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'ASSASSIN 4 - FIRST SON' (Assassin Series)

Page 10

by Bryan Murray

  “Nice to meet you both.” Grover began. “I have been told that the President would like us to extend every assistance we can to both of you so that you can finish up your previous mission and we are ready to help, Jake!”

  Jake was mildly surprised. “Thank you, Director Grover. As I mentioned on the phone, we could use a little help from your technicians on photo recognition ID on a number of photographs. That would be a great start.”

  Grover nodded. “No problem,” he pressed a button on his intercom. “Ask Agent Barnes to come in, please, Debbie?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Seconds later, Peter Barnes a young agent, dark-haired in his thirties entered. “You needed to see me, Director Grover?” he inquired politely.

  Grover nodded. “Yes, this is Jake Harrigan and he’s working on a secret assignment for the White House. He needs you to run a photo recognition check on some pictures he took.”

  “Of course, sir,” Barnes was smiling at Jake who was smiling back.

  “Peter and I have worked together before,” Jake added as he shook hands with Barnes. “Nice to see you again, buddy, this is my partner Sarah Schaumberg.”

  Barnes and Sarah shook hands as Jake switched on his I-phone and pulled up the head shots he took in L’Aquila of Genaro and his men. He handed the phone to Barnes. “These are five head shots I took, Peter, Please let me know if anything matches as soon as you can.”

  “No problem,” Barnes replied. “Will there be anything else, Director Grover?” he asked.

  “No, that’s it,” Grover replied. “Please take a copy of the pictures, and return Jake’s phone before he leaves and contact him directly if you see anything of interest.”

  “Very good, sir.” Barnes left quickly.

  Grover then turned to Jake and Sarah. It was obvious that he realized that some fence mending needed to be attempted with his visitors. “I have been fully briefed on your involvement with my predecessors, Jake and in particular my immediate predecessor and I apologize for the obvious stress his actions may have caused you both!”

  Jake was momentarily taken aback. This guy was actually a genuine person. “Thank you, Director Grover,” he began. “I was only ever a loyal employee of the Agency and when things started going wrong, luckily, the Agency had actually trained me to survive!”

  Grover smiled. “Well, at least we did something right! So, Jake, is there anything else we can do to help you?”

  Jake thought a moment. “Not immediately, sir, but you have no idea how good it is to know I can pick up a phone and know I’m on the same team as the guy on the other end! Oh, by the way, please don’t give Agent Caplan a hard time for joining us on the mission. We were under strict instructions not to even tell the Agency or the Bureau, but there was no way we could have completed the mission without Steve’s field skills and above all his linguistic talents!”

  Grover smiled. “I wondered how that came about.”

  Jake answered. “Yes, we were under the gun time wise, we’d both worked with Steve before in Israel and he was the perfect guy for the job!”

  Grover rose to indicate the meeting was over. “Glad we could help. Please stay in touch and if anything else comes up in Italy, this time we’ll have people in place who can help.”

  Jake and Sarah also rose and shook hands. “Thank you, sir,” Jake added. “We’ll stay in touch.”

  “My pleasure.” Grover showed them to the door.

  * * *

  Driving back into the City, Jake and Sarah discussed the surprisingly friendly meeting with the CIA Director.

  “Well, what did you think of that?” Jake asked her.

  “Hard to imagine he’s doing the same job as his predecessor!”

  “That’s what I was thinking,” Jake replied. “The guy sounded genuine and now we’ll see if he’s serious about helping us, because there are still loose ends bobbing around where we may still need the Agency’s help.”

  “I agree,” Sarah replied. “So, we’d better go and pick up your tux so that I’m not sitting next to the only bum in the room!”

  Jake grinned. “Do you realize how long it is since I actually wore a bow tie, let alone remember how to tie one.”

  “Never fear, I used to do it for my father all the time when we lived in Connecticut.”

  “Thank goodness for that!” he sighed.


  Outside Lorenzo’s villa in Sicily, a convoy of vehicles arrived at the heavily- guarded gates as all the regional Capos and their soldiers arrived for a major meeting.

  There were also choppers arriving and bringing other senior lieutenants from farther away for the major meeting of the Cagliari family.

  After everyone had been wined and dined, Lorenzo opened the meeting with a sad look on his face.

  “Before we begin the meeting,” he began. “We received some very sad news yesterday that our friend and brother Genaro and his team were apparently hit by a rival family in L’Aquila. Believe me, as God is my witness, there will be reprisals, but for the moment we will bury our dead, grieve with their families and then plan our revenge!” he then raised his glass. “A toast to our fallen brothers!”

  They all stood and drank a toast unknowingly to the men who the Don had deliberately sacrificed to save his son and to make his master plan work. Such was the ruthless arrogance of the Cagliari family.

  With the main announcements out of the way, Lorenzo then started to take the reports of the various elements of the family operations, with his financial manager Angelo at his side making voluminous notes and also with Thomasino, his computer genius sitting alongside, typing information feverishly into his laptop.

  As one after another of the Capos droned on with their operating reports, Lorenzo sat silently at the head of the table looking at his I-phone, a faraway look in his eyes. Nobody else could see that he was looking at the photograph of a smiling Andrew!

  Looking at all his men seated around him, each with their own families, the question that was boring a hole in his brain was ‘What good is all the hard work if you don’t have immediate family to leave the spoils to?’

  Those damned Americans were going to pay dearly for depriving him of a life with a fine son and it would definitely be sooner than later!


  There was a light layer of snow on the ground and in the early-evening frost after a chilly, sunny day, Jake and Sarah drove along Pennsylvania Avenue in the direction of the White House, the most famous building in America, all decked out in Christmas lights and looking absolutely seasonal.

  Jake looked resplendent in his tux and Sarah looked absolutely stunning in a deep red designer gown and wrap. She looked across at him and smiled lovingly.

  “You know, surprisingly, you clean up real good!”

  He grinned. “Same goes for you, my love. That dress is a knockout and I may have to put sunglasses on the boys!”

  She looked suddenly serious. “Are you carrying?”

  He patted his shoulder holster affectionately. “You bet, as far as the President is concerned, I’m even more entitled to be carrying than the rest of his security detail, after what we just did for his family!”

  She smiled. “True! I’m nervous for some reason, Jake. Maybe our current profile is too high?”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Well, we’re just a small firm and even the CIA are being told to kiss our butts by the President. It’s a bit scary!”

  “I know, but after tonight, we can hopefully disappear back into the woodwork and finally finish our vacation in Hawaii?”

  “Let’s hope so. I was enjoying it so much,” she looked out at the gently-falling snow. “And I could definitely use some of that warm sun!”

  “Me too.” he added as they drove up to the security gate of the White House. When the guards realized who they were, they were ushered inside the gates and directed where to park.

  Neither Jake nor Sarah had been guests of honor before and Sarah was
a little nervous at all the pomp and circumstance that was about to descend on them, but Jake was Jake and she doubted if he had ever been afraid of anything in his entire life!

  Jake looked elegant, his Glock in his shoulder holster didn’t show under his tux and it certainly hadn’t been a problem at the security gate.

  Once inside they were quickly ushered to the Oval Office where the President and Elizabeth Parker were both there, formally dressed, as also were Maria and David Carrington. Even the boys were squirming inside the shirt collars of their respective tuxes. The only other guests were John Mulroney and his wife Betty and of course the Presidential Secret Service Detail, who were there discreetly in the background, including the relieved-looking Kevin and Gary, the boy’s bodyguards.

  Ever since a couple of intruders had managed to make their way into the inner confines of the White House before being apprehended, the security around the First Family had been extremely diligent.

  Over cocktails, where the President formally welcomed Jake and Sarah, they all seemed to relax and both the boys were extremely pleased to see Jake and Sarah again.

  However, Maria looked a little uptight and she tried to relax and mingle with the invited guests, once again making a big fuss of Jake and Sarah as well as both the boys. She clearly knew Jeff well and she put her arms around the shoulders of both boys and winked conspiratorially at Jake.

  “Maybe we should have asked the kidnappers to hang on to these two rascals until they learn to stay with their security detail! What do you think, Jake?”

  Kevin and Gary exchanged a quick glance as Jake carefully worded his answer.

  “You could have a point there, Madame Vice-President,” he looked at the two sheepish-looking boys and grinned. “But if you could have seen the whites of their eyes and the looks on their faces when we walked through the door, I think you would have felt assured that they won’t be straying anymore!”

  Maria grinned and looked at the two boys. “What do you two villains say to that?”

  Jeff was the first to speak. “Jake’s right. I was never so scared in my entire life!”

  Andrew grinned. “Me too!”

  They were interrupted by the White House Catering Director who advised the President that dinner was served. The guests then made their way towards the dining room with the President and First Lady leading the way, all still chatting to one another as they went.

  Sarah held onto Jake’s arm and they exchanged a quick, loving glance as they moved along.

  * * *

  When they approached the door of the elegantly decorated dining room, with all the colors of Christmas included in the table décor, Sarah was watching everything at once, determined not to miss anything on this special night for her and Jake.

  Looking up ahead, however, Sarah’s face changed when she saw Jeff’s face suddenly stiffen with almost a glazed look in his eyes as they all headed for their seats. He also seemed to be walking slowly and methodically all of a sudden.

  She continued to watch Jeff who was heading over to Kevin, his bodyguard, who was standing near the head of the table where the President and First Lady were already standing behind their chairs, waiting for their guests to be seated.

  Everybody was checking out their seating location, including Jake, all except Sarah who was still watching Jeff with that strange look still on his face as he approached Kevin. The latter was pleased to see his charge back safe and sound and as the two guys hugged each other in friendly fashion, Jeff suddenly snatched Kevin’s pistol from his holster, moved back away from the others and to Sarah’s horror, he was suddenly pointing the pistol at his father ...The President!

  Everything happened so fast and the President suddenly looked at his son in shock. At that split second, the only other person to react fast enough was Sarah, who grabbed Jake by the arm and screamed, pointing at Jeff. “Jake, over there!”

  Jake looked where she was pointing to see Jeff prepared to fire the gun at his father. The boy screamed out “This is for Al-Qaeda!”, but before he could fire the gun, or the surprised security guards could react, a shot rang out and everybody gasped in shock as the gun went flying from Jeff’s hand. They all looked around and standing there not ten feet away, was Jake, his smoking gun in his hand. He quickly calmed everyone down as the President looked on in shock at his own son who had just tried to kill him!

  “Relax, everybody,” Jake began, but within a split second he was pounced on by the security guards and wrestled to the floor as they grabbed his gun.

  The First Lady and the President as well as Maria and David were still in shock at the speed that everything had just happened as they looked at Jake on the floor until Sarah screamed out.

  “Wait, wait, Mr. President! It’s all right!”

  The President looked at her as Kevin and Gary were also now restraining a surprised Jeff, who, following the sound of the gunshot, was now blinking in surprise, totally unaware that he had just tried to kill his own father!

  “What the hell d’you mean, it’s all right?” the President screamed at Sarah.

  Sarah answered quickly. “Because Jeff had been programmed to do what he just did!”


  “Yes, Mr. President,” she replied. “Just look at him, he doesn’t even know what just happened!”

  The President looked at Jeff, still standing there confused, being restrained by Kevin and Gary. “Jeff, is this true?” he asked.

  “Is what true, Dad? What’s goin’ on?”

  Sarah intervened quickly. “This is what I’m saying, Mr. President. Jake just saved your life! Those Al-Qaeda terrorists must have programmed him to try and kill you while they had him in captivity. You were so well guarded, why not program your own son to kill you since he would have every opportunity? Jake put a stop to that!”

  The truth was sinking in with the President who turned to the agents still holding Jake on the ground. “Let him up immediately!” he screamed as Jake climbed to his feet, dusting himself off.

  The President was thinking fast. “So, you saved my life, Jake. Once again our family are in your debt. What can I say?”

  Jake straightened his suit. “You can thank Sarah for spotting what was going on, sir. I’m in as much shock as you.” he turned towards the two bodyguards still holding Jeff. “I suggest that for the time being, we keep your son under surveillance until we can figure out what triggered that attack.”

  The President nodded. “I agree,” he turned to Jeff. “Just go with these guys, Jeff, we need to figure out what’s going on, okay?”

  Jeff looked totally confused. “I don’t understand, Dad?”

  “Please go,” the President asked. “Your mom and I will come and get you soon.” The boy nodded and left with Kevin and Gary.

  Across the room, Maria had been subconsciously holding Andrew to her protectively. The President looked across at her.

  “I’m so sorry about this, Maria. Why don’t you guys take Andrew home, stay with him and tomorrow we’ll get him checked out with Jeff in case there’s been any tampering with Andrew as well.”

  Maria nodded and she and David left with a shocked Andrew and the rest of their security detail. Mrs. Mulroney was also escorted out and when there was just the President, Mulroney, Jake and Sarah left, the President turned to Jake. “I think we need to talk. Let’s go back to the Oval Office?”


  In the privacy of the Oval Office, the President once again thanked Jake and Sarah for saving his life.

  “It seems that my family and I are constantly in your debt, Jake,” he began. “What I don’t understand is how you were able to spot what was going on?”

  “You can thank Sarah for that, sir,” Jake replied. “I was checking out where we were going to sit and she suddenly grabbed my arm and pointed to Jeff. We joked on the way in that I was still carrying my weapon and I told her that I was just as much involved in protecting you as the rest of your security detail, maybe more, but I ne
ver suspected this!” he turned to Sarah who was also recovering from the shock. “What alerted you, Sarah?”

  She was thinking fast and chose her words carefully. “It was pure, dumb luck, that’s all I can think of. I was walking along, watching everything, a little over-awed at the prospect of dining in the White House for what could be the first and last time and I didn’t want to miss a thing, so that one day I could tell my kids about it and that’s when it happened!”

  “What happened?” Mulroney had been listening intently.

  “I was walking alongside Jeff when I suddenly noticed him walking strangely, a glazed look on his face. It was then that I saw him grab the agent’s gun and that’s when I in turn grabbed Jake’s attention.”

  The President was now thinking a little more logically. “So, what made you think that Jeff had been pre-programmed to kill me, Sarah?”

  “Well, sir, my education background and specialty is as a behavioural specialist. Human behaviour has been a major part of my training and studying the techniques of manipulating a person’s mind was an important part of the curriculum.”

  The President was in shock. “My God! And somebody could have done that to my son?”

  “It’s very possible, Mr. President,” Jake added. “Al-Qaeda are experts in mind control. Just look at the number of suicide bombers they have wandering the streets, just waiting to blow themselves and everyone else to smithereens!”

  “Exactly,” Sarah added. “And in Jeff’s case, it was a classic example of post-hypnotic suggestion that would have somehow planted a trigger in his mind to suddenly do something that he had no idea he was capable of.”

  “My God!” was all the President could manage to say.

  Jake was now thinking out loud and he was starting to get his mind around what had just happened. “Let’s just assume, sir, that the ultimate objective of these Arab bastards was to kill you,” he began. “As Sarah said earlier, they know how heavily guarded you are all the time, particularly since those intruders broke into the White House.”


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