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True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3

Page 7

by Melissa Lopez

  “You wanted to swim, remember?” He surveyed her from head to toe. What a looker she was. Even her modest one-piece swimsuit turned him on.

  “Yes.” Her teeth raked her lower lip. “But now I’m nervous.”

  Determined to get her in the water, he advanced.

  Her eyes widened as she took a step backward. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing.” He shuffled closer.

  “Humph.” She moved back two more steps. “Your eyes have darkened.”

  “You saying you can read my eyes?” He’d never known another to be able to read him. Or if they had, they never called him on it.

  “Yes.” She nodded adamantly. “Yes, I can.” Squealing, she took off when he lunged for her. “Wait! I can’t run!” An easy burst of laughter echoed between the walls of the mountains.

  He caught her before she made good on an escape. “Gotcha.” He hefted her up in his arms.

  “That wasn’t fair.” Her arms went around his neck. “I can’t run without a bra on.”

  He grinned, walking back into the pool. She was a little fruit loop. Playful. An opposite to him. And damn, he liked her all the more for it. Christ, he couldn’t get enough of her. He’d never felt so alive before.

  “I think I saw this park on Animal Planet.” She kicked her feet, sprinkling water over them. “Or maybe it was The Travel Channel. No, it had to be Animal Planet. It was about predators.” Eyes narrowed, she regarded the top of the water.

  “Litchfield doesn’t have a real problem with crocs the way other parks do.” He didn’t let her go, just held her when the water rested at his bellybutton.

  “But still, there could be a croc hidden somewhere.” Her arms tightened around him.

  “Freshies are harmless.” He nuzzled her temple. “Puny compared to the vicious salties.”

  “Ack, don’t talk about them.” She stretched her arm out. “You think I’m joking, but look, I have goose bumps.”

  “Eh, you do. But I want you to trust me.” His lips played across her skin on her shoulder. “The top-end parks are where there’s a real worry.”

  “Okay. Okay.” She sighed. Her head rolled back as her arms loosened on him. “Fine. I guess if I’m going to be a meal for some croc, it might as well be with you.” With another sigh, she went limp in his embrace.

  He snorted and held her weight up. The little fruit loop had pretended to faint. It tickled him when she played.

  Dimples deep in her cheeks, she wrapped her arms back around him. “I trust you. But you’ll stay real close, right?”


  “That way if there is a hungry freshie around, it’ll pick you instead of me.”

  Miller shook his head. But he didn’t tell her a freshie would go after something smaller than him if it was hungry. “If there was a freshie in here, it’d be more pissed over invasion of territory than anything else.”

  “Boy, that’s comforting.” She placed a light kiss on his mouth. “Not.”

  “Sorry.” He took his time kissing her lips, before deepening a quick kiss of his own. “You ready to swim now?”

  “Um, no.” Arms clinging, she sighed. “I’m quite comfortable, thank you very much.”

  After lifting her higher, he walked deeper into the water.

  “I love it here. I love your country.”

  His chest constricted. He loved his country. All of it. It pleased him the Yank saw it the same way.

  Mate, she doesn’t know what she’s saying. It’s just an impulsive comment. But still the comment affected him. Made him weak. What if she did see his world the way he did? What would it be like to have Kaycee at his side on a daily basis? Would she be able to tolerate the hardships that came hand-in-hand with the land’s beauty?

  He released a breath. How would he ever forget about the time he’d shared with the Yank? Not in his life had he been close to another like this. He’d done his best to keep things impersonal but he’d failed. He’d allowed her to crawl inside him. When she left there’d be an empty space.

  Kaycee’s lips nibbled his jaw line. “I enjoyed examining the Lost City too.”

  Earlier, they’d visited another area of the park. Seen sandstone block and pillar formations sculpted by wind and rain over thousands of years. “I’m glad, sheila.” His hands tightened on her. Christ, he’d been enjoying himself in her company. He couldn’t get enough of the fucking, but he liked just being with her. Listening to her.

  Miller blinked to gaze down at what had to be the most talkative Yank he’d ever met.

  Scratch that.

  Kaycee Hollenbeck was the most talkative individual he’d ever met.

  The woman hadn’t stopped running her mouth since they’d hooked up on the flight. The thing that got him most was she had the nicest mouth. A kissable, fuckable mouth. So the talking wasn’t so bad. He’d gotten used to it. Her voice would linger with him a long time after she was gone.

  Nor had he missed the fact she smiled a lot too. He’d not known what a smile could do to a man until he’d met her.

  She talked, and he watched. So far, he hadn’t been able to stop himself. She was something to gaze upon.

  “So we can really swim under the waterfall?”


  “I can’t believe I’m about to swim under a waterfall. This place is postcard perfect.” She let out a noisy breath. “Okay, my courage is up now.” The arms around him loosened.

  “You sure?” He didn’t mind holding her. Not at all.

  “Uh-huh.” She stared over at the cascading water. “Do you think there’re any snakes hidden back…”

  Laughter rumbled up. Hell, she was going to psych herself out again at this rate. He tossed her in the water.

  She came up sputtering. “Miller!”

  The next few minutes were spent swimming and splashing one another. It brought back memories of him with his brothers when they were young.

  Only difference was when he caught Kaycee, she always kissed him. He moaned as her tongue teased his. She clung to him while he worked to keep them afloat.

  “Hmm.” She pulled away to brush a wave of water at his chest.

  “Come on, Yank.” Using long strokes, he swam past where she was treading water.

  At the edge of the pouring waterfall, he stopped to wait for her to catch up. When she was at his side, he caressed her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh, no! Wa—” She reached for him.

  But he didn’t wait, he dove under the water. He swam under the waterfall to the other side. He wanted to make sure that they didn’t surface to interrupt anything. He also wanted to make sure there was nothing slithering around to creep Kaycee out. Deciding it was an all clear, he swam out.

  “Miller!” She clutched at him while he kept them afloat. “Don’t ever leave me out here like that again.”

  “Shh, it’s all right. Come on.” Urging her to follow, he backstroked under the rushing stream. She never left his side until they cleared the fall.

  Together, they made their way to a natural shelf. He helped her up before climbing up himself.

  She sat Indian style with her head turned to him. “You can’t keep your legs in the water.”

  He frowned down at where his calves disappeared under the surface.

  “I’ll worry the whole time we rest here.”

  With a shake of his head, he pulled his legs up and bent one knee up to rest his forearm over it.

  Kaycee twisted to face him, leaned in and pressed her lips to his. “Thank you.” She moaned as he deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced around one another’s. He wrapped an arm around her as he scooted her closer. He groaned at the feel of her hands on his chest. His shoulders. Neck. Her fingers tangled into his hair while her head dropped back giving him complete access to her greedy mouth.

  He growled, catching her every breath as he tried to get his fill of her sweetness.

  Trembling, she broke the kiss. “I loved the Sounds of Silence, I loved
the sightseeing.” Her mouth nibbled at his. “Loved the beach last night. And today… God, it’s all been so great exploring the territory’s best-kept secrets with you. Loved swimming with you.” Her thick lashes lowered.

  Heart pounding, he cupped her face, caressed her skin with his thumbs.

  Christ, he’d had a bloody excellent time too. He’d made a call to the station manager. Luke had told him exactly where to take Kaycee for a good time. Luke took holidays throughout the year. Miller had never had time for them. But for Kaycee he’d made time.

  This time with the Yank he’d never forget, even when he was old and feeble. He was damn glad to be able to provide her with the outings.

  “But now, I want us to go back to Alice.” She dropped her head, nuzzled his chin. He brushed his mouth to the top of her head. “I want us to go back to Alice and not leave the hotel until tomorrow…”

  Oh, bugger me.


  Bloody fuck.

  His breathing turned ragged.

  After tomorrow, he’d never see her again. He clasped her shoulders. “Whatever you want, Yank.” Whatever you want.

  Miller sat hunched in the tub, ogling Kaycee as she cleaned her teeth. He’d never watched another take care of their teeth before. It was an intimate task. The kind between lovers and married folk.

  How easy it’d be to get used to her sharing his life.

  Clearly, he was losing his mind to think about what was impossible. She was on holiday. And in the end the bloody world separated them. Besides, hard life lessons had taught him good things like Kaycee never panned out.

  Best to focus on what had brought them together. Sex. The hottest sex of his life. Her arse that had his full attention now.

  Her round arse peeked out from beneath the nightshirt she wore. Her cheeks couldn’t be contained in her panties.

  Eh, a fine arse. Curvy thighs and hips. And breasts that made him want to squeeze his prick between them until his load erupted. Her nearness kept him hard. Half the time he felt like an uncontrollable stud stallion. The rest of the time he felt as if he were a teen again.

  Bugger me.

  Good things like Kaycee didn’t happen to him. He’d had another excellent day with her. As much as she’d wanted to stay in, he’d forced her out to see a couple of attractions Alice had to offer. She’d liked the botanical gardens, but hadn’t been too thrilled at the reptile center.

  She was a wuss, though cute as bloody hell. Prissy too. He liked to watch her fuss with her hair. Straighten her clothes.

  Slowly, his gaze roamed up her delectable body to take in the exposed skin on her back. Her sculpted shoulders.

  What a bloody beauty she is.

  When she met his gaze in the mirror, she blew him a kiss.

  His chest caught in an ache he was beginning to get used to. This was one of those moments she made him feel young again.

  “Is the water getting cold?”

  “Not yet.”

  After she washed and dried her face, she joined him at the tub. She sat on the edge at his back. “Lean up for me so I can wash your back.”

  His semi-erect prick thickened, stiffening at the mere thought of her bathing him in such a way.

  Still, only hesitantly did he do as she bid. His back held scars from his childhood. Countless times his father had laid his back open. The old man had a temper. At least when it’d come to him. There’d been no pleasing the man. Christ knew he’d worked his arse off trying.

  Using a soapy rag, she lathered and scrubbed his shoulders before moving down his back.

  On a groan, his head dropped forward. She took the opportunity to clean the back of his neck. She was thorough in her attention. If he’d been standing, her continued touch would have brought him to his knees.

  How was she able to make him feel so weak? So bloody good? What about her made him want to bare his soul? He trembled with a vulnerability he’d never understand.

  She scrubbed, then rinsed twice from his neck to arse.

  At the feel of her lips on his back, he tensed and gripped the edge of the tub. His other hand fisted.

  Oh, fuck.

  “I’m sorry for the times you were hurt.” More passes of her lips lingered on his back. “I first noticed these scars while you talked on the phone to your brother.” More kisses trailed along his skin. “I won’t ask, but know I’m sorry.”

  He groaned.

  Oh, fuck.

  She pushed what little control he had. She now kissed the scars his father had put on his back. Too many times to count, his father had laid the metal end of a belt or a razor strap into him.

  “Hmm, stand up for me.”

  Shakily, he did as she ordered. His prick stood out straight begging for some attention. He put a hand on the wall he faced.

  Just as thoroughly as she had the rest of him, she washed his arse and the back of his thighs.

  At the feel of her tongue on his lower back, he braced his knees. His balls tightened with each caress of her mouth. Her lips didn’t stay in one place for long. Open-mouth kisses played across his arse cheeks. The intimate caresses kept his arse clenched.

  His prick pulsed in need.

  He wanted her to keep up the contact forever. But knew from the tightness in his balls he already hung on the edge.

  “Turn around.”

  Swallowing, he shifted to face her. She now rested on her knees on a towel. She licked her lips.

  Desperately, he braced his hands on the wall.

  Moaning, she rubbed her face against his rigid muscle. That was it, just rubbed her face along one side of his prick and then the other.

  Pre-come escaped in warning.

  He whimpered as his hips arched.

  Instead of taking him into her mouth, her hands rubbed along his belly, hips and thighs.

  Oh, fuck. Her hands on him made him crazy. His breathing rushed harshly through his nose.

  Finally, her lips and tongue suckled and licked the crown of his prick for a few thundering heartbeats. She moaned and slurped with her eyes closed until his body shook as much in hunger as in need.

  Taking pity on him, she slowly moved her hands from his belly and hips to the root of his prick and sensitive balls.

  “Kaycee…” His teeth clenched. His mind hazed over at the pressure she applied to his balls.

  She rubbed and squeezed. Her mouth and lips working over the head and sides of his muscle.

  Sucking, licking and squeezing, she worked him over good.

  He shuddered. He loved looking down at her while she mouth-fucked his prick.

  Every time a drop of come leaked out, she gobbled it up like she was starving.

  On a moan, she moved on to his balls.

  “Kaycee.” His back arched. Oh, fuck. His balls were too sensitive for this attention.

  She held them in her palms. Squeezed. “I can always tell when you’re going to come. You always tense up.”

  His chest heaved in search of air.

  “Your big balls get so tight.” She leaned over to nuzzle and suck on his sac. “Is this another sign?”


  “Is it?” Her lips brushed along his balls.

  “Eh.” His hips arched in desperation.

  “And your great big cock…” She placed one, then a second kiss on the side of his muscle, before nuzzling his balls again. “Your cock gets so hard inside of me.”

  He groaned, closing his eyes. Every muscle in his body tensed as his prick stiffened even more at her words.

  “Oh, the pace of rhythm you set…” She moaned. “Is always a dead giveaway. It feels so good when you come.”

  “Kaycee…” She’d have him begging. Christ, he was begging. “Kaycee…”

  “I can feel your hot come erupt.” She screwed her lips over the head of his prick. “Burst after burst, your body jerks deep inside of mine.” She sucked hard on the end, drawing more of him into her mouth and then releasing him to continue the sexual torture. “It
always feels so good.”

  “Kaycee…” His prick pulsed hotly.

  “Like now.” She worked her mouth over his head. Sucked. Tongued his tip.

  “Oh, fuck.” His hips stiffened, his come burst forth, his body arching while his prick pulsed. Her mouth suckled him. Her hands stroked him to completion.

  She was slow to move away as she continued to lave and lick his muscle until his breathing calmed.

  Christ, she’d swallowed for him. Had fucking swallowed his come. There’d been working girls in his past who’d done the job. Been paid good money to do the job. The encounters were well practiced. Almost mechanical. And protection had always been used. Always.

  But what Kaycee had done. The Yank had set out to sexually arouse him with not only her touch but her words. Every caress, every word had pushed him closer to the edge.

  Christ, to think she’d paid attention to how he fucked her, to him. He didn’t know what to make of it. Make of her.

  With a final kiss to the head of his prick, she stood.

  Miller didn’t take his eyes off her flushed face. As his heart rate eased his gaze was drawn to her swollen lips.

  While she rinsed her mouth out, he managed to step from the tub.

  “Kaycee.” What to say to her? His chest constricted. He wanted to say something. But didn’t know what. Didn’t know what he dared to say.

  Not until she dried her mouth did she face him. Standing in front of him, she rose up on tiptoes. “Hm, I wonder if that felt as good for you…” she brushed her lips over his, “…as it does when you love me with your mouth.”

  His chest rumbled on a groan. He could eat her out all bloody day long. Or night. He couldn’t get enough of her begging him to take her.

  Lips parted, she stood on flat feet. She took one of his hands and brought it to her pussy. He stroked his fingers along the hidden folds.

  The material was soaked.

  He grunted. She was already primed for a hard ride. She’d gotten hot sucking his prick.

  White teeth caught her lower lip. “Will you make love to me?”

  “Eh.” He had no intention of either of them sleeping this night away. The thought of tomorrow knotted his belly.


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