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Hungry Like the Wolf

Page 20

by Hungry Like the Wolf

  Byron continued, "Unfortunately for you, baby, you're ex has just tried to kill you and has burned your house down. You're pregnant, and, when we came in, you looked like you were dead. Our wolves aren't going to react well to being away from you for very long. We could get on your nerves."

  His voice was honest and Hugh's had been, as well. She couldn't help but respect them both for that.

  "What about the baby? Will it be a werewolf or a human?"

  "Half of each, sweetheart. By the time he or she starts school, they'll be able to control their need to shift, so nothing untoward will happen, so there's no need to worry, baby."

  "I can't believe I'm believing this," she murmured a little dazedly.

  "There's no reason to not believe us, is there, Nicole? I mean, we wouldn't lie to you about something like this. There's no gain in that for us at all."

  "Hugh, you can be as rational as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you're goddamn werewolves!" Her voice had risen to a shriek now and they had to hush her.

  Byron popped his head around the privacy curtain and saw that the only other person in the six-bed ward was on the far end and fast asleep. His snores were loud enough to wake the dead.

  "Honey, you can't say that too loudly. We shroud that part of our lives in secrecy. You're the only human we've ever told and that's only because you're our mate," Hugh told her gently.

  "So you can't cheat but you will be overprotective?"

  "Pretty much."

  "And you love me? Both of you?"

  "Of course we do. The most important question, Nicole, is whether you love us. Especially now that you know the truth," Byron said, a little more harshly than he'd intended, his voice tinged with anxiety over her possible response.

  "You know I love you. I love both of you and have for a while now. It started at Mariana's. I thought, why the hell did I set this up? Why was I trying to make Joe jealous when I didn't and couldn't care less about him? I knew that my feelings were getting out of control for you then, but I didn't think they'd go anywhere so I tried to stop them from growing anymore. I didn't think you were interested in anything more than pity sex."

  "Pity sex?" Byron chuckled. "With you? More like, wear-your-dick-off sex!"

  "Byron," Hugh warned.

  "What? It's the truth!"

  "It doesn't matter. Hell, who cares less! Our mate has just told us she loves us," Hugh said, grinning as he turned back to her. "So you'll marry us then?"

  "Of course."

  "We'll get our lawyer on to it immediately. I want your goddamned name changed to Jakman!"

  Thinking about her last name reminded her about Joe. "What's happened to Joe?" she asked hesitantly.

  "You don't still care about him, do you?" Byron asked with a groan.

  "Of course not, but I'd still like to know what the hell is going on! Did he set fire to the house?"

  "Yeah and he tried to set you up for the blame, as well."

  "The bastard!"


  "I loved that damned house, too! Hell!"

  "Ooh, the lady's talking dirty, Hugh. I like it."

  Nicole grinned and shook her head at Byron's teasing. "It's alright for you to laugh, I liked living there!"

  "Well, don't worry about it. You wouldn't have been living there for much longer anyway. You'll be moving straight in with us, and we'll start looking for something bigger for when the baby comes. You've probably only got about five months until your due date."

  "Five months?" she squeaked.

  "Yeah," Hugh rubbed his nose and looked away uncomfortably. "Did I forget to mention that?"

  * * * *

  "I can't believe that she's shifting already," Byron said, awe making his voice more guttural than usual.

  His hand reached down into the crib and he lifted up the little wolf pup. Tucking it into the crook of his arm, he stroked the soft fluffy black hair that amazingly had streaks of red and brown through it. Playing with the little baby's ears, he grinned as she yipped in pleasure.

  "I wish mom and dad could see this," Hugh said quietly.

  "Yeah, I do, too. They'd probably be freaking out about us sharing a mate, and a human one at that, but it would have been nice for them to see their granddaughter, wouldn't it?"

  Hugh nodded and reached silently for his baby girl. As luck would have it, neither brother was really aware of who Lucy's father was. She was the picture of Nicole but, strangely enough, had hazel eyes, Hugh's pitch black hair, and Byron's mouth. Neither man even wanted to understand the science behind it, but they both believed that, genetically and emotionally, they were both her father.

  "Shame that Nicole's mom won't come visit her, isn't it?" Byron added quietly as he watched Lucy snuggle into her daddy's arms.

  "Yeah, a crying shame. I think she'll get over losing Durst as a son-in-law. I just don't think she'll ever get over losing the money. I don't mind helping Nicole's brothers. I know neither of us mind that, but I won't let her mother be a bad influence on my baby. The world doesn't owe Louise a living. Nicole's mom is just going to have come terms with that. At least if she wants to spend time with Lucy," Hugh said with a smile.

  "They're good kids."

  "I'm glad we can help them."

  "I thought Nicole was going to faint yesterday, didn't you?" Byron said with a grin as he changed the subject.

  "You shouldn't laugh really," Hugh said, trying to withhold from doing just that.

  "We told her it would happen."

  "I don't think she believed us. She likes proof, doesn't she? Remember we had to shift before she totally believed us. We had her convinced but that just put it all into perspective for her, didn't it?"

  "It didn't stop her from fainting then, though, did it?" Byron said with a chuckle.

  "No, it didn't," Hugh said, laughing at the memory as he pressed a kiss to the top of his little pup's head. "At least she's improving. Yesterday she only hyperventilated and didn't actually pass out."

  "True. She'll be ready for anything with this next one then, won't she?"

  "Uh huh."

  "Did you see her breasts this morning?" Byron asked with a groan.

  "Byron! Not in front of Lucy!" Nicole snapped as she stepped into the nursery. "No swearing. I've already warned both of you!" She reached for the little pup and cuddled her to her milk-swollen breasts, sighing as the baby snuggled in between them.

  If she looked at herself in the mirror, she'd be sure that she was crazy. But this was her life, and she wouldn't change a thing.

  She knew that Byron found what had happened the day before hilarious, and she couldn't help but be a little hurt by that. Yes, they had told her that eventually Lucy would shift, their word for changing into a werewolf, but she hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

  Nicole had walked into her pretty little girl's nursery and right in the middle of her baby's crib was a tiny wolf.

  She'd almost had a heart attack. Tears had poured down her face, and she'd felt like collapsing from the shock. She'd hoarsely called out for her mates and they'd rushed in thinking that something terrible was happening.

  When they'd seen that Lucy had shifted, they'd been so proud. She'd been shocked and horrified that her beautiful baby girl had turned into a wolf puppy! Something she still felt horribly guilty about. How could she think that about her own little girl?

  Byron had laughed at her distress as was his wont, seeing the whole world as one big joke, and Hugh had scolded her for distressing Lucy. Neither had been overly sympathetic, and, if she was honest, she was irritated with them for not being more sensitive with her about the whole damned situation.

  Hearing about her baby, no, her pup's distress, she'd immediately rushed over and tried to make amends. Her baby, no, pup had nuzzled comfortingly into her and had forgiven her straight away.

  The same couldn't be said for her reaction to her so-called soul mates! Ha!

  Cuddling her little pup to her breast once more, she rocked
back and forth on her feet and soon Lucy was sleeping, her breathing heavy with a fatigue that only a baby can feel. She lay her gently on the newspaper Byron had set down for her and pushed her into the little cave he'd made for her out of shredded paper.

  Pressing a kiss to her fingers, she lay them on the pup's head and walked out before Lucy's fathers could say a damned word.

  She stalked out of the room as quietly but as self-righteously as she could and walked to the kitchen. She'd been mashing potatoes for dinner and had been taking her aggression out on them rather than do the same to her mates' heads!

  Just because they were mates and fated to be together didn't mean that at times she didn't want to kick them in the butt for being jackasses. Truthfully, the whole fated-to-be-together-thing made it even more annoying when they couldn't read her distress, when they should be able to!

  Like at this very minute.

  She was extremely pissed off and, dammit, hurting. Yet they were laughing about it!

  Shoving her hand under the faucet, she began fidgeting with her wedding ring and managed to pull the damned thing off her swollen finger. Hugh had claimed her as his wife, dragging her to Las Vegas and arguing all the way with Byron that there were some perks that younger brothers should never receive, besides he was the eldest and the alpha.

  She glared at her gleaming platinum ring and dropped it on the marble countertop. She grumbled as she restarted her task, annoyed because the damned potatoes had started to congeal, so she began to scoop them into the disposal unit in the sink. Doubly pissed, because now she had to peel some more of the horrible things and boil them before she could even start mashing them once more.

  Using his were senses, Byron sneaked up behind Nicole and pulled her ass against his hips, his cock furrowing into the soft flesh of her ass. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder as he did so.

  She immediately froze in rejection.

  "Baby?" he asked, his voice perturbed.

  "Don't baby me!" She grabbed her wedding ring and spun around to face them both.

  "What have you done now, Byron?" Hugh asked tiredly.

  "It's not just Byron's fault, husband! You're as guilty as him!" she spat before throwing her wedding ring at his face, watching in irritation as he caught it easily. Gritting her teeth, she spat, "Why couldn't you have just let it whack you in the belly?"

  "What the hell have I done? It's usually Byron who pisses you off!"

  "You were both insensitive about me seeing Lucy as a pup for the first time. How the hell did you expect me to react? I certainly didn't expect to be joked about by Mr. Clown here or reprimanded by you! You know I can't handle stuff like this! I'm just not used to it. And be warned, the baby monitor can be used to hear more than just Lucy gurgling! I could hear you joking about me. How do you think that made me feel?"

  "Nicole, you were hurting Lucy's feelings!" Hugh protested.

  "I know that. Don't you think I can tell when my baby is upset? You didn't have to come in and tell me! I didn't call you in for that! It was new to me, that's all! I didn't need either of you to make me feel worse! And I've told you time and time again, Byron, not to swear in front of her. Hell, she's growing up so fast, she'll be a potty mouth before she's even potty trained!" Having said that, she burst into tears and dropped the pan she was holding into the sink. It clanged loudly.

  Immediately Lucy began howling.

  Had she not been feeling so traumatized, she would have laughed.

  Byron looked panic-stricken, unsure of who to comfort first. Hugh was almost dancing on the balls of his feet with nerves and chose to rush to Lucy to stop her from howling. It was an odd sound, different from any wolf she'd ever heard, and the whole family now had to make sure that she didn't do it for too long. It would raise suspicions, and where her five month old baby girl was concerned, she just couldn't handle those suspicions being raised!

  The farther along this second pregnancy crept, the more emotional she grew and the less stress she could handle. She hated feeling like a wimp, but this new baby was intent on pulling its mother through the proverbial ringer!

  Byron came up to her and hugged her tightly.

  She clung to him and moaned. "I'm a bad mother, aren't I?"

  "Baby, you're a great mother! Don't be silly."

  "I saw a wolf pup in my baby's bed, and I wanted my little girl back. I'm awful, aren't I?" she asked miserably. "I swear I accept her for what she is, but I just didn't expect to see a little wolf! I was shocked, and Hugh made me feel awful."

  "Honey, it was a natural reaction, that's all. For you, it was bound to be a shock. Don't take my teasing to heart, baby. When we saw Lucy, we were proud. For you, it's a bit scary, something you've only read about in books or seen in movies. It doesn't matter that you know what we are and that we're your mates. It doesn't affect our lives, so it doesn't bother you. But this does affect your life, and, of course it upsets you, it's only natural! You're a fantastic mother, and don't ever let anyone tell you differently!"

  She gulped and pressed her face into his neck. "You promise?"

  "Of course, I do. It's the truth!"

  She exhaled a shaky breath and nodded against him. Feeling wonderfully reassured, she breathed easily for the first time since she'd seen a shifted Lucy.

  Now, with his gorgeous form pressed against every inch of her own, she couldn't help but feel the ridge of his cock digging deep into her belly. She needed that to be digging deep into her pussy and murmured huskily, "Do you really like my boobs?"

  He laughed, but she had to hand it to him, he tried to stop it from escaping.

  Instead of answering, he rocked his hips against her. "Actions speak louder than words, but then you already knew I had a hard-on. Stop searching for compliments, you little minx. You know I find you as sexy as hell. I show you every day," he said, his voice tinged with amusement.

  "But I'm fat again," she whined.

  "With my baby, honey! That makes these sexy curves," he murmured against her ear. "Seeing you round with my baby and your breasts all heavy with milk makes me hard every time. Why do you think you got pregnant again so fast?" he teased and ground his hips against hers. "I think it's a good thing that you always wanted a big family, baby."

  Her hand scooped down and pressed against his cock. Quickly her fingers fumbled with his zipper and she released him into the palm of her hand. Quickly stroking him, she murmured throatily, "I turn you on, do I?"

  Byron moaned as she spread the pre-cum that had gathered at the tip of his glans and used it to massage his cock further.

  "Help me down," she mumbled, her voice thick with desire. Releasing his cock with a squeeze, she tried to kneel down, but her belly was too big. She needed his aid, and, with his hands grasping her own, she soon knelt against the floor with his cock in front of her. She opened her mouth wide and immediately began to suckle him. Her hands reached down and began to massage his balls, and she heard him grunt as she rubbed them together and pulled down to prevent him from cumming.

  She tormented him, teasing him with flicks of her tongue, scorching him by suckling him deep. All the while, her hands clung to his balls to prevent him from climaxing. After a few minutes, minutes where she heard Hugh soothing Lucy on the baby monitor so she knew that all was well, she groaned quietly so the baby wouldn't hear, "Fuck me, Byron."

  His eyes had shifted, and she whimpered at the sight. It drove her fucking insane to see that he'd lost control of his wolf. He always fucked her that little bit harder when the wolf was in charge. It made her a tiny bit sore the next day, but she didn't care. She loved his passion, loved it when he was hungry like the wolf. She craved it like this baby made her crave banana taffy, morning, noon, and night.

  She lay back against the cold tiles on the kitchen floor and spread her legs. She'd stopped wearing panties long ago. They just got in the way and stopped them from having easy access to her pussy, something she definitely didn't want. She smiled lustfully up at him and lifted her skirt. For t
he first time in weeks, she actually felt like she could possibly turn them on.

  She saw their hard cocks daily, hell, they fucked her at least twice a day, so she knew that they found her sexy, but she'd felt uncomfortable within her own body since her belly had shot out during her second month of pregnancy.

  Parting her pussy lips with her fingers, she watched as Byron started to jerk his cock. She thrust a finger inside of herself and moaned as she moved it in and out a few times. "Don't you want to fuck me, Byron?" she asked, pouting. Her back arched on his name as her other hand began to stroke her clit.

  He dropped into a crouch almost immediately.

  It was rather good for her ego to see him move so quickly.

  He lifted her thighs and dragged her closer to him. His face looked almost pained as he began to thrust his cock into her. Alternating between hard and fast and long and slow, he worked her up until she grabbed the skirt of her maternity dress and bit into it, clutching it hard between her teeth. Her back lifted from the floor as he began to finger her clit, and, when she felt his cum pummel her from the inside, she moaned long and low as a climax shattered her mind.

  A few minutes later, she felt herself being lifted into strong arms and immediately recognized Hugh's scent. She nuzzled into him and licked his throat.

  His words rumbled against her tongue. "Am I forgiven then?"

  She sighed dreamily. "No."

  He chuckled but dropped her on the bed before starting to strip her of her dress. "You two, I can't leave you alone for five minutes without one of you losing an item of clothing," he said.

  "Like you can talk, Hugh. Look what you've just done!" Byron said, pointing to the dress Hugh now had clutched in his hand.

  Laughter gurgled in Nicole's throat, and it pealed happily through the bedroom.

  Hugh shot Byron a glare and defiantly stripped Nicole of her maternity bra. Cupping her large breasts in his palms, he sighed with pleasure at the weight of them, his cock immediately becoming hard in longing.


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