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Always in my Heart (The Subzero Series, #2)

Page 17

by Rebecca Elise

  Tears fill my dad’s eyes and I know if he starts crying I will too. Thankfully, the door opens and Chloe pops her head in, giving us both a moment to compose our emotions.

  “They’re saying it’s time Abby.” She flashes us both a smile.

  “Alright,” Dad stands up and holds his hand out to help me up. “Let’s go find your crayon and make this official.”

  “I love you daddy.” I laugh.

  “I love you too Abigail.”


  I always thought I would be nervous on my wedding day, assuming that I would, in fact, get married someday. I figured it would feel like I was losing a bit of myself or something like that but I don’t feel like that at all. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I have ever been more excited in my entire life.

  I can’t wait to see Abby. I can’t wait to tell our families and closest friends the gender of our baby. I am also kind of looking forward to telling my mates that I am the first of us to take the plunge, becoming one step closer to acting like an adult.

  The door opens and Noah, Jack, Dean and Abby’s brother, Nick, walk in.

  They stop just inside the doorway and stare at me.

  “You are awfully dressed up for a baby party.” Dean says motioning towards my all black tuxedo.

  “As are you in your suits, don’t we make a dashing bunch of fine fellows?” I say.

  “So what exactly is going on here?” Jack asks.

  “I’m getting married today and you four saps are going to be standing up there with me as I do.” I say.

  “Getting married?” Noah exclaims with a horrified look on his face. “The only sap I see here is you!”

  “Watch it,” Nick warns Noah as he smacks him in the arm. “That’s my sister you’re talking about.”

  “No, I am all for’s the institute of marriage I have an issue with.” Noah shudders.

  “No,” I say. “Be honest, it’s the institute of being with one woman, married or not, that you have an issue with.”

  Noah shrugs. “I don’t see the point of being tied down, but that’s just me.”

  “So why are you dressed like it’s a funeral?” Dean asks, pointing to me.

  “I saw this picture of Johnny Cash once wearing an all-black tuxedo and he looked so cool.”

  “Yes he did,” laughs Jack. “But you, sir, are no Johnny Cash.”

  “You are a funny, funny man.” I retort.

  “You think so?” he asks.

  “Absolutely, you are about as funny as Dean is good looking.”

  “Well that stinks.” Jack says at the same time Dean yells out “Hey!”

  The door opens and my cousin, Ruthie, pops her head in.

  “It’s time Tyler.” She says with a smile.

  I nod and turn towards the guys.

  “I’m getting married,” I say. “Let’s go. I’m ready.”

  We follow Ruthie down the hallway and into a small room that has been decorate with Abby’s favorite blue Dendrobium Orchids and twinkle lights. About fifty of our closest friends and family are seated in chairs draped in satin, facing the altar where my Uncle Louis, who is an ordained minister and the only person that knew today was wedding day, is standing.

  I walk down the aisle, following Nick. Dean, Noah and Jack, and take my place at the front. A violinist begins playing Air on a G String and the doors open. It feels like an eternity waiting for the girls to walk down the aisle, making way for my bride, but they finally do and there she is.

  Everyone else in the room disappears the moment I lay eyes on Abby. All I see is her. I couldn’t imagine she could look any more beautiful than she does on a daily basis but the sight of her in her wedding dress makes my knees go weak and I feel like I could fall to the ground at any moment.

  Finally, she is by my side at the altar with her hand in mine. Her father gives me a friendly pat on the shoulder before he takes his seat in the front row, next to her mum.

  “Please be seated.” My Uncle Louis tells everyone.

  I glance at Abby and smile and she smiles back. This just feels so right. I don’t care how many people think we are getting married because of the baby. I am marrying this woman because I love her. The baby is more like a pre-engagement present.

  “Tyler and Abigail,” Uncle Louis says, breaking me from thoughts. “Today you are celebrating one of life’s greatest and most beautiful moments as you are joined together as one in the vows of marriage.

  “Tyler, do you take Abigail to be your wife?”

  “I do.” I say.

  “Do you promise today, in front of these witnesses, to love, cherish, honor and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?”

  “I do.”

  “And Abigail, do you take Tyler to be your husband.”

  “I do.” She says, a beaming smile flashes on her face.

  “Do you promise today, in front of these witnesses, to love, cherish, honor and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?”

  “I do.”

  “May I have the rings?” Uncle Louis asks.

  I take both rings out of my pocket and place them in his hands. He holds them up in the air for everyone to see.

  “The wedding ring is a simple of unity, an unbroken circle, which has no beginning and no end. Today, Tyler and Abigail, will give and receive these rings as demonstration of the vows they are making in joining their lives as one, in promising to work together at all times to create a love that is whole and unbroken and to love each other without end. Tyler, please take this ring, place it on Abigail’s finger and recite the vows you have prepared for today.

  I take the small, diamond studded band and place it on her finger. Looking deep into her chocolaty brown eyes I say. “Abigail, I have loved you since the first moment I saw you and I will love you for the rest of my life and into eternity. You have always accepted me for who I am and made me want to strive to become the best man that I can be. I promise to you today, in front of these witnesses, to treat you with the respect you deserve, to laugh with you, to cry with you, to cherish every moment we spend together and to stay out of the kitchen when you become mad with inspiration. I choose you as the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Abby mouths I love you to me as she takes the other ring from my uncle’s hand. She slips it on my finger and says “Tyler, from the first moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to be with you. You have taught me that it’s okay to not be serious all of the time and there isn’t a day that goes by where you don’t inspire me in some way. I promise to you today, in front of these witnesses, to respect you as a husband, a father and my best friend, to be there with you and for you in times of joy and sorrow and to never cramp your musical genius when you get an idea for a song at three in the morning and start tapping on the nightstand like it was a drum. I love you more than anything and I choose you as the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. “

  “Tyler and Abigail, you have just promised in front of these witnesses to bond your love together and in doing so you are forming a very beautiful marriage. It will take love, trust, dedication, faith and commitment to hold true to the journey you are both pledging to share together. Tyler and Abigail, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in matrimony and promised your love for one another by reciting these vows, I now declare you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  I feel like I have been waiting an eternity to hear those words. I smile down at her, wrap my arms around her and press my lips to hers with hunger, passion and excitement. I grab her hand tightly in mine as we break our kiss and turn towards our family and friends.

  “It is my honor to present to you the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Abigail McDermott.”

  Everyone jumps to their feet, clapping wildly as we make our way down the aisle. One by one, our guests come up to congratulate us as they make their way into the bigger ballroom for the reception. After a few pictures, we hurry in the
re to join them.

  It takes us nearly forty five minutes for Abby and I to eat something because every time we try to take a bite of food, someone inevitably clinks there glasses so that we kiss. Who exactly started that as a tradition? Then the requests for speeches begin to get shouted about.

  Chloe stands up and someone hands her a microphone.

  “For those of you who don’t know who I am, my names is Chloe and Abby is my baby sister,” Chloe says, emotion clouding her voice. “When Abby told me she was getting married today, about two hours ago I might add, I thought gosh I didn’t get to plan a shower for her or look at flowers with her, but then I realized this is so Abby and Tyler. These two can’t wait to do anything.”

  Abby and I look at each other and laugh along with our guests.

  “They became a couple literally the moment they met, a few weeks later she moves here from New York, now they did wait a bit before moving in together but they booked this venue the day they became engaged, a month ago, and are already expecting a child. You two certainly know how to make life interesting! Welcome to the family Tyler. We are so excited for you both. Congratulations Abby and Tyler!”

  Jack stands up and takes the microphone from Chloe. “Well, Noah, Dean and I are the closest things Tyler has to brothers and I’ve been nominated to speak to you all. The first moment Tyler laid eyes on Abby he looked at me and said, and these are his exact words, Oh shit, I’m in love. I have never seen him look at someone or talk about someone the way he does with Abby. Anyone who spends even a few minutes with you can see just how in love the two of you are. Congratulations mate! Cheers!”

  I stand up and give him a hug and a slap on the back. I take the microphone from him and hold my hand out to Abby, my wife, and help her to her feet.

  “First, Abby and I would like to thank you all for coming here today on somewhat short notice. We especially want to thank Abby’s family who traveled all the way from New York to be here. We promised you a gender reveal and we don’t go back on our promises. You all saw the board on your way in, asking you to mark your guess as to whether you think we are having a Julian Michael John or a Sophia Victoria Grace. Seems that about seventy five percent of you think we are having a girl and that seventy five percent is...” I pause and look around the room. “Wrong. In just a few short months, Julian Michael John McDermott will be making his grand arrival into the world and I am praying he has his mother’s good looks and my sense of adventure. Thank you all again for coming out to celebrate with us and we hope you enjoy yourselves!”

  I set the microphone down and turn to Abby.

  “May I have this dance?” I hold my hand out to her.

  “You may.” She says as she places her hand in mine.

  I pull her out to the dance floor, spin her around and pull her as close as her tiny, little pregnant belly allows me. The song “Angel” by Jimi Hendrix starts playing. I lean my mouth close to her ear and start singing along with the music.

  It’s amazing that it was only a couple of weeks ago that I was trying to do anything I could think of to win Abby back. Now here we are dancing on our wedding day, anxiously awaiting the birth of our son. I honestly don’t believe life could get any better than this and I don’t need it to. I have everything I need wrapped safe and tight in my arms and I have never been more in love than I am in this moment.


  First off, I would like to thank my husband, who continues to be supportive of my writing career!

  To my parents who have supported my love for writing since I was a little kid. You are the best!

  To Lisa AKA “The Real Cath” who allowed me to name a character after her that people may not like. You are a lovely, kind and incredibly funny person who would never steal another woman’s man and I love you!

  To my editor Amanda – Thank you for all of your suggestions and your patience when it came to all of my last minute re-writes! You are a star!

  To my faithful readers – thank you so much for continuing on this journey with me and the Subzero boys! You are the reason I am able to do what I truly love and I owe you more thanks than I could ever give out!

  About the Author

  Rebecca Elise lives with her husband, their daughter and their white lab in Southeastern Pennsylvania. She spends her time reading, writing, watching Grey’s Anatomy and Boardwalk Empire, hanging out with family and friends and chasing her incredibly active toddler.

  You can connect with her online:

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