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Game of Fear Bundle: Rough Alien Medical BDSM

Page 3

by Claudia Balvenie

  “Or perhaps behind you?” It asked, the deep voice purring directly into my earlobe. I felt the cold touch of his breath against my skin. I leaped away, trying to put distance between us.

  The laughter flowed over my skin again, a strange unearthly sensation. Shivers raced down my spine. I turned around in a slow circle as the black figure would appear and disappear before me. I couldn't get a clear view. Where was he? What was he?

  “What do you want from me?” I screamed. My voice quaked with fear. I was having a hard enough time trying to deal with aliens. Now I had to face a ghost?

  “Want?” The voice pondered. I felt fingertips close around my shoulders, holding me tight and firm. They were so cold I thought it might burn my skin. I looked down and could see nothing but wisps of air that evaporated. But again that voice was a mere whisper, right in my ear.

  “I want everything.”

  My eyes widened and I jerked away, knowing those unnatural fingers would leave marks along my shoulders. I ran, plunging headfirst into the bowels of the ship, no longer caring about my careful exploration, no longer looking for anyone else. I just wanted to get away.

  But that voice followed me, echoing from every hallway, each and every room. Before I could even enter it, he was there, watching. He was everywhere. But I ran. There had to be a way out, there always was!

  The laughter had slowed. I finally slowed inside another massive room, different only from the others because of it's size. I leaned forward, palms on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I was covered in sweat, mixed with remnants of the strange green goop. Had I gotten away? Why were my thoughts so jumbled? I was so scared, so very frightened.

  And also strangely aroused?

  That was irrelevant. I needed to figure out what my next step was. I needed to discover what the trick was to getting past this fear, so I could collect my gold and go home. The frog had promised ten times what I won in the first round. I intended to collect.

  “Wealth, hmm?” The disembodied voice sounded right next to my ear. I felt one of those invisible, freezing fingertips trace my ear lobe, then down my neck, lower and lower, raising goosebumps. The ghostly palm traced underneath my breast, cupping it and squeezing. The cold made me gasp. My nipples strained against the thin shirt. “Well we all have our temptations...” He continued, running those fingertips across my nipple.

  I jerked away again. I could still feel the chill from where he had touched me. I took a couple of steps away from where I thought he might be. It was a useless endeavor but one that I had to try, just the same.

  “Are you going to hurt me?” I asked, folding my arms over my breasts, trying to warm that cold that had pressed all the way to the bone.

  “Perhaps.” The voice sounded in all directions. “Your terror is a delicious delicacy to me....”

  My breath was coming in sharp bursts. I had to control this. I knew this simulation could not kill me, no matter what he threatened. But pain? Pain was promised. I glanced to that red button, slowly blinking, reminding me that if I wanted out all I need to do was to press it. That was it. This could all be over.

  But there was a terrible dark part of my mind that whispered to me. A primal part that moistened, that beckoned, that trembled. A part that not only wanted the insane amount of money promised, but also wanted to feel exactly what this ghost or alien or whatever sort of creature he was would do to my body. I've always been fascinated by the idea of being taken. Used. What darkness lies in a man, or creature's heart? What will he do when he believes no one can stop him? It was that that caused my nether regions to clinch. It wasn't just fear, it was excitement.

  So I ran. And I acknowledged that I wanted him to chase me. Room after room I raced through, knowing that he was on my heels, knowing that at any moment he would overtake me. He would have me. I would be his.

  I ended up back in the huge room I'd started in, a room only differentiated by the huge pool of green gelatin. One of the roots rose of it's own accord, tripping me, causing me to fall flat on my face. And that was it, he was on me.

  Icy hands pinned both arms to the ground. A third hand palmed the back of my head, forcing it to look down. A third hand? He didn't seem to have extra appendages before. Where there other ghosts here?

  I felt that icy touch begin to trail down my body, down my spine. Shivers made my body wriggle under the touch. Every time I would shake, that disembodied laughter would echo again, as if he enjoyed watching my struggle.

  “How many centuries...” The voice began, as those fingertips slipped further past my waist, down to my rear. He cupped my cheeks, squeezing and releasing each while he explored, leaving each freezing and cold. “Since I've feasted upon a female's fear.”

  Suddenly two more hands emerged, wrapping around each of my ankles. They tugged, pulling my legs against that strange earthen floor, spreading me wide. My wrists were pinned, my ankles were pinned, and still he explored, pulling my cheeks apart, letting that iciness trail between my legs. Slowly it passed my dark hole, lower to my canal, then even lower to my clit.

  That was too much, too cold. My body reacted violently, struggling against my restraints. And still he kept exploring, freezing my most delicate area, at the same time he rubbed it, stimulating it. There was pleasure there and pain. Desire and terror. I couldn't stop shaking.

  Suddenly I was flipped, my rear against the ground. The hands still kept my limbs pinned, my legs spread wide. A cold palm wrapped itself around my neck. The voice, dripping with pure evil, whispered directly into my ear. “Fight all you want, my dear. We both know you can always stop this.” The hand that wrapped around the wrist with the cuff, my way to get out, tightened pointedly. He knew. He knew and he knew that I'd consented to everything and anything he wanted.

  That excited me even more. This was going to happen. I was going to be used by something I couldn't even see. My blood raced hot under that freezing touch. One hand stayed wrapped around my long neck, squeezing slightly to let me know he was in control. The other fingertip trailed downward, this time pulling at the thin cotton of my shirt. It split at his touch, falling away. My heavy breasts spilled out of the shirt. An evil sound of delight pierced the air. But he wasn't done until he'd ripped my panties away as well.

  “You do your species proud.” The disembodied voice began. Two more hands moved forward, each grabbing a knee. They pulled my legs even further apart. Something began to worm between my legs, something cold but moist. A tongue, perhaps? It flicked against my clit, cold but still managing to bring excitement. A soft moan escaped my lips.

  “Oh yes, my dear. You are so beautiful. So warm.” The cold tongue continued to flick against my clit, but I felt something else, something larger and harder, pressing against the entrance to my canal. “That precious warmth shall be mine.”

  He roughly thrust forward, inch after savage inch, tearing me open. A scream ripped from my lips. It was exactly what he wanted. My fear, my pain. Nothing excited this creature more. I could feel him growing even harder, even fatter, deep inside of me. He was stretching me more than I believed possible. And beyond all understanding, even with this frigid dick plowing inside, I was growing heated. I was warming him with my enjoyment.

  An otherworldly moan echoed throughout the chamber. Oh yes, he was enjoying himself as he took me. Over and over he plunged, deeper and deeper, hollowing me out. And still I didn't feel balls against my rear. He had more left to go. The thought made my body tighten against him, harder than I thought was possible.

  I wondered what the cameras were seeing. I knew I was being broadcast, perhaps even live, to any number of alien televisions. I guess they didn't have the same standards that we did on Earth. All they would see was me, a human woman, being spread wide open and held by invisible hands. I was in tattered clothing, perhaps they could see the imprints of the fingers that pinned my knees, that held my neck fast. Could they see my hole as it expanded and contracted around the invisible invader?

  “I want to see
you...” I whispered, looking upward, searching. The rhythm didn't stop, no, it grew even harder, even more brutal.

  As I looked upwards, something flickered above me. It came into view for only a second or two, but that would be enough to haunt my nightmares. The creature buried inside me had pale, gray skin. It's mouth was far wider than our own, filled with wicked teeth that were bared in a cruel grin. Eyes as black as night stared down at me, savagely. Straggly, long black hair was being pulled out of a beat up old top hat. He wore filthy, tattered, black rags. If he'd been fully alien, I might have been better able to deal with it. But he looked almost human, just enough to rip another scream of terror from my throat.

  And then he was invisible again and he was erupting. I felt that frigid member as it exploded, deep inside my body, pumping wave after wave of that ice cold seed inside my hot womb. And my body shudder as well, lost to the idea of being used by a creature so unnatural, so wrong, so ghastly.

  “Are you frightened, my dear?” The creature asked, no hint of exertion in his voice. “Delicious. But my feast has only just begun...”

  With that I was flipped over again, forced to my hands and knees. The thick cock was still buried inside of me, throbbing, having lost none of the hardness that was inside. The hands kept up their holds, two at my ankles, two at my wrists. The one at my neck squeezed again, reminding me that he was in charge. The two at my ankles spread my body even wider.

  “I intend to fill every hole with my seed, my pet.” I shivered. Two more incorporable hands wrapped around my breasts, squeezing them, tasting their warmth. The fingers worked at my nipples independently of all the rest. I felt yet another hand moving to my lips. They slowly ran along my lips.

  All of this was a distraction. I felt a second hard dick begin to press against my ass. I tensed up, knowing this would hurt. I swallowed.

  With no workup, he shoved both of those dicks inside me, my tight canal and my even tighter, warmer ass. It ripped a scream from my lips, and those two icy fingertips shoved their way in my mouth. Another moan echoed through the room. How did he have two cocks? But then, how did he have eight sets of hands?

  He slowly worked his way out, double penetrating me just by himself. I knew each of his cocks could feel the other. I could feel the thin membrane between them. Each was stretching me further than I'd ever been stretched. But it didn't matter. This was about his pleasure, not my own. There was a certain comfort in that. He was going to use me, and all I had to do was take it. I could scream all I wanted.

  The fingers in my mouth explored my warm depths, while his freezing cocks shoved their way in and out. There were two more icy, clawed hands upon my hips, pulling me backward towards his waist. But never all the way, no I never felt the end of his lengths. How long was he?

  The two fingers in my mouth moved to either side, pulling my lips apart. Yet another hand moved upwards, forcing my jaw open wide. A third, massive dick had appeared from nowhere, shoving itself between my warm lips. My mouth was as open as it could be, nearly drowning on that massive, cold mass that was shoving all the way down my throat.

  And so the three began to share me, using a rhythm that pulled me down upon the two behind me when I was pulled off the one in my mouth. Then I was pulled forward, that massive dick rammed down my throat. But even that wasn't enough for my ghostly invader. The hands that had been exploring my breasts suddenly shoved them together, and another long rod wormed its way between them.

  I realized I was completely full. This creature, this one creature, was using every inch of my body for his own pleasure. He was drinking my warmth, my fear. His moans echoed through the whole swamp like room. I was exciting him beyond words. I was feeding him. I was his.

  I was bound and used from every angle. The rhythm was perfectly timed. The same thrusts of my hips that jerked me violently down upon the invaders of my ass and pussy was just as cruel when I was pulled onto the one at my mouth. Between my breasts it had both the rough thrusts from above and the tight pressing of the unearthly hands.

  It was that, I think, the sheer helplessness of my situation, that finally sent me over the edge. I couldn't imagine another scenario where I could be used so fully, so completely. Not only was I satisfying his dark desires, but my warmth was feeding him, making him more powerful. And my body couldn't take it any longer. My canal contracted, hard, and exploded with my own juices.

  My orgasm ripped a scream from my lips, driving my captor wild. He used my open throat as an invitation to plunge even harder, even further. I clamped down on his prick, sucking hard, mimicking the same reaction that my body was doing to the one buried inside my canal. I milked all three at once.

  Strangely it was the one at my tits that exploded first. The cold juices burst forward, coating my body. But seconds later the one at my mouth erupted, sending wave after wave deep down my throat. While it was exploding the two buried from behind moved even harder, more savagely, stabbing deeper and deeper inside.

  With a sudden rush, both erupted, so hard that I could actually feel the explosions inside my body. It was cold, so very cold. I was growing colder and colder as we reached equilibrium, as he fed upon my warmth, my humanity. His dark, animalistic moans pierced the air as he sent wave after wave of his thick seed deep inside my unprotected womb.

  I felt a heavy weight upon my body, as he lay upon me, catching his breath. Slowly each of those fingers, far less cold than when we began, started to unwrap themselves. He pulled himself free of my mouth, then more carefully from my rear and ill used pussy.

  I slowly sat up, sitting upon my knees, catching my own breath. I looked down to his juices, expecting them to be just as invisible as he was. Instead, it was the exact same green goo that I'd been drowning in when I first arrived on the spaceship. I gasped. I'd been literally drowning in his juices when I got here.

  Once more that maniacal laughter sounded from all corners of the room. “I cannot wait to see what sort of abomination I've impregnated you with...”

  Again I screamed. The world went dark.


  When I awoke I was back in that seamless, medicinal room that the game had begun in. I was nude, and still dripping with thick, green, gelatinous juices.

  “Very good!” That oddly accented voice began. I glanced to my side. Once more the host was there, shoving the microphone in my face. One of his other hands had a blanket. That I took, gratefully, wrapping it around my shoulders. I couldn't stop shivering.

  “The ghost very difficult! You give him something different! Makes good TV!”

  A wan smile touched my lips. I should be ashamed of how much I enjoyed that. Still, I had to keep my eye on the prize. Over in the corner stood the gold bars I'd won from the first round. The host was speaking to the camera in his own language.

  “You get winnings now!”

  Suddenly they appeared, dropping heavily onto the floor. Bar after bar of precious gold and stones began to flood the room. He was right, it was ten times the first haul. Then again, I'd had to do a lot more this time.

  “Thanks Kermit.” I tried to stand, but was shivering too violently. I pulled my legs and feet under the blanket with me. “Time to go home now.”

  “No more prizes?” Once again he looked disappointed. He waddled over towards me, his holographic form seeming puzzled. “You do so good! Next winning is one hundred times this!”

  “One hundred...” I began, my eyes widening.

  “Be richest woman on Earth, yes?”

  I knew I should stop. I knew I would be having nightmares about what had happened tonight for the rest of my life. Fantasies too though. One hundred times. What could I do with that much money. It was unimaginable. My greed, well, it was my downfall.

  “Alright, Kermit. What's next?”

  “Oh, very scary! Next is the doctor and his probes!”

  Fear the Alien Doctor

  Game of Fear #3


  Claudia Balvenie


  Cover: konradbak, walkway fonts, destroy regular fonts

  Copyright 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.

  All characters are above the age of 18


  I'm alone, huddling in a thick blanket, trying to warm a chill that's reached all the way to my bones.

  My name doesn't matter. No one on Earth will remember me. The aliens who abducted me just call me “human female”. It is irrelevant. What matters is the pile of gold that's lying in the corner.

  It's all mine. I earned it. And I'm going to earn a hundred times that amount. All I have to do is to face one final fear. That's it. Then I'll go back to Earth, buy myself a mansion with a pool and a cook, and a sweet gaming rig with like eight monitors. I'll quit my job at the grocery store in a fantastic fashion, like I've always dreamed of.


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