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Stealing Her Heart

Page 8

by Cyndi Raye

  Her shoulders relaxed under his hands. She let out a deep sigh. “Thank you, Duke. I’m so sorry.”

  “No need to be. We must get to work. My family will be here in a matter of weeks.”

  She lowered her eyes as if shy all of a sudden. He placed a hand under her chin. “Do me a favor, Martha. Hold your head up high. You don’t need that covering on. Wear your hair like you do in the doctor’s office. It’s beautiful, like you are.” He placed a kiss on the tip of her nose and left the porch, heading to the back of the yard. He needed some time alone.

  Duke picked up an ax by the wood pile and began to chop a large piece of wood. His bandaged hand held the handle, causing him to wince after awhile. He switched hands and pounded into the wood, taking out his frustrations on the wood until Tommy came along and pulled it from his hand.

  “You’re going to annihilate that poor piece of wood, Duke. What’s wrong?”

  Duke stood back, his chest heaving. “She said no.”

  Tommy shook his head. “Parson said she’d say no. He said it was too early.”

  “How does that old man think he knows everything? Did you tell him about my plans?” Tommy had been the only person in town he’d talked to about the proposal. Frustration was building up again. Duke had planned for this proposal for the last twenty four hours, even asking the jeweler to open shop early to choose a ring.

  “He knows because he was in town early this morning and saw you knocking on the shop window before they were opened up. Told me the minute I got to his house with lunch today. I didn’t have to say a word to him. Besides, I wouldn’t spill the beans when you asked me not to.”

  “I appreciate that, Tommy. Let’s get to work.”

  “I think you should know, Martha left to pick up her son. She said she was going to come in Saturday morning instead and work then. She hurried down the street like a rattlesnake was chasing her.”

  Duke knew the boy didn’t need picked up for another two hours. He hadn’t wanted to chase her away. That was not the plan. He grabbed the ax from Tommy’s hand, pounding into the wood again like nobody’s business.

  Tommy stood and watched him, staying clear out of his way this time. Duke needed the hard work, to vent his frustrations and chide himself for being such a fool.

  Chapter 14

  Martha had spent the majority of the afternoon sitting on a bench down by the creek. She hadn’t told anyone where she was. Listening to the water run across the rocks was soothing and gave her time to think.

  She had been too hard on Duke. The feelings she held were hers alone. Why was she so afraid to marry again? It had been a long time since her husband had gone away. By now, the two of them were settled and happy.

  But she had been lonely. It was hard to live alone without arms to hold her each night. She had longed for her husband to do so for many years but he was too busy getting drunk.

  Being in Duke’s arms made her realize that she did need him. She wanted to be married to him and wake up each day with a smile on her face. Life was too short. Duke was right.

  Leaving the peaceful area, she hurried to the school to find Carson wanted to spend the night at the Martins. They promised to take him along fishing Saturday morning. After she agreed to let him stay, she walked past the shops in town, contemplating what to do next.

  Martha turned around quickly when she felt someone watching her. She stopped in front of the café and looked in the window. A few townsfolk waved to her and she smiled and waved back. Nothing unusual there.

  The feelings going through her were strange. It felt like the nights she wasn’t sure if her husband was coming home in a good mood or bad one. The fear she was allowing to creep in startled her. Martha had to get over this. It was not normal to feel so mixed up.

  She needed to speak with Duke. Making up her mind, determined to finally make her stance, she marched down Tall Pine Lane and knocked on his door.

  The mansion door opened slightly. When Duke saw it was her, he opened it wider and stepped onto the porch. Tommy had gone for the day and old man Parson was settled in his chair. At least he was supposed to be. She stared at Duke, who looked worried.

  “Can we talk?” she asked, raising her chin a notch.

  “Please, let’s sit.” He led her to a bench on the other side of the porch. Sitting beside her, he turned to listen.

  “Duke, I was wrong.”

  She felt him take her hand gently in his own. The warmth overwhelmed her. She almost began to cry, but kept it together until she said what she came here to say.

  “I love you.”

  That threw her off. “What?”

  “I have been chopping wood all afternoon long. I worried myself to death thinking maybe I asked you to marry me too soon. But, Martha, what is too soon? Can’t two people who get along like we do begin to love without having to have a time line? I mean, why can’t we love each other so soon?”

  She smiled. “There is no timeline when it comes to love, I’m afraid.”

  “You feel it too, then. Do you love me, too, Martha?”

  “I’m afraid I do, Duke.” She took his face in her hands and looked up at him. “It’s why I came back. To tell you that I want to marry you.”

  He pulled her to him, gently pressing his mouth to hers. They kissed for the longest time, a gentle yet loving kiss that sealed their fate. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers. “I want to have the biggest wedding this town has ever seen.”

  “Oh, Duke. I don’t need a big wedding.”

  He shook his head. “My mother will be here. She will want to help you. My sister will help you, even though she can’t walk. She is quite crafty in other areas. You deserve the biggest wedding of your life.”

  “It would be fun to plan. But, first, promise me we will get this place in order. If there is any money left over, then we will plan a big wedding.”

  He agreed with a condition. “Only if I can have another one of those kisses.”

  She giggled and pressed her mouth to his.

  A sigh followed, with a whole lot of kissing.


  Martha watched Duke as he walked back to his house. They spent the evening talking, then he walked her home. She gave him another kiss at the door and sent him away. “I’ll see you first thing in the morning. We can spend the whole day getting the parlor finished. I think after that, we can finish the bedrooms and decorate the porch.”

  “Everything is going as planned,” Duke told her. “I got a telegram from Mother today telling me they’ll be leaving in two weeks time. Which means they may get here earlier than planned.”

  Duke had explained before it would take them longer to travel since his sister needed extra care. He had hired a caregiver for her during the trip. His sister did a lot of her own care, but she needed help to get on and off the trains. His mother did a lot, but she was getting older now and deserved to rest.

  After he turned and waved, Martha made her way inside. She locked the door and lit the oil lamp, its glow lighting up the parlor. It was always so quiet when Carson wasn’t home, even though that wasn’t too often.

  Stretching, she took the oil lamp up the stairs and prepared for bed. Another thump against the floorboard caught her by surprise. More curious than anything, she went into her son’s room. She held the lamp up, aiming it towards the dresser. His baseball was there, sitting on a piece of cloth so it wouldn’t roll off.

  Martha listened again.

  Another thump.

  It sounded as if it were coming from his bed. She turned to her son’s bed and held the lamp over the mattress.

  Martha gasped!

  Her worst nightmare was right here in her son’s bed!

  He turned, his arm flailing against the wall, causing the bumping noise she heard earlier.

  “Ralph Winslow, what are you doing in my son’s bed?”

  His eyes fluttered open. They were red and glassy. He was inebriated. Again.

  A small fear tucked
itself into her chest, but she pushed it away, determined not to be afraid. She took a few steps towards the door, realizing if she ran he’d come after her.

  Unless he was so drunk he wasn’t able to walk. But, that never happened. He seemed to have super human strength when he was drinking.

  He sat up. “Where are you going, wife?” he accused, rubbing at his eyes. His feet were planted on the floor and if she didn’t answer he’d spring up and come after her.

  Martha needed a weapon. She took a slow step backwards. “Why are you here?”

  “I’m here to see my wife and son.”

  “Your son is spending the night somewhere else.”

  “Where!” his voice roared.

  Martha almost shrunk back from his shouting but then she held her feet firm on the wooden planks and stared him down. She didn’t have to protect Carson since he wasn’t here. She’d stand up to this man and face him once and for all. She was tired of being a victim to his mean nature. “It’s not any of your business. After what you did to him, the sheriff will run you out of town. I suggest you leave before you get caught.”

  He stood, towering over her and yet she wasn’t quite as scared as before. “I’m not going anywhere until you clear out that bank account and hand me over the money. I need to get away before the snow keeps me here for the winter.”

  “I have no money.” She wasn’t going to give him a dime. She worked for everything she had. All he ever did was take.

  “Not according to that sweet little lady leaving the doctor’s office earlier. I asked her if she knows you and she said you usually work for the doctor, plus you work for some man who now owns the mansion. What’s going on with that, Martha! Why are you kissing a strange man? You are my wife.”

  “I’m no longer your wife, Ralph. We’ve been divorced for some time.”

  He looked furious. “Why haven’t I been notified?”

  “How? You left here with a woman on your arm for the whole of Belle to see, making a mockery of our marriage. No, you don’t deserve a dime of the money I worked hard for. Get out!”

  He strolled over to her, lifting her chin in the air, his putrid breath almost suffocating her. “I’ll go when I say it’s time to go. Where do you keep your money? Is it under your mattress?”


  “Well, where is it?”

  “I don’t have any.”

  “I’ll tear this house apart. I’ve already looked in every nook and cranny in the kitchen. If you don’t cough up some money, I’ll ruin everything you own.”

  Fear caught a hold of her even though she tried hard not to let him see it. If she didn’t sound afraid, he usually calmed down. Well, most times he did. “I have twenty dollars saved. That’s it.”

  “That won’t get me to where I want to go.”

  “Where are you going? If it gets you out of my life, I’ll give you the twenty dollars.” She resigned herself to losing the money. If it was the only way to get him to leave, she didn’t care. She could work longer and harder for more money.

  “I’ll take the money. What else do you have here worth a few bucks?”

  “Most of the things here belong to the doctor’s wife, Mercy. She owns the property.”

  “A doctor’s wife? Maybe we should have the doctor and his wife come over. I’ll bet they have some money.”

  “No! Do not involve anyone else.”

  “What about your boss? The one I hear you’ve been visiting every day? I bet he has some money.”

  “He will not give you any. Look, Ralph. Let me go downstairs to get the money and I won’t tell a soul. You can take my wagon and horse." She’d tell him anything to get out the front door.

  He was still half drunk, teetering as he tried to hover over her. The problem was, Martha had one thing in mind. She was no longer afraid. He had no one to hurt any more, or throw in her face. He’d always threaten her with hurting Carson and she’d give in to shut him up. Without Carson here to get hurt, she was able to face him a lot less fearful this time.

  “Go on, go get the money, but no funny stuff.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife. Opening the blade, he held it in front of him. “I’ll use it on you.”

  Martha hurried down the stairs, leaving the lamp in the room. In complete darkness, she felt her way to the front door, quickly turning the latch.

  “You forgot the lamp. How are you going to find the money?” he said, stumbling towards the landing at the top of the stairs. “Hey, where are you going? Get back here!”

  Martha flew threw the open door and began to run. She lifted her skirts and ran towards the mansion, calling out Duke’s name. In the still of the night, she sounded like a wolf howling in the night.

  She didn’t look back, afraid Ralph would catch her. As long as she got onto the front porch, she knew old man Parson would notice the commotion. She was going to scream at the top of her lungs.

  She was done fighting for her life. She needed help and knew exactly where to go.

  Chapter 15

  Duke’s eyes shot open. His foggy brain was desperately trying to focus. He had been dreaming, but through the pleasantries, a voice was calling out to him. “Duke! Duke!”

  He jumped out of bed, peeking out the window to see Martha, her skirts flying all around her, running up the street towards his house. He pulled on a pair of britches and ran downstairs in the dark. Flinging open the door, he rushed outside to feel her body fall into his open arms. “What’s wrong? Martha? What is it?”

  “It’s Ralph! He was hiding in my house and he wants money.”

  Duke saw a shadow running towards the mansion. He pushed her through the door. “Lock it behind you. Do not come out no matter what.”

  Duke noticed a light shining in old man Parson’s place. The screaming must’ve woke him up. He heard the screen door slam in the distance.

  There was no longer a shadow but a man standing on his lawn. Tommy had oiled the gate so it no longer squeaked. “Who goes there?” Duke asked, full well knowing who it was.

  “I need some money to get out of town. I asked her real nice to get me the twenty dollars she promised me. Instead, she flew out the door and ran here. She’s still my wife I don’t care what divorce papers say. I never got any. She owes me.”

  Duke had enough. The man was done threatening her. “You take yourself off my property before you get hurt.”

  Ralph laughed. “I ain’t leaving until I get my twenty dollars.”

  “You gonna get a shot in the arse is what you gonna get!” Old man Parson was holding his six-shooter in both hands in front of him. He was wobbling on his feet, his hands shaking like crazy. Now Duke had to worry about him, too.

  “Put that gun away, Parson. I’ll handle this.”

  “No way. I hit my target even with these shaky hands, son. This man has caused enough damage. It’s time he met the Lord.”

  “Ain’t no one meeting the Lord on my watch. Hands in the air, Winslow. You are under arrest for several things. I have a list a mile long but murder is at the top.”

  Duke heard Martha open the door. “Murder?” she asked, stepping outside and standing beside Duke. He placed a protective arm around her. She was still shaking and breathing heavy.

  The sheriff of Belle nodded. His pistol was pointing into Ralph Winslow’s back, daring him to make the wrong move. “Yes, sir. He murdered Dolly Clanton, the saloon girl he rode out of town with. That’s a hanging crime.”

  “He don’t look so tough now, does he?” Martha mentioned.

  Duke pulled her closer. “He sure don’t. Go on, Sheriff Knight. Get him off my property.”

  Martha stepped forward. “Sheriff, did you know he was in town this whole time? I mean, where did you come from? I was running for my life a few minutes ago and you were nowhere to be found. The street was empty.” She placed a hand on her hip. Duke was worried she’d fly off the handle.

  Sheriff Knight tied the man’s wrists together behind his back and took Ralph by the
arm, still holding a gun over him. “I’m sorry folks. I knew he was here. Been waiting on him, but I had to catch him and he was hiding. I’ll be taking him to jail.” The sheriff looked at Martha. “You don’t ever have to fear this man again. I’ll be taking him to justice in a few days. He’ll be hung for his crimes.”

  Martha let out a sigh of relief. “I don’t condone hanging, but if he killed someone then he sure deserves it, doesn’t he?”

  The sheriff nodded. “He deserves what’s coming to him. No one gets away with breaking the law in my town.”

  Martha, relieved and glad that Carson didn’t have to see what just happened leaned closer to Duke. As she did so, Ralph glared at her.

  “Did you tell your beau the horrible secret you’ve been hiding from the town? Did you?” A loud thump had everyone staring at the man who just slumped on the ground. The sheriff lightly mentioned how the prisoner’s head accidentally hit the back end of his pistol. “That was an accident.” He noticed his deputy coming towards him. “Deputy Will, help me get this man to jail.”

  Between the two of them, they lugged his body off, never to be seen on Twin Pine Lane again.

  Martha was staring at Duke, the fear back in her beautiful eyes. Old man Parson had parked himself on the porch step, breathing heavily. His pistol lay alongside of him.

  Duke turned back to her, wanting to take the fear from her eyes. “Martha, I know.”

  She hesitated, frowning. “What is it you know, Duke?”

  He shrugged and took her hands. “I know about Thomas Rider. I know he is your uncle,” he said, his words quiet and meant for her ears only.

  She tried to turn away, but he held her hands in his. “No, Martha, don’t run from me. What I know stays right here. Parson already told me and I’m still here. He’s always known, but he never told a soul until I came along. For some strange reason, he thinks he’s going to his grave and wanted to make sure you and Carson are taken care of.”

  “Truly? You know and you don’t care?” Tears streamed down her cheeks.


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