Sharon Tate and the Manson Murders
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I would like to thank those who, against my deadline, have generously shared their own information on Sharon and alerted me to resources I might have missed: David Allen, Monty Hinson, Allison Keene, Stephanie Ogle of Cinema Books in Seattle, and Christopher Simmons. Ted Spittal has been instrumental in making the connections which allowed me to interview many of Sharon’s former schoolmates from her time at Vincenza American High School.
As always, Susanne Meslans has been of immense help. Her valuable suggestions have always helped craft my books, and I thank her especially for her work on this book.
My friend Candace Metz-Longinette-Gahring sacrificed her own time and writing interests to pursue information on the Manson Family and their victims; discuss ideas; and, during an already hectic weekend, make time to read through the manuscript and offer important insight. Without Candace’s insight, this book would be sadly lacking.
Penny Wilson literally put her busy life on hold to not only read the manuscript and make corrections, but also step in during an emergency and rescue the delivery of the book. Her contributions have been immense, especially under such pressure, and her enlightened comments on Sharon’s life have added immeasurably to the finished product. She has proved to be a true friend and confidant. And Tom Wilson has generously assisted with the production of the finished manuscript never complaining when I frequently kept his wife on the telephone until four in the morning to argue content and direction. Both have my grateful thanks.
In 1991, former Manson Family prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi first put me in touch with Doris Tate. At that time, I suggested the idea of a biography of Sharon. Although initially reluctant, Doris warmed to the idea, and began sharing information about her daughter’s life with me through letters and telephone calls. A few months later, Doris became ill. The last time I spoke with Doris, she was unwell, and our conversation was brief. She apologized, saying that she no longer had the strength to assist me with the project, but that she hoped we could move forward with the idea in the future. Unfortunately, her illness worsened, and she died before any arrangements could be formalized. I only hope that her legacy of advocacy on behalf of victims’ rights, so admirably carried on by Sharon’s sisters, Patti and Debra, continues to effectively remind us all of the beautiful daughter whom she never ceased to mourn.
Greg King
About the Author
Greg King is the author of fourteen internationally published works. His books include The Last Empress: The Life and Times of Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarina of Russia (1994); The Fate of the Romanovs (2003); The Court of the Last Tsar (2006); Lusitania (2015) and the United Kingdom bestseller The Duchess of Windsor (2000). A frequent contributor and onscreen expert for historical documentaries, his work has appeared in Majesty Magazine, Royalty Digest, and the Washington Post.
All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this ebook or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.
Copyright © 2000 by Greg King
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ISBN: 978-1-5040-4172-0
This edition published in 2016 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.
180 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038
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