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An Extended Family

Page 2

by Austin Daniels

  I didn't have a long time to look, but eventually I came across an ad, ''Busy Dom seeks regular." He went on to say he was just a person who didn't have time for a relationship but didn't want a stream of guys coming in and out of his house. The thing that got my attention was that he was requesting a visit every day.

  My hands were shaking as I hit the reply button. It occurred to me that with no experience I could start slow with someone like this. He'd claimed he was dominant and I thought that would be a cautious way to experience just what that meant without expectations of anything heavy duty. After all, he sounded like he only wanted one thing and it was something I'd been dying to try. The picture of his body was nice, and he seemed ideal. I couldn't see his face, but I didn't plan to show him mine either, so it seemed perfectly fair.

  I suggested we meet that evening at seven and he readily agreed, insisting once again that he was only interested in daily meetings. I figured what could be a better way to learn about what I hoped would be my new life than meeting daily. Besides, I needed the diversion as a break from my study regimen. I approached the entire experience the same way I had my studies. I decided to give it my full attention… for one hour every day.

  That evening I drove to the address he'd given me. It was an older craftsman house built during the late forties or early fifties. It sat in an older, well-kept neighborhood. My heart was in my throat, but I was determined to see it through. I walked up the sidewalk, climbed the stairs to the porch, and headed to the front door taking a few seconds to calm myself. Then, with my heart in my throat, I knocked.

  The First Meeting


  By seven, my writing was taking so much of my attention I'd lost track of the time. A timid-sounding knock at the door broke my concentration. Hurrying to the door and swinging it open, I saw the young man on the other side. He was younger than I expected, which was rare with men I'd met online. His claim of a swimmer's build was dead accurate. He had clean, light blonde hair in need of a haircut, giving him a relaxed, casual look.

  It was not difficult to tell that on the other side of that casual façade was a very nervous young man. Other than nerves the guy was exactly the kind of guy I'd always considered flawless. Somehow, I assumed I'd be settling for a lot less. He had green eyes and was wearing what looked like hospital scrubs.

  "Come on in," I said as I gestured for him to come inside.

  As he came in I gestured him to sit. Once he was settled I continued to stand. "Most people online use pseudonyms. I do. My real name is Kyle, Kyle Richards. I feel if this is going to work we need to know who we both are. What do you want me to call you? Your post said Dale. Is that really your name?"

  "No that's just a name I chose when I decided to look for something like this. My real name is Preston, Preston Wilson. I wouldn't have a problem using my first name, but I think it sounds kind of nerdy and while that probably describes me to a tee I didn't want to advertise it. I read that sometimes Doms call their subs 'Boy.' I think I'd kind of like that. After all, I'm going to be your daily boy, right?"

  "That's right. So, 'Boy' it is." I liked his choice because I would have called him that anyway, but he didn't need to know that.

  "Where are we going to do this everyday?" he asked, stressing the 'everyday.'

  "My bedroom's in the back. Shall we?"

  "Wait a minute," he said firmly. "I need to explain a few things."

  "Oh, you mean like limits. Actually, that's a good idea. It'll make things run smoother later."

  "No… not yet. I don't really know what my limits are yet, but I need you to understand why I'm here at all."

  "This won't take long. Look, I've been surfing that site a long time. You said some things that work perfectly for me and I need to know you are who you say you are. What I mean is, when I go back there, into your room, I'm going to put myself in your hands, so it's important to me that you are ready for that and can be trusted."

  "So, what you're saying is …"

  "Please, don't interrupt me. Let me explain. I know that sounded bad. I didn't mean it that way. It's just… this is all kind of new for me. If we go back there and do the deed, and I leave, and you decide afterwards you don't want to do this everyday, it will mess me up a little. I need everyday and I don't take kindly to being used today and discarded tomorrow. As it is, there will be an occasional day when I can't do this, and I'm sure the same is true for you, but they should be rare."

  Realizing that this boy wanted exactly the same thing I was advertising for made him seem all the more attractive. Taking him by the shoulders, I looked directly into his eyes, making absolutely sure he understood. "You have to believe me. I want exactly what I said in my post." Trying hard to maintain my position as his Dom, I confessed to him more than a good Dom might. I felt like he needed to know. "I'm seriously more than just a little attracted to you. If you leave here today and don't want to come back it'll be more than a bummer for me too." I didn't want to sound needy but at the same time I needed to assure him that I meant what I said.

  With a noticeable sparkle in those green eyes of his he simplified our agreement. "Okay then," he said. "You're really busy and I'm really busy, so you're the guy I'm going to do everyday to blow off steam for both of us. Right?"


  "Okay, the second thing."

  "There's a second thing?" I asked, thinking, this is the most demanding sub I'd ever met, all the while reminding myself he'd never subbed before.

  "I'm very secure in certain aspects of my life, but this isn't one of them," he said. "It's important to me that you don't try to treat me like trash or call me a whore to put me down. I've seen that in movies and, well, that's not my scene. If you pull that shit on me, I'm walking."

  Well, he has limits, I thought, but he doesn't understand what that means. "Good. Not my scene either," I said. "I'm dominant, but I'm not going to play a character for you. What you see is what you get. I'll respect your limits and your needs. By the way, what you just said to me is a limit. Do you remember, in my original post your answer was an agreement to consent to our activities? Do you consent?"

  "I sure do, but if I don't like something?"

  "You won't be expected to do anything you don't like. So, tell me, how do you expect this to proceed from my post?"

  "Well, it sounded like you wanted me to come by and… you know… drop to my knees and… do you and leave. Is that pretty much what you had in mind?"

  "Yes, that's what I had in mind, and that might be all it is, especially if that's all you want. In time, we might grow tired of one activity everyday. If we do there are a lot of other things we can do. Do you have any favorites?"

  "There's a lot I'd like to try. It makes me a little nervous, but there are so many different things."

  Making every effort not to show my recognition of his eagerness, I got down to business. "In the future, knowing when you are coming, I will plan for this door to be unlocked. When you arrive you're to knock at the door, letting me know you are here. Then open it, come in, close it behind you, and lock it. Walk quietly into the bedroom, strip, and kneel on the padded rug I have for you. Clasp your hands behind your back and wait for me. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  I walked over to him and lifted his chin with my finger. Looking as serious as I could muster, I asked him, "Do you trust me?"

  Rather than the 'Yes, Sir' I expected, he thought about it a moment. "I think so. I don't really know you yet."

  "That's fair," I said. "Before we get this show on the road, let me explain something to you. You can consider what I'm about to tell you as my personal promise to you. There are some things I will do and some things I will not do. I will never photograph you or tell another person what we do together without your permission. I will not ever offer you to another person. Not ever. I will never intentionally cause you to suffer. This is about passion and pleasure, not suffering. I don't think you are a masochist and I'm definitely not a sadis

  "I'll encourage you to try things that you may have never considered and other things you have. I will not hurt you or allow others to hurt you. I will allow you to set limits, but I expect you to try what I suggest at least once to determine whether or not you like it.

  "I don't want to even discuss a limit regarding new things we try until you've had time to think about it for a couple of days. It's amazing how many people are dead set against ever repeating something, but crave the opportunity to do it again a few days later. Over time, we can try a lot of things. Remember, anything you don't like, we don't have to do.

  "There's one more thing. I'm going to require a promise from you. Now that you know what you can expect from me, I need you to understand that there are a few things I'm going to expect from you." Preston looked up with an almost frightened look that went straight to my heart. "After today you are to be with no one else until you've decided that you will be back tomorrow. When you walk in that door tomorrow be prepared to promise that I am the only man you will be with as long as this continues. Oh, and Preston, you are not to discuss what we do here with anyone without my express permission."

  Without another word, the green-eyed boy turned, headed to the back of the house, found my bedroom, turned around to face me, and waited for my instructions.

  I recognized the impatience in his expression, so I got to work. I figured, What the hell, I'm a teacher, so teach. I walked into the room and circled around him, looking him up and down for effect. "Go ahead and strip. I'm going to want you naked."

  "I don't really need…"

  "From this point on, you will do as I say. Are you comfortable with that?"

  "Yes, Sir," he said starting to strip. I was right behind him stripping off my shoes and socks. For the time being, I stayed in my jeans.

  I pulled off my shirt and set it aside. His eyes widened as he examined my chest. I leaned over to set the shirt down, feeling him study me.

  "I knew you had a hairy chest from the body pic, but this is…"

  "Does that make you uncomfortable, or are you admiring me."

  "Oh… I like it… Sir. I mean I've always admired men with a chest like that."

  "We have much to discuss. You're a novice. As such, I know I have to be patient with you. That may not last for long."

  After he stripped, I ordered him to his knees. It was a familiar script to me, but I knew it was all new to him. Clasping my hands around the back of his head, I pulled him forward, running the crotch of my jeans gently across his face, so he could feel the heat and understand at the same time that I was in control. Feeling me slide over his face while holding his head in place was helping him to descend to that place I knew he was looking for, but suspected he knew nothing about.

  Unbuckling the belt and peeling open the button of my jeans, I slowly dropped my zipper to make sure he heard each of the teeth pull apart. When he glanced up, making eye contact, I could see both his desire and confusion, a perfect mix. It was a simple thing to drop out of the rest of my clothes. I stayed in my underwear, which I'd chosen specially to accentuate the rapidly growing bulge. This time he ran his face across the soft cotton without my coaching, so he could feel the thickness as the pouch began to fill. This time there was a lot more to run his face over.

  Dropping them to the floor, I kicked them off and tossed them aside with a flick of my foot. Without being told he moved to bury his face in the patch of dark hair. I stepped back, leaving him kneeling there looking at me. Exaggerating the throb by making it bob slightly, I watched as his eyes remained transfixed. "You want that?" I asked him.

  "Yes, Sir. I want to try…"

  Stepping closer, I pulled his face in forcing him to take in my scent once more. The two hours since my shower wouldn't give him much. Backing up and pulling him with me I directed him to where I planned to sit so I could watch him work. There was a soft rug for him, and I could sit back comfortably. Sitting down and spreading my legs, I took his head in my hands, ordered him to put his hands behind his back, and pulled him forward into position.

  "Okay Boy, you ready?"

  He stopped watching me grow for a moment and looked up. He had a frightened look on his face, but he stood his ground. I thought for a moment I could see his eyes beginning to droop, and he seemed to be settling into place. He's responding really fast. This boy's a natural, I thought.

  Pulling him over into position I gently slapped it over his face, first one side and then the other. Then, sitting back, I prepared myself for the show. "Okay, show me what you can do."

  I kept my hands wrapped around his head. I wanted to see if he would object, or if the feel of my direction would work its wonders on his psyche. I was happy to see that right on cue he opened up his mouth and took it between his lips, running his tongue across the tip. I moved my hands away from his head to give him more room to move. In a flash he reached up and grabbed my arm, returning my hand to his head. He'd made it perfectly clear that my encouragement was welcome. Plunging down, he took me deep inside.

  Within seconds I was pushing him away. "Easy does it, watch the teeth," I whispered to him.

  "I'm so sorry, Sir. It feels and tastes wonderful just like I knew it would, but… see… I've never really done this before."

  I sat there a moment, stunned, considering the chances that what he'd just said was a lie. I knew he'd never subbed but didn't think he was a virgin at his age. Since when does a virgin decide he's a sub? As I let his confession sink in I said, "Wait, you're a self-described sub and you're a virgin to gay sex? Have you ever been with a guy?"

  "No. I probably should have mentioned that, but I didn't want to scare you away. Are you going to ask me to leave?" He had a cute, but sincere sadness to his voice. I was touched. He was so invested that the idea of being rejected was playing havoc with his emotions.

  His statement confirmed that he was indeed a virgin. He's going to be perfect, I thought. Mentally he was exactly what I wanted. He just needs a little training and experience.

  My reaction was the opposite of what he feared. As far as I was concerned, I'd discovered a gold mine. "Oh no," I said. "I'm no fool. Your lack of skills and experience gives me the opportunity to teach you how to do literally everything I want, just the way I like it. You're coming to me with no bad habits or preconceptions. I'm a patient man, and as your Dom I'll be a good teacher. Something tells me you're going to be a fast learner. Just one thing."

  "What?" he said, still kneeling in front of me. His face blossomed with hope, replacing the fear of rejection I'd detected a moment before.

  "If you've never done this before, what made you believe you might be a sub?"

  "Well, I wasn't really in a hurry. I told you I have confidence in myself. I did a lot of research. Being a sub just seemed to be perfect. I promise I'll be careful this time. So, are we okay then?"

  "Yes. We're okay. Let's begin. When I held your head and pulled it toward me how did that make you feel?"

  Preston smiled. "I loved that. It seemed to flip a switch, sort of… hard to explain really, but it made me feel just right. I was peaceful, like there was nothing else in the world, like this was my purpose. I felt like a boy holding his wrapped Christmas present. Only this time the unknown present was exciting and frightening at the same time."

  "You seemed to enjoy that a lot. You went out of your way to show me to put them back. I'll remember that." Explaining was a little bit of an interruption, but for a while at least I knew I'd be doing this. Truth be told, I kind of enjoyed being an instructor.

  "Having you hold my head sent a chill through me I'd never known. I knew exactly what was expected of me and felt like the decision was made and I had to obey. At the same time, I accepted that role, and then I wasn't afraid."

  "Perfect. That's the idea. Of course, sometimes it is a control device and you will need to pay attention to what I'm making you do. These first steps are designed to take you into what is about to become a very familiar and desirable submissiv
e state. Each time you go there you'll explore that level of submission, and as you get better exploring the depths you'll find it affects you almost like a drug."

  "Perfect," he said, looking back at the issue at hand. "I think… I need to…" He momentarily looked back up into my eyes with that same pleading look.

  "Okay, let's begin again. Oh, and since you haven't done this before, go slowly. Keep in mind if you go too deep you'll likely gag at first. In time, that will be a controllable reflex, but that takes practice and you are going to get a lot of it. For now, do what you want to do as slowly as you need to do it. Even though we are both pressed for time, we have time for you to explore. In the future, I will require you be silent when I tell you to. Today you may speak."

  Preston got back up on his knees and leaned over taking me in his mouth again. As he lowered his warm, wet mouth over me I told him, "Today I will let you use your hands to direct me. Later, at my discretion, I may make you do this without your hands. Oh, and Boy, remember it's not a race. Slow and steady gives you what you want, and I can just relax and give you instruction."

  Lying back in the chair, I thrust my hips forward and watched him start to work. Now that he was relaxed and taking it slow, he was a natural. It was no wonder he knew how submissive he was. He stopped and ran his tongue around the end, tasting the clear liquid that was leaking from the top, and then to my surprise he plunged down. Deeper and deeper he plunged trying to test the waters. I was hypnotized watching this beautiful young man pleasure his mouth on me.

  It wasn't long before I could feel the tension rising and as he plunged yet one more time, I exploded, gently holding him in position as I filled his mouth. He stayed there wide-eyed trying to look up at me. His eyes were filled with surprise and shock, just what I'd hoped for.

  I slowly pulled him off me. Pulling him up to my face, I leaned forward and, touching my nose to his, whispered, "Swallow…" He shook his head no, and I repeated the command; this time I insisted. "I told you to swallow it, now do it!" He looked deep into my eyes and swallowed. I held him in place for effect. His nose was still next to mine. "Swallowing is something you will be doing every time we do this. It's an acquired taste. In a week you'll be disappointed if I tell you not to, but for the time being, that will not happen. Do you understand?"


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