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The Immortality of Discipline

Page 20

by E. L Discipline

  “Well, my name is Pierre.” She was intrigued, “ooooh, very nice, that’s French?” I then replied, “yes, it is French. I am Haitian and Dominican. Je parle le francais, hablo poquito espanol tambien.” She entertained me a little, “bueno, es una buena mezcla.” She said, it is a good mix. “Je parle un peu Francais aussi bien.” She said, she spoke a little French as well. “Wow, I am impressed,” my eyes lit up, as I said to her. Then I asked her, “where are you from? What is your nationality?” I asked her as I was to await an immediate response. She then said to me. “My mother is Colombian and Italian; and my father was Canadian. I picked up a little bit of both. But, my parents are not alive anymore.”

  It’s a shame I must kill this woman, we connected a little bit. Perhaps, I could get her to turn on her friend, put her under a spell, that way she does the work for me? No, fuck that, I’m not sure, she would, or the spell would follow through.

  “Sorry to hear about your parents.” I gave my condolences. She smiled at me, “thank you.” I handed her a business card, it was a card of one of the clubs I had out there in Queens. It had the clubs information on it, not mine. Address, telephone, etc. “Look, I have a club out here in Queens, perhaps you want to check it out? It’s called, ‘Midnights.’ And you should bring a friend or two, come check it out.” I did that just, so she could open up her purse or bag, I knew she had her ID in there, and when she opened her purse to place my card in there, my eyes looked at the ID. I used my X-ray vision and scanned it, to keep adequate mental documentation. Bingo, I got the fucking address of her home, and I took her ID. I took that shit with such quickness, even if it fell out of her purse, she would have never been the wiser. I mean, come on, I will need an excuse to show up at her house. I could not just fucking show up there. Duh! She would think I was a creep, even though, I was able to show up at her house soon, like a creep. But I needed an excuse to be there, or she would wonder how I got her address. And when I bring her back her ID, acting as if I found it, she will be so relived that I found it, that she will invite me in, to show her gratitude. Can’t small talk with this woman anymore, no more time to waste, therefore I cut it short…

  “Well, Melissa it was a pleasure meeting and speaking with you,” I said to her with an inviting smile on my face, showing teeth. Her eyes, displayed to me, how she loved my smile. She then shook my hand, before I walked away she said, “the pleasure was all mine, Pierre.”

  I walked away. I made myself discreet, but, I wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to tell Jessica, she changed her mind about meeting her. Melissa arrived at her home, and I followed her there without being seen. Now, you know women talk, they can’t help it. Even if she said she wasn’t going to talk in the street, most likely, she would. Well, most women, not all. But, who cares if she talked, I thought, it’s a good thing, and after all, I didn’t give my real name. Because, as soon as she got home, she called Jessica, but Jessica didn’t answer. So, it went to voicemail, and she left her a voice message...

  “Hey, girl, I know it’s Wednesday, but this weekend, let’s go out to this new club out here in Queens. I googled it and it looks dope, it’s called, ‘Midnights.’ I met the owner, you wouldn’t believe it, he was in the Victoria Secret store. Anyways, hit me back girl, when you get this. Muah!” And she blew a kiss over the phone. How do you blow a kiss over the phone? How is the person on the other end going to receive it? Anyways, fuck it, fuck that thought, I had to stay focused…

  I waited to hear what was going on in the home, and Melissa went to take a shower. Soon as she was heading out of the shower, her phone rang. It was Jessica on the phone, Melissa then fucking power walked to her phone to answer it. She was so excited about the things that transpired today, she had to tell someone. Who better than one of her best friends? “Hey, Girl, what’s going on? Yeah, so let’s go to the club this weekend, not just any club. This club called, ‘Midnights,’ did you listen to my voicemail?” Jessica on the other side of the phone now said to Melissa, “yes, I did.” Melissa then continued, why both her and Jessica, and possibly some more friends should go to the club.

  “So, listen, I met the owner there, at the Victoria Secret store. You know what that means? Those free drinks, VIP, etc. bitch! Hahah.”

  I shook my head as I smirked, man this bitch no doubt needed to die, I thought to myself. She acted like the type of woman whom would use her looks to get whatever she wanted from a man. I mean nowadays, men are pussy whipped, and well, the women do little to none to get and keep their attention. She then continued on…

  “He was so handsome, I thought he was a little fruity coming into Victoria Secret, but, he had some swag. He was smooth with his words as well, he dressed so nicely, and he smelled so good, and his eyes were like hypnotic. It looked like they were changing a different color in the sunlight, every time I stared into his eyes. Nah, I’m buggin’ girl. But, he probably was there looking for lingerie or something for his girlfriend, wife or mistress. What type of handsome man comes into a Victoria Secret store, to look around? The nice-looking ones, and the ones that got their shit together are always taken. Or they have a few women. And if they’re married, they’re usually ugly, or fat.”

  Jessica was laughing on the other side of the phone, as she said to Melissa, “girl, you are assuming, you know none of this, obviously, the way you speak of him now, you sound interested in him, why didn’t you just ask him straight up? Shit!” Melissa, then said, “I know I’m assuming, I’m sorry, you’re right. But, I was not about to ask him, he would think I was some type of creep or stalker type. Or he would think I was into him. But these men out here in New York, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m so sick of all of them. I don’t know if I’m coming later, I’m a little exhausted.”

  Once I heard that from outside, I shut my eyes, and I focused on her heavily, and whispered, “you will be going tonight, you are making coffee as we speak, and you got a second wind. You’ll be there at 8pm sharp.” She repeated, “you know what girl? I’m making coffee now as we speak, we haven’t seen each other in weeks, I got a second wind. I’ll see you later, 8pm sharp.” Jessica then said on her side of the phone… “Good, good. See you then, love ya! Muah!” And Melissa reciprocated, with a “muah!” I don’t get this kiss over the phone thing again, someone would need to explain this to me, maybe I will ask Cleopatra when I see her. Melissa then hung up the phone, and she started to make coffee. I waited until she was dressed, and then I knocked on her door. *Knock *knock *knock, I don’t know, I had this weird habit where I just loved to knock on someone’s door like three times. Shit, perhaps they didn’t hear that shit the first time, or the second time. She then answered the door to me...

  “Ooh, you startled me!” I put my hand to my chest, like I was in shock myself…“Well, damn, I hope I am not that ugly.” She laughed, “Pierre from the Victoria Secret store, correct?” I pointed my index finger at her, “that is correct, you have a good memory. A memory like an elephant. Anyways, you’re probably wondering what and how I got here? Anywho, also wondering, what I am doing here?” She gasped, “oh yes, how do you know where I live? What the hell!” I put both my hands up, as my palms were then facing her, indicating I was no threat. “I then reached for my pocket, and looked at her ID, “Melissa, right? Here is your ID, it has your address here. You must be careful, any psycho could have came here, and just stalked you.” She then said, jokingly, “maybe you’re a stalker, huh?” I’m just joking. We both laughed. She probably wasn’t joking, if she was into me as I suspected, she probably wished I was her stalker. She looked a little crazy. She looked like she would be into a little danger. It was exhilarating to have this thought. I had to remain focused, back to fucking business!!

  “Well, you dropped it as you were putting my card inside of your purse.” If she was paying attention and very meticulous, she would have known and remembered, I left before her. If she dropped something, why wouldn’t I bring it to her attention then? But she was not that attentive. Sh
e was focused on the card and the club. Her eyes lit up, “yes, your card, the club, I can’t wait to go, I was telling my best friend about it. She’s coming along with me, like this weekend.” I smiled and then said, “perfect, and I will have VIP and drinks set up for you ladies.” She was so grateful, “thank you for my ID back, Pierre.” As I was thinking she was about to shut the door, I asked her… “are you making coffee or something?” She looked back, “yes, would you like some?” I put my hand out, “well, I wouldn’t want to impose.” She shook her head, “no, you are not. I made plenty, and it’s the least I can do for your thoughtful gesture.” My eye brows raised, “are you inviting me in Melissa?” I gazed into her eyes firmly. She nodded her head at me, “yes, come on in, make yourself feel at home.”

  I got her, hook, line and sinker, bitch! I then walked inside her place, and she shut the door behind me. “Go ahead, relax, you may sit on the sofa, I’ll bring you a cup. Do you like it just black? Or would you like it light and sweet?” I said to her, “well, I love my coffee, like me, dark and sweet. I like it real strong.”

  She giggled like a little school girl. Then she said she would bring it right out. “I’ll be right back with it for you.” She said to me. She took longer than what a normal person would take to get another person some coffee. I looked at all her pictures, in her home. I did not sit down. I explored my surroundings. She had childhood photos, photos of her and her parents. She then walked out and said, “you like the pictures you see?” I turned around quickly, “yes of course, they are very cute.”

  She came out in this sexy gown, but she was hiding some lingerie underneath. Then she started to open the gown a little bit, so I could get a peek. What would possess this woman to do this? A man can’t come into a woman’s home, talk about the stars, the universe, perhaps some books, sports, global warming, business, have some coffee, kill her and get on his way? He has to murder that pussy as well? Shit! Well, I guess we won’t just be drinking coffee tonight, as I see she may have other plans at hand. Maybe she’s attempting to seduce me, because of who I am, and the clubs I own. I mean, she will, but maybe she won’t. If it’s not for the money, it could be for the fame. If not for the fame, she would for the power.

  If we did it, would she remember me tomorrow? Who was I kidding? Of course she would remember me tomorrow, if I slang that big dick of mine, on, in and around her. Put it on her like no other. Thug style, pulling her hair, slapping her ass cheeks, and fucking her all wild. She would never forget this big dick, this sharp mind, and this tornado tongue. She might as well, call me ‘King Kong,’ when I was done. Not even he had anything on me. Forget me? Let me slide up in her, within a few seconds of me being inside her, she would forget her own name. She was not ready for the animal she was about to encounter in ‘Discipline.’

  We sat down together on the sofa. We drank some coffee, “so, tell me about yourself.” She was demanding. “What you see is what you get,” I replied. “No, no, no, there’s more to you than this exterior. You have this powerful aura.” She insisted. I gaze into her eyes, “oh, you don’t say? How powerful? What does my aura do to you?” I asked. “I am just drawn to you. It’s so strong, it is like so electric. These eyes of yours, are some soulful pools of magnetism. It’s like your energy, Dominates me alone. I felt it today in the store. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I haven’t felt that towards a man in such a long time. It’s like you have this spell on me. Who are you, really?” I started laughing. And she continued. “You have this mysterious glow to you.” I smirk, “do you have trouble, believing a man? You have trust issues, don’t you? You’re so sick and tired of these men out here in the city? Aren’t you? You want authenticity? You want realness? You want something solid?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes, yes and yes, it’s like you could read my mind. Oh my god! Yes!” I told her, “no, not really, I heard you. I can hear your mind. I can hear your busy thoughts, and I quiet those thoughts at will, when you are in my presence.”

  She did not speak a word, she just stared at me patiently, waiting for me to finish speaking. “I am no better than these men, I am just a little bit more understanding of who and what I am, but I’m not this nice guy.” She looked at me, “I don’t need a nice guy.” I then said to her, “what if I told you, I was a vampire, would you believe me? Would you scream, run, tell others about me?” She laughed at me, “yeah right, are you going to bite me, Mr. Vampire?” I nodded my head, “Well, yes, I am. Before, during and after.”

  She then stared at me again, so aroused, and then she laughed and gave me a love tap on my shoulder, laughing and putting her head down, “oh you are so funny, Pierre.” I had a serious face on, then I said to her, “I am not joking, and my name is not Pierre, it’s actually, ‘Discipline.’ She then laughed again, “you are mistaken, Pierre, you are funny. Then she put her hand on over her mouth, then spoke, “oh, im sorry, I mean, ‘Discipline,’ Okay, I’ll play along, take me, take me. Do what you wish to me.”

  I stared at her lips, and I grabbed her chin, with a stone grip and I anchored her chin over towards me, and I pressed my lips against hers. We kissed roughly. We kissed passionately. I bite her lower lip. And then, I picked her up, and I took her to her bedroom, I then tossed her on the bed.

  “Oh, my goodness, we barely know each other,” she said. That’s funny she says that, but she was willing to be half naked in front of me? But we barely know each other, right? I then said, “shhhh, but we are wilding out like we are lovers.”

  I grabbed her ankles with my massive hands, and I pulled her towards me. I ripped her lingerie off and placed kisses meticulously on each curve on her body. “I will show you what your curves were made for. Make those fucking sounds. Scream for it. Beg to cum until it floods out of you. Breathe and hold on. I am in complete control of you. Your job now is to just feel. Feel completely taken. Fucked. Handled. At my mercy. The pounding. The thrusting. My firm grip. Rougher than you’ve ever known it. Perhaps this has always been your fantasy, but, now I make it a reality. I grant you memories to now, last an eternity. Having the fucking experience play over and over in your mind. The extreme. The moment. The sounds. The moans. The feelings. The taboo. Embrace these urges that will constantly come back. Like an addict needing their next fix. Potent like chocolate. Potent like cocaine, it drives you insane.”

  I sucked on her erect nipples, and then I shoved my massive chocolate dick inside her drenched hole. Her pussy walls closed in around me, and her lips wrapped around my big dick. I turned her over, into the doggy style position. Her hips were tossed, back and forth. I turned her out. It’s ironic, see ,I controlled her, but she gushed uncontrollably. She was cumming all over me and on the sheets.

  I pulled her hair, and then I turned her over. She was moaning so loudly. Then she came again. It didn’t take her long to cum for me, she just needed to be handled by the right Beast. Moaning so loudly, like she has not been fucked great in years. I could tell. Like she has not had some good dick in her bed in years. She came, again, and again for a third and fourth time, and then I finally released myself. I growled loudly in her ear. I came…

  I was then fully dressed afterward, and she was naked, and laying under the covers. “So, you’re not going to spend the night?” She asked, and I answered her immediately, “no, I have some business I must take care of tonight.” I said. And she then asked me, “oh the club, right?” I nodded my head at her….

  “Yes, something like that, it’s going to be a killing tonight.” I used those words to sound figuratively. But, it was literally. She cheered me on, “yeah, you’re going to kill it.” Oh yes bitch, I am going to kill it. She then said, “oh shit, that reminds me, I have to go meet my friend tonight.” I smirk and then I said to her, “no, you’re not going anywhere tonight.” She laughed, “you’re right, I could barely move, you fucked the shit out of me. The pain is so good, I’m begging for another round.” I stared at her, “you might be looking for another round of this good dick, but I’
m looking at the entirety of you like you’re food, and I want another bite.”

  My eyes changed gold and my fangs grew, and I growled, “grrrrr.” She yelled, “what the fuuuuuck!” I flew towards her swiftly and devoured her whole. I sank my fangs into her neck, and I took her life. I wrapped her body in the sheets, and I got rid of it.

  I drove as I got into my vehicle, and I looked at myself into the mirror. I shape shifted into Melissa, I then played her voice to see if I had it down pact.

  “Hey, Jessica, girl, I am so sorry I am late, I hit heavy traffic.” I was playing into character. I arrived back to the hotel, and I met with Cleopatra, I commanded her, “hey, get dressed, everything is set and ready to go. We will be taking the car, but I will stop it like a couple blocks or a block away. Then I will teleport us there. So, we will be teleporting over there, I am going to be invited into the house, as she will see me as her best friend, this Melissa woman.”

  Cleo asked, “hold on, Melissa character? What do you mean? Wait, hold on, how will she trust you enough to let you in?” I then slowly shape shifted into Melissa. “Meet Melissa, Jessica’s best friend.” Cleo smiled, “very nice, that is amazing, do I have these powers? Can I do the same shit?” I got serious, “fucking pay attention, stay focused!”

  I changed back into myself. Then instructed her about the plan. “You will then wait outside on my direct call, I will get her to leave the room, I will get her to go make something for the both of us. Something for her and I to eat or drink so we can, ‘catch up,’ like the two of them say to each other.” I put up my index and middle finger from each hand as if I was putting up a peace sign. And I pressed both my index and middle fingers, indicating quoting like I was when I said, ‘catch up.’


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