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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 14

by C. L. Turnage

  Earthquakes are predicted in the coded version of the Bible, as well as the plain texts of the Bible. In every description of the future Apocalypse, a massive earthquake is the final blow. In Revelation 16:17-18, the seventh angel pours out the seventh plague, a "great earthquake such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth..." In Isaiah 29:6 the Lord promises to punish with "thunder and earthquake and loud noise." Isaiah 24:17:20, also describes the final death-blow for planet earth as a series of devastating earthquakes, triggered by some celestial occurrence so powerful that earth is shaken from its "foundations," so severely, that it literally breaks into pieces.

  Hidden in the last verse of the Torah, is this final encrypted warning: "to annihilate, totally destroy, he hurled a violent force, and for everyone a great terror, fire and earthquake." The years encrypted for the possible earthquakes are 2000, 2014, 2113. The distant year has the best "match" for the "great earthquake." The earthquake that will culminate at the end of man's days on this earth. As I wrote in earlier chapters, the movement of a large body such as Nibiru through the solar system, could cause powerful earthquakes on earth.

  Other earthquakes which could be devastating, are foretold in the hidden text of the Bible. For "L.A. Calif.", a "great earthquake" occurs in the Hebrew year 5770, or A.D. 2010, and the Hebrew year 5754, or 1994. The one in 1994 has already occurred. The Bible code predicted a "great earthquake" in China in the Hebrew year 5736, or 1976, which has already transpired. Another is predicted for the Hebrew year 5760, or A.D. 2000. Kobe Japan was predicted to suffer "the big one", with "fire," and "earthquake" in the Hebrew year 5755, or 1995. That massive earthquake killed 5,000 people. Another, far more devastating earthquake will strike Japan according to the code in either 2000, or 2006. This one is prophesied to cause a huge economic collapse.

  Warnings of nuclear war, and projected dates for such possibilities are in the concealed, coded portion of the Bible. In the Bible, encoded where the mysterious sorcerer Balaam tells an ancient enemy of Israel "what this people shall do to thy people in the end of days," are encoded the words "atomic holocaust" and "World War." Balaam had said, "I behold, but it is not near." He foretold a great battle in the Middle East, a future war between Israel and the Arabs, that would bring "everlasting ruin" to many nations. Years ago, when I first read of this war and the "everlasting ruin" of many nations, I had naively imagined this endless ruin to be a punishment from God that would humble them, and make them docile. Now it seems more that the everlasting ruin will be caused by some nuclear holocaust generated by man himself - for only nuclear weapons can bring about the type of destruction that could "ruin" a nation forever. Lingering radiation from nuclear holocaust could literally last forever.206

  What appear to be descriptions of thermonuclear war, and its hideous effects are also prophesied in the plain texts of the Bible. For example, Zechariah 14:12 describes how a peculiar "plague," emanating from the Lord, will strike all the peoples that have gone to war against Jerusalem. "Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth." One is so quickly reminded of the Japanese soldiers who looked into the explosion over Hiroshima. Their eyes melted in their sockets. And what of all the Japanese people who suffered radiation burns? Their flesh literally came off their bodies while they stood on their feet.

  Revelation 9:15-19 seems to describe the mechanisms used to launch thermonuclear attacks. John sees a vision of "horses and those who sat on them." The "riders had breastplates the color of fire and hyacinth and of brimstone; and the heads of the horses are like the heads of lions; and out of their mouth proceed fire and smoke and brimstone." A third of mankind is killed by these "plagues," the "fire, the smoke and the brimstone," "which proceeded out of their mouths." The "power of the horses is in their mouths, and in their tails." Now the interesting thing about these horses is their tails, which sound very much like war heads: "for their tails are like serpents and have heads; and with them they do harm." Notice that the horses have heads like "lions." To the Mesopotamians, the lion was a creature of great power and might. The sound made by these launching devices would perhaps sound like the roar of a lion, to someone living in ancient times who had no knowledge of such a weapon. Since a missile would emerge from the "mouth" of the "horse," then it is easy to see why John would have likened such an image to a "lion." Certainly, upon impact, warheads would cause the "fire, smoke (mushroom clouds?) and brimstone" (burning debris?); which "proceeded out of their mouths," that is the mouths of the horses. Anything that can kill a third of mankind in this manner, would have to be very devastating weaponry, such as nuclear missiles.

  It is also intriguing to consider the words of the Nibirian speaking to Daniel in chapter twelve verse one: "...And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued." The book referred to is the one that Daniel was then ordered to seal--the hidden texts of the Bible. Scholars of the hidden text have already found the names of many prominent people in the computerized coded version of the Old Testament. President Kennedy, and his assassin Oswald, and even his assassin Ruby are encoded. (Though many prominent people are mentioned, and assassins and such named, it could be that those named as assassins are actually mentioned because these people were believed to have perpetrated the crimes, or were the most dominant name connected with these events. For example, Oswald may not have been the trigger man, but he is the most popular suspect, and his name is associated by the media with Kennedy's assassination more than anyone else suspected. Thus the Bible code is not stating absolute facts, but projected probabilities and more importantly, associations). Sir Isaac Newton is encoded, and a reference to his search for the hidden code of the Bible is revealed.207

  Some believe that every person's name is encoded. Dr. Eliyahu Rips and some of his colleagues searched for the names of 32 great sages, from biblical to modern times, to determine whether their names, their births, and their deaths were recorded in the Bible. They found not only their names, births and deaths, but the cities of their births, and other pertinent details regarding these men were found in the biblical hidden texts.208

  As mentioned earlier, the most symbolic message of the Bible is its unique mathematical layout, which has unfortunately been altered. The sixty-six books in the modern Bible represent the exact number of books presently in the King James Version. However, they are arranged and enumerated contrary to their original form. Their original arrangement consisted of forty-nine books, and they are not now in their original order. As I said earlier, 49 plus the "concealed computer code" would make the total of "fifty."

  There were also originally three divisions to the Old Testament:

  1. The Law

  2. The Prophets

  3. The Writings (Psalms division)

  To these can be added the four divisions of the New Testament:

  1. Historical, (Gospels and Acts)

  2. The seven general or Catholic epistles (Catholic meaning "universal")

  3. The fourteen (2 x 7) epistles of Paul

  4. The prophetic book of Revelation

  When one adds the three divisions of the Old Testament with the four of the New, we arrive at "seven" major divisions of the Bible.209 This layout by the early Hebrew and Christian authorities reflected the number seven. Thus it could be said that the Bible in its sections is "seven," or earth, while it is also "fifty" rank of the king of earth, in its number of books. This numerical message seems to say that it is the transmitted word of the future king of earth - the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

  Another point of interest is this: the twenty-two books of the Old Testament correspond with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet of twenty-two characters. Oddly, there were twenty-two ancient Greeks, Syrians, Armenians, and Romans who acknowledged the twenty-two books of the Old Testament, that were later divided up to create thi
rty-nine books instead of twenty-two.210 Because all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet were used up to create the original twenty-two books of the Old Testament, any new, divinely inspired scriptures would have needed to appear in some other language.211 This is probably why the New Testament was written and coded in Greek, and why the hidden fiftieth book is a computer code involving the language of mathematics!

  In Hebrew, there are five alphabetic letters that when they end a word (when they are the last, or terminal letter), take on a different shape, while they still retain their alphabetic value. So the twenty-two books of the Old Testament seemed to need a further five books (making them twenty-seven in all), this would give a different theological slant, and different canonical approach in the full canon. These five final forms of the Hebrew alphabetic letters were to show Israel that they were to expect five more books to be attached to the first twenty-two books in order to make twenty-seven books in all. This would lead Israel up to the coming of the Messiah, and include the basic teachings of their Messiah.

  If the Jewish people reckon the final forms of the five terminal letters as a part of their alphabet, they will then have twenty-seven letter forms. If one reckons the Hebrew alphabet in this manner, the first letter is aleph, and the last letter is tav, while the middle letter in the twenty-seven numbering is mem. These letters, aleph, mem, and tav, form the Hebrew word EMeT, meaning "truth." (See Benjamin Blech's The Secrets of Hebrew Words, p. 61). The different shapes of the five Hebrew letters was an esoteric hint to the Hebrew authorities that they should look for at least five more books to fill up the Canon that Ezra had designed.

  These five books would be the terminal editions to the Mosaic Law leading up to their Messiah. Since it has long been held that the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet corresponded to the twenty-two books of the Old Testament canon, adding the five terminal letters to that list (making twenty-seven letters), would cause someone to include the further five books of the New Testament (the Gospels and Acts) to terminate the scriptures to the Hebrews up to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

  Intriguingly, the letters indicating the beginning, middle, and end of these twenty-seven letters (which represented the books of the Holy Scriptures) record the word truth in Hebrew, and that is exactly what those twenty-seven books do for the Jewish people up to the coming of their Messiah. In fact, when one adds the other twenty-two books of the New Testament, then one arrives at forty-nine books to the complete canon of God (7 x 7 books.)212 This must have been God's way of showing Israel, and the whole world, what represents the "truth." And, since the Gospels and Acts are the books that should be shared by both Jews and Christians, they form a link between the two religions, and become the "center" of the biblical texts, with the book of Luke forming the dead center of the whole structure.

  Ironically, Jesus Christ gives us an esoteric hint in Revelation 1:12-13 that he is the "center" of the "lampstand," or word of God contained in this fourth section of the Bible (the four Gospels and book of Acts). Psalms 119:105 states "Thy word is a lamp to my feet," connecting the writings of the Bible with a lampstand. (See also Luke 8:16-17). In the "zone of flight," the fourth planet was Saturn, the "protector of Israel." (In chapter twelve, this lampstand with seven lamps and its position in the temple is discussed). Since Revelation 1:12-13, relates that Christ is standing in the midst of the seven lamps of the lampstand, then he is in the middle, and in the center of the biblical writings, the fourth section of the original layout of 49 books.

  In John 14:6 of the New Testament, we are told that Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life." Clearly, he is the aleph, mem, tav, or the "alpha and omega," (Revelation 1:8). In other words, he is the entire Old and New Testaments, or the entire recorded scriptural canon. Those who understand and believe this "truth" have life in him. In John 8:31-32, Jesus told the Jews who had believed him: "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." How can knowing this "truth" set us free? Is this "truth" the hidden message conveyed by the computer code of the Bible? Interestingly, Revelation 19:10 states that "the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophesy." This testimony is a declaration of things to come, for it is the "spirit of prophesy." Bearing these verses in mind, it is easy to see the connection between the hidden computerized book of the Bible, and Jesus Christ, for the computerized book is both a prophesy, and a solution to prophesy - and it is the special message of Jesus Christ, a promise of salvation to those Jews who believe him, and to the entire world.

  And, it is again, the Jews who have been chosen to transmit this fiftieth book, this new message from God, by discovering its encryption in their scriptures and by interpreting its message. Just as they were chosen over 3,500 years ago to give the world the first "transmission" from God, when Moses received the Torah on the mountain. Ironically, the concealed book was designed to aid them, and through them, the entire world, in a time of unprecedented global terror. And, through them the world was given a Messiah, someone who would have the ability to save the whole world.

  Revelation 5:1-5 describes a "book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals." A strong angel asks: "Who is worthy to open the book and break its seals?" Verse three says: "And no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book, or to look into it." In verse five it is stated that the "lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals." The lion is a reference to Jesus Christ, who was from the tribe of Judah, represented by the constellation of Leo the Lion. As soon as the first seal is broken by Christ, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are unleashed. Is this "book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals" the same "sealed book" described in Daniel?

  In all probability, yes. For "no one in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open it, or to look into it." In other words, no person, not Nibirian in Heaven, nor a human on earth, could look at this book because it was hidden -- an invisible mathematical computer code - and only a computer could see it, or "open it." We are told in the plain text of Exodus 32:15, that when Moses came down from the mountain with the tablets of the "testimony" in his hand, that they "were written on both sides; they were written on one side and the other." The sealed book of Daniel 12:4 is probably a reference to the same book as Revelation 5:1-5, and Isaiah 29:11, the hidden computerized book of the Bible.

  Since Jesus Christ is credited with being able to open the sealed book, then this is probably a reference to his being the one who encoded it to begin with. Bear in mind it is sealed with seven seals, and seven is symbolic of earth. Only the king of earth should be able to open this earth book, which was ordered to be sealed by the "king," or God, according to Isaiah 29:11, and Daniel 12:4. When a computer is used to dialogue this code, or ask questions of it, then one is really talking to Christ, the encoder - the Messiah, the king, or God. (In the next chapter, it will be shown how he could have pre-existed his own birth). In Revelation 1:20, we are told that the seven lamps are seven churches, and that the seven stars or planets, are the angels (Nibirians) of the churches. Christ dictated seven letters to seven churches in Revelation chapters 1-3. It would appear that the doctrine and behavior of the people in the churches, corresponds to the letter dictated to John by Christ. Since those "angels" or Nibirians who ruled the seven planets, represented Nibirian authority, then it becomes clear that the seven churches also represent Christ's authority here on earth through the use of this symbolism.

  What is most intriguing about the opening of the "seven seals" of the sealed book of Revelation chapter six through eight, is that the Bible's original layout of forty-nine books was divided into seven sections, as mentioned earlier. There were three divisions to the Old Testament, and four to the New Testament, which might correspond to the seven seals of Revelation described in chapters six through eight of that book. If this is the case, then the computer coded portion of each original section might correspond to the
opening of a seal. For example, when the first seal is opened, a "white horse" is sent out to conquer (Revelation 6:2), and the interpretation of this might be found in the coded portion of the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, because this was the first section, or "seal" of the Bible. (This section was designated "The Law," and the white horse of Revelation 6:2 might symbolize a type of "payment" for the Deity with whom humanity had committed "breach of contract." White horses were considered acceptable payment for Deities, with whom one had broken a covenant with in Mesopotamia).

  The final book of Revelation, which represents world holocaust in the original biblical layout, would correspond to the seventh "seal." When it is opened, earthquakes, "hail and fire mixed with blood," a "third of the trees," and "all the green grass was burnt up." Other terrible calamities such as the poisoning of earth's water by "wormwood" takes place on earth. As discussed in earlier chapters, these particular catastrophe's may be attributed to the gravitational influences of the planet Nibiru as it gains proximity to earth. If the Greek New Testament is computer coded as is the Old Testament, then the solutions to these catastrophes might be found in the final coded message of the Bible - the book of Revelation.

  Revelation 13:8 mentions "a book of life of the Lamb who has been slain." This book is most likely the "sealed book of Daniel," the sealed book of Isaiah 29:11, and the book sealed with seven seals in Revelation. It is implied that all who belong to Christ, who will be saved, will have their name recorded in this particular book. A similar promise was made to Daniel, as we discussed earlier, which leads me to believe that the "lamb's book of life" is the computerized code of the Old Testament. At any rate, should the New Testament contain a computer code, it will be interesting to discover what it will tell us. It could be a repetition of the Old Testament code, or even an extension of this same book, thus keeping the status of 50 books intact. (An extension of the Old Testament computer code seems most logical because John 1:1 states that Christ was and is the "word of God," Revelation 19:12-13 indicate that when he returns to earth he has a "name written on him that no one knows except Himself," and that his name is called "the Word of God." Since the computer code says that it is the "writing of God, engraved on the tablets," then logically it is the "word of God," as dictated by Christ). Apparently, he is the living "Word" in the form of this computerized code, which can be dialogued with a computer.


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