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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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by C. L. Turnage

  The Holy Bible Is An Extraterresrial Transmission

  by C.L. Turnage

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2012 by Timeless Voyager Press

  This book is dedicated to all who have searched for the truth; to all who have found it, and especially to those who made it possible for me to find it. C.L. Turnage


  First printing May 1995 by Flying Disk Publications

  Second printing March 1997 by Flying Disk Publications

  Third printing January 1998 by Timeless Voyager Press

  Fourth printing April 1998 by Timeless Voyager Press

  First Ebook printing January 2007 by Timeless Voyager Press

  Entire Contents © 1998, 2007, 2013 by Timeless Voyager Press

  All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Reviewers may quote brief passages in a review. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other means for the purpose of copying not in existence as yet.

  Timeless Voyager Press

  PO Box 6678

  Santa Barbara, CA 93160

  Cover by Bruce Stephen Holms

  Edited and Formatted by Bruce Stephen Holms

  Table of Contents

  1. Preface

  2. Author's Note

  3. Publisher's Note

  4. The Elohim

  4.1. Foot Notes

  5. The Sons Of God

  5.1. Foot Notes

  6. Nemesis, The Death Star, And Planet X

  6.1. Foot Notes

  7. The Day Of The Lord

  7.1. Foot Notes

  8. The Return Of Marduk

  8.1. Foot Notes

  9. The Mighty Ones Of Eternity

  9.1. Foot Notes

  10. The Sign Of The Son Of Man

  10.1. Foot Notes

  11. The Holy Bible Is An Extraterretrial Transmission

  11.1. Foot Notes

  12. The Message Inside The Message

  12.1. Foot Notes

  13. The Number Of God's Name

  13.1. Foot Notes

  14. Sacred Symbols: Key To Ancient Knowledge

  14.1. Foot Notes

  15. Sexagesimal Numbers: The Secret Of God

  15.1. Foot Notes

  16. The Third Heaven

  16.1. Foot Notes

  17. The Conclusion

  17.1. Foot Notes

  18. Appendix One: The Near Death Experience

  19. Appendix Two: The Great Cosmic Creator Of All Things

  20. More Books From Timeless Voyager Press

  1. Preface

  If you think the medieval concept of God, and that elusive place of immortality, Heaven, is far fetched, and long for a rational, scientific explanation, this book is for you. After reading the astounding Earth Chronicles series by Zechariah Sitchin, I began to wonder how much of the Bible corroborated his fantastic contention -- that the Hebrew Deity was in reality an extraterrestrial entity. Sitchin traced the origin of the Hebrew religion to the Sumero-Babylonian deities, whom he asserts to be the Nephilim (giants) of Genesis 6:4. He writes that these Nephilim were in actuality the God/gods of the Old Testament, or as they are literally named in the Hebrew texts, the Elohim. He also believes that these extraterrestrial beings originated on a planet beyond Pluto, called NE.BI.RU by the Sumerians.

  Throughout this work, I will refer to the extraterrestrial beings from this planet "Nibiru" in the following terms: Anunnaki, Elohim, Nephilim, or Nibirians. Other ancient designations for them will be discussed in various chapters. However, no matter which term is used, the reader needs to be aware that these are all references to members of the race of beings existing on the planet Nibiru. The reader should also be aware that when the author speaks of "Heaven," Paradise, Nibiru, Planet X, or at times, planet Marduk, that these are all archaic references to the same planet from which the above described extraterrestrials originated.

  If the God of the Hebrews was actually an extraterrestrial, a Mesopotamian Deity -- then I believed there must be additional supporting evidence within the pages of both the Old and New Testaments. After years of research, I found that the volume of material supporting his claim amounts to a virtual torrent. It was also apparent that the entire Bible can be precisely interpreted if viewed within the context of both the ancient astronaut hypothesis, and the Mesopotamian origin of the Hebrew religion. Astonishingly, the Old Testament is filled with descriptions of spaceships ascending and descending, accounts paralleling modern day alien abductions, mind control, and awesome displays of superior technology. Amazingly, this is carried over and intensified in the New Testament.

  What the world knows about the Deity whom the Judeo-Christian world worships is primarily derived from the 66 books included in most modern Bible translations. However, if one looks to information outside of the Bible, the missing pieces to the puzzle of religion are soon discovered. It then becomes possible to "reinterpret" the biblical writings, and thus to clarify numerous inexplicable and inscrutable passages. For example, Genesis reveals how and why man arrived upon the face of planet earth. It also provides us with the true identity of his "Elohim" creators and points us toward their extraterrestrial origin. This "beginning" book of the Bible corroborates the Sumerian origin of its initial chapters; and thusly, the Sumerian cradle of the Hebrew religion. And, with today's scientific knowledge, the mysteries of this clever ancient document called the Bible are finally unlocked, enabling one to understand reality for the first time since God himself dwelled among his human creations. As you read the pages of this book, it should become obvious why science and religion do not necessarily have to find themselves in opposition.

  Portions of the Bible were coded, however, destined to remain obscure until the time of the end; For Daniel was told to "conceal these words and seal up this book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." (Daniel 12:4). Since we appear to be living in the last days described by the biblical prophets, the theological keys have now been acquired to unlock remaining mysteries of the Bible. This will finally reveal the God of the Old Testament as he really is; an extraterrestrial entity! The sealed book of the Bible has been discovered and now it is being opened. Only with the eyes of the space age could mankind actually understand the true nature of his God. Ironically, it is solely with the development of man's own advanced technology, that he acquired the ability to determine that his God descended to this earth in a spaceship from another world.

  Amazingly, esoteric mathematical equations clearly reveal the precise identity of YHWH (the God of the Bible). And, we thus learn which of these Mesopotamian deities he actually is. Coded mathematical computations confirm the 3,600 year orbit of Nibiru; providing tantalizing evidence that God truly is an extraterrestrial being from this legendary planet. Events and prophetic verses, indicate previous as well as future passings of Nibiru into earth's vicinity. Sumerian symbolism appearing in the Bible is examined and explained, and at last understood. We shall take an enlightened look at what the Bible actually says, according to the literal Hebrew/Greek texts. Then we will note how it has been twisted and hence reshaped by rabbinical priests, and early Christian interpreters, to fit a monotheistic concept of God. In conclusion, hidden, occult meanings of the Bib
le will be brought to light, dispelling confusion about obscure meanings of certain verses.

  The convolutions of time have twisted and warped the true message of the Bible, which clearly indicates that it is a collection of transmissions from an unknown civilization. Once the origin of the Bible is clearly understood, then will not the formerly inexplicable content become clearly illuminated? Thus far, modern archeology corroborates biblical places and names, while other ancient documents confirm events. Are we then to believe that the miracles and strange phenomena reported in its pages are also actual accounts? If the writings of the Bible are to be accepted as literal fact, does this also give credence to its prophesies? Must we then take the warnings of ancient Hebrew prophets seriously?

  Throughout this work, thought provoking biblical messages are revealed for the first time, as originally intended. You will meet the immortal God of Heaven and earth face to face; and ascertain aspects of his character and physiology that heretofore lay hidden in the annuls of antiquity. But be warned, once the torch of revelation has been lit, the reader becomes forever transformed.

  2. Author's Note

  Most biblical verses are derived from the literal text preserved in THE NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE. It was chosen because literal interpretations of verses appear in side margins if they have been altered by translators; resulting in a greater precision of meaning. Bear in mind that a Bible is only as accurate as the skills of the person who originally translated it. The use of several different Bibles provides one with a clearer understanding of the verse in question. An abbreviation of the biblical source follows each verse. Some appear from: THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Extra-biblical books such as Enoch are cited, as well as Vedic Indian, Egyptian texts, ancient Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian writings. Newspaper articles, periodicals and various books are cited throughout the document. In this work, there will appear parenthesis inside words of ancient texts, indicating a break in the original text where scholars reconstructed the word.

  It has been necessary at certain points in this work to repeat some of the arguments of Zecharia Sitchin in order to support my own theories, and for the sake of those unfamiliar with his writings. I would also like to acknowledge those responsible for the Apollo 12 data; the Johnson Space Center Mapping Science Laboratory, and the Apollo 12 experiment Team Leader, Mr. Frederick J. Doyle, as well as the National Space Science Data Center.

  In conclusion, the author would like to say that this work is not intended to denigrate any faith, or organization in any way. It is not meant to defame the name or character of God. Its sole purpose is to clarify obscurities of the Bible and present a scientific analysis for the mystery of religion. The author is not saying that this book represents the definitive answer to the enigma of God, and remains open to other possibilities. The author has come to these logical, however astounding conclusions, based on research and empirical evidence.

  3. Publisher's Note

  It has been some 15 years since I first edited and formatted this extraordinary book by C.L. Turnage. Over the years I had the chance to interview Zecharia Sitchin for Timeless Voyager Radio and found him to be extremely articulate and well versed in his translation of the Sumerian texts.

  What impressed me most about Turnage's work was the fact that she was able to perceive the intricacies of the Bible verses and how they told a story about the gods (Elohim) who were responsible for the creation of the Adam.

  The detailed work of C.L. Turnage is still amazing 15 years later - especially when there is so much main-stream interest in planet "X" (Nibiru), the home planet of the Annunaki (Nephilim).

  Whether or not you are absolutely certain of the scenario narrated by the Sumerians about the "space beings" who came here thousands of years ago in order to mine gold and create a lower class of beings (humans) to be the miners of that treasured ore is unimportant. What is important is that the Bible, itself, seems to confirm what the Sumerian texts have explained in great detail - in the original Hebrew - that there is a planet (Niburu) where gods (Annunaki) may live. And that these beings came to this planet - created us by a type of genetic manipulation - in their image (DNA), stayed for awhile and then left us. According to C.L. Turnage's calculations they may return as early as 2060.

  Fortunately for us C.L. Turnage has offered us another interpretation of these Biblical verses that do not detract from religion but rather clarify some of the great mysteries.

  Re-formatting this book for the world of mobile devices has given me the opportunity to re-visit this amazing book which I am proud to have been a part of over these past 15 years.

  4. The Elohim

  In order to unlock recondite secrets of the Bible, such as the identity and origin of the Elohim, it is necessary to discard preconceived notions of religion and reality as taught in school and religious organizations. Even that gleaned from personal observation cannot be trusted when navigating dark, obscure waters such as these. Instead an open mind eager to discover forgotten truths, and the ability to see things from a new point of view is required. The biblical writings clearly tell us that these "Elohim" cruised the skies of the ancient world in "Heavenly Chariots," often cloaked in clouds. But what exactly were these chariots? Were they the UFO's of biblical times? Did the Elohim travel to earth from somewhere else within these "chariots from Heaven?" It is intriguing that modern day UFO's are often described as metallic looking objects hidden within a cloud.

  In these days of ever increasing, and now blatant UFO activity, it is obvious to most that something bizarre is taking place in the skies over earth. Something so queer it baffles those who should be making serious inquiries into the phenomena, causing them to react in a peculiar fashion themselves - they simply ignore anyone or anything connected with UFO's. This is unfortunate. For in the black days lying ahead for humankind, these unanswered questions undoubtedly hold answers that may determine our ultimate fate. The wholesale return of "Heavenly Chariots" could be a portent of things to come. A thorough analysis of the ancient texts of the Bible and other archaic documents, clearly yields important electrifying information that will revolutionize the way humanity views its religion and its gods - and even how man must perceive the mystery of the UFO itself.

  To correctly understand what lies before us, we must take a subjective look at what took place behind us; starting at the beginning, the commencement of all life on earth recorded in Genesis. Man must take an intellectual gaze in the mirror of the past to behold the face of his creator(s):

  "And Elohim (literally) created man in His own image, in the image of Elohim He created Him (the Adam, or earthling, literally); male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27

  Most theologians teach that the God of the Old Testament is a solitary, all powerful, omniscient spirit, having no corporeal form; and that he does not possess a flesh and blood body. From a scriptural standpoint, this is simply not the case. Throughout the entire Bible, God is referred to as a male, indicating that he possesses a sex. The above passage hints at the possibility that both male and female "gods" exist. For if the Elohim created the earthlings in their own image, and made them both male and female -- then is humanity not a reflection of its creators, a pluralistic race of beings consisting of male and female entities? Consequently, these plural deities, or beings, are termed the "Elohim," the plural form of God in the scriptures, the prefix "El" meaning God.1 Though theological scholars are well aware of this plurality, conventional scholars try to pass off the multiple form of God as singular. They state that "Elohim" was intended by the Israelites to refer to the "plentiful all embracing powers of Yahweh." From scriptural evidence alone, we know that the early Israelites and pre-Israelites were anything but monotheistic. And, if one returns to the Mesopotamian roots of Genesis, it becomes abundantly clear that Abraham emerged from a culture that worshipped not one, but many gods, both male and female in nature.

  Scattered among
the various verses in the Bible, we find the diverse pieces of the puzzle describing the physical body of this God in whose image man has been sculpted. Curiously, all the ancient gods and goddesses possessed a human-like physical body. The Greek and Roman gods, as well as the Indian, Egyptian, Hurrian, Hittite, Canaanite, Meso-American, and Norse gods were humanoid in appearance.2 The Sumerians convey specific, human looking descriptions of their gods, and other ancient pictorial renderings of these beings abound.3 Couple archaic descriptive evidence, with early Mesopotamian texts, and writings of the Bible, and it is soon obvious we are not dealing with one unseen spirit, but with a race of superior physical beings, both male and female.

  Re-examining the Bible with this in mind, it is not unusual that God has a face, eats, can be wrestled with, and even walks: "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day..." Genesis 3:8 NAS. Not only does God walk around, he appears to be man-like: "And the Lord appeared to him (Abraham)...while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day. When he lifted up his eyes and looked, behold three men were standing opposite him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the earth, and said, O Lord, if now I have found favor in your sight, please do not pass away from your servant." Genesis 18:1-3.

  Abraham clearly believes he is seeing a "god." What was so different about these Heavenly visitors that he instantly discerned that they were not humans? These visiting gods behave as average humans; washing their feet (Genesis 18:4), and consuming food provided by their human host; "for Abraham stood by them under the tree as they ate." Genesis 18:8.


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