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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 45

by Mark Brandon Powell

  “Here is where I want Alpha, bravo here in the back, delta is setup with snipers around, and the Paladin will be entering here. This side door. Once he comes out, that will be our signal to light this place up like Unity Day. Any questions?”

  The room was silent.

  Vernon looked around at all of the Knights, some older, most middle aged, and one young man near the front. All of the more seasoned Knights looked calm and focused. Tyler walks over to Vernon, and places a hand on his shoulder. He motions his head toward the door, and Vernon follows him outside. The night air was cool, as it always was. With the sun not shining through the water, the temperature of the city dropped an easy twenty degrees. The breeze was artificial, made to keep the air fresh around the dome.

  “I’m going to show you how to use the Paladin override.”

  “Oh yea, what’s that?”

  “Basically, you can unlock any electronic lock or password. You have to justify why you used it in a report, but you can use it at your own judgment.”

  “If I use it wrong?”

  “Criminal charges are placed on you. It would be like a breaking and entering charge typically, which is mostly a fine for Paladins, but there have been a couple of Paladins sent to Bastille. On permanent lockdown.”


  “It was for something else, nothing like this. So just use it only when you need to, and only for crimes. If you do that, you’re safe.”

  “Alright, show me how.”

  Tyler shares over a few codes, which adds a few menu options into Vernon’s HaLO. From the new menu he could access cameras, locks, and anything automated. It was localized to an area close to him. When he looked up at a light, there was a camera underneath. A small overlay indicator showed next to the camera, allowing him to pull up the feed, and move the camera’s view around. He swipes away the control of the camera, and looks over to Tyler.

  “This is one of those power and responsibility things isn’t it?”

  “It is, which is why we have so much oversight on us. They watch us very closely when we start using these surveillance tools. Most of the time nothing ever comes up, but like I said, you have to be careful.”

  Vernon slowly walks to the backdoor. The warehouse he was walking up to was closer to the back of the district, and was the least lit of them all. The few cameras that are watching the location he overrode, showing him not there. He wasn’t really sure this was how all this was supposed to happen, but it felt like a lot of sneaking around, which he didn’t like. He obviously knew he was on the side of justice. He was just so used to dealing with anything that came his way head-on, it felt weird to sneak around.

  As he got close to the door his overlay prompt showed his options for the door. He opens it without any alarms triggering, which was silence to his ears. Tyler told him there might be surveillance inside, and to be careful of it. So he glances around the door frame, trying to see if his overlay would pick up any new cameras that he could take control of.


  He was happy about that. He really didn’t want another incident like the cave, because two things like that in one day might actually kill him. There were lots of machines working, as he looks around. Packing boxes wrapped in plastic, and making something blue liquid. Stepping lightly over to an open box he looks inside to see the label on one of the wrappings, X-celerant.

  Vernon now knew this was the right place after all. Tyler and Sam had wanted him only to breach and confirm that it was the right area, and that there wasn’t anyone dangerous watching over the place. With the first two parts of that done, he takes one more look around to try to confirm the third.

  There was a metal staircase next to the door he came in, that lead up to an upper lever. Something he didn’t notice on the way in. As his eyes track up the stairs, he sees a control room with shadows moving around.

  Great. He thinks. Now I get to go up there and check it out instead of going home to sleep off this day.

  His boots hit the metal of the staircase and ring out. Stopping him in his tracks. He holds still for a moment, glaring at the shadows in the window. There were two human sized shadows, and they didn’t seem to be in any alarm. As much as shadows can be in alarm. He takes his time, starting back up the stairs, not wanting to cause any noise he can avoid making.

  He reaches into his mana, to make sure it’s on the ready, trying to fill the gunlet around his wrist. He then pulls the mana back into himself. It was a precaution for him, not wanting to get caught off guard. There were one to many things that have done so, and who’s ever shadows that were there weren’t going to be one of them.

  He makes it to the top of the steps, with loud noises to an enclosed hallway leading to an office.

  “Hurry up Vernon, the Knights are getting restless.”

  Vernon freezes, while his heart tries to escape his chest. Whipping his head around, he doesn’t see anyone there.

  “Vernon, it’s Tyler. Shared HaLO connection, remember.”

  He whispers back, “Thanks, you almost gave me a heart-attack.”

  “Look, just hurry up. Sam is about to send them in with you in there. I just don’t want to write up a report on why a Paladin had to defend themselves against a Knight. So just ID the two and get out.”


  Creeping up to the door, he could hear two voices talking. One male and one female. The door itself was barely ajar, and he leans his ear closer to it.

  “I can see things are starting to look up for you.” Said the female.

  “Yes they are. The shipments have increased, and with your help on the formula, people have been living longer while taking it. Living longer means more profits, so yes I would agree, better. How are things in the forest?”

  “Should be a day or two longer, and you will have what you seek. I see that you have started to dress like me. I take it you’re trying to flatter me?”

  “Ha. No, I only see it as a way to get out more. This helps me put a more, personal touch, to the work. What about you, I heard about that cruise you took. Miku and The Brothers in one go. Now that has got to be a bonus for you.”

  “Yes it was. I missed out on the prize I was searching for. Stupid man had already given it away before I got to him. He is however, a wonderful puppet.”

  “You and your puppets. Don’t you have enough already?”

  Vernon pulls back from the door, and his mind is racing. Cruise, he just got off a cruise. The second cruise was going to take a trip around all the safe waters of Eden, and would still be gone for another week. That could only mean that the woman was talking about the cruise he just went on. He didn’t hear anything about anyone getting killed, or gone missing. That was something Davon Maldone would have surely told him about, and tried to twist his arm into.

  Davon Maldone was a rich philanthropist, who own most of Bastion a city where gambling is legal, and a few other business around Astrum. He was not the sort of man anyone would want to cross. Vernon had gotten a warning about him at his first meeting. Multiple cases against him, lots of somewhat close, maybe he could have been involved evidence, but nothing good enough to stick. He is the owner of the cruise ship he was just on, and would not have tolerated whatever this person was talking about.

  “Vernon,” Tylers voice comes though loudly. “Vernon, get the hell out of there. Now!”

  “Why, what’s wrong? Is Sam about to bust in.”

  “No, that woman that’s talking is known as the Mask. I am guessing that the man is The Hood, she’s talking to. You need to get away and fast. They are both extremely dangerous, even for some of the more experienced Paladins.”

  “What!? No. Something happened on my honeymoon that I didn’t know about, and I’m going to find out what.”

  “That is something above your pay grade, drop it.”

  “You knew, and you didn’t tell me?”

  “Vernon. Not now, just get out of there before they kill you.”

  “I can handle m
yself, thank you.”

  Vernon stands up, and kicks open the door. The person who he thought was a man was about Vernon’s height and build. He really couldn’t make out anything past that because he was wearing a full bodysuit of white material. His face was a blank black mask with two white eye holes cut out. The woman was dressed much the same way, with the clothes hanging off her curves nicely, but the colors were reversed. She was in black, with a white mask and black eye holes.

  Vernon says, “Hi, would you please tell me what happened on the cruise you went on. That and shut this whole drug thing down.”

  The two look at each other, and the man swipes his finger down. Before Vernon could realize it, he was on the ground, with an unseen force pressing him into it.

  “Hood, you’ve better not have set me up. I do like this puppet so, and if I lose her, I will take you as a replacement.”

  Hood looks at her, “Burn the merchandise, and blow the extras. There’s more elsewhere, and this is only half anyway. You get out of here, and I will deal with this nuisance.”

  She purrs, “Ooo, I like it when you’re forceful.”

  Hood reaches his fist into the air, and Vernon can feel the magic in the air, making it harder for him to breath. As his fist comes down, the force holding Vernon down is released just long enough for him to feel relief before getting hit with another. The last thing Vernon remembered was lots of noise, the shattering of his coats runes, and the mangling of steel. Vick stands over him, surrounded in a green hue, shaking his head.

  “Good grief, princess.” Then just disappears.

  Vernon looks up and he is in the street between warehouses. A cylindrical hole is in the side of the one he was in, with Hood staring down at him. He gets off the ground with a little bit of effort, but his body was screaming at him for doing so. A blur of motion passes in his peripheral vision, and he whips his head to see it. Hood stood a few feet from him, palms open.

  “Ah, I did not notice it before but you are a Paladin. That means I need to be more watchful than what I have been.” Hood says, tilting his head to one side.

  “What were you talking about with that other person about the cruise?”

  “That? I’m sure you aren’t here for Mask dear boy, but why do you ask?”

  Tyler shouts out from behind him. “Vernon, down.”

  It hurt, a lot, but Vernon dropped to the ground. A white lance of flame shoots over him, heat flashing across his back as it does. Hood doesn’t move. A reddish cloud envelops the lance before reaching him, falling into clumps on the ground before fading away into wisps. Hood raises his hands, pointing them at Vernon. The cloud surrounds both his hands, and flies at forward.

  Vernon doesn’t have any time to react, flat on his stomach. Tyler blinks in front of him, enveloping the two within a golden translucent sphere. Sparks of white and blue cover the surface of the shell. Tyler begins to strain, and falls to a knee. The concrete around them begins to be corroded away. Vernon sees his arms beginning to shake, and wonders how much longer he’ll be able to hold onto the shield.

  He’s never seen Tyler strain before, never like this. He has seen him tear down all manner of magical constructs, huge buildings, and creatures of all sizes. He was the Commander of the Paladins, and he’s having trouble deflecting a spell from Hood. This terrified Vernon, as he realized just how stupid he was in trying to go against him and his advice.



  Lots of pressure.

  Was all Vernon could feel, even underneath the shield spell that Tyler was struggling to hold. Vernon was kicking himself for not bringing anything to help him defensively. Needing runes to cast spells was great for him, because his spells were more focused and therefor more powerful than if a normal person would just cast it. On the other hand, in situations like this, where he doesn’t have a rune to allow a certain spell to be cast.

  Hood does not appear to be under any strain at all from the red mist sparking against the shield. Vernon can’t really tell one way or the other, since he can’t see his face. Vernon sees Tyler look down at him and then turn his focus back to Hood.

  “You ok?” Tyler asks.

  “Yea, I am, barely. I think Vick saved me, but it might have been my imagination.”

  “He might have, he’s… special. I think Hood is trying to stall me, so can you call up some of your black light?”

  “I don’t know, I’ve used a lot today, not sure if I have any left.”

  “Try anyway. It disrupts spells, I need you to hit this one.”

  Vernon isn’t sure if he can, but he closes his eyes anyway looking for his inner door. It’s shut tight. He tries to give it a heavy mental pull, but nothing.

  “I can’t bring any forth.”

  “Vernon, you are a conduit for it, and it isn’t something there is a limit too. Just do it, before we get melted.”

  Taking a deep breath, he tries again. The door is still shut tight. He remembers in the cave how he stretched the door, expanding it. He tries that again. Pulling the door wider, he feels a sharp burning pain radiate over his body. The door cracks, and breaks away. Vernon falls to his knees in agony, swaying back and forth.

  Tyler looks back at him, “Vernon, are you alright?”

  Vernon screams, bursting into black flames of light.

  The ground at their feet begins to crumble as the red mist begins to eat away the ground beneath the sphere of protection. Vernon feels like his body is on fire, but tries to concentrate on his wedding ring, pushing the light there. It only takes a few moments, as a fan blade of black light grows from his delorium ring.

  Tyler nods. “Good, now get in front of me, when the shield goes down, thrust your hand into the mist.”

  Vernon struggles with each word as he replies, “This sounds like a great plan. I hope you’re right about this.”

  Vernon can feel the shifting ground. And knows they don’t have much time. Tyler taps his shoulder, and Vernon thrusts his hand up into the mist. Hood had stood motionless. The black light touches the mist, and it clears almost instantly. Hood’s hands recoil, as though he just got shocked, and shakes them. Tyler grabs Vernon and jumps over the three foot gap to sturdy ground.

  Hood closes his fists. “I’m not sure what that was, but you won’t get to use that trick twice.” He starts mumbling something Vernon doesn’t understand.

  Tyler’s head whips to Hood, and he grabs Vernon by the chest. He throws Vernon over forty feet away. Vernon can see a red dot at the tip of Hood’s finger, and Tyler throw up a blueish gold shield, layering it three times.

  The red dot leaves Hood’s finger, and turns into a thirty foot cone of energy. The beam rips through the surrounding warehouses like a bullet fired though a paper target. Brick, steel, and wood cry out as they break and fall to the ground. Tyler falls to a knee, steam flowing off his trench coat.

  Vernon watches as Tyler turns around, three rings of purple energy surround each of his forearms. Tyler vanishes. Reappearing next to Hood, already in full swing. Hood raises his arm, blocking the punch with his forearm. The ground shakes beneath Vernon’s feet. A shockwave of force hits him a second later, pushing him back to the ground.

  Tyler releases a barrage of attacks like the first. Each blocked and countered. Vernon felt like he was in an earthquake just watching the two fight, and he thought he was going to beat Hood.

  Tyler says, “I know why you’re doing all this Hood. There’s a better way.”

  “No there isn’t, and it’s time you learned that.”

  “It wasn’t your fathers fault, and it wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t put more innocents in the way, or you’ll be just like him.”

  Hood jumps away from Tyler, arms out, palms up. Red spheres fill both.

  “Easy for you to say, but you don’t know, how could you. I may yet see you again, Lapdog Commander.”

  He throws the spheres and runs in the opposite direction. The spheres bounce on the ground once. The rings around Tyler�
��s arm vanish, and a golden light appears around the two balls, which burst into mist. The mist swirls and explodes, swirls and explodes. Hood stops and turns back to Tyler, waving, and the ground at his feet lights up. He vanishes.

  The mist within the shield dissipates, and Tyler releases it. He walks over to Vernon, who’s still on the ground, and offers a hand. Vernon takes it and stands. They both see an explosion off in the distance.

  “What was that?”

  “Probably Hood, he had a rune jump setup. He probably blew up where he jumped too.” Tyler says, “That was very stupid of you.”

  “I know.”

  “Now, but what about fifteen minutes ago, when two of the most powerful criminals in Astrum are standing side by side. You try to talk to them.”

  The warehouses on either side of them explode, along with a dozen others across the district. Fires and alarms fill the night air.

  Vernon is in the back of an ambulance, sitting on the back step. Fire trucks are everywhere putting out the flames of the destroyed buildings. He sees the smoke filling up at the top of the dome, and the drones that are sucking it up.

  It shouldn’t have been like this. He thinks. What the hell is up with today, I need to go to bed, and stay there.

  Tyler and Sam are talking to each other, near the entrance of the warehouse they were going to raid, what was left of it anyway. Tyler seemed to just be standing there while Sam was yelling at him, and angrily pointing at Vernon and then everything else. A paramedic walks over to Vernon asking if he’s ok, and he could barely make anything out he was saying over the ringing in his ears. The paramedic just checks him over again anyway, replacing some bandages. He had a few good cuts and bruises from the explosions.

  “Half of my damn precinct was near the building, and now half of them are dead. Do you know the shit storm you just summoned!” Sam yells.

  Vernon looks and sees Tyler shake his head.

  “You damn Paladins, Fuck you, and fuck your Order.”


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