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Tempted At The Office: A Dirty Office Romance (Working Desires Book 1)

Page 14

by Keys, Hazel

  Chapter 11:David

  I found out the name of Amelia’s new boyfriend. Victor. He sounds European, probably a big mustache, a round face, and wearing flannel suits and a top hat or something. Not sure why Victor looks like the Monopoly guy in my head, but it’s what I see at the moment. A billionaire celebrity, a man that she deserves.

  I suppose her ideal man would be someone who didn’t care about timing—someone who just took what he wanted. Someone who didn’t care about his fiancée, or her boyfriend or have any sense of propriety—someone who just kisses first and thinks about it later.

  Well, whatever. I’m not exactly sure why Amelia is mad, probably because in her logic, I broke some sacred trust. Some vow that I would never bed my best friend, because that would be wrong. Sure, suffering abuse, infidelity and psychoses from her other boyfriends—THAT was something forgivable, something human, something that just sucks but a girl can take it. But heaven forbid I actually follow my heart and make a move on the woman I’ve loved for the past twenty something years.

  I threatened the friendship. That’s worse than everything else.

  But no matter. I don’t regret breaking up with Crystal. It was the right thing to do, to set her free, so she could, you know, yell and scream at another guy who loves her to pieces. I regret that my experimentation with Amelia failed, but it’s one of those things where you just have to try. You just have to give it your all and be satisfied with the chase. The adventure. The romance, even if it’s partly in your head.

  This is as good as life gets. Be happy, you idiot. Everybody gets what they want in the end, except you.


  Last night, as I was feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in self-pity, I must have dozed off heavily and entered a portal of subconscious thought. A channel to my own mind, my ageless mind, neither the past or present or future. No limits except my own wandering mind and endless stream of consciousness.

  I know for a fact that during this dream I woke up in the future. I can’t say for sure if it was my certain future, as in a portent, or if it was just my modern frame of mind creating a hypothetical future.

  But in the dream I had grown into an older man, probably in my sixties. I was content in life. I had traveled down a long road, one that I was sure of. A path I chose long ago, and one I never stopped following.

  When I looked to my side, there I saw a most peculiar sight. I saw Amelia, aged and graceful. She had grown older with me, and we were both retired living our golden years in peace.

  I knew it was her within an instant. It was all in the eyes. Trusting eyes. She leaned over and looked at me, her heart pure, her soul unscathed. No one would ever hurt her again. I was there, I protected her. The best years of my youth left me, but they were years spent with her. I gave her everything of me and in return she gave me,told me everything, we shared everything.

  We talked just like old times, even so many years later.

  “What is the first song you ever remember hearing?”

  “Hmmm, I think it was that All Over Spaghetti song. You?”

  “Probably When The Ants Came Marching In.”

  “Oh I loved that one. ‘Oh when the ants, come marching in, oh Lord I want to be in that number when the ants come marching in.”

  “Umm…I think you’re confusing it with When the Saints Come Marching In. The ant song is based on When Johnny’s Coming Marching Home, a Civil War song.”

  “Oh. Well, both equally morbid.”

  “Yeah our parents managed to sing us horribly depressing songs. So we have them to thank for our therapy.”

  Then, as the moment passed, she turned to me and looked at me with the same eyes I fell in love with. Her body had grown older, as had mine, but her eyes were exactly the same. And her soul was universally and timelessly connected to mine.

  “Do you have any regrets?” she asked me, her face caught between a moment of adoration and panic.

  “How could I? I got everything I wanted. All I ever wanted was you. Since the time I was 14, that’s all I ever imagined for myself. Being with you. And however, bizarrely or perversely, or inexplicably, I saw us like this. Growing up hand in hand. How could I ever regret living out a dream?”

  “Do you?” I asked her, just as she turned her face away, before giving me a coy look.

  And then I woke up.

  The morning light came to me and I realized in that moment that I would always and have always loved Amelia. If she thinks I took advantage of her or risked anything, she was mistaken. It was the culmination of my love story.

  And this, I will make damn sure that she hears the dramatic conclusion.

  I have to talk to her. I have to find her, before it’s too late!

  I found out through a mutual friend, she went to Galveston with her mother. Maybe she even took her new beau Victor, since he probably has a leer jet and a limo to take her everywhere she wants to go. Yeah, maybe Victor is a better man than I…maybe he can give her the world.

  But I know he couldn’t possibly love her anymore than I do. Everything I have ever been or ever done has been shaped by Amelia, whether subconsciously or knowingly. To be with her—to be the kind of man she could love.

  I have to go find her and tell her. I owe her, and I owe myself, one more conversation. She has to hear it from me…and I have to make things right.

  Chapter 12: Amelia

  Galveston is such a calm place, even in spite of all the hurricane damage that still haunts the atmosphere from years back. People come here to get away from city life, to rejuvenate. To grieve, to think, to mourn…sometimes just to feel something different. I lay on the beach and shut my eyes, wondering if I went to sleep now…if I would ever wake up? If time didn’t really exist, would I wake up in just a moment and be seventy years old? Or would I blink again and be twenty?

  I shut my eyes and wait. Time is passing by so fast. Life is going by. I’m still single after all these years. I have too many regrets. And yet, my biggest regret of all is you David. I wish things had been different for us. I wish I could have…no, I wish YOU could have come to me sooner. I wish our lives weren’t dominated by misunderstandings. If we could go back again, maybe I would do things differently.

  Maybe I would find a way to…

  I open my eyes and my voice leaves me. I can’t speak and I can hardly think. David is standing in front of me. Is this a dream? Am I dead? Is this now or in the future, where the hell am I in the stream of time?

  “Amelia,” he says.

  “D-David?” I finally manage to say, taking a deep gulp. “What are you doing here? Am I dreaming?”

  “Maybe. But if so, I’m having the same dream.”

  I shake my head. “Why? Why did you come here?”

  “Because I never got to finish what I started saying.”


  “Too late,” he replies quickly. His voice is unwavering, perfectly calm. He knows he has nothing left to lose but everything to gain.

  “I have been in love with you since I met you. Every moment I looked into your eyes, I was thinking it. I was feeling it. And I almost said it too, but it was timing, Amelia. Timing screwed me over. The fear of not getting the timing right. But all that really mattered were the words.”

  I choke up and have run out of words to say. Even my anger, my frustration…everything I feel vanishes.

  “My only regret in life is not saying this sooner. I wish I had just stepped on every last guy who was in my way to get you. You’re worth it. I was afraid of ruining our friendship just like you. But now I’m more afraid of losing you forever—losing you to someone who doesn’t deserve you. I will always love you.”

  Finally, my voice returns to me and I speak honestly. “David that’s nice of you to say. But I’m just tired of relationships, okay? Every decision I’ve ever made has been the wrong one.” I shake my head, exhausted at this conversation and my entire memory of bad decisions. “I can’t make another one, not while juggling the m
ost important friendship of my life. I need you as a friend.”

  “And we will be friends. But I want you to trust me. You’ve never had a man worthy of you. You’ve never had a man madly in love with you, not like me. I never told you before because I was a coward. I blamed it on timing but I was just scared of what you’d say. How our lives would change. And now I realize, I want that change. I want to be your friend, your best friend. But this time I want to protect you. I want to take care of you. I want to show you a good life. I want to talk like we always talk, but with more kisses and breakfast in the morning.”

  I finally crack a smile and for once, for once, think not about the past or the worries of tomorrow but of the here and now. Here he is, in front of me, and without any thought to time or place. If I shut my eyes again, who knows where we’ll be? All I know for sure is…I can’t lose him. I want him at my side, now and forever.

  “All I want in life, Amelia, is you. The rest doesn’t matter. You make me happy just the way you are. And if you’ll have me, you won’t ever have another regret, I’ll make sure of it. That’s what I’ve been meaning to tell you.”

  “Well,” I said, fighting away tears. His speech got to me. I am saving face, but why? Am I so embarrassed of what my best friend thinks of me? What am I afraid of? This is David, the guy who’s been at my side for three quarters of my life. If there’s anyone I trust, it’s him.

  “This isn’t really the ideal time and place for this, David.”

  “Oh…are you with that guy, that Victor guy? The European guy with the cane and round face?”

  “I…” I laugh. “That wasn’t what Victor looked like. We went on one date. He was a sexist pig. But then again…what did I expect dating anyone else but you?”

  I smile and finally, this time I mean it.

  Just as I give David a knowing look, letting him feel peace that his plan worked…mother comes back to the beach and sees David standing there looking disheveled.

  “David? What are you doing here?” she asks in confusion. “Are you being chased by police? Are you fleeing the country?”

  “What? No!”

  “Well you being here is very dramatic, isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is a bit dramatic, mother,” I say as David laughs it off.

  “Did you fly here, David? I’m just a little surprised to see you.”

  “No, I actually swam here,” he replies drolly. “I traveled the ocean to come ask your daughter out.”

  “Well isn’t that nice, a world traveler!” mother says, putting her hands on her hips and soaking in the sarcastic laughter. But she smiles at David and then back to me, knowing that something wonderful has happened. Or at least, the start of something wonderful.


  When he kisses me, it feels as we picked up right where we left off. The hot and bothered, sex-starved feeling returns to me as he takes me in his arms. But this time everything feels right. We’re together, and our trust in each other has never been stronger. He kisses me fervently, the same way he did back at his place, but now tasting like nothing but his natural taste. No alcohol, no stress, no confusion. We are where we should be.

  Yes, it feels a little weird undressing each other. After so many years of respecting each other’s space, we invade selfishly…we pillage each other and take advantage…objectifying…using…it feels erotic but with a touch of guiltless joy. He takes my white dress off and unbuttons me one at a time, looking into my eyes. My face blushes in his presence. I’m shy but only for a moment, because he takes me into his arms and peppers me with kisses. He gives me burning kisses all over my bare chest.

  Once again, I still didn’t dress for him. Not as sexy as I could have been…but he craves me just as I am. He showers me with kisses and gentle suckles all over my trembling body.

  I can tell he enjoys me shaking and groaning because it gives him the chance to be my strong protector. He takes me into a hug and takes me down to the bed. He holds my head with his hands carefully as he stares into my eyes and kisses me again, our lips and tongues meshing together and uniting in passion.

  I squeal in delight as he unhooks my bra and pulls it off, bringing my nakedness to his lips. I smile and giggle and then go straight, with a tight frown…all sorts of high emotions in between breast kisses and rolling his hands through my hair.

  I lose my breath when he begins kissing my nipples and sending chills down my spine. Butterflies are in my stomach as he takes me—without hesitation. He wants me, he desires me as a woman, not just a friend. It’s a side of him I always wondered about…and only now do I see coming out. I’m powerless to resist. He can do anything he wants to me, as long as he keeps looking at me with those love-stricken blue eyes.

  I’m almost embarrassed at how wet I am, but it turns him on immensely and he starts grunting and singing little hums into my lips as we continue to kiss. He touches my wet spot and I sigh into his neck. This is the moment I want to last forever.

  A sparkling feeling overtakes me as I start unbuttoning his shirt, seeing his firm chest and tightly fit body. I always peeked at it…I never thought I would see him up close like this. He smiles as I kiss his stomach and work my way up to his chest. Rubbing my face, yes, rubbing my cheeks and forehead all over his body. I love this man…I want him inside me.

  I can hardly look at him when I start unbuckling his belt and anticipating seeing his cock. I feel a little frazzled just thinking about him. How big he is, how hard he is…what his face will look like when he looks down at me and realizes that his dick belongs to me now. That I’m going to pleasure him in ways he never thought possible.

  I take a gulp and try to hide my edgy nerves. I zip him down and pull down his pants. My body is shaking, my mind is spinning and my skin is on fire. I just want him…want him to rub everything of his all over me. I look into his eyes and we both smile, not knowing what to say…but needing to say nothing. This is just a time to feel.

  I pull his blue boxers down and look at his cock. Oh My. It’s every bit as amazing as I thought it was. And my naughty smile delivers him that message perfectly.

  Time escapes us as we kiss and stroke and feel each other’s intimacy. When he finally enters me, after what seems like hours of foreplay, it feels so resolute. So definite.A realization that we will always be together. He will always be a part of me, and I him. There’s no turning back…our friendship is forever changed, but in a wonderful way.

  And yeah it also feels soooo good, when his hardness penetrates me, doing what is natural—what we’ve both thought about for so long. I love the feeling of him pushing in and pulling out, his length…his cock entering my wetness, soothing me, filling me up with no room to spare. I grind against him with all my might and he increases the speed of his thrusts.

  Before we know it, we’re both gasping like lovers. Just so easy to make that jump, from friends to lovers. Like that, we’re sighing and sweating and sliding all over each other’s wetness. We’re soiling the sheets and making more noise than our neighbor’s are probably comfortable with—thank God mother volunteered to stay at the beach and “keep on guard”.

  We roll on top of each other and share our bodies completely—tasting each other, touching each other and loving each other like we’ve been aching to do. I think this is the best sex ever that results from years and years of waiting. Everything we ever did, all those poor decisions, brought us this. That can’t be a coincidence. We were always meant to be like this.

  Like this! I think to myself as I feel myself rocking the bed and losing all control. Like this! I feel myself exploding from within and wetting him so bad—which only makes him hornier—grabbing my ass and encouraging me to throttle him harder. I come so hard and scream his name—oh God! I can’t help but tense by whole body. I grab his chest and paw his nipples, and shake us both into screaming ecstasy.

  Oh thank God the sex was good! That was just one worry out of a million bits of happiness. But when you find a man that knows what he’s doing…thank f
ucking hallelujah!

  I collapse into his chest snorting, breathing and sighing all over his face, his neck and his chest. He takes me into his arms and smiles in exhaustion. We have nowhere to be, we have nowhere to go but to stay like this…in each other’s arms until we fall asleep and meet in each other’s dreams.

  “I love you… I love you…”


  Picking up seashells from the beach was always one of our favorite pastimes, not only David and I but also some of our other mutual friends who have since moved on with their lives and no longer appreciate the ritual. But we still do…and that’s one of the first things we all did, mother and David and I, picking up seashells from the remains of the waves. I remembered it so well but maybe never fully appreciated it until today.

  Years ago, I don’t think I would have ever foreseen this future: a calm life with David, the man I’ve always loved. Here, at the same place where we built memories. Life has a way of surprising you sometimes. I would have never thought David and I would end up together. Of course, we always thought about it, but we’re also blinded by our fears, doubts and circumstances. It’s so invigorating to remove all doubts, to boil away all insecurities and fall into the arms of someone who would never hurt you. I trust David more than anything. I have given everything to him, and will give him more.

  But dammit, whenever he speaks he only says what I am thinking he will say. I wish I could read his mind, know what he’s thinking behind that polite smile. Do you still love me, now that we both settled our curiosities? Do you still fancy me now that you know you could do anything you set your mind to, you wild boy?

  I don’t want to be one of those women, the ones that become needy or possessive. I just wish he were more communicative. I want to know, I need to know I’m not crazy. That he feels this moment as much as I do.

  We both have walked deeper into the tide and don’t mind it much. The waves reaching our knees is refreshing. Cold but soft, a wonderful rush to complement a nearly perfect weekend.


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