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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 34

by Mark Brandon Powell

  The security around the entrances to the core’s floor was more that visible, it was something to be waded through. There were check points within check points. Each guard was carrying an assault weapon of one type or another. Vernon watches as each security guard’s eyes follow him and Marie till they are out of sight.

  The hallway curved around the power core, and Vernon could see their destination up ahead. A room with tinted windows, plus there was more than one sign or painted wall with control room in large red letters with arrows pointing the direction they were walking. Again it was filled with enough security to fill a small lake, but they stopped short. A display screen was just above their heads that started to play a short video of what they did in the control room. The video explained that the buoys surrounding the city were emitting a signal as waves came in that was the exact opposite wavelength, canceling it out before it ever got close to the city. It was accomplished by having sensors strewn about for miles, encircling the city.

  Last on the tour was the operations room. It was an auditorium sized room with neutral tones on all of the walls. There where rows set up like a movie theater, each with its own displays and physical workstations. At the far end of the room was a wall of displays that showed each and every camera on Aspiration, and the buoys surrounding the city. A handful of them showed statistics of the available power, current incoming waves, available stabilizer strength, and when the next maintenance will be performed.

  Larry talked about how the need for physical workstations was added after the first few months while the city exterior was being built. The lag in between the personal workstation though a HaLO on the HVN was about one to two seconds too long, compared to workstations connected to the private network built in the city. The lag delay was causing serious problems with the stabilizers, and building the city came to a halt until it was fixed. With a power plant as large as they have, any problem with the stabilizers could be catastrophic. Vernon's ears perk up at this, because as far as he knew there shouldn't be any delay.

  Vernon asks, “What delay are you talking about?”

  “Since we are not affiliated with Astrum, they did not provide us a HaLO network relay, and it has to travel to the closest relay which is on the mainland. That distance creates the delay. So we created our own network that connects up to the HVN and buffer the most trafficked information.”

  Vernon and Marie are walked back to the elevator and taken to the ground floor. Larry thanks him for all the questions, because it is always more interesting for him with questions. Vernon thanks him back for the information, and the private tour.

  He asks, “So, what’s the quickest way around the city?”

  “There is a tram that connects the whole city together. It’s the fastest and only way around town we have. The entrance is just up the street a couple of blocks.”

  Vernon started to take notice that there was no road ways at all on the map. Which meant there were no cars in Aspiration. They only had the tram, which was built right below the street level with the railway attached to the top of the cars. They encased some of the rail in a clear glass –the same used for the domes – allowing an exposed view to the ocean on one side of the tram, and on the other, a view of the city housing. The three domes on the top of the surface were a normal enough sight for the two, but as they traveled the tram around the city, they noticed the underwater housing was one large inverted dome. The buildings looked like stalactites over farmland. Looking at the land below, there were trees mixed in with a variety of crops. It was a beautiful sight. The sun from up above glaring through the water, through the glass covering the city, waves of light dancing across everything.

  Marie says, “I want to see all of the gardens, and orchards that were planted around the city. Please?” Fluttering her eye lashes.

  “Anything you want. My only plans were to spend time with you.”

  She smiles and sits back in her seat. She had an affinity for plants, which showed as a green thumb for just about anything she grows. Vernon can just imagine her in her work place now. Tall green plants with large leaves, flowers of red, gold and violet surrounding an array of mechanical parts strewn about a table top. Marie would be in the center of it all, tinkering away at some gadget. That is a sight He is waiting to see.

  Two train hops later, they reached the ground at the bottom of the dome. There were a handful of electronic bikes to get around, for rent, which they grab two of. Each garden they went to was meticulously planned out, and spaced to the millimeter. There was no wasted space, because they couldn’t waste it. It wasn’t only calculations for space and production, there was a beauty to it all. The gardens of Aspiration were meant to be an inspiration, to travelers and citizens alike. Riding past each grounds keeper, there was not a single growth spell used. For such a large population, Vernon had expected to see crops being grown by magic. They come across an elderly gardener, tending to a plant that had been broken in two. He sees the farmer mending the plant, breathing life back into it.

  He asks, “Excuse me, sir. My wife and I were wondering, why is it that we haven’t seen anyone growing the crops with magic?”

  The old man looks up at Vernon, his face showing the years of work he had put into his craft. He laughs, “Everything tastes better without the interference. You may be able to get more, but the quality of the crop suffers. Young-ins like you don’t always appreciate quality over quantity.”

  Marie asks, “My gardener back home always used magic to help with the magi tree we have. What about them?”

  “That’s the only plant that doesn't have an adverse effect to its quality. It actually changes the flavor of the fruit, depending on the mood the person is in. Most plants grow very weak if you force it, and they don't last as long. Here in Aspiration, we need everything to last as long as possible.”

  After finishing their ride around the farmland, Vernon and Marie make their way back to the docks, so they can rest before dinner. Marie sees someone in the distance, and cringes. She tries to hide herself casually behind Vernon. Vernon isn’t quite sure what to make of it all, and before he knows it his overlay starts to blink red, with warning notices. He follows the arrows which point to a man walking down out of the ship, headed straight toward them.


  The name that flashes, Davon Maldone. Vernon can see he has light brown hair, dark brown eyes brimmed with confidence, standing eye level with Vernon. Two men accompany him on either side, whose bodies were rippling out of their loose attire, as if they were carefully carved statues made to look like Greek Gods. This made Davon Maldone look small in comparison but Vernon didn’t get fooled by the illusion. He knew Maldone was the dangerous one, more for the look in his eyes and the way he carried himself, than the warnings he just received from his overlay. Even if they helped a little. Maldone’s face turns toward Vernon’s and recognition registers over his face, as if he knew who Vernon was. He walks over to Vernon with a confident stride.

  “Mr. Douglas,” says Davon Maldone as he offers his hand in a welcoming gesture, “I have been meaning to have a few words with you on how the accommodations have been. With you being the first wedding on my vessel, I trust it has been a pleasant experience.” A polished smile comes across his face, as his two guards stay a pace or two behind him.

  Vernon replies, “I’m sorry but you are?” Not shaking his hand.

  “Ah yes, where are my manors. I’m so used to having people come to me, knowing who I am, I forget that I’m not known by everyone. My name is Davon Maldone, and I’m the owner of this ship, and Paradise Sailing. Not to mention a few casinos in Bastion, and various other businesses across Astrum.” He turns to pace around Vernon, to get a better sight of who was behind him.

  “You are Vernon Douglas, a recent recruit into the Paladin Order, and just got married onboard my boat, to your lovely wife Marie Ziechang… well, Douglas now I suppose.” Marie steps out from behind Vernon, raising her head to meet Maldone’s eyes.

“Hello Mr. Maldone, how have you been?” She extends her hand palm down, and he accepts it with a slight nod of his head.

  “I am doing well as always. Your father, how is his campaigning going?”

  “Last I heard everything was going as planned, but I would imagine that you know far more about his political aspirations than I do Mr. Maldone.”

  “That may not be too far from the truth, but I am sure he wouldn’t hid anything too important from his own blood.” He says with another bow of the head.

  “Now Mr. Douglas, I believe that your stay here was a favor to her father, and a favorable move for myself. Seeing as I am more concerned with the latter, if you don’t mind to indulge me, I have made reservations for you and Marie to dine with the captain this evening. I will be attending myself, naturally. As far as clothing goes, formal attire will be required. Not knowing what you brought with you, I have made arrangements for clothing for both you and your wife as well.”

  Marie takes a step toward him in frustration. Vernon can see the guards jerk, as Maldone’s hand stays them.

  Marie says, “I will not be ordered around by you, or wear something you have picked out for me Mr. Maldone. We have not asked for this gift, and do not want it.”

  “I understand completely Marie, but call it payment for your fathers favor he called in, and I would never dare to pick out a woman’s clothing for her. There is a formal clothing shop in the promenade of the ship, and they have been instructed to help you find and tailor a dress that suits you for this evening, as my gift, no strings attached.”

  Marie shifts back and forth uncomfortably, not knowing how to answer. Vernon steps in saying, “This sounds like a very generous offer, and we are thankful for it, but what if we refuse?”

  “I’m not a bad man, Mr. Douglas. As a Paladin, I am sure you got a few overlay warnings with this being our first meeting. Try owning a few casinos, amass a fortune, and see how other people start to treat and accuse you of things you didn’t do. All I offer is the meal with the captain, which I know you have not yet done. All I ask for, is to have a chance to talk to you. Would you have any objection with that, or perhaps we should talk here about dragons? I hear they are quite the sight to behold up close.” Maldone smiles showing his shark like grin.

  “If you would be so kind as to join me, since everything is already set up, the effort it would take to undo it all would be taxing on a great number of my employees.”

  Vernon lets out a sigh, slumping his shoulders. With Maldone mentioning dragons, he didn’t know what he knew. It could be that it was all real, or that he and Marie were somewhere they shouldn’t have been. Either one could be trouble, and he wanted to know more. There was a profile floating close to Maldone’s face, that gave details about the man and his possible crimes. He opens it for a quick glance, seeing if there is anything he needs to watch out for.

  There were multiple cases attached to his name as a possible accomplice; murders, robberies, and more than a dozen missing person cases listed him as a potential suspect in them. Vernon looks back to him, and then to Marie.

  “Alright Mr. Maldone, we appreciate the gesture, and would be happy to accompany you to dinner this evening with the captain.”

  The walk back to the room was uncomfortable. Marie was angry, so much so, that she was actually having small bits of flame shoot off her every few steps. Vernon knew that he wasn't the one she was really angry at, but he was the closest. With her being a fire elemental, her temper could literally make her ignite. So he tried to take it in stride, but his own temper got the better of him.

  He says, “What if he decided that he didn’t want to do the favor for your father anymore, what then?”

  Sparks erupt behind her eyes, “I know that.”

  “Then what’s the harm in getting a meal out of the guy and listening to him talk.”

  “You don’t know him Vernon, not like I do. Just drop it, it’s already done.”

  There was a tension in the room that Vernon didn't like. This was their honeymoon and it was supposed to be a joyous occasion, filled with wonderful memories, not filled with whatever this was.

  “Alright, I’m sorry. We will go, listen to him, and if he ask for anything else we turn him down. Unless it’s about Dray-Gon, then we have to know what he knows.”

  “No, it isn’t worth it. Just drop the dragon thing. We already agreed to forget about it.”

  “I know, I'm sorry. It's weighing on me, because of the dragon I saw some other Paladins capture a few weeks ago at my final trial. It looks almost exactly like the one we talked to.” Vernon lets out a sigh. “Alright how about this, we order the most expensive meals we can and grab desert on his tab. That will make you feel better, won’t it?”

  Marie garnered a half turned smile and softly punches him in the arm. “I guess that might work, but don’t think you know me Douglas.”

  “Yea, yea, I know. You’re also going to get to enjoy picking out that formal dress, having it tailored to you.”

  Marie lets out a breath of defeat, “Fine. It will be a neat experience, yes. Just don’t push your luck mister.”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  Marie decides she wants to surprise Vernon, telling him to wait in the room for her as she goes to get her dress. It takes a little more than an hour for her to find the dress and have it fitted to her. She picked a long red gown, that showed no cleavage, but followed her curves as if it was painted on.

  While Marie was getting her dress, Vernon’s tuxedo arrived. He asked the person who delivered it, how did they know his size. Smiling the man answered, the disclosure as you boarded. Vernon was liking this whole deal less as each minute passed. This guy might know Marie’s father, but what does that have to do with them, and why was it a PR move for him to let their wedding happen on the ship. Maldone was an un-convicted criminal, that is working with a politician who was now his father-in-law.

  Vernon tried to talk to Marie about who Maldone was, and what type of person he is. Marie didn’t know much, but knew enough to make her cringe that he was the one her father called about getting them on the ship. She told him, when she was younger he used to come over and have long talks with his father. There was never anything interesting they said for a teenage girl, so she never paid much attention to it all. Her mother was always cautious to keep her away from him though, and that stuck with her more than anything.

  Now dressed in fanciful wear, they stand outside of the main dining hall. Which was under the ballroom where they had their wedding, that is of course if you knew you were on a boat as you walked in. Thirty foot ceilings covered with chandeliers, brick red walls with white columns, and an enormous fountain in the center of it all. As they entered, a maître d’ greets them, walking them back to the captain’s table through a sea of dinners and waiters.

  Maldone was sitting at the head of the table, and stood waving us over as he caught sight of Vernon and Marie’s approach.

  Vernon whispers to Marie, “Let’s try to make it through this evening without setting this guy off. We’re still on his boat for a couple more days.”

  “I guess, but it goes against my better judgment.”


  They walk over to Maldone, who was wearing a suit that cost more than some larger homes, and Vernon picked out his two shadows close by. Eyeing the room.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Douglas, I am so happy that you decided to join us this evening. Please take a seat.”

  “Thank you for having us.” Vernon replies.

  Maldone goes on to introduce the captain, and a few others at the table. Most are other political types from other domes, and another couple who got tickets beforehand, wanting the opportunity to eat with the captain. Drinks are ordered with appetizers. Vernon and Marie try to keep a low profile through the conversations, but the captain knew who Vernon was. He started to talk about the first high school season of the Mixed Magical Arts Tournament and the little known rune master from Saint Anthony. How he wou
ld have never believed it if he hadn't seen it, a rune user winning a MMA Tournament.

  Vernon waives his hands dismissively, “Please Captain, that was years ago, and it was mostly luck that we won what we did.”

  Vernon thinking it was luck he had that weird light power inside him that let him win a few of the matches almost by default.

  Maldone says, “Mr. Douglas, you don’t have to be modest. I lost quite a bit of money in my casinos with your matches. It’s quite a nice turn of events that you are the ones to be the first wedding onboard my cruise ship’s maiden voyage. The winner of the first youth MMA Tournament, and the former Ms. Astrum winner.”

  With that Marie’s face went flush, and Vernon cocks an eyebrow.

  “Ms. Astrum… Marie, what’s he talking about?”

  “I was entered into a beauty contest my first year at college, along with a lot of other things like I mentioned earlier. I won the local competition, and then had to compete in a few others as a part of signing up for the original. It’s really nothing more than a title, and a few public appearances. There wasn’t more than a hundred girls through the whole deal, I hardly remember it.”

  Maldone sat there with a grin across his face, fingers steepled. “Let me be brief. The reason I asked you here this evening is about a game tournament that will be held on the ship tomorrow. It is a single elimination tournament with four brackets. Each winner gets to go up against the champion, of my choosing. My champion was, disposed, a few days ago. I need a replacement.”

  Vernon rubs at the bridge of his nose. “And you want me to be the stand in.”

  “Yes, I do. It is also a bonus that your wife happens to be who she is. She can hand out the prize to whoever wins.”

  “What makes you think I can win this anyway. I don’t even know what we are playing.”

  “A battle simulator is the game, which is well within your area of expertise, which I believe you would agree. Plus, your avatar will be built off your own physical limitations from data stored on your HaLO.”


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