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Secrets Uncovered

Page 3

by Shelia M. Goss

  “You’ve met her. She can be a little controlling. I didn’t want her to get there and try to run things and interrupt the shooting.”

  “I would love to get her opinion on a few things. We don’t have you scheduled for a shoot tomorrow, but Wednesday, we do. Bring her then.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ll make sure Aunt Edna has an experience she will never forget. I have an idea I want to run past her too.”

  “I’m sure she will love it.” Kem had surprised Brent by taking an immediate liking to his aunt. In the past, Brent’s dates weren’t interested in getting to know his aunt. Aunt Edna thought most of them were superficial opportunists.

  They spent the rest of the ride to Kem’s place discussing music and movies. They seemed to share the same tastes.

  Two hours after leaving the studio, Brent finally pulled his car up in front of Kem’s one-story brick home located less than thirty minutes from where he lived.

  Kem unbuckled her seatbelt. “Thanks for the ride. If we leave at six, we should make it there by seven.”

  “I could always spend the night to ensure we leave on time.”

  Kem laughed. “You’re a big boy. You’ll get here on time.”

  Brent got out of the car and held Kem’s door open.

  She exited, cleared her throat then said, “Thanks again for the ride.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Brent moved to the left to let her by but she moved in his same direction. When he moved to the right, she also moved to the right. They both stared in each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Brent shifted his body so Kem could pass.

  Brent watched Kem until she made it inside. She turned around, smiled and waved. He waved back and got back into his car.

  He didn’t believe in love at first sight but something inside him tugged at his heart every time he saw Kem. Today would be no different. She challenged him in every way, but that excited him instead of turning him off. Nothing in life had ever come easy for Brent. In his heart, Brent knew Kem was worth pursuing and he vowed to make Kem his woman as he pulled out of her driveway and into the street.

  Kem watched Brent pull away through the front-room curtain. She tried to go through her normal routine of taking a hot bath before finding herself something to eat, but nothing about the last few days was routine.

  Ever since she’d slept with Brent, she couldn’t get him off her mind. She attempted to do so all day but the colorful tulips on her desk reminded her of their Saturday-night lovemaking session.

  Kem had been surprised by the natural flow of their conversation on the ride over to her place. She would have loved for Brent to stay but duty called. With Brent around, work would be the last thing on her mind.

  Maybe fatigue had set in, causing Kem to think more about Brent than she should. Maybe she was getting Brent’s signals mixed up. It’d been months since she’d actually gone out on a date. Brent probably wanted another opportunity to bed her. If that was all he wanted, she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. But denying him would be denying herself.

  So many thoughts went through her head as she slid down in the steamy hot water in the tub. She closed her eyes and began to meditate. She slowed her breathing. After meditating, all she could think about was Brent.

  Kem didn’t have much of an appetite, so after getting dressed she ate a light dinner that consisted of strawberries, grapes and crackers. With bottled water in one hand and the TV remote in another, she curled up on the couch, ate and watched TV.

  Her cell phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID but didn’t recognize the number. She turned the volume down on the television while answering the phone.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?” Brent’s voice asked from the other end.

  “I’m just relaxing a little before I dive back into revising this script.”

  “I won’t hold you. I plan to be there at six, so don’t have me waiting,” Brent joked.

  “Thanks again for being my chauffeur until I can get my car fixed.”

  “I’m here for whatever you need.” Brent seemed to stress the word need.

  Kem crossed her legs and then uncrossed them. She stuttered. “I will remember that. Good night, Brent.”

  Kem disconnected the call without waiting on Brent to respond.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning, Brent arrived at Kem’s place on time. After changing clothes three times, Kem finally decided on a pair of black slacks and an emerald green shirt with a pair of emerald green flats. She grabbed her big black designer handbag filled with her iPad and other items and headed out the door.

  Brent stood by the passenger door and held it open. “Good morning.”

  “Hi. Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.”

  “You’re a few minutes late, but that’s okay.” Brent smiled. He closed her door and walked to the other side then got in the driver’s seat.

  “My aunt sent you something.” He handed her a brown paper bag.

  She opened it and looked inside. Her eyes landed on a croissant sandwich wrapped in saran wrap. “I’ll wait until we get to the office because I don’t want to drop any crumbs in your car.”

  “Eat up. That’s what a vacuum’s for,” Brent responded.

  “Good, because I’m hungry. I didn’t eat much last night.”

  Sounds of the “Steve Harvey Morning Show” played in the background while Kem ate and Brent drove toward the studio.

  Brent pulled into the studio parking lot. They each greeted crew and other cast members as they walked inside. No one seemed to notice they’d arrived together.

  Kem unlocked her office door, flipped the light on and walked to her desk. Brent entered behind her.

  “If you need a ride home tonight, just let me know.”

  “I should be okay. They are bringing me a loaner. But if they don’t, I’ll definitely let you know.”

  Brent turned to walk out.

  Kem blurted, “What’s your aunt’s number? I need to call and thank her for breakfast.”

  Brent turned back around. He recited a number that Kem wrote on a notepad near the front of her computer.

  “I’m not filming today, but wanted to rehearse before tomorrow. I’ll stick around in case you need a ride,” Brent said as he turned to walk away.

  “I’ll see you around,” Kem said as she removed her jacket and placed it on the back of her chair and sat down.

  Kem made a phone call to the dealership then Aunt Edna. Her conversation with Aunt Edna lasted longer than she’d planned but it put her in a jovial mood.

  She turned on her computer and began making revisions to the script so she could hand the revised script out to the cast before shooting started.

  After working on the revisions, Kem printed the revised script and called Ellen. “Can you come here?”

  A few minutes later, Ellen walked inside. “I came as quick as I could.”

  Kem stood and walked to the printer. She removed the script. “Here’s the revised script. Make copies and make sure everyone who should have a copy gets it.”

  “Will do.”

  “I’ll be running late to the meeting because I need to meet someone from the car dealership outside. But hand the script out and we can go over it as soon as I get there.”

  “I’ll let everyone know,” Ellen responded.

  Brent got to the meeting early hoping to get a spot near Kem. She normally sat in the middle at the conference table so he chose the seat next to where she normally sat. The room filled up as he waited on Kem to come.

  Ellen walked in holding scripts and began handing them out. “Kem had to take care of something but she will be here in a few minutes. In the meantime, here are the changes to the script. If anyone has any questions, please reserve them for Kem.”

  The twenty p
eople in the room mumbled among themselves while reading the changes. Brent kept his eye on the door. It was unlike Kem to be late to her own meeting. Ten minutes later, and without a hair out of place, she walked in. The room got quiet. He stood and pulled her chair out for her.

  She looked at him with appreciation but didn’t say anything directly to him. Instead, she addressed the room. “Sorry I’m late, guys. But I hope it gave you all a chance to review the changes I highlighted.”

  Brent sat back in his chair. He tried his best to concentrate on the discussion, but he couldn’t.

  Brent watched Kem’s lips move. Seeing her at work mesmerized him. Thanks to the women in his family, he was used to seeing women in control.

  Kem’s independence attracted him. He also respected her for her hard work and determination. People seemed to be entranced with whatever she had to say. It was no wonder she’d gotten the green light to produce her own show. Brent had a following before being cast as Max but thanks to Kem, his popularity increased immediately after his character made its debut on screen.

  Brent hung around after the meeting but different people kept coming up to Kem. Brent eased out of the way until he found himself near the door. He decided to leave and try again later.

  A few hours passed before Brent got a chance to speak with Kem directly. He ran into her in the hallway. “Have you eaten lunch yet?” Brent asked.

  “No, but I don’t have time. One of my PAs didn’t show up again, so I’m having to take care of something they would normally take care of.”

  “What? I’ll do it for you,” Brent volunteered.

  “Thanks, but by the time I explain what I need, I could have done it myself.”

  Brent watched Kem rush down the hall.

  Brent tried several times during the day to catch Kem alone again, but was unsuccessful. He decided to stay late just in case she needed him. To his disappointment, she didn’t. He saw her get in the driver’s side of a car loaner. She waved at him as she drove past out of the parking lot.

  Chapter Eight

  Kem woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. After getting home the night before she was exhausted and went to bed early. She waltzed into the studio and the first person she ran into was Brent. He stood outside her office door holding a brown paper bag.

  “Hi. Aunt Edna thought you could use this.” He dangled the bag in the air.

  Kem unlocked her door. Brent followed behind her. Kem took the bag, opened it and removed the breakfast.

  “Your aunt is spoiling me. Is she coming today?”

  “Yes. The car will bring her around noon. We’re having lunch and then I’ll be preparing for the afternoon shoot.”

  “Great. When she gets here, let me know.”

  Kem spread the strawberry jelly on one slice of bread. She didn’t realize Brent was still standing there.

  “Have you checked your voice mail ?” Brent asked.

  “No, not yet,” Kem responded in between bites.

  “I know it’s sort of last minute, but do you have a date for the awards show?”

  Kem wiped her mouth with a napkin. “No. I’m going solo.”

  Brent walked closer. “Would you like to go as my date?”

  “Now you know that wouldn’t be a good idea. People would get to talking and I try my best to stay out of the tabloids.”

  “It’s nobody’s business. Besides, it wouldn’t be odd seeing us on the red carpet because we work together.”

  “I would rather not give them anything to talk about.” Kem noticed the rejected look on Brent’s face. She added, “We can compromise. If you get there first, save me a seat. If I get there first, I’ll save you a seat.”

  “I’ll take that,” Brent responded, but didn’t sound too enthused.

  “I don’t mean to kick you out of my office, but I need some privacy as I go through my voice mail and emails.”

  “I’m out. I’ll let you know when Aunt Edna gets here.”

  “Please do.”

  Without another word, Kem turned on her computer with one hand while eating the rest of her breakfast sandwich with the other.

  After eating lunch in his trailer, Brent tried to deter Aunt Edna from bothering Kem. “Kem’s busy. I will take you to meet her on set in about thirty minutes.”

  “Nonsense boy. The girl has to eat. Now, where’s her office or do I need to ask someone else?” She tapped her foot while holding a plastic bag with a container of food.

  Brent felt like he had no choice but to do what his aunt wanted. “Follow me.” Brent held the door open and Aunt Edna walked out.

  He located the first golf cart he could find and helped her onto it. She held on to the bag with one hand and the side of the golf cart with the other as Brent rode through the lot toward the office.

  Brent introduced his aunt to some of his costars as they made their way down the hall toward Kem’s office. Her door was wide open. With the phone up to her ear, she motioned with her hand for them to enter.

  Kem placed her hand over the receiver. “Have a seat. I’ll be off in a minute.”

  “And that is covered by my warranty, right?” Brent heard Kem say to the person on the phone. Brent assisted his aunt as she sat in one seat and he sat in the other.

  Kem ended her call. “I should have my car back by Friday. But Aunt Edna, you didn’t come here to talk about my problems. Thank you for breakfast this morning.”

  Aunt Edna handed Kem a white plastic bag. “I’ve brought you lunch too.”

  Kem chuckled. “I’m trying to lose weight but it’ll be impossible if you keep feeding me like this.”

  Aunt Edna responded, “You’re from the South. You know us Southern girls have curves.”

  Aunt Edna and Kem laughed.

  Kem said, “I’ve always been a curvy girl.”

  “Southern men love women with curves, don’t they, Brent?” Aunt Edna looked in Brent’s direction.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Brent responded. He loved Kem’s curves. He wished they were alone so he could kiss her luscious red lips.

  “Boy, stop drooling and go get me and Kem something to drink.” She fumbled in her purse for some money.

  “Aunt Edna, I got it. What would you like?” Brent asked.

  “Water for me,” Kem said.

  “A diet Coke. No substitute,” Aunt Edna responded.

  Brent didn’t know if he should leave the two alone but he did.

  When he returned with their drinks, they were laughing. The moment he entered the room, they got silent.

  He handed them their drinks. “You didn’t have to stop talking.”

  “Boy, wasn’t anyone talking about you,” Aunt Edna stated. “We were talking about her characters. I shared with her some changes I think she should make.”

  “Kem, I apologize for my aunt overstepping her boundaries.”

  “Her suggestions were good. I’d gotten stuck on this scene and her suggestions helped. I might have her read some more of the scripts to see what she thinks.”

  “I could be sort of like a script consultant,” Aunt Edna added.

  “Good thought. I’ll contact human resources. I’ll find out what information they need so we can pay you. I wouldn’t dare have you do it for free.”

  “Say what?” Brent didn’t like the fact his aunt was going to be working with Kem.

  “What? You got a problem with me working with Kem?” It was as if Aunt Edna could read his mind. A skill she seemed to have had all her life.

  “No, but, you’re retired. I thought you were tired of working.”

  “I’m still young enough to enjoy life. I’ve always wanted to work in Hollywood and now darling Kem is giving me an opportunity. You should be happy for your old aunt.”

  “I am, but…I just thought…” Brent’s voice trailed off.

  Kem said, “Brent, no worries. I’m not going to overload her.”

  “Chile’, work with me. I’ve waited all my life for something like this.”

  Kem looked at Brent and shrugged her shoulders.

  Brent responded, “Fine. I need to go change.”

  “She’s in good hands. Don’t worry,” Kem stated.

  Aunt Edna added, “Go. We’ll see you on set.”

  Kem and Aunt Edna laughed. Brent didn’t.

  Chapter Nine

  Kem enjoyed Aunt Edna being on set with her. She seemed to have a natural eye for things. After the final shooting, Kem drove Aunt Edna to Brent’s dressing room in the golf cart.

  Kem knocked on Brent’s door and gasped when he opened the door. His shirtless body caught her off guard. He could have easily been in the movie Magic Mike with his muscular, toned body.

  Aunt Edna spoke first. “Son, put a shirt on before you catch a cold.”

  “I’m getting dressed now, Auntie.”

  Kem turned and hugged Aunt Edna. “Thanks for hanging out with me today. I look forward to working with you. I’ve got a few more things to do and then I’m out of here.”

  “Why don’t you stop by for dinner?” Aunt Edna asked.

  “I can’t tonight. But I’ll take a rain check,” Kem said.

  “I’m going to hold you to it.”

  Kem left them alone and went back to her office. She couldn’t get the vision of Brent’s shirtless body out of her mind. She channeled her feelings into writing his next scene in the script. Too bad she wasn’t Lily, the character who would be the recipient of Max’s hands roaming across her body.

  The rest of the week zoomed by. Kem spent Saturday and Sunday schmoozing with industry folks. Saturday she attended a celebrity charity gala. Sunday morning, she went to a brunch hosted by the president of her network.

  It was now two hours before the Emmy Awards and her beauty glam squad worked magic with her hair and make-up. After making sure she was on point, one of the squad members assisted her in putting on her purple form-fitted Jovani dress.


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