Engineers of Dreams: Great Bridge Builders and the Spanning of America
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Books by Henry Petroski
To Engineer Is Human:
The Role of Failure in Successful Design
Beyond Engineering:
Essays and Other Attempts to Figure without Equations
The Pencil:
A History of Design and Circumstance
The Evolution of Useful Things
Design Paradigms:
Case Histories of Error and Judgment in Engineering
Engineers of Dreams:
Great Bridge Builders and The Spanning of America
Invention by Design:
How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing
Remaking the World:
Adventures in Engineering
The Book on the Bookshelf
Confessions of a Future engineer
Small Things Considered:
Why There Is No Perfect Design
Pushing the Limits:
New Adventures in Engineering
Success Through Failure:
The Paradox of Design
The Toothpick:
Technology and Culture
The Essential Engineer:
Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems