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The Immortality of Discipline

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by E. L Discipline

  The Immortality of Discipline

  E.L Discipline

  Andrea Johnson Books Publishing

  Check Out Other Books by E.L Discipline

  The Seduction of Discipline

  The Importance of Discipline

  Discipline’s World

  To see more of E.L Discipline books, visit the publishing website at:


  Would love to thank Marissa Jade from VH1’s reality tv show ‘Mob Wives’ season 6, also appeared on VH1’s ‘Celebrity Big Brother’, hit tv show ‘Law & Order,’ ‘Gossip Girl,’ and ‘The Good Wife.’ In addition, she’s been in films such as Will Ferrell’s ‘Elf,’ and Modeling internationally as well.

  Would love to thank the photographer Michael Zinn for the shots. His website is Would love to thank him regarding these phenomenal photos he shot.

  Would love to thank the fans of E.L Discipline, whom have been patiently waiting for this juicy horror thriller to drop.

  Would love to thank Andrea Johnson Books Publishing, They have an absolutely amazing team. My motto for 2018, “let’s fucking win!” Those whom haven’t read any of my projects prior, be ready to be blown away. This book here is mouth opening and eye popping. Once you open this book and begin to read chapter by chapter, page by page, you will never be able to put the book down. You will say to yourself, “what happens next?” There will be more projects in the works, for the near future. Keep a look out for more works from E. L Discipline, coming soon....

  The Immortality of Discipline

  © 2018 E.L Discipline. All rights reserved

  Cover art designed by Andrea Johnson Books Publishing.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

  First published by Andrea Johnson Books Publishing. 05/22/2018

  6565 N. MacArthur Blvd, Suite 225 Dallas, TX. 75039

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher herby disclaims any responsibility for them.


  1-Do You Not Want Immortality?

  2- When Hunger Takes Over

  3- The Hidden Powers Of An Immortal

  4- Sexual Desires Enhanced

  5- Blood Never Tasted So Good

  6- Resurrected

  7- Lust At First Sight

  8- Love Bites

  9- Silver Moon, Drenched Night

  10- Come To The Dark Side

  11- Psychological Bondage

  12- Look Me In My Eyes

  13- Take and Devour Her Innocence

  14- Are You Going To Invite Me In?

  15- Patiently Waits To Ravage Her Body

  16- Love Her To Death

  17- A Twist Of Fates

  18- Hunt Or Be Hunted

  19- Eternal Love Is Powerful

  20- You Belong To Me Forever

  Look deep into my eyes and witness the possibilities.

  - E.L Discipline


  (Previously, in Discipline’s World....)

  I felt a change in the air. It was a warm summer night and all of a sudden, the air changed. I stopped moving, Precious looked at me frantically. “Daddy, what’s wrong?” I started looking around. “Something is not right. I feel off balance tonight. You feel that?” She looked around. “What do you mean?” She asked. I stared at her. “There’s a change in the air.”

  Precious never questioned my instincts. She never called me crazy. She knew if I said something was off, then something was off.

  “Look, forget it. Let’s keep moving baby girl.” I grab her hand and we begin walking a little faster. Suddenly, I hear a noise, like a branch fall or something. “You heard that?” She looked confused and scared. “No Daddy, I didn’t hear anything,” she said. Damn, was I going nuts? I mean was I just hearing things that were not actually there to be heard? Fuck! What the fuck? “Let’s keep moving baby.”

  Suddenly, something jumped from behind us and bit the side of my neck. I don’t know what it was, but there was a major struggle with some sort of being. Precious got involved, and I began feeling weak. She was struggling with this thing, this creature, as it threw her to the ground and stood over her. I found the strength to run over to them and fight this being off. It was a woman! Such strength and speed. I yelled out for her.

  “Precious!!! Get away from her!” I lunged towards the woman and she ran off. We were in an area where people could hear us from afar, but no one was around. I grabbed Precious’ limp body. The damage that was done! She was motionless and not responding to my calls for her.

  “Precious!! Wake up baby!!” I lifted her body and held her in my arms. I walked with her for not even a mile when I collapsed and dropped to the ground with her. The bite on my neck got worse and I was extremely weak. I yelled out, “help!!” We were in an open area now. I reached for my cell to dial 911 and the operator answered.

  “911, what’s your emergency?” I lost consciousness, but my phone remained on.

  Someone found us and brought us to the hospital. They were saying Precious didn’t make it. As for myself, the doctors were asking themselves, “how can this man’s body be so cold, but his heart remains so warm?” They couldn’t figure it out. “What’s this bite mark on his neck? There are two deep bite marks. I know this sounds weird but, it looks like fangs.” The other doctor said, “no, it has to be something else. You’re talking about fangs, like vampire? Supernatural or something?” The third doctor said, “let’s figure this out.”

  All three of them went into the other room to discuss the situation and how they were going to move forward. The woman or creature that attacked myself and Precious in the park, came back. Shit, I thought she was coming to finish the job but instead, she helped me out of there.

  “These mortals are not about to work on you.” She said insidiously. I looked at her with mixed emotions. “Who are you? What are you? How do you know Precious or myself? Where is Precious? Where the fuck is Precious??!” I said, as I demanded an immediate response. This woman was some supernatural shit! We teleported out of there. She took me to her lair.

  “I’m going to teach you how to do that one day.” She said to me. I thought, ‘what the fuck is going on here?’ I then said, “fuck that, where is Precious?” Then I attempted to swing at her, but she was too fast, and I was too weak still. I managed to catch her by the throat, but she just shrugged it off, smiled and tossed me across the room.

  She said, “silly mortal! You can’t overpower a vampire! A supernatural,” she assured me of this, that a mortal was no match for her. “Ugh,” I brushed myself off, I then asked her. “So that’s what you are?” She raised her hand and I was lifted up off the ground. She brought me to her with just her eyes and hands. “Have you ever been handled so violently by a woman before? Perhaps not, but I am not a woman. I am a God. I chose you because you have such extraordinary powers for a mortal. Precious didn’t seem to possess what you have. She didn’t seem to be the way you were. This is what I saw, and what was left of her.” She opened her hand, and it was the jewelry I gave Precious to wear at all times. She handed it to
me. “In all of my two thousand plus years of life, I have never witnessed a human like yourself. You impressed me. I am going to mold you into the most elite supernatural to ever exist. You will stand by my side and we will take over this world……”

  Chapter 1- Do You Not Want Immortality?

  (Present Day)

  “Like I was saying to you before, do you want mediocrity, or do you want immortality? I think it’s a rhetorical question, you and I both know exactly what you want to be, and what you want to become. We both know what you want to possess. The type of man that you are already, would never settle for less than great.” She said all these things to me as if she was reading my mind.

  I was extremely confused and all I could think of, was that I wanted Precious by my side. Where was she? As I remembered, we were attacked by this bitch in the park. I carried her, and then I attempted to get us some help. But, I was very weak and began to lose consciousness. The doctors said to me, that someone found us. All I wanted was Precious by my side, not this bitch, this weird bitch that sounds like she is talking such non-sense that if non-sense slapped her in the fucking face, she still wouldn’t know what she was preaching. I spoke forcefully....

  “I demand some answers, now!” She smirked at me, “what would you like to know, Mr. Discipline?” I shook my head at her and stared at her flatly. “Like that, that’s what I mean. How the fuck do you know me, and my name? How do you know us? How do you know Precious and I? Where is Precious? How and why did you attack us? How did you know where and when to find us? Why did you find us in the first place? Is there something you wanted from us in particular?”

  She said to me very candidly, “I will answer all your questions in due time.” She paused for effect than continued. “I was Precious’ slave.”

  I cut her off. “What the fuck? What the fuuucck! The whole time? This must be a dream, right? No, it is a damn, fucking nightmare!” She quieted me, “shhhh, look, I was Precious’ slave and I knew it was because of you why I was dismissed, okay? I was intrigued about your entire lifestyle in BDSM. I wanted to be a part of it, and when I was dismissed, I had plans to kill you both, feast upon you. Yes, I took the form of a human, you pathetic humans, and your weird emotions. However, I was intrigued more by you, sir Discipline. You were someone that was magical in my eye. Someone I believed to be extremely gifted. How can a mortal have so much power? Power over people, power over a woman? Power of women in general? Powers so strong, you can feel it. Feel that power a mile away?

  Look, in all my 2256 years of life on earth, I have never witnessed a mortal man do the things you do, or possess the power over such people, without mere threats, physicality, money or damn near magic. I had to know more, that is why I asked your beloved Precious so many things about you. But, who the fuck were the two of you to think you both could dismiss me? Not me, not Alexandria!!”

  I thought to myself, ‘who the fuck is Alexandria though?’ I didn’t know her for shit. Who knew who she was, from a hole in the fucking wall? So, who the fuck was she? She then continued.

  “I traveled the world, I have been in all these different eras. I have traveled through the past, present and future. I’ve seen things, that would make mortals cry, fear and run from. I have seen wars, hurricanes, earthquakes, the hate. I have seen how mortals have hate and joy for one another. But, the hate is stronger than the love, and the love has diminished. I have seen the eras change with the women, how they speak, dress, behave towards men, compared to the earlier years. I have seen the jealousy with humans. Jealousy, how they take each other for granted. They cut each other’s throats and step on each other’s shoes, just to move to the top of the mountain. They call me a monster. No, your humans are the monsters. The loyalty, the honor is non-existent with mortals. They speak loyalty, but they do not practice it. They speak love, but, they know hate is in their hearts.

  I see through their souls. I read their eyes. I read their minds. They think with their flesh, they are slaves to their own pathetic desires. They are weak, and they enjoy being weak. I despise mortals, but the irony is, I took a form of one. I took the form of a mortal as I have the ability to shape shift, and I learned your lifestyle from your sub, Precious. I wanted to see and witness how this woman serves you. Why she serves you? A powerful man. Hahaha.” She laughed ferociously. I asked her…

  “You really count all the years you are on this earth? I mean, you are immortal, correct? At some point don’t you just say, ‘fuck it,’ and you lose count?” She laughed at me. “Hahaha...” I don’t know if she was laughing at me, or laughing with me, because I should be the one laughing at her. I then continued….

  “Plus, you speak of all this, and I believe you are merely a hypocrite.” I said to her, forcefully. She grabbed me by my throat and lifted me off the ground. My feet dangled about five inches off the floor.

  “You have such balls to speak to me like this, I can kill you at any given time. I can snap your neck with one hand. You are not a complete vampire yet. Yes, I changed you, but your transformation is not complete. You are still weak.”

  I struggled and gasped for air. “I’m not afraid to die, and if that was your intension, you would have done it on many occasions. In the park, and instead of rescuing me out of the hospital, you had your chance there as well. You could have finished the job you started. You must need me, that’s why you won’t kill me. But, you are a hypocrite, you talk about all this and, yet you take life.”

  She dropped me, and I grasped my neck and began to cough a few times. Damn she had a tight grip. She then said...

  “I picked the right person. Most people would not speak to me as you speak to me. You do have some balls, Discipline. Big balls. But, if you may know, and I will elaborate on your concept of you thinking I am a hypocrite, I do not take life. You see, I merely give life. I eat what is weak to survive. Your mortals eat chicken, and all of those are meats and animals. Your mortals are the worst kind.” Shit, she had a point here, I could not argue with this woman mentally. I could not beat her physically either, well at least, not yet. And for the time being, perhaps I must comply until I can come up with an adequate plan to get out of here, or better yet, take her out indefinitely. For the first time in my entire life, I feel as if I must comply to a woman’s ways, well for now. Just until I learn what I can learn to possibly destroy her. Come on, even though she is supernatural, she is still a woman. She must have a weakness, right? I will expose that weakness to my advantage and that will be her downfall, she will make a mistake, and I will capitalize when time permits. I was feeling faint, she said to me...

  “You must feast. That is the only key to your survival, and with that said, you require blood!” I looked at her as if she possessed two heads. “Oh hell no, I am not doing what you do.” She stared at me like I had no choice. You can either hunt, or be hunted. This is survival of the fittest. If you cannot feast for yourself, I will provide you with blood.”

  She grabbed a hold of me, and we teleported out of there. We ended up in the woods somewhere, she then ordered me to remain where I was. “Stay here!” She swiftly attacked this deer she saw, I didn’t even see it, that shit was so fast. She came back to me. “Here, drink this.”

  I drank the blood of the deer. This shit was fucking crazy. “Ugh!” I almost gagged. She laughed, “you will get used to it.” It tasted like adamantium, a hard metal or some sorts. It was like I was licking a silver spoon or a silver knife or something. It was terrible. My stomach began to hurt. “You fucking do this shit every day?” I asked her. “What a terrible life to live, what a terrible way to live.” She didn’t allow me to drink anymore….

  “Shut up!!” She said to me sharply. However, I did feel a little bit stronger, as if I was gaining my strength back. She said, I would get used to it, but will I really? Perhaps it’s not a conscious thing, you get used to it because it’s easy to get used to, and you require it for your survival? Like the difference between eating healthy and eating foods that are not so he
althy. I mean broccoli didn’t taste well as a child, but prior to this transformation it did, yet again broccoli never changed its taste. Hmmmm?? She brought us back to her dark lair. She said to me...

  “That will hold you for now. However, in order for you to be full immortal, in order for your transformation to be complete, you must feast upon real human blood. And quiet frankly, I don’t believe you are ready for that yet.”

  I said to her, “no, I am not ready to do what you do, but if you had to throw me to the wolves, I would probably come back leading the damn pack!” She smiled, “oh, you’re so confident. What if you expose yourself, and you are taken out?” I stared at her confused, “how would I be taken out by a mortal? Aren’t we physically quicker, more alert and stronger than they are?” I questioned her. She then said to me in response to my question...

  “You must know how to attack. You must know how to feed. You must know the human body, in order to attack it efficiently, and adequately. Three ways to kill someone (which are certainly interrelated): take out their nervous system, take out their circulation, or take out their breathing. The larger the vessel, the more you bleed out. The faster you die. If a killer wanted to kill someone by blood loss, they would need to go for the carotid arteries in the neck. The carotids would be most effective, so long as the killer cut both of them — the brain would be most rapidly deprived of its blood supply (and ability to get rid of CO2), causing the victim to pass out, and without immediate care, the brainstem will die. If you lose oxygen more than 4 minutes, the brain is damaged to the point that it cannot recover, but other body organs can be revived even hours later. Eventually, all body organ systems fail, and that is officially when you are dead, but it all depends on how you define death. Now, you see if you break your neck, your brain has no way to tell your heart to keep beating, or your lungs to keep breathing, etc. It has been known for people with a broken neck to survive, if they had immediate attention. They basically fix your skull still with a screw-like device in the hope that the break may heal. This is why you are told to never move someone with a head injury. You can make things worse.” She continued with her dark and descriptive education.


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