Book Read Free

Make Me

Page 12

by Amanda Heath

  I pull out of the driveway and make my way to school. I’m there ten minutes before class starts, which is my usual time. Our group is standing around Channing’s car, making me groan. Now I can’t look at him without being too obvious, and everyone there will know something is up.

  I’m starting to really like Channing and I don’t want our friends to ruin it. Knowing Rachel, she’ll be the first one to start planning all our dates and arranging our engagement photos. Eye roll.

  I calmly climb out of my car and softly shut the door after I hoist my backpack over my arm. I ignore the group, something I do every morning. Rachel calls out a hello, but I only wave. If I look over there, I’m going to drool over Channing and that would be embarrassing. Though I see the top of his head over his car, which makes my heart beat pick up.

  After making it to my locker, I empty out all my books from my backpack. I start looking through folders and blinders, trying to find my AP English homework. I really should start organizing my crap. I don’t notice someone stop beside me until he opens his locker.

  I’m about to look up and say hello when Royal walks to the other side of my locker, caging me between them. “Shorty, you should come over to the house this afternoon. We can do our homework together and shit.”

  I’m trying not to groan when Channing shuts his locker and turns towards us. He moves his body to right next to mine where I’m turned towards Royal. Channing’s hand lands on my hip and he kisses my hair, making my stomach flutter. I smile and look up at Royal. His eyes are bugging out of his head but he quickly recovers.

  Channing slowly walks away, his hand trailing across my lower back. Once he stops touching me, his pace picks up. I can’t stop staring at his grey slack covered butt. Also can’t stop staring at his blue polo and the way it strains against his shoulder muscles.

  “Earth to Paisley.” Royal snaps his fingers right in front of my face. I blink and look at him. “Like I was saying, Channing and Rachel will be there.” He turns and begins to leave. “See you at lunch,” he throws over his shoulder.

  If it had been anyone else, I would have been embarrassed, but Royal is different. If anything he encourages a relationship between Channing and me. I think the only people who would object are Vince and Jasmine. Vince wants in my pants and Jasmine wants to be in Channing’s.

  Teenagers. Got to love them.

  When I walk into English, Channing is watching the door. I make eye contact and smile. His lips move up in an almost smile and I know that’s all I’m going to get in public. I’m shocked he touched me in the hallway, but I know he was marking his territory to Royal. I don’t know if Royal told him we only dated to piss him off.

  I make my way to my seat and get ready for class to begin. I may not ever get walked to class or public displays of affection, but it doesn’t bother me. In a relationship with Channing, the only thing that would bother me is if he were abusive. I know he doesn’t have a great track record with the verbal abuse, but it was never that bad. And he didn’t do it everyday.

  Oh geez am I becoming one of those girls that make excuses for their man? I got to stop that crap right now. Let’s say he is verbally abusive, well then I’ll kick him in the junk. There, that’s better.

  Mr. Horton assigns us an essay due next week. We are covering Romeo and Juliet this month. I seriously hate that book. Juliet was dumb and Romeo only thought with his dick. I don’t think that man had any common sense. Next month we are dong Pride and Prejudice, which I cannot wait for. Mr. Darcy is one book boyfriend I will never break up with.

  Channing sits at the back of the room and two rows over. He normally just exits through his own row but this time he comes up my row. I don’t feel him until I’ve already stood up. His warm, slightly calloused hand grips mine for ten whole seconds before he leaves the room. He doesn’t look back which is disappointing. He’d probably like the infatuated look on my face right now.

  I shake it lose and gather up my things.

  By the time lunch rolls around I’m ready for this day to be over. Ms. Taylor assigns three pages (back and front) of homework for us in Calculus. Coach Miles made us run forty laps in P.E. and Mr. Herriot give us a pop quiz on the chapters we were supposed to read over the weekend. I read them Friday night, but I find I couldn’t remember what I read. So I know I failed that.

  I sit my butt down in my usual spot and my head falls to rest on the table. After a while chairs start to move and people sit down. Everyone is usually quiet though, so I lift my head. Rachel is across from me, her eyes a little wide. Royal is to the left of me and he’s smirking. No one usually sits to my right but I see a backpack, resting next to my feet. I look to meet a pair of beautiful smoky eyes.

  He’s sitting next to me!

  “Hey,” I say simply. I see the chocolate bar on his tray before he hands it to me.

  “Eat,” he mumbles before he starts eating.

  I open it with a huge smile on my face. How did he know I needed chocolate? I’m going to have to start paying him back for this stuff. It’s starting to feel one sided. I’ll have to make him laugh and mess around later. When no one is around of course.

  “Rachel, close your mouth,” I tell her, munching on the candy bar. Hersey’s to be exact. My favorite.

  She looks at Channing and then looks back at me. “Does no one else realize Channing is being nice to Paisley?” she asks.

  I groan. “Who says he’s being nice? Maybe I’m blackmailing him. I did find out all his secrets from Gram yesterday.” Her eyes widen again and it’s really hard for me to repress a laugh.

  “For real? You’re blackmailing him?” She slaps her hands down on the table, rattling her milk carton and tray. “Get it girl! Show him who’s boss!” She raises her fist over the table and I laugh before bumping mine into hers. There, that’s solved. I won’t have to explain anything to anyone now.

  Royal just laughs and starts shoveling food into his mouth. The guy is super hot and sexy but he eats like a starving man. It’s freaking gross. Most of the time I hate sitting next to him, but his banter with Rachel is always a great laugh.

  Channing squeezes my thigh before heading to his next class. I stop myself from sighing and head to my next class. My phone starts buzzing before I’m even in Mrs. Harrison’s class. I wink at Channing, who is already sitting before I get to my desk. He covers his mouth so I know he is either about to smile or laugh.

  You should blackmail Channing into having sex with you!

  This is from Rachel. I should have known she would think of that.

  How about I blackmail him into taking your virginity?

  That’s not even funny. There’s only one man who can take my virginity and he doesn’t go to this school

  Yes he does. His name is Kellan.

  Not even funny! I don’t want Kellan!

  Yes you do!

  She stops responding after that last one. But I start having more come in. Apparently she is spreading the blackmailing thing through school. Figures

  Kellan: Are you really blackmailing Channing? Some how I didn’t think you had it in you.

  Brody: Go little cousin! Make Channing suffer for a long time! You should totally tie him to a chair and do a strip tease. He’ll have blue balls for a week!

  I ignore the both of them. If Channing wants to keep the blackmailing thing going, then he can. I’m not answering any more questions about it. Unless they are to Carly, who I haven’t talked to in a few weeks. Our relationship is starting to wane and it’s hurting my heart. I’ve known that girl since I was five years old. She and her brother have been the only constant in my life. I need to fly them out for Thanksgiving. I have that extra room for Derek and Carly can sleep with me.

  It’s nearing the end of October, so I have a few weeks to talk her into it. This is going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to show her around town and my house. She’ll get a kick out of Dancer. We always planned on buying a black Camaro once we both had jobs.

  Sixth peri
od is starting to be my least favorite class. Mostly because Pierce thinks its funny to take out his anger for Channing on me. Apparently Annabella saw the exchange between Channing and me this morning.

  “Why did you even tell him that?” I snarl at her. We talk a lot during this class, but only because there is no one else to talk to. She’s pretty cool for the most part. Turns out we have a lot in common.

  She just rolls her eyes. “Because I tell him everything. That’s what best friends are for.” Then she looks at him and a brief look of longing crosses her face.

  Before I turn around I mumble, “That’s what boyfriends are for.” I know she hears me because all the color drains from her face.

  “Yo, Vaughn! What did you say to her?” Pierce growls from his seat. I really hate it when he growls. I’m like ‘dude you are a teenager, not a caveman’ seriously though.

  “Nothing, Courtney,” I spit out in his direction.

  “You might think your last name gets you whatever you want, but that’s not the case. You can’t protect your boyfriend. He’ll get what’s coming to him.” He finally turns away from me, but I don’t let it go.

  I startle the teacher when I stand up and cross to Pierce’s desk. He doesn’t stand, but I don’t want him to. I glare down at him and say, “Did you ever think that maybe he has his reasons? That maybe you’re making it worse by pushing him? I may not know Channing all that well, but I do know one thing. You can’t push that boy to do anything.” I make sure he’s listening but getting right in his face. “You say your sister is hurting because of him, but did you ever think you’re hurting your sister by pissing off Channing? Do you really think she wants her brothers fighting?”

  I don’t wait for an answer. I just walk out of class. I’m done with that bullshit.


  The rest of my afternoon goes by smoothly. Channing sits at his regular table during Seventh period, but I feel his eyes on me every once in while. Rachel tells me to be at the house by five. I tell her Royal already invited me, which causes her to slap his arm. They argue about that for most of the period. I didn’t realize it was that big of a deal. I spend just as much time with him as I do her.

  Pierce glares at me the entire period. I don’t think he’s all that happy I put him in his place. But to me it’s all simple. If he stops pushing Channing to act, then maybe Channing will act. I’m not going to push him. Meeting his sister is something he has to do on his own.


  Channing is leaning against his locker when I get there after seventh period. I smile at him and grab everything out of my locker that I need. After closing the locker door, he nods his head towards the front doors. I nod back and we begin walking. He doesn’t hold my hand, but he opens the door for me. He also doesn’t talk to me until I’m sitting in my car. He also opened that door for me, after I unlocked it.

  “You’ll be at Royal’s later?” He scratches the back of his neck and I nod. “Good. I’ll see you there.” He pats the top of my car and walks over to his. I watch his tall lean body fold itself into his car. Then he drives off.

  I just had the weirdest day, but it was also the best day. All because of Channing Southerland.

  Chapter 20

  THE HONEYMOON PHASE is over. I do realize we aren’t even in a relationship, but I thought we were headed to one. Maybe a bit slowly, but it was sweet. Now all I want to do is punch Channing in the junk and set him on fire. He needs to die painfully.

  Okay maybe I’m being a bit dramatic but that’s how I feel. I also feel like I’m playing tug of war with him. He stands far away from the mud while I’m hanging on by my toes. He never moves an inch and I’m trying not to fall into the disgusting mud.

  I’ll start from the beginning, so you’ll get the entire story. I went home after school and did my homework. Well everything that was due the next day. I know Royal said to come over so we could work on homework and crap, but I know that’s not what’s going to go on.

  Rachel mentioned something last week about her parents being gone for two days. This is a mini party during the school week. I don’t plan on drinking because I would rather not have a hangover the next day at school. And I do stupid crap like have sex with Channing Southerland.

  I changed out of my uniform and put on black leggings, a green button up shirt that is form fitting and my leopard print uggs Rachel made me buy weeks ago. I find my black jacket in my car and shrug into it. The shirt hangs down past my butt, but not far. Its was freaking cold outside and I hurriedly turn on the heater when I get into my Camaro.

  Rachel and Royal live in a nice colonial about three blocks away. I knock on the door and Rachel answers holding her mini Pomeranian, Jericho. I hate that dog. It’s loud and likes to bite your ankles. The last time it did this, I threatened to sick Maggie on it. The only cool thing about this dog is his name. Jericho Barrens is also another book boyfriend I would never break up with. He’d be more like a book husband but you get it.

  Rach and I were surprised to find we liked the same series. She’s more into contemporary then paranormal and I’m more into paranormal than contemporary. Though I would read anything by this indie author Tijan. She writes mostly contemporary and I love her writing style.

  Anyway, I noticed Channing’s Jag in the driveway and a secret thrill went through me. Apparently I get all excited when I’m about to see him. Though I never realized when I got inside that I wouldn’t be happy to see him anymore.

  “Oh my god these people are crazy!” Rach exclaims, already a little tipsy. I chuckle, standing as far as I can away from that demon dog. Rachel being Rachel just turns her drunk self away from me and heads to the back of the house. Hopefully she’s putting that damn dog outside.

  “Paisley!” Kellan shouts bring my attention to him. His button up shirt is open, exposing his abs. If I wasn’t blood related to Kellan, I would eye hump him. But since I am related to him, I refrain.

  “Are you drunk Kellan?” I ask him, laughing.

  “Duh,” he replies, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “It’s a freaking party. Why wouldn’t I be drunk?”

  “Because you have school tomorrow?” I state, rolling my eyes. None of them care. They sometimes act like they are in college instead of seniors in high school.

  “No of us will be at school tomorrow. I promise you that.” He lets me go and follows after Lola, who is surprisingly not in Brody’s lap. Kellan is going to get another black eye. I know he only does it to mess with Brody, but I’m really worried about his vision.

  Speaking of Brody. “Little cuz! Have you seen my lady love?” he slurs, hooking his arm around my waist.

  I turn my face away from his scotch-flavored breath and point in the direction Lola and Kellan went. Brody kisses my cheek sloppily and runs after them. I only shake my head and laugh. This is right before all hell breaks loose.

  I start looking for Channing, but I can’t seem to find him anywhere. I know he’s here but he’s not in the room with the rest of the group. Vince and Royal sit in front of the TV playing on the Xbox. Jasmine is nowhere to be found. That doesn’t bode well.

  That’s when I see movement at the top of the stairs. Channing is there, still in his uniform, though he is buttoning up his shirt. I see red when I notice Jasmines right behind him, her hand on his hip. Did they just hook up? After he came over last night, called me baby, and wrote that poem? Oh hell no.

  Channing sees me right before I turn to leave. I’m out the door before he could even make it down the stairs.

  I’m almost to my car, when I feel someone grab my elbow. His expensive cologne reaches my nose and I shiver. Channing pulls me against his hard body and I tense up. “It wasn’t what it looked like,” he murmurs in my ear.

  I sigh and swing away from him. I can’t think with him touching me. I can’t think with him around me, looking at me like that. He’s angry but I’m not sure what at. Maybe because I caught him?

  “Its fine Channing. You never made me any promises,�
� I tell him, using the remote to unlock my car.

  I go to pull it open, when his hand slams down, shutting my progress. “Kellan fucking spilled beer all over my shirt. I grabbed one of Royal’s to put on in the bathroom. Jasmine was standing out there waiting for me. I didn’t do anything with her.”

  I want to believe him, but what does that mean about me? I would just let him push me over, do whatever he wants to do? I was right, though, when I said he never made me any promises. He didn’t even have to explain. “I don’t care. You can do whatever you want,” I mutter, trying to open my door again. His palm is still in the way.

  I let out a shocked gasp as he moves his palm from the door to the back of my neck and spins me around. He brings his face towards mine and looks me in the eyes. My breathing is heavy, but so is his. I can feel each breath he takes brushing up against my chest. “From the second I laid eyes on you, Paisley, I didn’t want anyone else. I spent weeks trying to get you out of my head. Don’t you dare back out now.” He closes his eyes and leans his forehead against mine. I’m starting to realize he does that a lot. Like he wants to be as close to my face as possible. “I think about that night on your car, all the time. And not because we had sex. It’s because you wanted me too. Even drunk, you wanted me. Now I’m fucking consumed by you. You’re fucking everywhere.

  “I’m done fighting this shit. Stop finding ways to hate me.” He takes a deep breath and backs his head away. I find my hands clutched to his hips and I wonder when I grabbed him. “You were made for me…” he trails off as he brings his lips to meet mine. I’m instantly kissing him back. My mouth opens and his tongue joins mine, tangling, curling, and fighting. My stomach flutters and I want to climb up his body, like I did at his house, at the party. Then what he says registers to me.

  “Don’t you mean we were made for each other?” I ask breaking away from the kiss.


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