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Impossible Dreams

Page 25

by Patricia Rice

She wasn’t cooperating here. Forcing his muddled mind back to her words, Axell tried to listen. There was a definite rattle of trash, and a footstep where there shouldn’t be any. Every protective instinct he’d ever possessed leaped into action.

  “Stay here,” he ordered, shoving his shirt back into his pants and quickly fastening them. He couldn’t believe he’d just behaved like some freaking adolescent. He hadn’t done this kind of thing even as an adolescent. Sex in a public place. He had more sense than that.

  “Let’s just get out,” Maya whispered, shimmying her dress back in position. “We can call the police from the restaurant.”

  “Whoever it is will be gone by the time the cops show.”

  He didn’t give her time to protest again but moved deeper into the storeroom. Maya should never have left the back door unlocked. Vagrants could take up occupancy and burn the place down. It wouldn’t be the first time an old building had gone up in smoke.

  “Chill man, I hear something.”

  Axell dived for the sound of the voice, but it was too far ahead of him. A door slammed and feet clattered on what sounded like stone steps. Shoving boxes aside, he tried to locate any sign of a door in the darkness. He vaguely remembered one back here in the storage space Maya hadn’t used.

  “Axell! Axell, where are you?” Maya’s anxious voice called from nearby.

  “I thought I told you to stay put.” He needed a flashlight. All he was getting out of this was bruised shins. “Isn’t there another door back here?”

  “To the furnace room.”

  He almost heard the shrug in her voice. “Furnace room? Below here?” In a building this old, that could mean almost anything. “What kind of furnace?”

  “The kind that heats things,” she said dryly, catching his arm. “The enormously expensive kind, if the bills we received last winter were any indication. I don’t know why steam heat ever went out of favor. There are radiators all over that would have done a better job than whatever the modern version is. Why are you suddenly concerned by the heating system?”

  Axell gave up the search and steered her toward the door they’d entered. With Maya beside him, he could probably generate enough steam to fuel every radiator in here. “Coal is scarce,” he reminded her. “Steam requires coal. Chances are, your furnace room has a coal cellar.”

  She thought about that a minute as they worked their way back to the door. “Coal cellars have coal chutes, don’t they?” she asked reflectively.

  “You got it. I can’t imagine how they get up and down it without a ladder, but chances are, that’s what they’re doing right now.”

  “Who?” she demanded. “What who’s doing? This is a condemned building, for pity’s sake. There’s nothing here to steal.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” Axell jerked open the alley door and pushed Maya through. Then he firmly turned the lock and pulled the door shut. He wished he had the deadbolt key. “But the cops are looking for the place the dealer stashes his drugs. Empty buildings are ideal crack houses.”

  “Let’s get back to the restaurant.” Nervously, Maya tugged his arm.

  He wanted to look for the coal chute. He wanted to know who was using Cleo’s old building. And had they been doing so even while Maya lived here? That idea gave him cold chills. Maybe he’d better take Maya home first. They had some unfinished business, and he doubted if he’d catch the intruders at this late date.

  Reason warred with lust and lust won. He wanted to see Maya spread-eagled across his bed wearing nothing but garters. He wanted to see if he could control the situation a little better next time, or maybe not. There was something exhilarating about utter mindlessness.

  “We’ll call the police from home.” With sudden urgency, Axell hurried Maya up the street. To hell with intruders. It wasn’t his building anyway.

  “Your place or mine?” she murmured provocatively as he helped her in.

  Her room, with the possibility of kids and cats running in and out, or his, a million light years distant from Alexa or childhood nightmares. Cursing as he started the engine, Axell decided not to think about that either. They still had to get through the twin tempests of Cleo and Stephen. Why had he ever thought life with Maya could be handled in a rational manner?

  “Told you so,” she mocked through the darkness, apparently reading his mind. “Ready to throw me out yet?”

  “You’re just waiting for that, aren’t you?” He understood her that much, anyway. “One wrong word, and you’ll be gone. You’re not a kid anymore, Maya. You can stand up to the grown-ups on equal terms now.”

  “Equal.” She snorted inelegantly. “Like you don’t have it all. There’s nothing equal about this relationship. Once the sex grows boring, what will you do? Run for governor and live in Raleigh?”

  “Don’t start, Maya,” Axell warned. “I’m not in any humor to handle your baggage right now. I’ve got enough of my own to deal with. Just concentrate on how quickly we can get Cleo and Stephen out of the house.”

  “One thing at a time,” she said, her humor restored if the amusement in her voice was any indication. “Sometimes life doesn’t let you do things the way you like them done.”

  “Well, until that happens, I’ll do things my way, thank you.” He already had the plan formulated. Get rid of nuisances, check on kids, seduce Maya. Worked for him.

  Every light in the house blazed as they turned up the driveway. Axell cursed under his breath. Maya remained blessedly silent. The kids should be asleep by now. Lights were not indicative of sleep.

  “It’s still sort of early,” Maya said carefully as they pulled into the garage. “The kids were probably just overexcited.”

  “If hyperactive kids are all I have to handle, I wouldn’t be worried.”

  The instant they walked through the door into the kitchen, a babble of excited voices greeted them.

  “Muldoon scared Kitty!” Matty shouted.

  Looking more like a harassed mother and less like a dispassionate murderess, Cleo grabbed his pajama shirt. “Matty, get back to bed. I told you we’d take—”

  “Right, like pulling down the drapes helped. The damned cat will come down when it’s ready.” Obviously steaming, Stephen strolled into the kitchen pressing a wet cloth to cat scratches on his bare arm.

  “Daddy, he’s been saying dirty words. And Alexa spit up all over Mommy’s rug.”

  Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, Axell thanked God there were no police or fire engines involved, fixed a glassy gaze on Maya’s beaming, expectant face, and exhaled. He could deal with this. Months of sexual frustration had finally found a divine source of release, and he hadn’t had his fill yet. He could move the Great Wall of China right now if it meant landing in Maya’s bed. He’d been rude, crude, and uncouth the first time, and he desperately needed to make it up to her. He didn’t want her getting any more strange ideas than she already had. He didn’t do things like that.

  “Constance, back to bed! Matty, take your cat and get back to your room.” Axell swept the rest of the room with a look that he used to clear brawlers from the bar. “Out! The lot of you. Visiting hours at the asylum are over.”

  Belatedly, as everyone scrambled, Axell wondered what they’d done with his reliable baby-sitter.


  July, 1946

  As you may have heard, I have been visiting in the country with cousins. I wish you well with your new bride, although I do hope you’ve developed a taste for sheep since sticking it up her ass is about the best you can hope from her. Her type certainly would never welcome you with open arms.

  Be that as it may, your daughter was born July 1st. She will stay with my cousins where she cannot cause you undue embarrassment, or I cause her the same. Should you wish to contribute to her upbringing, you may send what you will to my cousins at the enclosed address. As she reaches the age of understanding, I will refrain from telling her of her origins for fear she will recognize how very small a man her father is.


  Diplomacy is the art of saying ‘Nice, doggie’ until you can find a stick.

  “Your mommy will see you after school tomorrow,” Maya reassured the tearful five-year-old as she led him back to bed.

  Axell had all but thrown Cleo and Stephen into his car and driven them to town when the local cab couldn’t arrive soon enough to suit him.

  “Don’ wanna go to school,” Matty replied sullenly.

  Oh, great. Loving, obedient Matty had turned on her, too. Sometimes, she had to wonder if she’d started down the wrong path somewhere and if she should turn back and see where she’d lost her way.

  “Mr. Pig would miss you.” She used her best no-nonsense voice as she tucked him in. “And you wouldn’t get to play Duck, Duck, Goose with Peggy and Billy,” naming his two favorite friends of the moment. “Now off to sleep.” She pressed a kiss to his forehead and slipped out the door.

  Matty had stayed in his room several nights in a row this past week. Maya had the distinct feeling tonight would not be one of those nights.

  Oh, well. She checked on Constance and got a rundown on the evening’s events. Poor Dorothy had apparently put up a valiant front, but she’d been called away on a family emergency, reassured by the so-called “adults” in the house that everything was under control. Maya couldn’t really blame the woman. Cleo and Stephen looked old enough to handle three little kids and a few cats.

  “Well, learn from example, love,” she warned Constance. “Never swing Alexa in the air after she’s had her bottle.”

  Constance giggled and snuggled beneath the covers. “Aunt Cleo yelled at Mr. James for saying those words. What does ‘bugger it all’ mean?”

  With the whole scene vividly clear in her mind, Maya chuckled. “It means Alexa’s daddy was very, very angry. Now go to sleep. I’ll take care of the carpet.”

  By the time she’d checked on Alexa and made certain the other two were settled, Axell had apparently returned from town and rescued the kitten from the drapery rod in the family room.

  “I’m thinking tile and throw-away rugs in here,” he said in disgruntlement as he surveyed the interestingly stained carpet.

  “Don’t you mean ‘throw’ rugs?”

  “No, in this case, I mean exactly what I said.” He didn’t explain but looked down at her instead.

  She was still wearing her evening gown, and Maya shivered at the focus of his gaze. Making love in total darkness the first time seemed somehow symbolic. She didn’t know if she could do it again, in the light, in a bed. Commitment was not something she understood, but “bed” and “husband” seemed irretrievably linked with “commitment,” and it scared the hell out of her. A condemned building just seemed more her style. She bit back a grin remembering just how completely her dignified husband had lost his cool.

  “My bed, or yours?” he asked when she didn’t answer his rather pointed silence.

  “Matty will come looking for me,” she murmured, fretting at a loose thread. “And Alexa wakes in the night. And Constance has nightmares.”

  “Fine, your room, then,” he said confidently, steering her in the right direction. “Matty will have to learn to knock.”

  Maya gulped. She didn’t know why this was so difficult for her. She was a grown woman. Men had slept in her bed before. Not many, admittedly. She’d never had much time or patience before. And none of them had erased all thought of sleep. She didn’t know why Axell should be different. He was just a man. An arrogant Virgo. With a strong streak of passionate Scorpio.

  The labels didn’t help. Her heart still fluttered and her breath did a little raspy number as Axell loomed large and strong beside her bedroom door, waiting for her to enter. Labels didn’t make the man.

  “We’ve done this before,” he said gravely as she hesitated, but Maya could see the twinkle behind his placid expression. Add “impossible” to her list of labels.

  She swept past his imposing frame. “I want to shower first.”

  Axell closed the door and propped a chair beneath the knob. “You showered before we left. You can shower later. Right now, everything is quiet. We might not have another chance.”

  He didn’t even look at the chaos that was her bedroom. With his gaze focused totally on her, Axell began unfastening the buttons of his shirt. He’d discarded the fancy jacket and tie before climbing after the kitten.

  Maya bit her bottom lip as Axell’s spectacular chest emerged from his starched shirt. Tanned, muscled flesh rippled temptingly as he flung the shirt over a chair. Golden brown hair formed an inverted triangle between flat brown nipples. Stephen didn’t have chest hair. Heck, compared to this, Stephen didn’t have a chest.

  “Need help?” he taunted, moving closer.

  The muscles of his shoulders bulged. His biceps flexed as he reached for her. Underneath those expensive business suits, he was all animal muscle. Her gaze dropped to below his buckle. All muscle.

  “Your turn,” he whispered challengingly.

  Wits fled, she didn’t slip away in time as he closed the distance between them. For the second time that night, Axell popped the tiny hook holding up her dress.

  “If the cat’s got your tongue, I want it back,” he murmured beside her ear as her dress fell to the floor.

  Axell’s kiss was as devastating as she remembered. Maya tasted traces of the wine they’d consumed earlier before her mind hit sensory overload.

  Her palms stroked over solid muscles that rippled and surged beneath her caress. The heat between them was intense enough to ignite spontaneous combustion. His mouth savored hers as his hands explored, and his touch brought the realization that except for garters and stockings, she was completely naked. Somewhere in the trash of the storeroom, she’d left behind what remained of her panties.

  He stroked between her thighs and she almost crawled up his leg. Axell stepped back to study what he’d bared. Maya had known the intensity of his concentration could be a dangerous thing. She melted beneath the heat of it now.

  “You’re,” he struggled for the words as he stared.

  Maya saw the worried frown form between his eyes as Axell fingered her nipple. She knew she wasn’t anything to write home about. “Disappointed?” she asked lightly, as if the bottom hadn’t fallen out of her stomach. People had rejected her all her life.

  He looked startled at her question. “Disappointed? Are you kidding? You’re so perfect, you scare me. Did I hurt you earlier? I didn’t realize...” He gestured helplessly, but his hungry gaze dropped to the dainty blue garters on her thighs.

  Maya didn’t know if it was his words, or his gesture, or his gaze, but suddenly, it was all just right. He wasn’t rejecting her. He wanted her. She was woman to his man, and all their other differences disappeared.

  She reached for his belt buckle. “Do I look hurt?” she asked in a sultry voice she scarcely recognized.

  “You look glorious.” He unfastened the buckle on his own, stripping off trousers and briefs faster than she could think of it. “I’m thinking that I got the best of this deal.”

  Without any warning, Axell caught her waist and dropped her on the bed, falling down on top of her so that his knees splayed her thighs wide. “Were the garters for my benefit?” he whispered as he nibbled her ear.

  Yeah, they were, but she didn’t think she’d inflate his ego further by admitting it. “I just thought I’d make things easier, in case you’d forgotten how,” she teased.

  “The basic principles don’t seem to have changed any.” He teased her breast into a pucker and kissed her until time stood still. Then, lifting his head, he finished thoughtfully, “It goes in like this, right?”

  Maya squealed as Axell drove home with a thrust so powerful it lifted her from the bed.

  Amazingly perceptive was this business-suit husband of hers, she reflected wryly in those few seconds left in which she could think at all. It went in just like that.


  He breathed the head
y aroma of roses. Air-conditioning cooled his backside, but the warmth of summer snuggled against his morning arousal. How long had it been since he’d held a woman in his arms when he woke? Not even Angela...

  He didn’t need to take that path. For the first time in his life, he held a woman who caused him to forget the bar and all the demands of his day. He didn’t want to just make love to her, although the physical pressure to do so was strong. But the urge to see Maya’s eyes when she woke was stronger. He wanted to watch her wakening interest, hear the humor in her voice, longed to see the affection...

  Hell, he wanted a lot more than the same affection she gave to her students, but he wouldn’t dwell on that now either. Maya’s generous nature encompassed one and all. He just happened to be the lucky recipient of her physical favors too. That’s all he’d wanted when they entered into this arrangement, wasn’t it? He had no right to demand more.

  Axell cupped his hand around a full, firm breast. He’d take his pleasure where he found it, and he found it in the warm curve of buttocks pressed against his arousal, and the enticing moan his caress elicited from the woman snuggling into his arms. His woman. He really, really liked the idea of this wonderfully imaginative, inherently passionate woman belonging to him, alone. If that was disgustingly prehistoric, then so be it.

  “Do you like mornings?” He leaned over her, admiring the tousled spill of colorful hair across the pillow. He pulled the purple strand, discovered gray at its roots, and smiled as he realized Maya didn’t believe in dyeing her hair in any normal manner.

  “I do now,” she murmured sleepily. “No one’s pounding on the door?”

  “Not yet.” Even as he said it, Axell heard his namesake cooing in her cradle and a pair of feet hit the floor running in the room next door. “I don’t suppose even a quickie—”

  Small fists thrashed the door. “Maya! Maya! It’s late. Wake up. Why is Matty sleeping in front of your door? We gotta get to school.”

  “You’ve taught her to murder the English language,” Axell complained as he pulled his aching loins away from temptation. Self-denial did not improve his humor.


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