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An Extended Family

Page 14

by Austin Daniels

  Preston prepared a grand meal for the three of us and set the table. We usually ate in front of the TV, but apparently now that there was an extra person in the house, we were eating more formally. Once I made it clear that I did not take kindly to cell phones at the table, the rest of the evening was enjoyable.

  Monday, the boys were up before me. They both had early classes. I decided it might be best to shower later in the day when the water had time to heat again. About two that afternoon I was getting ready for my shower when I got a call from Glenn Bass, my literary agent.

  I was used to him calling to light a fire under me from time to time, but since I was on schedule I was curious what he was calling about. To my surprise he said, "Pack your bags and meet me at Sky Harbor at seven tomorrow morning."

  "What are you talking about? I can't just drop everything like that. I have a life going on here. What's up anyway?"

  "The New York Times just did an article on your last book. I have you scheduled for signings in New York all over town. You'll be gone a week. Now hang up and pack. Bring a couple of suits and anything else you can think of. This is going to make us some serious green."

  "How come I didn't know anything about this?"

  "They called me first because I'm the one who sent it to them. When I found out, I got to work scheduling the signings. Now you know."

  "Ok, I'll be there. What airlines? Did you get tickets?"

  "Everything is taken care of. Meet me at American Airlines. Our direct flight to New York City leaves at eight-thirty but be there at seven."

  Hanging up, I began to think about how I'd present this to Preston. I'd have taken him if I could, but he couldn't get away anyway and then it dawned on me. The New York Times had written a story about my book! It was probably a review. In all the excitement, I forgot to ask.

  I didn't have time to hunt down a copy. I had to make sure I had everything for the trip.

  By the time I closed my bags and got them in the car for the next morning, the boys, returning from classes, pulled into the driveway. I ran up to both of them and asked them to pull out long enough for me to park my car behind them. I was going to need to leave in the morning long before they would. "What's going on, Sir?" Preston asked.

  "I'm headed to New York in the morning. Would you guys take a second and see if you can find a few copies of today's New York Times? Somebody did a write-up on my last book. I'm going on a book signing tour."

  "New York City?" Dexter yelled, allowing his voice to raise a full octave.

  "Yes, New York. I've never been there. Actually, I've never been east of the Mississippi."

  A half hour later, they walked out the front door to do a little grocery shopping while I started working on my next chapter, 'The Guest.'

  They returned after about an hour with a bag full of burgers and fries and a stack of newspapers. We rarely ate like this, but that night was special. If Dexter felt a twinge of sadness from his breakup, it didn't show.

  We found the article in the paper and during the evening, it must have been read aloud a dozen times. Preston cut the article out and put it in a scrapbook along with images of my book covers, a few contracts and printouts of readers' reviews. He had a separate section for each book. This was the first professional review, so Preston was careful to center it on its own page. Once carefully fastened into place, he read it aloud once again. After creating this scrapbook for me, he created a new one about us. It held printouts of emails we'd sent to each other before we actually met, a bar napkin from our first night out, a printout of our home taken from the street, and pictures of our friends.

  The next morning, I showered early, thinking the boys can shower in cold water if they have too. I'm not about to leave without being fresh. Dexter was running between the guest bath and his bedroom in his underwear. Heading back to our bedroom, I had a talk with Preston.

  "I'm going to be gone a week. I'll expect you to wait until I return."

  "You mean?"

  "Yes, that's what I mean."

  Then, it occurred to me that I'd be gone a week and airport parking was crazy expensive. The boys haven't showered, but they can skip one morning, I thought. "Now someone's got to take me to the airport."

  Both of them jumped at the chance. "We can head straight to the campus from the airport." The boys threw themselves together and a few minutes later, all three of us hopped in my car and took off.

  I was excited about the trip to New York, but something made me uneasy about leaving Preston. I had no reason to distrust him, but I couldn't get his reaction to Dexter in the shower off my mind.

  We pulled up outside American Airlines and jumped out to unload my luggage. I had over-packed. A week is a long time and I didn't relish the idea of doing laundry in New York or paying a New York hotel for laundry services.

  I gave a tight hug to Dexter and then I turned to Preston. "I have to leave now. Come here." I pulled him to me and kissed him. Then pushing him away, still holding him by his arms, I looked at him, taking a mental picture. It had to last me. It was that look I'd remember for the rest of the week.

  Wrench in the Works


  The day Kyle left, when we got home from classes, Preston went into the kitchen to make us some sandwiches for dinner. We'd eaten a pretty big lunch at the commissary and we both had a ton of reading to do. If we didn't eat now we wouldn't eat at all.

  When Preston returned, he put the plates on the table, and we started to eat. "You miss him, don't you?" I asked.

  Preston thought a minute, like he was taking a personal inventory. "I feel kind of lost being here without Kyle. I'm glad I'm not alone. Having you here is… comforting," he said. "But I can't wait until this week is over. If his book is a bestseller, he'll be rolling in it. Somehow, I wonder if it will change things. I've just been so happy here with things the way they are. Everything seems to be happening so fast. My life has changed so much in such a short time. When he touches me, it makes all my cares go away, but now he isn't here."

  "I totally get it. When someone's around to direct you in ways you've come to expect, and then they're gone, it feels like a vacuum. You'll be fine. He'll be home before you know it. Besides, I'm here to comfort you."

  Preston turned his head, a little faster than he should. Teasing him in the shower came to mind. He was so sensitive to my teasing. I made a mental note to cut it out while I was there. After dinner, we did the dishes and hit the books.

  The next morning was Wednesday. I didn't have classes 'til noon. When I woke up it was only six, but I couldn't get back to sleep. All I could think about was that I was lying in a bed in the same house as Preston. When I'd teased him in the shower, he didn't know I meant every word. The day before, when we'd gotten home from school, he'd taken off his shirt and thrown it in the basket in the laundry room. As he disappeared, to get a clean t-shirt, I'd picked it out of the basket and held it to my face, inhaling the scent of him. When I tossed it back, I knew my feelings were out of control. I had it bad.

  I was confused. On the one hand, I resented Kyle because if he wasn't in the picture I might have a chance with Preston. The image of him looking up at me with half closed eyes ready to do my bidding was hard to shake.

  On the other hand, I was deeply attracted to Kyle, and seriously grateful to him for letting me use the guest room while I arranged for a new place to live. I could see why Preston loved him so much. I longed to be the boy who sat at his feet and served as his receptacle. To belong to Kyle would have been a dream come true, but then there was Preston.

  I knew if I continued in this line of thought I'd never be able to think of anything else. Maybe I need to release a little tension to clear my head and let me concentrate on something else, I thought. I need to be able to handle living here. Reaching down I wrapped my hand around my thick shaft, already throbbing in anticipation. I threw the sheets off me and began to stroke just as the door flew open.

  Preston was standing in the doorway,
frozen in place, staring down at my fist.

  A second passed, then two. Neither of us spoke. Finally, realizing that for some strange reason I wasn't embarrassed, I thought I'd break the ice. "Preston, are you okay?" He was silent and to my surprise his eyelids were starting to droop. "Come here," I said, stressing each word to give it the quality of an order.

  Walking slowly, one foot after the other, he approached the side of the bed. Looking away from his face, I glanced down at myself. "Touch it," I said with the same firm staccato order. "You want to. You want to wrap your hand around me… just to see how I feel. Don't you?"

  Preston didn't say a word. My words were having an effect on him. I'd be lying if I didn't say they were affecting me as well. Just watching him respond to me as a Dom seemed to slow down time.

  When he didn't move, I reached out, wrapped my hand around his wrist, and gently pulled it down, wrapping his fingers around me.

  He was wearing a thick white terrycloth robe and I knew from previous conversations that he slept naked for Kyle. I'd slept that way ever since I moved away from home. "Drop the robe."

  Preston didn't move. "You know you want this… now do it!"



  I was about to make breakfast because I wanted us to eat before we showered for school. Once the eggs were out of the refrigerator, I thought I'd better wake up Dexter. I don't know why I didn't knock. I wasn't concerned he might be undressed because we'd been naked together several times in the showers at our defense class. Maybe seeing him naked was what I wanted, but if it was, I wasn't aware of it at the time.

  When I opened the door, I froze. I'd never seen him this way. Lying there with his hand wrapped around that incredible piece of flesh growing in his grip was sensory overload.

  His body and his special gift always had an effect on me but seeing him this way filled me with an overwhelming desire I hadn't expected. I was trying to calm myself and was about to issue an apology when he ordered me to approach.

  Having someone who had such a strong effect on me give me an order sent a shock through me. I wasn't prepared to have Dexter, someone I'd admired so many times, give me a direct order. As I walked toward him I couldn't take my eyes off his hand still wrapped around his thickening stalk.

  I could feel my heart pounding. I should have left the room and apologized, hoping it would all go away, but my magnified desire had already steered me toward the inevitable outcome.

  The time to turn and run had come and gone. Now it would just seem weird. I knew in my heart that at that moment he was my Dom. I tried to convince myself that my choices didn't really exist. I wanted to be loyal to Kyle, but I already knew I was prepared to follow through on any demand Dexter might make of me.

  I reached up and peeled off the shoulder of my robe, allowing it to drop off my shoulder hanging by the sleeve on what was then my outstretched arm. My hand was firmly wrapped around his thick shaft, held in place by Dexter's hand and will. He was intentionally making it throb. As a result, I couldn't bring myself to let go long enough to drop the robe. I was already hard. A pang of guilt settled in my stomach, and for a moment, I had clarity. "I don't think we should be…"

  "Silent," he interrupted. "You want this. You know you do."

  He was right, and I couldn't just stand there with my robe hanging off my arm. I let go just long enough to allow my robe to slip off my arm. I was about to reach back when he rose off the bed. Standing next to me, he reached up and pressed down on my shoulders. That moment of clarity disappeared. I'd longed for that physical encouragement and dropped slowly to my knees. Looking up, I realized I was inches away from the shaft I'd dreamed of so many times.

  Taking my head between his hands, he pulled me toward him as he moved to the edge of the bed. He pulled me closer, leaning down and tilting my head back. He looked into my eyes a moment, leaned down, and kissed me. As he opened his mouth, I sucked his tongue as deeply as he would allow. Pulling my head even closer, he pulled away and whispered another order. "Lock your hands behind your back." I reached back, wrapping one hand around the other as he spread his legs apart and pulled me into position. "You want this, don't you?"

  I nodded slowly, affirming that I wanted it and knowing I'd follow his every instruction.



  I watched as he leaned forward, taking me into his mouth. It was done. He was mine. For now, I had his desire and his will in the palm of my hand. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his head forward into my pubic hair. I rubbed his head around and looked down for his upward glance. I didn't have long to wait. The hunger in his eyes told me that he was ready for this.

  I was surprised how easily I'd managed to dominate him. He was good at sinking into his place. It didn't take him long at all. I pulled back and rubbed the tip across his lips, playing with his desire a moment. He seemed almost drugged. He'd been well trained.

  As his lips parted, I lightly thrust forward, allowing him the head and nothing more. I still held him tightly between my hands. Removing one of my hands, placing it on the back of his head, I thrust him forward onto me while gauging his reaction.

  I wanted to be inside of him, to feel the heat of him, but knew to move slowly, not wanting to shock him out of his place.

  "That's a good boy, now take it deep. Take it all the way down." Preston went to work like his life depended on it. He was skilled, and I had to work hard to keep from finishing too early. I knew I had to take all of him now. I've wanted him so very long and I'll never have this chance again. I knew I was violating some unspoken agreement, but I just couldn't stop.

  Standing up, but keeping his mouth deeply impaled, I allowed him to continue a few seconds, finally pulling him to his feet. Before he could begin to think too much, I bent him over the bed and stepped behind him, running the head over his opening. He took a deep breath like he was starting to reconsider, but before he had a chance I pressed into him with a single slow thrust. Scooting up onto the bed, I thrust him forward, allowing him to relax onto the sheets while I pushed deep inside. Once there, I started to pump in long slow strokes. He has such a beautiful body, I thought. There wasn't so much as a freckle on his back. His waist was thin and gently rose up over his ribs that showed only slightly. I laid my weight down on his back, feeling his warmth spread through my chest. He was making me so hard I could feel myself throbbing within him.

  Pulling out, I rolled him over and knelt between his upright knees. Rolling him back, I entered him again. Thrusting forward I was able to slide deeper into him. I was determined to leave part of me deeply within this man I loved so much, something he could never know.

  Within minutes I felt the torrent rising and my thrusting turned to pounding. He raised his head, begging for a kiss. I devoured his mouth allowing my saliva to run between us. I wanted him to have every part of me. In a few seconds, I thickened and began to fill him. His eyes were almost closed. Then I heard it.

  "I love you, Sir." It was shocking to hear that from someone I'd worshiped so long, having kept my silence to protect our friendship. It made my heart jump. It wasn't loud, barely a whisper really, but it tore me apart. Fusing my mouth to his I finished, holding myself deep inside, never wanting that moment to end. Finally, pulling away I whispered, "I love you too Preston. I always have."

  Pulling out gently, I kissed my way down his chest, finally reaching my target. Taking a deep breath of his scent, I took him into my mouth. I needed to taste him, something I'd fantasized about a hundred times. It wasn't very dominant, at least it didn't feel like it was, but I needed to know what he tasted like.

  He didn't have a strong upward curve, so I thought this was going to be easy. I buried him deep inside my throat, savoring his advance flavor as it dissolved over my tongue.

  After that, I went into a servile state, worshipping the object I'd longed for. Taking him beyond my throat and well into the recesses of my neck was an unusual sensation for me. It made me feel like I was c
onsuming him, a feeling I'd craved since the first day we met.

  It wasn't long before he moaned, grabbed my head, and pulled me onto him, plunging deep. Holding me there, he drained his essence into the recesses of my throat. As he withdrew, his flavor followed.

  Looking up, I could see his head falling back against the pillow. I kneeled over him, preparing to administer a few minutes of aftercare, but he already had a look of clarity, no longer in his special world.

  "I didn't think you would do that," he whispered.



  Kyle would soon be home from his trip and I'd never lied to Kyle. What am I going to say, I thought. I needed to have a talk with Dexter, but first I needed to decide.

  Before I had a chance to speak, Dexter beat me to the punch. "That was great," he said. "Seriously the best." Then he was quiet for a minute.



  "I meant what I said. I love Kyle more than anything, but I love you too. I think I have for a long time. At first, I just thought it was admiration, but later that got all confused with a little lust, actually a lot of lust. I hoped that somehow you'd be in my life forever. I didn't put it all together until we were in the shower at the club. I realized then that it just wasn't admiration. I wanted you. I wanted you just like this. You were great today and I never want that to end. Did you mean what you just said? I mean, really mean it?"

  "Preston, you're the first thing I think of when I wake in the morning and the last thing I think of when I fall asleep. Then, I dream about you all night. Yes, I meant every word. My eyes must have bugged out the day we were introduced. Finding out you were a virgin and not ready to come out was like a challenge to me, but I was taking my time. I guess I took too long, because you found Kyle."

  I believed Dexter. Something about the way he said it and the way he looked into my eyes told me volumes. "I have to find some way to tell Kyle. I can't be his boy and lie to him. Besides, he'd see right through that. Even if he hadn't, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't know if I have the courage to even face him. I'm afraid, and I don't know how to make it stop."


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