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Pendulum (Kingdom of Night Book 1)

Page 27

by L. C. Davis

  He knelt behind me and I felt his solid form looming over me as his fingers brushed over my backside. One slipped into the crevice and I moaned at the lightness of the touch that made it feel forbidden somehow. The fact that I couldn't move my arms or legs was surprisingly welcome.

  At least, until his finger started probing inside me. I was still sore from the night before and hadn't planned on him wanting to go all the way again so soon. I thought briefly of saying red, but decided against it. I was beginning to realize that sometimes pain could be a good thing, especially where Sebastian was concerned.

  “Remember, tell me if it hurts,” he said, crumbling the building fantasy.

  I nodded as well as I could and briefly wondered at the sound of what I guessed was some sort of container opening. I didn't have to wonder for long when another finger stroked my entrance, coating it in a warm, smooth gel that tingled wherever it touched. It felt even better inside and I could feel myself begin to relax.

  He wriggled two fingers into me at once and I moaned in agonized bliss. Then it stopped.

  “Too much?” Concern was evident in his voice, destroying my arousal.

  I flinched. “N-no, I'm fine. You can keep going.”

  He slid another finger in and slowly thrust in and out before building momentum. He prepared me for what seemed like an eternity. I was seconds away from begging him to just fuck me, but his fingers pulled out entirely before he had the chance.

  He settled himself on top of me and I felt him press against my entrance. He was even bigger than I remembered and my body was cautiously resistant to accept him again so soon. He was being particularly gentle, but there was only so much he could do to ease the burning pain as my weary muscles pushed against him.

  He pushed in with only slightly more ease than the night before, but I didn't care. I just wanted him inside of me, the sooner and harder the better.

  I shuddered as he found my spot in record time. What he lacked in terms of finesse, he made up for in terms of equipment and skill. I decided to just relax and enjoy the feeling of being completely restrained while he claimed me. It dawned on me that I should feel some guilt or shame for enjoying that so much, in light of what I now knew Jeff had done to me, but this felt so different.

  Guilt came eventually, but not for that. When Sebastian's hand wrapped around my shaft and began to stroke slowly, it wasn't our current scenario that drove my arousal. I don't know when it started, but at some point, I had begun to compare this Session with Victor's.

  If Victor were here... When I was on his table...

  “There you go,” Sebastian purred in my ear. He slipped the cock ring off of me and every touch was torture. He continued stroking after it was off but I still struggled to restrain myself. I didn't want to come. Not when I was thinking of someone else.

  Especially not Victor.

  It was too late when Sebastian thrust against me one last time. His hips shook violently as he came and I cried out, “Master!” before I could stop myself.

  Sebastian went still and he pulled out without a word, leaving me to lie there in quiet terror that he knew exactly who I was crying out to.

  “Since when do you call me that?”

  I struggled to catch my breath. “Wh-what?”

  “You called me Master.”

  “Oh,” I panted. “I did?”


  “Is that not what I'm supposed to do?” I asked warily.

  He was silent again, but he also could have been shrugging. I'd noticed he had a habit of doing that even when the other person couldn't see.


  “I didn't think you were into that.”

  “Well, what do you want me to call you? We didn't do a contract or anything, so...”

  He started to untie my hands. “I thought this was just a casual thing. If you want a contract --”

  “No, that's okay.” I didn't want one now.

  He undid the contraption around my ankles and helped me to my feet before slipping the blindfold off. His expression was one of confusion and a bit of hurt, if I wasn't mistaken.

  “Well, that was fun,” I said a bit too earnestly.

  He cringed. “That's definitely the first time I've heard that.”

  “I'm sorry,” I groaned. “I don't know what I was thinking.”

  “It's fine,” he sighed. “I knew this was too soon, it's my fault.”

  I paused, confused. “Huh?”

  “I knew it wasn't a good idea to do that so soon after the first time. And after everything you went through.”

  “No, Sebastian, it's not your fault. I'm fine, I practically begged you for it.”

  “Doesn't matter. I should have put my foot down,” he sighed. “We're not doing that again for at least a few days.”

  I decided not to remind him that I might only have a few days to live. That certainly wouldn't improve the mood. Why was he so capable of being commanding in every way but the one I needed him to?

  “I'm gonna grab a shower,” I sighed.

  “Yeah, I'll clean up in here.”

  I left and took the most awkward shower of my life. Whatever had just happened, I didn't regret it, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed. The feeling made me feel even guiltier in light of the current situation.

  I dressed quickly and returned to the room to find everything as it had been. As I'd hoped, Sebastian was already yawning as he leaned against the wall, holding my clothes and the cooler he'd packed with ice for me. I'd convinced him to bring it by making up some excuse that I'd feel more secure in the hospital-like atmosphere than his room. “Here,” he said. “Let's take care of your shot and head back downstairs.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled, dressing in front of him. Walking out of the room to get changed would just add insult to injury.

  I paused and tried to pretend as if a great idea had just occurred to me. “Could we do just one more thing?” I asked, holding up my index finger and struggling to look cute.

  It seemed to work. He perked up a little and my guilt thermometer shattered its top. “Yeah?” he asked hopefully.

  “That big chair thingy, could you maybe sit in it and let me tie you up?” Go bold or go home.

  He blinked. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “I dunno, it's just kind of a silly fantasy I've always had. It's- no, never mind, it's so awkward,” I sighed dramatically. At least I didn't have to fake my blush. “Please forget I said anything.”

  “No,” he said, his curiosity clearly piqued. “Go ahead, I wanna know.”

  I pretended to hesitate. “Well, it's kind of a Big Bad Wolf thing, I guess. I'm Red, stumbling across the Wolf in a trap.” I lightly bit the tip of my finger in an attempt at being seductive, but the smell of blood told me I'd bitten too hard. Hopefully he wouldn't notice. “He tries to convince me to let him go, but I'm not sure if he's just gonna try to hunt me again, or....”

  A huge grin spread across his face. “So that's what you're into. Heh, I guess I can do that.”

  I watched in amazement and a bit of concern that my plan had actually worked. He walked over and took a seat in the huge metal chair, being a good sport as he placed his hands on the leather arm rests.

  At first, I had been counting on the metal restraints to hold him in place, but when I saw them in comparison to his hulking biceps, I realized that was never going to happen. At best, it would buy me a few seconds when he woke up, and that was only if he was making an effort not to destroy the equipment.

  “You wanna do the honors, Red?” he grinned.

  I smiled back and tried to pass my fear off as part of the role play as I locked the rings around his arms and legs. “These can be tighter, right?” I asked, clicking them in place anyway.

  “Careful there,” he laughed.

  “Sorry.” I stepped back once he was all locked in and frowned. “Something's still missing.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I searched the room until I found the blindfol
d he'd used on me, taking it out. I held it up for his approval.

  He laughed. “It's always the book worms.”

  “You don't mind, do you?”

  “No way in hell would I let anyone else do that, but if it makes you happy,” he shrugged. At least, he shrugged as much as he was capable of it.

  I tied the blindfold around his head and leaned in to kiss him. “You're so sweet.”

  “With you,” he clarified.

  “Can you see?” I asked casually.

  “Nah. I man, the better not to see you with, my dear.”

  “Heh. Yeah. Be right back,” I said, darting over to where he had left the cooler. I carefully moved the vials off the hidden syringe and ran back over.

  “You know, if you untie me, I could keep you safe from that pesky huntsman...”

  “I would, Mr. Wolf, but I just can't trust that you won't try to chase me as soon as I untie you,” I said, trying to uncap the syringe as quietly as possible. I felt like an actual monster for what I was going to do, but I knew that if Clara had been about to use it on me, it wouldn't be nearly enough to hurt him. In fact, it would probably only give me a few minutes to get downstairs and get Victor out before the giant came roaring back. Still, it was a rotten thing to do and I vowed to spend the rest of my life – which was hopefully going to be longer than a few days if this plan worked – making it up to him.

  Besides, if Sebastian knew everything I knew, he'd want me to do it. At least, that was what I told myself as I stuck the needle into the side of his neck and pushed down on the plunger.

  “What the fuck?” His words were full of confusion and betrayal more than anger, which made the whole thing worse.

  “I'm so sorry,” I cried, my hands shaking as I put the cap back on the needle. I stroked his neck apologetically. “I know it hurts, but you'll feel great really soon.”

  “Remus,” he growled, already thrashing at the restraints. His voice was slurring heavily.“ Get me off this. Now.” I was terrified he was going to break the chair before I could even get out of the room, but I gathered the cooler and ran back to fish the keyring off his belt loop.

  “Can't do that, baby, it'll ruin everything.” I leaned in and risked giving him a kiss. I didn't want him to think this was a complete betrayal. Just a partial betrayal that he'd eventually understand, kind of like a rental. “As soon as I'm gone, I'll call someone and have them come get you!”

  From the sounds of his struggling, that wouldn't be necessary. “Gone?! Remus, get your ass back here thizz.... in...”

  I had planned to be out the door long before then, but I had to look back to make sure he was okay. His head was lolled back against the headrest and the sound of deep snoring gave me the reassurance I needed.

  I knew I had no more time to waste, so I glanced down the hall either way and held the cooler at my side as I made my way around the railed walkway.

  Brendan was on the floor below, but he wasn't looking up at me. Yet. I darted closer to the wall and hit the button on the elevator what seemed like a thousand times. It finally opened and I was relieved to find it empty. I was sure there was going to be a team of wolves waiting for me once the elevator finally made it to the basement, but there wasn't.

  I glanced to make sure the coast was clear before running up to the door that led into the holding room. I peered through the glass and, to my great relief, Victor was right. The guard was gone.

  He wouldn't be gone for long, I reminded myself. I took a deep breath and entered my birth date on the touch pad. The light above the sensor flashed green and I felt like an even worse human being – or whatever I was now – than before. I stepped in carefully, wary of the glass from the other door only to find that it had already been cleaned up. Of course, Victor wasn't in that room.

  I moved on to the next and listened, hearing the faint sound of a heart monitor machine. As soon as it flashed green, I flung the door open.

  My heart sank as I saw that there was someone in the hospital bed, but it wasn't Victor. The monitor was hooked up to the guard – hadn't Clara said his name was Allen? No, it was stranger than that – I had bitten earlier.

  I crept into the room, afraid to wake the guard. Sticking out of his pocket was a piece of paper obviously meant to find. I unfolded it to read the perfectly scripted note within.

  “Sorry for the creep show, kiddo. I had to know for sure. I'm sorry for all the trouble you went through to get down here, but I knew you would just insist on tagging along and I can't put you in any more danger.”

  Had to know for sure? I wasn't sure I wanted to know what he meant, but I kept reading and glanced over my shoulder every few minutes.

  “I'd like to say the crazy thing was all an act, but truth be told, I've never handled change well. It doesn't change the way I feel, of course, it's just a shock.

  Now, as for where I'm going. By the time you read this, I should be a good chunk of the way to the land of Bibles and belt buckles. I owe you an apology and here's why: I'm the reason you're in this mess, not Sebastian. These other idiots love you too damn much to tell you the truth, so it falls to me.

  You're a hybrid. No easy way to say it. Your mind isn't resisting your wolf side like we thought, it's resisting your vampire half. Depending on when your last dose was, I imagine you're getting a headache as you read this. Or as you put it, “low blood pressure and blood sugar issues.” My mistake wasn't just underestimating the bastard who put up the blocks in your mind, it was underestimating the power of your mind to fight back.

  I got a glimpse of it the first time I tried to go in, and that's where I screwed up. It was one time, but it was enough to knock something loose. The same thing keeping your vampire half at bay. You're the only wolf I've met who could kick me out of his mind, and I still didn't see it coming. It wasn't until I realized Ulric was giving you wolf blood that I figured it out, but I still wasn't fully convinced until today.

  The wolf blood eased your symptoms, but not like he thought. Since neither side was fully awake yet, my blood somehow activated your vampire half and taught it to fight against the wolf half, like an immunization. It started a war between both sides. Now if you go off the blood, your wolf side will attack your vampire side. Vice versa if you don't transform, which your vampire mind maze isn't gonna let happen.

  Thing is, the blocks are stronger than I imagined. Whoever placed them is a genius way beyond my pay grade. The only way to save you is to kill the vampire and shatter the blocks so both sides can coexist. So, that's what I'll be doing. If you need more answers, ask the Old Man. He owes you about two-and-a-half decades worth of answers.

  As you can probably imagine, I'm not going to survive this, but I think I've left you in far more capable hands than mine. Like I said, it's not our time. Maybe next life, huh, pup?

  P. S. Oh, and a word of advice? Let Sebastian think it was mind control.



  My tears hit the crumpled page before I carefully slipped it into my pocket. I ran for the door and, to my amazement, no one had come yet. The dose must have taken more of an effect than I'd thought.

  I bypassed the elevator and took the stairs up to the dungeon's second floor. Once I made sure no one was around, I slipped through the doors and made my way for the exit I was pretty sure was around the corner.

  It wasn't. Realizing I must have gotten turned around, I dashed back down the hall only to slow down when I heard someone coming. Luckily it was just a couple of members I didn't recognize. I strolled calmly past them before picking up speed again. The exit I had been hoping for was just up ahead and, to my relief, it led to the other side of the parking lot.

  I made a dash for Sebastian's truck and felt another pang of guilt for stealing his baby. I reminded myself that he'd have it back by morning and looked around the parking lot to make sure I wasn't being followed.

  I headed straight for the school and checked the rearview mirror every couple of seconds until I made it to th
e parking lot. I bolted out of the car, nearly crashing into two girls who were coming out of the dorm. “Sorry!”

  The lobby was crowded. Some dorm mixer was going on. I searched the crowd for Arthur's face but he wasn't there. I could only pray that he was in our room when I got upstairs.

  He was. My heart soared at the sight of him sitting on the futon, reading a book. I'd never seen him read something that wasn't for a grade, but I was in too desperate of a situation to think much about it.

  “Whoa, look who's back. I've been trying to see you all week.”

  I ran to him and tackled him to the futon with a huge hug. “I missed you so much. I'm sorry, can't explain,” I said, standing to let him recover.

  He looked at me like I was crazy. He was probably right. “Are you okay? I thought you were supposed to be sick still. You're lucky Prentice is the only one who takes attendance at this school.”

  “I'll take care of all that when I get back,” I said, pulling out my larger duffel bag from under the bed. I shoved a few outfits inside along with my wallet and all the cash I had. I started counting the bills and realized I'd have to use my credit card if I wanted to book a flight from Olympia to Austin. My cash would barely cover the cost of a cab to the airport.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, equal parts concerned and curious. “You're not running off with Sebastian, are you?”

  “No, from.” I paused when I saw his reaction. “It's not like that. I have to find Victor, but they're fighting and-”

  “I can imagine why,” he said dryly.

  “Don't give me that look.” His gaze was withering. “Okay, it is like that, but it's more complicated.”

  “Always is,” he smirked. “Hey, no judgment from me. I wish I had two total hotties fighting over me. Twins, no less. When you get back, you have to teach me your ways.”

  I laughed nervously. “Just act like bumbling moron and you're halfway there. Look, I need to ask an enormous favor.”

  “Name it.”

  “Well, wait until you know what it is first. I haven't gotten the chance to replace my phone yet-”


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