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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 49

by Mark Brandon Powell

  “Sounds like you were busy yesterday?”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  That got a chuckle out of him. “Drigh you said. They clean you all up, and use the HaLO machine on you right?”

  “Yea they did. How’d you know?”

  “Use to be in dragon, got out because I got married. My wife couldn’t handle the dangerous stuff when she saw me. You know that behemoth a few years back, tore up that un-domed city outside of Saint Anthony?”

  Vernon’s mouth droops open.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. There was a video of me taking the thing out, and when my wife saw it that was it. She knew the dangers, but just couldn’t take it anymore. So yea, I’ve cleaned my share of those holes myself.”

  Vernon was staring at the man he idolized in high school. He could never find the name of the Paladin that was on the call to kill the behemoth that ravaged that town. He watched that blurry video hundreds of times in hopes he might catch something to tip off who the guy was. It had been years since he had seen the video, and it was all coming back to him. The speed he showed, and strength was something he was aiming toward, even today.

  Vernon finally blinked himself aware, and said, “You are my whole reason that I joined the Paladins.”

  Z just looked at Pinpoint, laughing, “This guy. Really kid, I’m the reason. You don’t even know me.”

  “I have seen that video a hundred times, easy, and I wanted to become a Paladin because of it. If you’re saying that it was you in it then yes.”

  Z rubbed at his chin. “Then I guess I am.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Jurado Kneupper.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jurado.”

  He smiles. “Alright kid, nice to meet you too. Now let me see that HaLO of yours.”

  Vernon gives him the wrist his HaLO is attached to. Runs his fingers along the outside of the metal, until he hits a spot, and then the cover comes off.

  “I thought you had this model. I could tell from looking at it, the analog display on it gave it away.” His fingers start to flip around Vernon’s wrist, in search of something. “You see kid, HaLOs are running off of runic energy, which is nothing more than magic. As I’m pretty sure you found out is that drigh spit pretty much makes this thing useless.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Vernon replies.

  Jurado smiles, “As I was saying. Sometimes there is extra information on these HaLO’s that just pops up. I don’t know where it comes from, nor do I care, I just know it happens from time to time when they lose power like that. If you reset the thing, it typically reboots correctly. Technology, right?”

  Pinpoint laughs.

  Vernon watches as he diligently looks for the button. There is a few silent moments, interrupted by dissatisfied grunts from Jurado.

  “Well,” Jurado says, “This ain’t the model I thought it was kid. This is something I haven’t seen before. Which is new, I pretty much have seen everything concerning HaLOs.”

  Vernon remembers something he was supposed to try to keep secret. His parents, as far as he knew, had taken him from the government. He figured that much of the story out, but didn’t know the whole story. He looks down at his HaLO and realize this might not be the one he was born with, and that Baxter Boch might have been the original owner of it. Looking back at Jurado, he shrugs his shoulders.

  “This is the one I’ve had my whole life, but I wasn’t into HaLOs, so I can’t tell ya.” Which was true, with only a few omissions.

  “Then we do it the software way. I don’t like to do it that way, but when left with no other options.”

  Jurado then goes into explaining where in the settings the reset switch was for the HaLO. Vernon follows the instructions. They kept the option hidden deep within the settings menus to prevent people from accidentally resetting everything. This could wreak all kinds of havoc in a number of ways. A person’s personal data could get jumbled up, financial data could be lost, and GPS settings could be disconnected on reboot. For Vernon though it was the only way he might get back his name on the HaLO. There was no name change setting outside of the courts changing the official records.

  Vernon’s overlay shuts off. A blinking in the lower right of his vision starts. He looks at his, and it simple says Reboot. He looks back to Jurado, saying, “Well looks like it worked.”

  “Good. This might take time, but don’t worry about it. I saw you participate in those tournaments. Couldn’t mistake your face once I knew your name. Go ahead and go on in.”


  “Don’t worry about it kid. One more thing though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t download anything to your local HaLO without permission first. Anything in this place is public knowledge, but it all gets cataloged before it goes out.”

  Vernon nods, and gives him a salute.


  Vernon stands at the back of the Archive. Jurado had told him where to go for personnel files pertaining to anyone from a hundred plus years ago. The door needed to be opened by a HaLO swipe, and he was still waiting for his HaLO to reset. He looks down at it again, and it’s at ninety percent.

  The last time he looked it was at eighty percent, and he felt like that was ten minutes ago. Without his overlay he couldn’t really tell the time, he was only guessing. Shifting impatiently back and forth staring at the door he needs to enter lets him think. Dray-Gon had told him something while he was on that cruise a few weeks back. Something to do with drigh and humanity having a war with them and the dragons were an ally. It was on his to-do list to look up information on that.

  His vision blinks in and out a couple of times, then his overlay comes on slowly. The time fades into view, and it was only twelve thirty, fifteen minutes since he had entered the building. It shrinks toward the upper left of his vision, out of sight until he looks for it. A feed of information floods into his right side. The data streams of all the sights he likes to keep informed with sync up with him. Messages from Marie appear toward the top, since she wasn’t able to find him they were all worried messages.

  He replies to her, telling her what happened and how he was alright. That was followed by a string of profanity mixed messages. Vernon smiles at it, knowing she was just worried, and cares that much about him. With everything back on he tries his HaLO on the door. It clicks open.

  On the inside there was a small display a few steps into the room on top of a desk. He could see green and red lights blinking behind glass on the other side of the table. Sitting down, the display blinks on, and links up to Vernon’s HaLO. The log in data shows his name, and he’s relieved that the reset worked.

  First things first, he pulls up Ian Markson, and starts to look though all the data that’s there. The first entry he finds is from star date 455, listed down as Robert Markson’s adopted son. Vernon believes that has to be too far back, but marks it down anyway. There is one from 560 SD, another from 680 SD, 790, 810, and 920 SD. HaLOs became standard around 650 SD, and the data from all the Ian Markson’s are about the same. Height, weight, length of life, and even eye color.

  A small popup asks him to allow overlay access to the display for extra information. He accepts, and the display clicks off as his overlay is filled with financial data, 560 years’ worth. Vernon quickly looks through everything, not really knowing what he’s looking at or for. Everything just got a lot more complicated with this here. He couldn’t just hand over all of this data. Some articles or birthdates and places sure, but all of this. He checks to make sure he didn’t miss type something or pull up the wrong person.

  “You pulled everything up right Master, I was watching when you did it.” Echoes a woman’s voice in the small room.

  Vernon freezes.

  He’s sure there couldn’t be anyone else in this room with him, because the door locked when he came in, and there was not really room for anyone else. He doesn’t move a muscle, but tries to look through his
peripheral on his left and right, but doesn’t see anything. He spins his chair around, activating his gunlet as he does, looking around the room.


  “Did you want to see me Master?”

  Vernon stands up, pushing the chair back against the table. Fear starts gripping at his mind, how this was happening, who was doing it. It didn’t sound like anyone he has ever run into. He frantically swings his gunlet around, looking for where the voice is coming from.

  “Master, are you ok? You seem to be in distress.”

  “Uh… who is this?” Vernon’s voice comes out a little squeaky.

  “It’s me Master. Angel.”

  Vernon turns to the door as a woman appears before him. She was five foot six, her skin was a circuit like pattern running over it all, glowing bright green. Her curly ocean blue hair was down almost to her waist, with shimmering purple eyes. The pattern on her skin was constantly flowing, and her smile lit up the small room. She was beautiful in every meaning of the word. Vernon stares in disbelief.

  He finally gets out, “Hi. Do I know you?”

  Angel smiles, and shakes her head. “No Master, but I know you. I have been in your HaLO since you were born.”

  “Uh… what?”

  “I am your PILOT AI. I know you don’t know about it, but my creator does. You should go see him.”

  “Ok, who’s your creator?”

  “Alfred Bock.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Your creator. Did you not see him just a few days ago?”

  Vernon things over the last few days. There wasn’t anyone he knew by that name. All the people at the police station he had only met for the first time, so it couldn’t be them. His eyes widen as he gets it.

  “You can’t mean?”

  Angel nods her head.

  “But that doesn’t make since, that’s not his name.”

  “It is his given name, not the one he has chosen for himself. He made me to watch over you, but I shouldn’t be able to talk to you like this. Even if I have wanted to for a long time.”

  “Why shouldn’t you be able to?”

  “That’s the way he programed me to. The reset that happened must have undone something, but that’s ok with me, I get to talk to you now.” She smiles.

  “Alright I was done here anyway, let’s go see my father.”

  Vernon walks out of the small room, and quickly paces through the Archive. He waves at Jurado on the way out, and he nods back. There were so many things running through his mind. Could his name really be Baxter, did his father and mother change their names when they went into hiding. What was all of that data he just looked through. He was so concentrated on his own thoughts to see the person standing in front of him.

  He doesn’t look at the person, “Sorry about that.” Trying to walk past.

  They grab onto his duster. “Hey, I don’t appreciate that, and Hood doesn’t appreciate people getting mixed up in things they should be leaving alone.”

  Vernon whips his head to meet the guy who’s holding him. He was the same height as Vernon, but he was wearing a mask and outfit just like Hood. The Hood-look-alike pushes Vernon away from him.

  “I’ve come to make a deal with you.”

  Vernon looks at him with disbelief. “Really. What’s this deal?”

  “You quit sticking your nose into things and the boss won’t kill you, or you can join up with us. We would pay you what you’re worth, not some measly government salary.”

  “So this is the evil villain recruitment speech, and it isn’t even coming from the villain. How far down the totem pole do you guys think I am?”

  There was a smile in his voice, “Low enough to send me, but we know of you. This is only a formality. If you keep poking around, this won’t be so nice next time.”

  “Ok good, bring it.” Vernon snarls.

  Look alike turns, throwing a disk on the ground. “You’ve been warned, and invited. What you choose is on you.”

  He steps onto a disk, and runes flare up at his feet in vermillion, and he vanishes. The disk burns from the inside out, leaving nothing on the ground, not even scorch marks. Vernon looks at the spot he was just in, and can’t believe what just happened. How are they getting all of those rune jumps. He only learned about them yesterday, and every bad guy he’s run into since has them.

  Angel hugs Vernon, “It’s ok master.”

  He knows she isn’t really there, but her hug is still filled with warmth, and he can feel the pressure of her against his skin.


  Vernon calls a car to come get him. Something he should have done as he was walking out, but forgot to do. Since he was on this side of the dome, it would be a good time to visit the Selief Mativ, and get Duke his ring. Going to Saint Anthony Dome to see his father first would just mean he has an extra stop before coming home. Something he wants to avoid. Vernon stares at the water above the dome while he waits for the car. Angel floats around him, and he tries not to think too hard about what she is. There have already been too many things that have happened to him today, and an artificial intelligence on top of intelligent dragons and magic eating bugs would make his mind overload.

  What feels like a short drive later, Vernon sees the sage school coming into view. It’s a two story square building in the northeast side of the dome. The building is fenced in, there are a few smaller buildings in the back. The front entrance is a grand gate, leading to a large circle drive. The gate is open, and Vernon drives in.

  Pulling into the driveway, the front entrance is filled with Roman columns along the front of the building. Above the columns is the second floor, which looks like a single wall of glass. He gets out of the car, and heads inside. Dark wood walls, floors, and ceilings greet him before the receptionist waves him over. The entrance looked like an upscale hotel, and Vernon walks over to the woman waving at him.

  The receptionist says, “Hello Paladin Douglas, how is it that I can assist you today?”

  “You must have pulled up my ID to know my name that fast.”

  “Yes sir, every person to enter the building has it pulled and sent to me. Can’t have people that aren’t supposed to be here coming and going as they please. We have people’s children to protect.”

  “That is a very good point. Anyway, I’m here to see Seleif Mativ, my friend Duke said he was holding a wedding ring for him.”

  “Duke Keragus, yes, he did register you as a friend. Just a moment, I will message him. If you would like to wait here, he will come and get you.”


  A bell goes off through his HaLO, broadcast from the school, and children of all ages walk up and down the hallways he can see. Magic is being used buy every one of them, flying, running, and jumping as fast as they can. Vernon watches them, remembering needing to get to class on time, just a few short weeks ago. Someone touches his shoulder, and he jumps.

  “I’m sorry about Mr. Douglas. I thought you were waiting for me.” Seleif Mativ says.

  “I am, I just wasn’t expecting you behind me is all. How are you?”

  “The same as I was earlier today, I am doing well. What is it that I can help you with?”

  “Duke asked me to come and get the wedding ring that you are holding for him.”

  “Ah, he’s decided then I see. Yes I have it in my office, please follow me.”

  They walk down the entryway to the adjoining hallway on the right side. More dark wood and classrooms line the hall.

  Seleif says, “My son has told me a good many things about you. I want to thank you for your positive influence on his life.”

  “Thank you sir, I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.”

  They reach a turn, and a short distance later they are standing in front of his office. Seleif opens the door, and holds it open for Vernon. Stepping into the room his eyes are pulled to the walls, where each is covered in bookshelves and each shelf covered in physically printed books. A single wooden desk sits in the
middle, tiny carvings etched into every inch of the wood. Seleif comes from behind him again, and walks over to the desk, opening one of the top drawers. Vernon steps onto the tile in front of the desk. There is a bounce in his step. Seleif lays a small black box on the table, and pushes it toward Vernon.

  “This was something I had made for Duke. I never knew if he would use it, or not, since I brought him into the sage school myself. He is a special boy, and I have enjoyed watching him grow up to the man that he has become.”

  Vernon opens the case, and looks at the ring, there is a single center diamond, with two slightly smaller diamonds to either side, sitting on a platinum band. The center diamond was a big as Vernon’s knuckle, and was as clear as the open sky.

  Vernon says, “Wow, this must have been expensive.”

  “A friend of mine gave me the stone, and I got the rest myself. When he told me this might be a possibility I had it made. Please take care of it, and tell him I love him.”

  “I will, but shouldn’t you do that?”

  “I wish I could, but I am going to be out on sage business. The Astrum government is asking for a consultant for something big, and they requested me. I will see him soon enough, but just send my love with the ring, if you don’t mind.

  “I don’t mind at all, and I am sure he will think it’s a great gift.”

  Seleif nods, and turns back toward the bookshelves. “Now if you don’t mind Mr. Douglas, I have some other pressing matters to attend to.”

  Vernon says goodbye, and walks himself out of the building. His pocket feels heavy with the ring in it, and he can only imagine how expensive it is. There are no cars waiting in the driveway, even though he told his car to wait for him. He rolls his eyes, and starts to call another car. Before he gets the chance, a black limousine pulls up in front of him. Two large men get out of the car, dressed in expensive black suits. He looks at them, and they look familiar, but he can’t quite place them. They walk over to him, standing a head taller than he is.

  A deep vibrato comes out of the man, “Mr. Douglas, our boss would like to speak with you.”


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