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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 5

by Mark Brandon Powell

  "Aw..." the class says in unison.

  "I know, I know, but we are doing this to make sure everyone is on the same page and there is no one left behind. So, what year did we leave our mother planet?"

  "2051 AD, sir." Duke answers.

  "Correct, does anyone remember why we left?"

  "We left Earth after the Thirty Year War. The Earth was dying and food was running out." A girl in the back answers.

  "Correct, does everyone know what year we switched to Star Date or SD?"

  "2061 AD was the last year we used the AD, which was the first year we switched to SD." a black haired boy answered.

  "Great, so today is September 1st of 999 SD. This will mark the first thousand years on this, our new planet of Eden. In the 10 years that it took us to travel here, what did we travel in?"

  "The Aspiration," the girl in the back answers again.

  "Correct, Aspiration was the flagship arc created to transport humanity. There were five in arcs in all but the other four were destroyed on the trip over. We picked the closest planet to what Earth was, and took a chance. Once we landed we called it Eden, and started that day as day one, and year 1. So who was it that created the Arc Fleet?"

  "William Walls, the billionaire." says Marie.

  "Correct, William Walls paid for the Arc Fleet. It only succeeded with the help of one man, who was able to calm the broken world and bring everyone together to save humanity. What was his name?"

  "Adam Augustus, the hero of The Thirty Year War, and first President of Eden. He was able to convince the remaining leaders of Earth that the only solution was to abandon it. To then seek shelter on another planet to save humanity."

  "Yes, thank you Vernon, it is only thanks to our first founding father, that we are standing here today on this new world. Still alive to talk about it. That ends Earths history review, and now on to early Eden history which is what this class going forward is about. Who knows when we started being able to use magic on a regular basis?”

  “That was 3 SD, when most of the general populous started to use magic. There was some magic use almost right after we got to Eden from Adam Augustus.” Says Duke.

  “Thank you Duke, I figured you would know the answer since you have already gone through most of this. But you don’t have to answer anymore, you can let the rest of the class answer. So what about rune symbols, when did we start using them?”

  “That was 4SD, when the runes started to show up.” Says Vernon.

  “Yes, that is correct, thank you again Vernon. You must have been reading ahead. The runes we use today are like what we discovered back then. The scientists that were studying the effects of magic stumbled across putting magic energy into an object. They found that by making certain symbols it would create predictable results. With that we started experiments on what we could create from symbols.”

  “What about the rune plague of 230 SD?” a boy from the back asks.

  “Yes that was by accident during a research study of new runes. It almost wiped us off the planet but luckily there was a vaccine created and the disaster averted. This is one of the reasons why we have the domes that we live in today and why we created New Atlantis. It was to shield ourselves from ourselves. Magic and runes are dangerous and have unforeseen circumstances sometimes that are not born of ill will. Which is why experimentation is now limited to sealed research areas to limit the effects of what's created.”

  “So what about now Mr. Livingston, do we have anything out there like that to worry about?”

  “To make a long answer short, yes. There is always danger with runes and magic in general. Just like back on Earth there was danger with guns and nukes but we are much safer today than we have been in all recorded history. For instance today we are using runes for break through with genetic modifications. This year they will be allowing parents to change unwanted things in their children before they are born. No more autism, cancer, or other genetic diseases that could affect a child in their earlier years. We can strengthen their immune system now to prepare them. Also if a parent wants a child with black hair instead of blond, or green eyes instead of brown, that's now a reality.”

  "What about strength, intelligence, and the body?" a boy in the back asks.

  "We are getting a little off topic, but that at the moment is in the works, but nothing has happened yet. It looks like class is getting close to the end here. Alright class, make sure to start reading chapters one through three of the e-text. You should be receiving the download later today, if you haven’t already downloaded it, like it seems Vernon has. We are going to review how magic got started and why we are able to create it. We call this process cyphering, and the energy used to cast spells cypher energy. So get ready for a discussion, and once the bell rings you’re dismissed."


  Vernon is walking with Duke to the practice field, and notices that Emma, Flint, and Ashley are already there. The coach seems to be registering Emma as the fifth member of the team. Vernon can see her name is now added to the roster and they now have a team name, Fire Cats. The practice field is to the right of the school, and has a fair amount of space to work with. He can also see Marie’s dance team going through their routines.

  There are teachers on either side of the field during practice, and they block any wayward spells. The MMA field was the backup football field. It’s smaller than the arenas they use in the tournaments but the hundred yard field is a good place to practice. Vernon looks over to Marie, thinking back to a conversation they had earlier in the day. She won’t be able to be there for his tournament this weekend because she has her own dance competition to go to. The schedule finalized before the school had the MMA team. Both Vernon and Marie felt bad about the news, but both promised each other that they would win. Vernon reaches into his pockets rummaging around for his stasis band.

  "So do you have your stasis band on this time Vernon?" Duke asks, as he latches his own onto his wrist.

  "Yea I didn’t forget it this time, Coach Hill just about had my head last time I forgot it."

  "So you ready to practice some more? We need more of a game plan before the next match. I would really like to stay out of the cocoon this time."

  “Well we were in the middle of making a plan when you jumped in front of that fireball. I didn’t have time to react."

  Duke puts on his best what face, “Was there anything you could have done?"

  "Maybe... That wall of ice you made, I could copy that but just make it like a dome or shield."

  "Now that is an awesome idea Vernon! Let’s try that out, I’ll start attacking and you see how fast you can make those ice shields."


  Emma finishes signing the registration forms and looks over to Duke and Vernon. Seeing them let loose without supervision. Something like this would never have happened at New Atlantis High. It was always structured and never freeform. She watches them, amazed at how good they are. It was hard to tell that Vernon as even a zero. He was casting rune spells almost as fast as she could conjure her own. How did she think it would be possible to take the captain title from him in the first place.

  I’m used to being the best where ever I go. Looking at him, I’m not so sure anymore. She thinks.

  Flint walks up beside her. She looks at him, and he has a goofy, yet charming, grin on his face.

  He says, ”They do that as a warm up, and the coaches don’t worry about those two. They are the best. Better in most ways than even the coaches or teachers. They aren’t perfect, so the coaches normally just watch and point out what they do wrong.”

  "You’re good at doing that aren't you. Walking up behind people and reading minds."

  "Well, I just guessed from the conversation you had this morning with Vernon and the look on your face. So you’re looking good, I mean ready for practice."

  Emma giggles at how nervous Flint seems to be. It’s cute. "Well thank you Flint."

  "I was wondering what you like to do during practice. I’m
only good with long range runes and weapons. That is why I came here to this school in the first place. It was the premier Runic Academy to go to.”

  "Are you a zero too?"

  "No, but I’m not good at casting spells. I can move and shoot fast but that is about all I got right now. It’s been enough to get me by."

  “I’ve seen your shooting. That alone is pretty impressive."

  "Well thank you. I am not sure if I am that good, but I do try. What about you? I know you’re a fire elemental, but what else are you good at or like to do?"

  "Well I have always just liked fire magic, ever since I was young. All of the women in my family are that way. My mother was a fire elemental, all of her sisters, and my grandmother before her. I think it just runs in the family. Destruction was always something I was good at, but not much else. Since you can't do much else with fire. There aren't many people that get me because of that.”

  "Oh, well if you want another elemental to talk to, Marie over there is a fire elemental. She and Vernon just started dating recently, but they’ve known each other for years.”

  "Fire elemental, who is she?"

  "She’s the dance team captain, right over there.” Flint points to where Marie is. “Oh wow look she even changed over to her fire form for practice."

  Emma looks over to where Marie and the other girls are. She can tell that Marie hasn’t changed into an elemental form, but she has engulfed herself in fire. Emma's entranced as she sways the fire around and has it dance with her. It was something she had never considered using her fire for. It's rhythmic movement to the music melts around Marie with each flawless sway. The trail that she leaves behind her is an impression of the last position she was in, as if watching a time lapse video. The gracefulness of her movements, and the strength of her poses leaves Emma speechless.

  "Mesmerizing isn’t it?" Flint comments.

  "Yes it is, and that is not easy to do. She is using only partial transformations while she is dancing. She could be doing so much more here than on the dance team having control over her power like that."

  “Maybe, but she has never transformed before. She told us she loves dancing and doesn't want to fight."

  Emma thinks about talking to Marie. She’s always felt pressure with being an elemental, and using her talents properly. Suzie was always so cautious to do her best, and not disappoint her father. It might be nice to have another friend who knows what she’s going though.

  She shakes her head. This isn’t the time to be thinking about that, she needs to practice. "So what do we do in practice?"

  “We could spar, or come up with different combinations of attack. Since the team has only been together a couple of weeks we are still getting used to each other. We've been experimenting with different combinations on the battle field. Nothings locked down yet."

  "Ah ok, lets spar then?"

  "Sure, I mean I would like that. It would be my pleasure." Flint replies while stuttering.

  She can hear Duke yell, “Try to send it back to me Vernon."

  "Ha ha, I got it." Vernon says in an excited tone.

  Flint swoops Emma up in his arms and shifts to the left, tripping over himself with Emma falling on top of him.

  She shouts, "What the!?"

  The fireball flies over head radiating heat, connecting with the ground nearby. It explodes leaving a small red molten crater. Emma's eyes get fixated on the impact, and light up from the explosion. She then glances down to see a big smile across Flint's face with his arms around her.

  "Crap, sorry about that you two. My fault, shouldn’t have made it so strong." says Duke.

  "Kind of my fault too, I didn’t make my ice shield strong enough and didn't know it could shift like that." says Vernon.

  Emma stares at Flint and can feel her face get hot. "Thank you Flint, I appreciate the gesture but I am a fire elemental. I would have been alright."

  "Oh yea, ha ha, I just reacted and didn’t think about it."

  Ashley yells. "Duke Keragus, what were you thinking!? Because you weren’t. I swear you two are the dumbest smart people that I know."

  Ashley then walks over to where Flint and Emma are. She inspects Emma then Flint. "Here Flint, let me get those scrapes." Ashley says.

  A faint white glow envelops Flint’s body. The scrapes begin to fade and then disappear.

  "Who are you?" Emma says with a jealous twinge.

  "My name is Ashley Ardieds. I'm the team’s healer and Duke's girlfriend. It’s nice to finally meet you." Ashley says with a smile on her face as she extends her open hand out to shake.

  "I’m sorry, where are my manors.” She feels relieved by that, but doesn’t know why. Flint is cute and all, but she only just met him. She stands up and brushes herself off. “My name is Emma Goodson, and it’s a pleasure to meet you too. Here’s to coming together as a team so we can win the main tournament in New Atlantis."

  "Yes that is the hope. There is also a rumor going around that the winning team has an open invitation to join the Paladins." Flint says.

  "I haven’t heard that."

  Emma lingers closely to Flint for a moment after she stands up with Ashley still there. Flint then stands himself, and brushes his clothes off.

  Vernon adds in, “I have been watching all the un-coded messages and posts from the paladin website, and it seems that it just might be true. It's the reason I’m trying so hard. Our referee yesterday was a retired paladin.”

  "With the shortage of qualified judges, I just thought it was coincidence. Since there isn’t much that requires paladins.”

  "That might be true, but to watch over every school and match like that is a little weird. True or not, I'm going to push myself."

  "Wow that’s nice Vernon, I didn’t know you were that passionate about it." Ashley says, "Duke’s only started thinking about joining recently, and I get it now because you want to join. Once he finishes the Sage Academy training, he would be eligible anyway."

  "Duke's a sage?" Emma asks.

  "I am, there are not as many people now a days that qualify for sage hood. Then there are a lot more people that don't measure up to the pressure afterwards." Duke replies.

  "That’s not what I mean. You’re so young, and I thought you were a rune user. Have you already completed the Magic Academy?"

  "I have, I am the youngest protégé to have completed the sages first exam for magic. I came to this school because it was the best Runic Academy there was on Eden."

  "And now he follows me around all day long." Vernon jokes.

  "Ha, more like the other way around Vernon."

  Coach Hill interjects, "Yes, yes, big love fest you two. Let’s get back to practice ladies and gentlemen. Vernon, Duke, try to use a little more discretion when training, and watch out for your other team mates. Vernon good job with the ice, try to stick and move a little more. With your skills in ice and wind runes, you should be able to make a barrier of ice and wind burst away setting you up to counter attack."

  "Thanks coach, haven't thought of that." Vernon replies.

  "Duke, I see you have more control over your rune attacks, that’s good. Make sure you aim before you release and don’t forget to follow through. Runes feel different than spells dependent on the amount of energy you put into them. You might not have noticed that till now, but I know you learn quick, so just make sure to compensate."

  "Got it coach." Duke replies.

  "Emma, you’re registered with the team now. I just got the notification. Flint, Ashley team up against Emma, see what she’s got. In about thirty minutes, we’ll switch off. Now get back to practice.”


  With another day of practice now over Vernon waits for Marie at the edge of the practice field. She's saying goodbye to all the girls on the dance team. Marie has been pushing the dance team because she wants everything to be perfect for the competition Sunday. Vernon doesn’t mind waiting for Marie, she has always been there for him, ever since they were young. They grew up on t
he same street as each other, and have been friends since then. The large mansion style house in their neighborhood is her fathers.

  The plans for the dome had just finished and there weren't many people that wanted to move in yet. Vernon's parents were happy there was another kid his age to play with when he was younger. Now they are happy to see them together because of the bond that they share with each other. Marie's parents are not as thrilled. They believe that she can do better than a zero. With Marie's parents in the government for Saint Anthony, they have an image to keep. Her father is also running for a higher office, and he has been a little more vocal on the whole situation. It could also be that they are dating now instead of just friends.

  His daughter dating a zero is not something done within the elite. Most rune users that aren't great runic casters, crafters, or fighters get looked down upon. Even if they do achieve something with themselves, they are able to achieve it despite their handicap. Vernon knows that being a rune user isn't a handicap it just a different way of using magic.

  He mumbles to himself, “I’ll show them after I win this placement tournament and get into the finals. I'm more than some zero class loser."

  "What did you say sweetie?" Marie asks as she comes around the corner.

  "Nothing, just saying to myself how pumped I am for the tournament this weekend."

  "Oh ok, so did you get to watch me much today."

  "I tried too, and the routine is looking good. I'm pretty sure that your gonna blow the competition away now that you have some control of your fire form."

  "Aw thanks babe and yes I do now because my mother started talking to me last night and showed me a few tricks. Do you think it's any good?"

  "I have never seen anyone dance like you before. So yes, and the whole team knows it. Which is why you are the captain and that's why they let you work them so hard."

  "That is nice of you to say. I just always thought they did that because I was the captain."


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