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Secrets Uncovered

Page 12

by Shelia M. Goss

  He’d caught a glimpse of sadness in her eyes when she’d seen the loving exchange between Mona and her mom. He squeezed her hand under the table. She smiled. They were at a point that words didn’t always have to be said. They could look in each other’s eyes and know what the other needed.

  Brent’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He ignored the call the first time but when his cell phone vibrated again, he excused himself from the table to see who the caller was. An unknown number displayed.

  “Hello,” Brent said.

  “I hope you’re enjoying Thanksgiving dinner because soon the real you will be exposed,” a female voice said from the other end.

  “Who is this?”

  “Sandy Blair,” she responded.

  “Sandy, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “If you don’t meet with me for dinner tomorrow, I will make sure everyone knows your secret.”

  “My life’s an open book. I don’t have any secrets,” Brent responded.

  Sandy laughed. “In this business, I learned that everyone has secrets. And you, Brent McKenzie, have a big one.”

  “Look. I don’t have time to entertain you. I’m busy having dinner with my lady.”

  “How would your lady feel if she knew about your secret child?”

  “Say what?”

  “You know what I’m talking about. I may consider not reporting the story if you meet me for dinner.”

  “Lunch. And I’m only meeting you so we can get some things straight once and for all.”

  “Lunch is fine. I’ll text you the time and location.”

  Without saying another word, Sandy hung up on Brent. Brent wanted to meet with Sandy face-to-face because although he hadn’t shared this with Kem, Sandy had become somewhat of a social media stalker. She either liked or commented on every one of his posts. She would also send direct messages with comments that were borderline offensive.

  Brent needed to confront Sandy so he could end her harassment once and for all. Nothing had escalated to a point where he needed to go to the police but it was bothersome and he was sick and tired of her.

  Kem felt like she was having an out-of-body experience. She was there talking with her friends but her mind was thousands of miles away. She tried not to let others see the pain she was in so she attempted to laugh when others laughed.

  Dinner was great but now she was ready to go. She glimpsed at Brent. He’d shut himself off from the world to be by her side, so she wouldn’t interfere with his happiness. Brent appeared to be enjoying himself hanging out with the men, so she stayed.

  Kem sat in the chair and watched Mona’s nieces and nephews run around and play. Mona sat next to her. “I have some news to share, but I’m waiting on Charlotte to come back so I can tell you both at the same time.”

  Kem turned to face her. “I hope it’s good news. I don’t think I could handle any more bad news.”

  Charlotte returned and stood near them.

  Mona said, “Have a seat. I have something I need to say.”

  Charlotte sat next to Mona. “You always have something to say. What’s so special about now?”

  “Before I tell the family, I needed to tell my girls. Terrance and I are expecting.”

  Kem blinked her eyes a few times. “Expecting what?” Then it dawned on her. “Oh my God. You’re having a baby.”

  “Shh. Don’t say it too loud. We aren’t telling our families until later.” She looked around the room. “Truth be told, I really wasn’t supposed to tell you two but you know I couldn’t hold on to this secret. I had to tell someone.”

  Charlotte and Kem hugged Mona. Charlotte said, “I’m happy for you.”

  “It’s definitely nothing planned. With the TV show and the movies, we’re both so busy. I thought my period was late because of the stress. I had no idea I was pregnant. Can you imagine somebody calling me Mama?”

  “At least you can put your bossy skills to good use,” Charlotte stated.

  Kem laughed. “We’re happy for you. Of course, we’re here to help; although I admit I know nothing about babies. But hey, that’s what Google is for. I also have a smartphone and will put it to good use.”

  They all laughed.

  Kem’s mind was at ease after hearing Mona’s news. It reminded her of what one of her elderly aunts had once said. One life departs and another one is born.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The next day was Black Friday. Kem loved a bargain but unlike years past, she didn’t have the energy to deal with long lines. It wasn’t that she couldn’t afford to buy items at regular price. The thrill was being able to lay her hands on a hot item before anyone else could. This year, she didn’t move from her bed. She watched Brent get dressed.

  “Where are you going again?” Kem asked. She didn’t want to come across as an obsessive controlling girlfriend, but she was surprised Brent didn’t extend an invitation to her to go with him to lunch.

  “I’m meeting a reporter for lunch so I will be back as soon as possible. I’ll probably swing by my place and pick up a few more items.”

  “You have your own closet here so you can bring as much as you want and leave it here.”

  Brent put on his jacket. “I wish you would consider moving in with me.”

  “I told you my thoughts on living together. I like having my own place.”

  Brent now stood in front of her. “You’re not in this alone anymore. We’re a couple and I’m not going anywhere so please reconsider.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Brent kissed her on the lips. “That’s all I ask. Let me go because you know how traffic can be.”

  Brent left Kem alone. Kem increased the volume on the television and got under the covers. She faced the television but her mind drifted. She thought of her mom and dad during happier times. Her childhood memories never picked up the rift between her parents. Her memory grasped a loving family. She’d had no idea her parents were going through their own drama.

  Kem reached over to the nightstand and got her cell phone. She dialed the number saved for her dad. He answered on the second ring.

  “Dad, I need to talk to somebody and you’re the only person I can talk to about this right now.”

  “Baby girl, you can call me anytime. You don’t need a special reason.”

  Kem lay on her back as she talked. “For twenty-two years I thought you abandoned me. Because of that, I feel strongly about any man not being there for their child. I’ve stopped dating several men because they were not a part of their child’s lives. I’m trying to heal from my past. I need for you to be honest with me and tell me the real reason why you didn’t fight for me.”

  There was brief silence on the other end of the phone. Kyle cleared his throat. “I was a coward. I was afraid people would believe Suzette. I should have risked it but I didn’t. I thought eventually she would change her mind and let me see you, but she never did. By the time you got to high school, I felt it was too late…too late to be a part of your life. I came to your high school graduation. I saw you. You looked happy. I didn’t want to approach you and be the cause of your unhappiness, so I walked away.”

  “But that’s just it. When I graduated, you could have reached out to me, but you didn’t.”

  “I heard the announcer mention you had the scholarship in Los Angeles. I didn’t want to complicate your life. I wanted you to have the opportunity I didn’t have.”

  Kem tried to understand it from his point of view but still felt like he could have reached out to her after she graduated from high school. Maybe she wouldn’t have had some of the screwed-up ideas she had about relationships. The only time relationships seemed to work out was in her fictional world.

  Brent picked up his sunglasses off the table. He’d been waiting for Sandy for over thirty minutes and was moments from le
aving when she waltzed in wearing a bright yellow minidress suit. The top was too tight. She showed cleavage exposing her silicon-type breasts.

  “Sorry I’m late but I got stuck in traffic,” Sandy said as she sat down across from him.

  “I was just about to leave,” Brent responded.

  Sandy reached across the table for his hand. Brent jerked his hand away so hers wouldn’t touch his.

  “Maybe you’ll change your attitude when I share the information I have.”

  A waiter came to the table. “Have you decided on what you will eat today?”

  “I’m not hungry, but she may want something,” Brent said, now looking at Sandy.

  Sandy looked at the menu. “I’ll have a chicken salad and a diet Coke. A girl has to watch her figure.”

  “I’ll get that out to you as soon as it’s ready,” the waiter responded, taking the menu from her.

  Sandy looked at Brent. “You should have ordered something. Lunch is on me.”

  “No, thanks. I’m good.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your girlfriend’s mother. How’s she doing?”

  “Cut the pleasantries. We both know you don’t give a rat’s tail about how Kem’s doing.”

  “Brent, no need to be hostile.”

  “And another thing—please stop stalking me on social media.”

  “You have millions of fans and you’re paying attention to little ol’ me. I feel special.” Sandy batted her eyes.

  Brent wanted to reach across the table and slap the smirk off her face but knew he couldn’t because not only would he be arrested for assault, it would definitely make every news wire in the country. He clenched his fists under the table and quickly inhaled and exhaled to calm himself down.

  “Why am I here, Sandy?” Brent asked.

  “Because you don’t want your little girlfriend to know about your secret.” Sandy leaned forward. She exposed cleavage as her breasts touched the table.

  Brent used his hand as he spoke. “Those fake things there don’t entice me so you can stop with the antics.”

  Sandy laughed. “You aren’t gay, are you? Is that why you keep turning down my advances?”

  Brent reached for his keys. “You know what? I’m out of here. I don’t have time for your games.”

  “Does the name Alize Jenkins ring a bell?” Sandy asked.

  Brent stopped before he could stand. He looked Sandy directly in the face. “Say that again.”

  Sandy leaned back in her chair and smiled. “Alize Jenkins. You know her, don’t you?”

  “You wanted to meet up with me to discuss an ex-girlfriend? Sandy, I don’t know what you think you know, but you need to fact-check.”

  “That’s why I wanted to meet and talk to you face-to-face. Alize claims you’re the father of her seven-year-old son.”

  “I don’t have any kids and I refuse to discuss anything further with you about her or anything else. Stay out of my life and leave me alone.” Brent pushed away from the table and stormed out of the restaurant, not giving Sandy an opportunity to respond.

  Brent was fuming. He lived with few regrets and Alize was one of them. Alize had caught him at a vulnerable time. His father had just passed and she provided the comfort he needed. He wasn’t making as much as he was now as an actor, but he was a rising star and financially doing okay. When he realized Alize was only with him because she thought he was her own personal ATM machine, he dropped her real fast. Alize was his past and he’d moved on.

  Brent decided on his ride home not to share what happened with Kem. She was already dealing with her own issues. He didn’t want to dump this on her too. If Sandy did her research, she would know Alize was lying. Alize was a woman from his past that he wished he could erase.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  It was a couple of days before Christmas. Normally, this was one of Kem’s favorite times of the year. She would either go to Shreveport to spend time with her mom or she would fly her mom to Los Angeles. Although she’d been talking to her father on the phone at least once a week the last few weeks, she still didn’t feel close enough to him to invite him to Los Angeles and she sure wasn’t emotionally ready to return to Shreveport so soon after losing her mother.

  Kem smiled as she watched Brent place the star on the top of the Christmas tree. She’d brought a suitcase full of clothes with her to his place. She was spending the next few days with him and Aunt Edna to celebrate the holidays. Aunt Edna insisted and she didn’t have the strength to protest so there she was with Brent doing last-minute decorations.

  “I wanted our first Christmas together to be special so excuse me if I went way out.” Brent left the living room and returned with several bags and placed them under the tree.

  “Are all of those for me?” Kem asked.

  “Maybe, but I’m not finished.” Brent made several trips in and out of the room. The tree was filled with different sized gift bags.

  “A few of these are for Aunt Edna, but the majority are for you,” Brent said. “And some of these are for the kids at the youth center I volunteer at.”

  “Now you got me feeling bad. I only got you a few things. I have to go shopping.”

  “Baby, calm down. You being here with me now is the only gift I need.” Brent sat beside her and kissed her lips.

  Kem wrapped her arms around Brent’s neck. “You’re so good to me. I never thought I could find a man I could trust. You’ve been there for me in ways no one ever has.”

  Kem kissed Brent. He fell back on the couch and she fell on top of him. She used one of her hands to unbutton his shirt. She started kissing him at the top of his chest and her kisses trailed down toward his belly button.

  Brent assisted her in unfastening his jeans and she stepped back as he finished the job. She stood and removed her clothes as Brent lay there and watched.

  Kem got on his chest and started kissing his navel. She took the head of his penis into her mouth and sucked on it while using her hand to stroke it at the same time. Brent moaned. He lifted her body so she was sitting on his face. His tongue found her center and sent a chill down her spine. The more he sucked on her clit, the wetter she got and the more it enticed her to pleasure him. It didn’t take long for them both to climax.

  Kem could barely stand but she followed Brent to his bedroom and their lovemaking session continued. Brent fell on the bed and pulled Kem on top of him. She straddled Brent as he took her breasts in his hands and took turns sucking on her nipples.

  Kem leaned her head back and bounced up and down on him. Brent moaned out her name.

  Kem legs shook. “Ooooh,” she cried out as she fell on top of Brent.

  Brent woke up early the next morning. He didn’t want to wake Kem so he tried his best not to make any noise.

  After he got dressed, he went downstairs. He could smell food so he headed to the kitchen. Aunt Edna looked at him.

  “Glad you’re up. I thought I had everything I needed for our Christmas dinner, but I don’t. Can you run to the store and get me something?”

  “I’ll just have it delivered. The last time I went to the grocery store, I ended up there for two hours signing autographs.”

  “Throw a hat on. Nobody will notice you,” she said.

  “Where’s the list?”

  Aunt Edna wrote down the items she needed. Brent took them and went to his den and turned on the computer. He logged on to his grocery store account and placed the order.

  He walked back to the kitchen. “You should have everything you need within the next hour.”

  “I guess having money does come with its benefits.”

  “Yes, it does. One is being able to take care of you.” Brent took a piece of bacon off one of the plates and ate it.

  “I thank you for coming to get me. I’ve always wanted to live in California. Never thought it would

  Brent hugged his aunt and kissed her on the cheek. “I just wish Mama were here too.”

  “I know, baby. She was so proud of you. I’m sure she’s smiling down from heaven at the man you’ve become.”

  “I’ve watched Kem from afar long before I made my move. She’s a special woman and I’m glad she’s allowed me in her life.”

  “She’s a keeper and I’m glad you were smart enough to see it,” Aunt Edna said as she stirred the grits on the stove. “Speaking of Kem, is she up? These grits are done and there’s nothing like some hot grits.”

  “I’m not sure. She was asleep but I’ll go check on her.”

  “No need to. Fix your plate and I’ll go.”

  Aunt Edna left Brent alone in the kitchen. He’d worked up an appetite so he fixed his plate and began eating.

  His cell phone beeped indicating a text message. He looked at the phone and read the text.

  “Please leave me alone,” Brent yelled, after receiving an annoying text from Sandy.

  Brent pushed the plate away. He’d just lost his appetite.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  It was Christmas Eve and Kem had lunch plans with her two best friends. Brent left to go to the youth center to participate in the Christmas party he and some other actors funded. She started to cancel plans with her friends so she could help him pass out gifts, but he insisted she go with her friends.

  Charlotte had decided to be this year’s host, so she and Mona met at her house. An eight-foot Christmas tree decorated with gold ornaments and bows stood in the corner of the living room. Kem, Charlotte and Mona were seated on the couch talking.

  “Since one of us is expecting, I bought some non-alcoholic wine for our toast.” Charlotte poured the wine into three wine glasses. She handed one to Mona and the other glass to Kem.

  Mona held her glass up. “To my best friends…to my sisters. I love you both.”

  They clicked their glasses and each took a sip.


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