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Redeeming Love (Resilient Hearts #2)

Page 9

by Ashley Cassidy

  “Aiden–that’s understandable. The idea would make me feel sick too… When Lou first suggested that I marry David, that’s exactly how I felt. Frankly, I felt uncomfortable with the marriage till the very end. But both Lou and David thought that was the best way to deal with the two issues we were dealing with at the time. Do you remember how Shane almost attacked me in the parking lot of the hospital?”

  “Please don’t remind me of that. I still feel sick thinking about how I left you in the car all by yourself. I’ll never forget the look of fear I saw on your face that day. And now that I know what he did to you before that day, I wish I had punched him harder.”

  “Shane had just found me that day after I’d been successfully hiding out from my family for a while, and he was making threats. At the same time, Tom was threatening to throw me out and not let me care for David anymore. Lou came up with the idea of the marriage. He said it would solve both of those issues, because Shane would calm down knowing that I was married and Tom wouldn’t be able to legally do anything. And he was right. Both of those issues were resolved after the marriage. But I only agreed to it after David assured me that this was in name only… I don’t know what you think of me, but I would hope you think better than to believe I slept with your seventy-eight-year-old grandpa.”

  “That’s the problem. I had a really hard time reconciling the you that I know with the woman that would marry Grandpa. I had a feeling that was the case, but with Grandpa’s history, I couldn’t be too sure... This has been eating at me for a long time. I’m so glad you told me.”

  “You should have asked sooner, Aid. I would have told you.”

  “I didn’t want to sound like a jerk, and didn’t want to make it look like that would make a difference as to how I feel about you, because it doesn’t. I want you to know that either way, I would stay with you, because I do cherish every part of you. But to know that nothing happened there is a huge relief.”

  I look into those dreamy eyes and thank the universe for leading me to this incredibly sexy, loving, and understanding man.



  I watch her as she sleeps and am amazed by the extent of emotions this woman raises in me. She is so pure and innocent, I feel like I’m watching an incredible array of light. I watch her chest rise and fall in her sleep and mine constricts with emotions I didn’t know existed.

  I haven’t slept a wink tonight. I can’t get the horrific stories of what happened to her out of my head. When she told me what that bastard, Imran, did to her, I was about to jump off the couch and go out looking for him right then and there. I wanted to strangle him with my bare hands.

  Then to hear what her family did to her after she was so brutally attacked, made my blood boil. To know that the people who were supposed to love and protect her, turned against her in such a horrific way, is beyond sickening. I feel like beating them all up until I see all their faces covered up in blood. The only thing that kept me glued to that couch after she told me the story was the fact that I knew she needed me there. But those people will pay for what they did to her. One way or another, I’ll make sure of that.

  Aleah deserves so much better than that. She even deserves better than me, but I’m too selfish to stay away. Now that I’ve gotten to know her, there is no way I can stay away. I look at her and an intense warm feeling moves up my chest, slowly enveloping my whole heart. It’s a feeling I’ve felt around her a few times now, but it still takes me by surprise. I’ve never questioned it before, but the intensity with which I’m feeling it tonight, makes me start pondering. Is this what love feels like? Could I be falling in love with this woman?

  The idea terrifies me. I swore off love and commitment a long time. After I saw what love did to my mom, how commitments are only for convenience, and how every marriage in my family ended in disaster, I promised myself I would never put myself and another person in that position. But this girl is making me question everything I thought I had figured out. If love feels so incredible, why would I want to live without it?



  I put my best suit on and head to work earlier than usual. It’s my last day of work and I’m both excited and nervous. I’m more than happy to finally be done with this stupid job, but I’m nervous about what’s to come next. I have my final review at work this morning and then have to head to the law office for reading the next portion of Grandpa’s will.

  I think about the last three months as I drive to work. Even though, I was no fan of the work I had to do, I threw myself at it. I gave it all, because that’s just what I do. If I do something, I have to do it right. I didn’t try to do a good job because I wanted a good score out of this for the experiment or because I hoped to receive more inheritance money. I did it because I wanted to try to prove to Grandpa and myself that I can.

  As much as I hated everything about this job, I can’t deny that I learned so much from it. Grandpa was right about one thing. The experiment has already taught me lessons I would have never learned otherwise. I learned what it means to have to hold a job where you have to answer to superiors, and what it means to hate that job but have to keep it because it’s your only source of income.

  Getting my first paycheck and realizing what a large portion goes to taxes and other deductions was another sobering experience. Putting the money in the bank and having to budget and worry about whether or not you can pay your bills was another lesson. I definitely have more appreciation now for everything that I had before.

  I miss having the flexibility to work on something I enjoy and to know that I don’t have to worry about money. I miss my house and my cars. But if I look deeper, I realize I wouldn’t want to trade this experience and what I’ve learned for all of that money. Because even though I had all the money in the world to spend any way I wanted to, I was merely existing. I was living on the surface, because my heart was not invested in anything I did or anyone I spent time with. I was content, but not happy. Aleah has shown me what true happiness is. I’ve learned that real happiness is to have someone to spend your life with. Someone you can share your deepest fears and highest aspirations with. Someone who understands you, accepts you for who you are, and doesn’t judge you. I’ve been lucky enough to find all of that in one woman, and knowing what I know now, I won’t exchange it for the world.

  No matter how my exit interview goes today and what happens at the will reading, I know that I’ll be going home with Aleah tonight and that makes everything else insignificant.

  I park the car and ride up the elevator to the top floor. As soon as I sit at my desk, I get a call from the CEO’s secretary, letting me know that he’s ready to see me. I find this very strange. I’ve only spoken to the CEO once before and that was only in passing. I thought my interview would be done by my manager. I brace myself for what’s to come and head to his office.

  Once inside, he asks me to take a seat before he starts.

  “I knew your grandfather very well. We were been competitors for many years, but we always kept a respectful, even if distant friendship. He was a great man; fantastic at what he did, even if some of his practices were questionable… When he approached me a couple of months before his passing to ask if he could have his grandson work here to learn how to live and work like an ordinary person, I immediately agreed. I knew where he was coming from. I’ve had the same issue with my own kids and thought his idea was brilliant. I figured even if we have to pay a normal salary for a spoiled brat who doesn’t know how to do anything, that’s fine. What I didn’t expect was to get you… I’ve been keeping a close eye on you since you got here, because I was curious about how you would react to the changes. I have to say your work here has exceeded far above my expectations. You have a real knack for this work and your work ethic is remarkable. I know it must have been difficult to get used to this working life. But you did it exceedingly well. You should be proud of yourself. I know your Grandpa would have been. I’ve asked your manager to write
you a great review to send to the estate attorneys and I will endorse it before it is sent out. Good luck to you, son, and if you are ever looking for a job, keep us in mind.”

  My mouth falls open. I knew I had done well, but I didn’t expect such an amazing review from no other than the CEO. I must admit it feels pretty damn good to be recognized and complimented for your work. That’s another lesson that I have to thank Grandpa for.

  I head to my desk to grab my stuff and say goodbye to my colleagues before making an early exit and leaving behind this portion of the experiment.

  The afternoon roles around quickly and before long, it’s time to pick up Aleah to go to the law firm. She had to rush home from her class to be able to make this appointment with me. But when I asked her, I knew there was no way she would say no. I text her a few minutes before I get to her tower and she’s already standing at the front door when I get there. I take a look in her direction and automatically smile. She’s wearing a gray knee-length skirt and a navy blue button down shirt. On anyone else the outfit would look professional and preppy, but on her it just looks sexy. Or maybe it’s just my eyes that see her as sexy no matter what she wears.

  She climbs in the car and we head to our appointment. In the elevator on the way up, I notice she seems nervous, as if she’s not sure how to act. I realize that is my fault. After the discussion we had on the first day we got back together, we haven’t talked about how I’ve decided to handle our relationship with my family. Frankly, I haven’t figured that out yet, merely because dealing with my manic family is very complicated. But as we make our way to this law firm, I know there is no reason to hide our relationship from these people.

  As soon as we walk out of the elevator, I grab her hand firmly in mine before we start walking to the reception area. She pauses for a fraction of a second, looking back and forth between our hands and my eyes. I nod my head and smile to let her know that I realize what I’m doing and I’m doing it on purpose. Her wide grin is my best reward.

  We’re ushered into a conference room by the receptionist where Lou and Steve are already seated at the table. As soon as Lou sees us walking in hand in hand, he does a double take. I follow his eyes as they snap from our faces to our entwined hands and back. It takes him a few seconds to get over his initial shock, but when he does, a warm smile crosses his face. He rises from the table to extend his hand and exchange greetings. Steve follows his lead and neither man makes any comments about us.

  They invite us to take a seat and begin promptly.

  “I just received a copy of your review, Aiden. And I must say I’m very impressed,” Steve starts.

  “We’re both very impressed with everything you’ve accomplished in the last three months,” Lou jumps in. “Not just at your job, but also in your personal life. It seems like you’ve made some major changes and they’ve had a positive impact on every facet of your life. You’ve also coped well with the changing lifestyle to stay within the means of your current salary. You bought yourself a car and rented an apartment, both of which are way below your normal standards, and you’ve done well with adapting to the new situation. You should be very proud of yourself. I know your grandpa would be if he were here. This is exactly the kind of progress he wanted to see you make.”

  Listening to them list the accomplishments I’ve made in the last few months makes me realize how much things have truly changed since then, and how far along I’ve really come. The last time I came to this meeting, I drove my Lamborghini and lived in a penthouse condo at one of the most luxurious towers in the city. I had the attitude of an entitled rich brat. I was mad at Grandpa for making me work for my inheritance, but now that I’ve actually gone through the first part of this experiment, I’m grateful that he made me do this. I’ve learned so much in the past few months and I’m very happy with where I am in my life right now. I just hope that this next part won’t shake things up too much.

  As my head swims in these thoughts, Steve turns to me. “Are you ready for your next challenge?”

  “As ready as I can be, not knowing what it will be about” I respond honestly.

  He grabs a large sealed envelope from the table and proceeds to open it. “Let’s find out then.” He removes a piece of paper from the envelope and begins reading.

  Aiden – If you’re reading this, then you have successfully finished the first leg of the experiment. I can only imagine how difficult some of the requirements have been for you. All I can say is that I hope you learned some valuable lessons from them and understand now why I wanted you to experience them. The next part of this experiment may be even more difficult than the first, but I think the first portion has prepared you for it.

  As a young driven businessman, I always grappled with the notion of charity. I had built my own way up and worked hard to be where I am, and I thought everybody else should do the same to lift themselves up. I thought if people are stuck in cycles of poverty, it is their own fault for being lazy and not working hard. So when my tax advisors first suggested that I start a foundation, I only looked it at from a business point of view. They were telling me that not only does it have great tax benefits for the company, but it would also be a great marketing ploy. I had a business case study done on the subject and found out that they were right. I’m ashamed to say that is the only reason I started the Foundation. It wasn’t until years later, when for business reasons I had to get more involved with the Foundation that I started to change my views about the subject.

  As part of a PR campaign I was doing, I decided to visit some of the aid programs we were running in some third world countries, and I can absolutely say that what I saw on those trips completely changed my view. There is nothing like an up-close visit to understand what the lives of the world’s poorest population are like. Through these trips, I started to see the world differently and the work of the Foundation started becoming more and more important to me. There was a reason I gave over fifty percent of my wealth to the Foundation for charity, and I want you to understand that reason.

  That is why for the next three months, you will be visiting three of the world’s poorest countries to see what the Pierson Foundation does up-close. You will live among the local people, as close to their lifestyle as possible, and will get to experience life from their eyes.

  I want you to fill out a questionnaire today before you leave on this trip and one when you come back to see for yourself and for my trustees how this trip changes your views. Keep an open mind son, and enjoy your trip.

  With all my love,


  I sit there dumbfounded. I knew Grandpa wouldn’t make any part of this experiment easy, but to leave the country for three full months to live among the world’s poorest population is not what I expected. I turn my head to see Aleah’s face and I notice that her expression mirrors what I feel inside. As I look into her eyes, I realize that the hardest part of this trip may just be having to leave her behind for three whole months.

  I’m so lost in her worried eyes that I don’t even think about asking what those three countries are. Aleah nudges my shoulder towards Steve and I swirl my head around to see Steve has pulled out another sheet of paper from the envelope.

  “Well, looks like you will be traveling to three different continents. You’re going to India first, then to Zambia in south central Africa, and finally to Haiti. You’re given two weeks to prepare for your trip. We will make the arrangements with the Foundation on our side, and you will need to get your passport and immunizations in order on your side. Someone from the Foundation will contact you to tell you about your exact travel dates and what you need to take with you. Do you have any other questions?”

  I’m still so shocked that I can’t think of a single question. We leave the office in silence. There are millions of questions and worries on my mind, but the most prevalent thought of all is how Aleah and I will be miles away from each other for three months. We have only been together for a few weeks now. Our relationship is too
young for such a long term separation. I have to make sure before I leave she knows what she means to me. I have to make her understand that she belongs to me, and there is no way around it.



  I carry my overnight bag out of the bedroom and hand it to Aiden. “You’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask.

  “You’ll find out as soon as we’re on the road.”

  “Come on. Just tell me now.” I pout.

  “Nice try,” he says with a smirk.

  We get in the car and he heads up north. I’m dying to know where he’s taking me. He’s been planning this weekend getaway for a couple of weeks now. But no matter how much I’ve tried he’s refused to tell me where we are going. All he said was to pack some warm comfortable clothes and that we’ll be gone for three days. Being that it’s Friday, I only had one class in the morning today and we were able to leave the house by noon. He’s told me that it involves a road trip. I have a few ideas, but no solid clue. I don’t know if we’re heading to Vegas or up north to San Francisco. But either way, I’m excited. I have a feeling this trip is about more than just spending our last weekend together before he has to leave for his overseas trip on Monday.

  Ever since that night at his apartment when he showed me what a man’s touch can do to a woman’s body, I’ve been asking him for more, but he’s refused to give in. At first he kept telling me that I’m not ready. But in the last couple of weeks, he’s been saying that he wants it to be special and memorable. I have a feeling that this trip has something to do with that. The idea both excites and terrifies me.

  I have no doubt in my mind that I want Aiden and I know with certainty that if anyone is able to help me get over my fears and my trauma, it would be him. But I’m worried that I wouldn’t know what to do, that my lack of experience will show, or worse that I’ll have another panic attack.


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