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Angel in Crisis

Page 30

by C. L. Coffey

  “Handled?” Savannah repeated. “Handled? Destroying half a city is not handling everything.”

  “The police and the press are going to be reporting that for the next week. The city will work together and heal. It’s far from ideal, but at least the angels will remain hidden.”

  “That is not the point!” Savannah snapped. She stomped her heeled foot, simultaneously slamming the tablet down on the hardwood floor so hard, the screen cracked. “What were you doing this time?”

  I shrugged. “Not much. We just defeated Beelzebub and Lucifer.”

  Savannah’s body went rigid as she looked first to Cupid, and then to Gabriel. Both of whom nodded their agreement. Zachary joined Savannah’s side, gaping at me. “You killed Beelzebub and Lucifer?”

  “No,” I shook my head, ignoring the insult. “Raphael killed Beelzebub.” I closed my eyes.

  “Where is Raphael?” Savannah asked.

  “He didn’t make it,” Gabriel responded softly.

  When I opened my eyes, I found horror on both virtues faces. “We lost Michael and Raphael?” Zachary muttered. He looked like he didn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Not quite,” Cupid said. He pointed behind them. “Michael is alive.”

  Michael stepped forward as Savannah and Zachery spun around, finally noticing the other angel in the room. “You’re alive?”

  Michael nodded. “I apologize for the distress caused. It took time to acquaint myself with a new vessel, and I have been a little occupied with defeating Lucifer.” With the two virtues still gaping at each other, he sighed. “I shall accompany you back to Heaven. It is time to speak with Grace and Metatron.” He glanced past them at Cupid and myself. “I shall return.” He waited for Savannah to scoop up her tablet, then the three of them disappeared.

  “I shall inform everyone of… everything,” Gabriel announced, suddenly. “I shall ensure the House is allowed to mourn, but you may receive a visit from Grace.” He didn’t wait for Cupid and me to respond, leaving us alone.

  Cupid had finished seeing to my wrists, but had remained sitting opposite me. “Veronica said you had been stabbed?” I nodded, lifting what was left of my top so he could tend to the wound there. It was finally starting to heal, but I wasn’t going to object to it being cleansed by the holy water. An awkward silence settled over the top of us. “I’m sorry,” he finally blurted out. “I was being a jerk.”

  “It’s okay,” I shrugged.

  “No, it’s not okay,” he disagreed. “I thought you had withheld information about Michael, then when he came back,” he looked away. “I was so concerned with how he would compare our methods of running the convent to his that I was willing to negate everything we had done: decisions we had made together in situations he had not been a part of.”

  “That’s true,” I agreed. “But you came through in the end.” I rubbed my eyes again. I was still feeling numb to most things, except the exhaustion. “We need to let Veronica back into the House. She can’t be alone.”

  Cupid nodded. “I agree. But that’s not our decision.”

  “Does she know about Garret?”

  “I had to tell her when we returned without him,” he sighed, shaking his head. “All of them gone.”

  “What do we do now?” I asked, sinking back into the chair.

  Cupid gave me a wry smile. “You can go get a shower and some sleep, because not only do you look dreadful, you smell it too.”

  “Ever the charmer,” I grumbled, but I didn’t disagree. I got up and walked to the door. “Wake me if you need me?”

  “I don’t think you need to worry about that,” he promised me.

  With every step I took down the stairs from Michael’s attic office, the pain began to return. I was going to put a ‘do not disturb’ sign on my door and sleep until Christmas. Six days… the sense of time had also returned. Christmas was six days away.

  Instead of returning to my room straightaway, I continued down to the first floor where one of the guest rooms was located. I lightly rapped on the door, half expecting Eugene to be asleep. Instead, he called out that I should enter.

  The sight of him put a broad smile on my face. He looked a million times better, even if most of the top half, visible from his propped-up position, was wrapped in stark white bandages. “You look good,” I beamed at him.

  “You don’t,” he returned with his own smile.

  “You’re not the first person to tell me that,” I snorted.

  I stood by the end of his bed, earning myself an arched eyebrow, questioning me. “You’re not going to sit? You look worn-out, amongst other things.”

  “Seeing as those, ‘amongst other things’ consist of dirt and blood, no I will not be sitting on any nice, clean furniture in here.” I gave him another smile. “I wasn’t going to stay. You’re right, I am tired and I want to sleep. I just wanted to check up on you.”

  The smile fell from Eugene’s face. “You mean make sure I’m still in the convent?”

  “Not at all,” I shrugged. “It’s selfish really, but the last decent meal I had was days ago, and frankly, I wanted to make sure the convent’s best chef was getting better because I can handle a few days of Nyle overseeing the cooking, but we both know his idea of a tasty meal is Mac and Cheese, which would be fine if he added a bit more salt to his cooking.”

  The smile returned to Eugene’s lips wider than ever. “Any request?”

  “Shrimp po’boys!” I exclaimed happily. “Though maybe with a side of Yorkshire puddings.” When Eugene pulled a face, I laughed. “I think it’s better that you don’t question that.”


  I left Eugene after promising that we would cook up the greatest Christmas dinner the angels had ever known as a way to celebrate the lives of the angels we had lost – a feast in their honor. I was sure Cupid and Michael would agree, but that was a discussion for tomorrow. Now, I just wanted to curl up in the security blanket that was Joshua’s arms, and get the sleep my body was screaming out for.

  I rounded the corner, passing the entry way when I realized that wasn’t going to happen as soon as I wanted. “Angelina Louise Connors,” a stern voice called, making me wince: it had been a long time since anyone had used my middle name, and there was only one person who did. Usually when I was in trouble…

  “Sarah!” I said, giving her a nervous smile, while feeling like a jerk. I had barely thought about her.

  Her expression softened as she hurried over, pulling me into a bear hug. “Cupid filled me in on everything. I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “I’m sorry I made you worry,” I said in a small voice, the tears making a sudden reappearance.

  She pulled back, wiping them away. “You and I can have a talk later. I’m going to be here daily helping out again. We have plenty of time to discuss everything, but it looks to me that right now, you need a bath and bed.”

  I had to smile. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” she promised me. “Would you like me to bring you some food up? You look like you’re in need of a bowl of my dirty rice.” My stomach answered for me. “I’ll go heat something up.”

  “Joshua is there too.”

  She gave me a knowing smile. “I’ll bring extra.”

  I watched as she disappeared down the corridor, humming to herself. I was surprised she hadn’t made more of a comment on my appearance, but I was thankful she hadn’t. She was pretty awesome – always had been. Finally, I made the climb up the stairs to my floor, surprised to find Joshua lingering in the corridor. “Is everything all right?” I asked.

  “I… uh…” he looked sheepish. “I was contemplating raiding the kitchens,” he said, hurriedly.

  I slipped my hand in his and tugged him towards my room. “Sarah is already on that. We’ll have her dirty rice soon.” I looked at him, frowning at his still soaking wet appearance. “You didn’t shower? Joshua, you’re going to catch a cold.”

…” he trailed off, rubbing at the back of his neck.

  We arrived at my room and I pushed the door open. He stood back, allowing me to enter first, and I did, sighing. “Joshua, I know it’s weird with Michael being back and in this building, but he knows about us. I won’t lie and say everything is sunshine and roses, but you being in here? It’s fine. Just relax, please?” I reached over pulling him to me, and held him until he didn’t feel as rigid and he relaxed against me. I pulled away and smiled. “I love you, but if you’re not going to take advantage of having that shower first, then I’m going to take it.”

  I set my damaged dagger on the side, realizing that even though the other had been left in Michael’s office, for the first time, I felt like I didn’t need either with me. Stripping down to my underwear felt good, and I tossed the remains of my clothes into a pile behind the door. I looked at Joshua, finding lust written all over his face. “How about we have that shower together?”

  I laughed, but shook my head, disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door. The warm water rejuvenated me a lot, and it was satisfying to see all the dirt, grime and blood disappear down the drain, even if watching it felt like déjà vu. I changed into my pajamas, ran a comb through my hair then emerged in the bedroom, switching with Joshua. Sarah had been by with the food while I had washed, and I had scarfed down my serving before Joshua had finished.

  While he finished his meal, I brushed my teeth. By the time I crawled into bed, I could barely keep my eyes open. Joshua pulled the curtains shut, blocking out the late afternoon light then joined me under the covers. I snuggled up to him, then frowning, peeked an eye open to stare up at him. He was watching me with an amused smirk. “Joshua, where are your clothes?”

  He shrugged, the smirk remaining. “They were wet. You want me to wear your underwear or something?”

  I closed my eyes, too exhausted to think of a witty retort. “No, I don’t want you leaving my side.”

  “Don’t worry, babes. I’m not going anywhere,” he promised me.

  I ached all over, my wrists still thrummed with pain, and even my feet continued to throb. My heart was hurting in a way I couldn’t put into words at the loss of Raphael and the cherubim – Garret included. But, for the first time, I felt safe and secure. For the first time, I fell asleep not worrying about anything. Everything was safe. Not yet good – and it wouldn’t be for a while – but we were safe.

  So why was there a niggling voice in the back of my head telling me I wasn’t done yet?

  As an indie author, I rely heavily on word of mouth, so if you do enjoy the book, it would mean the world to me if you left a review wherever you purchase books. It really helps out a lot.


  I can’t believe that I’m sat here, writing the acknowledgements for my fourth book. When I first wrote ‘Angel in Training’ back in 2011/12, I never imagined publishing it, much less writing three and a bit sequels (I’ve taken a break from writing ‘Angel Exalted’ to write this).

  One thing is for certain, I wouldn’t have gotten here if it wasn’t for a lot of people. First up is you – the person reading this right now. You picked up ‘Angel in Training’ and liked it enough to keep on reading. That right there means the world to me, and all I can do is thank you from the bottom of my heart!. I hope ‘Angel in Crisis’ didn’t disappoint, and I promise that I will keep trying to improve my writing with each book – because you deserve nothing less. An extra thanks goes out to all of you who have liked or shared a post on the various social media accounts I (sporadically) use. Your support really does mean everything to me. I know that without it, I would still be wishing for somebody to like my book. Liking a post might not seem like much, but it helps so much. And for those of you who have recommended the Louisiangel series, if there was a way to hug you through the pages, I would be doing that right now! I’ve also been informed that you’re all ‘Coffey Beans’ (I didn’t pick that, but I like it), so… welcome to the family…?

  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many times again – I have the best family in the world. Mum, Dad, and Becky: I love you. The last few months have been insane with so much going on and I can’t thank you enough for all the help and support you’ve given me. Thank you. I love you!

  One very important person an author needs is a beta reader. I’m lucky because I have more than one – and each one of them is awesome. In fact, awesome doesn’t come close to covering it…

  Donna, I don’t know how I manage to survive without your input. It is both valued and invaluable. Thank you for still reading everything and never being afraid to tell me what isn’t working – all while planning a wedding. Girl, you’re a rock.

  On the other side of the world, still, is my lovely Libby. (Yes, I’m still coming out to visit you this winter – look that’s in writing for you!) The speed at which you read and send me comments back is unreal. Thank you for being the first to put me at ease while still giving me amazing feedback.

  Of course, I can’t go without saying thank you to Martin. You put up with my sporadic response to… everything. You also need to stop giving me ideas or this series will never end! (Actually, don’t, because those conversation we have are great and help flesh things out I hadn’t considered.)

  A book wouldn’t be a book without a cover. I have a cover, but I feel that calling it just ‘a cover’ does a severe injustice to the work of art that Amy has once again created. When I first saw it, it honestly took my breath away. Every time you’ve managed to take my vague ideas and create a masterpiece, and this cover is certainly no exception. I’m going to get all these covers framed and hung on my wall. Amy, it’s beautiful and I can’t stop staring at it. Thank you so, so much!!

  A huge thank you must go to my real life saint. Paddy, you have once again saved my butt this year. Not only did you keep me company in London when I went to see 24K (for those of you wondering who they are, head over to YouTube and look them up), but also got me home safely when I missed my train. More importantly, and more relevant, you once again provided edits, and this time, we got to go through them together in person. (Or more accurately, you got to go through them with ‘Sharon’.) Thank you for your keen eye, your better grasp of the English language, and for simply being you.

  Tina, my other wonderful editor from the other side of the pond. I hope that I will one day be able to meet you in person and go through the edits together too. Thank you for polishing this story up and making sure it makes sense – on both sides of the Atlantic! It is, as always, a pleasure to work with you!

  Last in the process, but by no means in importance, are my proof readers – two people who I am lucky to have in my life as friends, as well as proof readers. As always, I try to send the story to you in as good a condition as I possibly can, and each time I keep my fingers crossed that this will be the time that you find no typos or errors. Emily, I am eternally thankful that you look over this before it’s released on the world because you manage to find those typos (and I’m so grateful you do)!

  Naomi, I firstly have to check if you’re still mad at me? Are we friends again? Thank you for looking this over – while on your holiday – and spotting what I couldn’t. Something which I am also exceedingly grateful for, even if it means I have failed in providing a perfect manuscript.

  This book wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Jana and Jim. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if it wasn’t for you welcoming me into your home (your house and your Louisiana), these books would never have taken form. On top of that, you still respond to my random questions and explain anything without hesitation. I love you both and I hope you’re staying safe!

  I also must say a very important thank you to Kris and Debbie. Kris, you have been an endless source of support when you’ve had so much going off in your own life. I hope all is settling down, and I thank you for being so darn amazing. Debbie, my own personal PR manager – I can’t believe you have managed to persuade so many people to read these b
ooks. Thank you!

  Last, but by no means the least – in any way, shape, or form, are you amazing bloggers. You astound me with how many books you devour, and you humble me with your kind words. Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a review. I sometimes think y’all are the unsung heroes of the book word and if I had the ability to sing on a stage I would, so instead I will just shout it out here: THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT’S AN HONOR TO BE INCLUDED ON YOUR BLOGS!

  Once again, I draw my acknowledgements to a close, and once more the paranoia sets in that I’ve forgotten someone involved in the process. I really hope I haven’t, but if I have, please forgive me: it was not intentional! I truly appreciate your support.

  Actually, no, there are more people to thank. Last year, not long after actually finishing the manuscript for ‘Angel in Crisis’, I ended up in a car accident and unable to sit and write comfortably. I also lost my desire to write completely. Part of what got me going again was the inspiration I found in music. In part, the songs giving life to my story, but more so, the artists creating that music reminding me that I need to fight for my dream: my dream being to share my stories. Not just that though – they reminded me that I’ve started this and although it does seem a little strange to me still, but there are people – you – who have read my words and enjoyed them enough to continue down this road with me, that I owe it to you to finish this, for you, to the best of my ability. And that is something I have every intention of doing. Writing isn’t my full time job, but is a really huge, important part of my life. I may be slow, getting the chapters written between life, but I will be working on them. With that in mind, I move on to the part some of you may find strange, but as far as I’m concerned, credit should be given where credit is due, and thanks should also be given when someone has helped you, so, adding to the list of thanks are the groups and artists that have helped me over the past year… Monsta X, 24K, B.A.P, Bigflo, B.I.G, BIGSTAR, Matchbox 20, Howie Day, Sia, History, INX, KNK, Block B, and iKON (there’s no order there, other than how it fell out of my head. Also, if you’re feeling curious, check some of them out!)


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