shift was done. It was her favorite spot to stargaze.

  "I was wondering when you would be back. I was starting to worry." She said, still laying on her back, looking at the starry night sky.

  "Didn't intend to make you worry. Sometimes my wolf just demands wide open spaces to run unfettered," I mumbled, laying on the soft cloud-like grass.

  Astair abruptly sat up. "Is everything okay? You seem a tad down."

  Listen, I had no intention of unloading and burdening Astair with my issues and a possible love triangle that I may or may not be in, but everything just came pouring out. I felt lighter after telling everything, including why I left home, meeting Arami, kissing Arami, and then realizing who she was and that she had a mate. She listened intently and nodded or squeezed my hand at all the right moments of the story.

  "I'm sorry you have had to deal with all of this on your own all this time. But I'm glad you decided to confide in me." She gave me a reassuring smile, and we both laid back down, eyes to the sky. She let things settle before she spoke again. "Do you love her, Naemi?"

  The question caught me off guard. I barely knew Arami. Love was such a strong word, but I had never felt anything like this before. Honestly, I didn't know if it was a crush or lust or what. What I did know was that she was all I could think about, and that kiss stole my fucking breath away. Just thinking of kissing Arami again caused an unbridled heat to stir inside her. The scent of Arami drove her wolf wild, and even though she was pissed and hurt right now, she longed to be in the presence of her delicious smell again.

  Astair, obviously aware of my uncertainty, decided not to wait for an answer. "Naemi, it’s okay if you do. You did nothing wrong. I don't know the Alpha personally, but I know of her family and her Clan. They're good people, but if she is worthy of you and your love, then she needs to earn it and prove it. So, she has some challenging decisions to make."

  My heart smiled at her sweet and supportive words. It was refreshing to not feel judged even though I had no idea what I was feeling or thinking. She was right too. I wasn't the one in a relationship flirting with other women. Arami hadn't once brought up her mate or, as she said, her partner until I did. She was not fair to me or the person she was with. I wouldn't have even known there was someone else if it wasn't for Astair bringing me up to speed on all the gossip in Shademire and Candle District and telling me about the newly named Alpha of the badass dragon clan in the area.

  "You're a great friend, Astair. I'm glad I ran into you in that pumpkin patch." We both laughed, and I grabbed her hand. It was nice to have someone to talk to again.

  "Let's talk about the fact that you have been here less than two weeks and getting more action than me.

  Laughing at her, I squeezed her hand again.

  "I've already spoken to my mom, and you can stay here as long as you want, and I think you should. You should also probably avoid the Candle District Clan's Alpha as well. Protect your own feelings. Want me to cast a spell on her?" She asked casually, then smiled.

  "Oh, now you have my attention. What kind of spell?"

  "I don't know something bad, like every time she's near people, she has extreme gas. Or we can make her hair orange."

  "Oh yea, that'll show her." I chuckled.

  Chapter Six


  "I know there is someone else." Marlize slammed a plate of eggs and bacon on the table in front of me.

  Sighing, I put my phone down and watched as she sat in the chair across from me, huffed, and crossed her arms. "Someone else?" This specific conversation had come up a few times in the span of our relationship, with one being the night I was announced Alpha, but I usually just ignored it. Today though, Naemi had instantly popped into my mind.

  I was conflicted, and it bothered the fuck out of me. As the Alpha, it was pretty much ingrained in me to be calculating and composed, but I was just a damn mess right now. The way I was feeling about Naemi didn't make sense and made me feel out of control. I should have been feeling guilty as hell for kissing Naemi the night before, but there was none. The only thought I had was that I had never felt that way with anyone before in my life, and I wanted to feel that way every day.

  "Arami, you don't think I would know if there was someone else? Did some young damsel come to the Alpha with a problem, and you just couldn't help yourself?" Her grey eyes stared into me like cold rigid steel. She was furious, and she had every right to be.

  "I would never use my position in that way, Marlize. You know me better than that." Her snarky comment had pissed me off, and my dragon was gnashing and burning to be let free, but I was in no position to throw blame around.

  She rolled her eyes and ran her fingers through her disheveled hair. "It was enough when you introduced me as your partner. I know you don't believe in true mates, but damn, you could have called me your mate for the sake of my pride in front of the entire clan." She huffed again and threw her hands in the air. "I just thought maybe you were slightly nervous about being named Alpha and that it would take some time for you to adjust and come into your new role, but you have only continued to be more withdrawn. I'm not an idiot, Arami. I can tell that something is off, so yes, I know that there is someone else."

  When I had initially met Marlize, I did not believe in fated or true mates. I always was attracted to women and thought that maybe it wasn't in the cards for me, so I chose not to consider it. Eventually, my mind was changed after coming out to my parents when I decided to introduce a girlfriend to my parents for the first time. Ultimately, I became increasingly sure that Marlize was not my one true mate. Meeting Naemi only confirmed that theory for me.

  Now here I was sitting down for breakfast across from Marlize with cold eggs and bacon dispersed all over while she sneered at me, waiting to confess. There was a small glimmer of hope in her eyes that I would tell her that she was imagining things like every other time this conversation had come up. But this time would be different. I had to do the right thing here.

  "Maybe we should take some time apart, Marlize."

  I looked up to see her watching at me, bewildered. The stillness of the room only added to an already delicate situation.

  Marlize stood and slammed her take on the solid wood dining table. "So, there is someone else. You met some little slut who what, just flashed her ass or tits for the new Alpha, and you just fell for it? Is that it?"

  She barely had enough time to get her last words out before I was standing next to her. My dragon was wrathful hearing her describe Naemi like this, mainly because that was not what had transpired. I knew Marlize had the right to be angry, but my dragon would only be pushed so far. "Enough," I said through gritted teeth. "I'm trying to be as civil as possible. The last thing I have ever wanted to do was hurt you. So, I am trying to do the right thing."

  "Well, I'm not leaving Candle District. This is my home now."

  "Marlize, I never once said you had to level town. I am only suggesting we need some time and space apart."

  "This is bullshit! You brought me here and made me part of the Clan. I'm not giving you the pleasure of running me out of my town." She accented every word with her finger almost damn near touching my face. "I will be here living my life. I hope you
and your little bitch are happy together."

  Shaking my head, I grabbed my phone off the table before heading out. I wasn't surprised to see Ameer and Seno sitting outside of my house. There was always usually someone from the Alpha Guard around me. I shook them when I wanted, though, like last night, for example. They both greeted me but avoided eye contact. This confirmed my suspicions that they had heard at least some of the argument that had gone on inside.

  "Do you need anything, Alpha?" Ameer asked. His dark bushy eyebrows were arched in concern.

  "Everything is great," I replied and joined them on the porch just as Rami was walking up.

  "Morning, sister," he said through a yarn while rubbing his eyes.

  "Tired, brother? Not a good look approaching your Alpha half-assed." I said sternly, glaring up at Rami, who was standing over me. His body stilled, and he put his head down. I promptly felt horrible. I was directing my anger at Rami when I was pissed at myself.

  "Apologies, Alpha. I had a restless night, but I sincerely promise that I will not affect my duties." Rami nervously responded, his head still down.

  "Ameer, Seno, give us a moment."

  "Yes, Alpha." They replied in unison and walked away.

  Sighing deeply, I patted the spot next to me. "Sit, brother." After Rami settled, I reached over and wrapped my arm around him. "I'm not angry at you, and I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."


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