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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 16

by C. L. Turnage

  When the Hebrew scribes recorded the name of God in the ancient texts, the letter Sin, or Shin

  coincidence that the letter Sin is also the name of the Sumerian Deity Sin? The number equivalent of the letter shin is three-hundred.237 If you divide the number 300 into a year on planet Nibiru, which equals 3,600, you arrive at the number 12, the number representing that planet, and political authority. The numerical value of its letter name is 360, and one of the hieroglyphic meanings of the letter name is year.238 The number 360 is one tenth of a Nibirian year, and is the number of days in one Hebrew soli-lunar year.239 Representing oneself as being equivalent to a planet's year, was common practice for the "Supreme Deity," or the head of the pantheon of twelve. Zecharia Sitchin found that the orbital period, or year of Nibiru/Marduk was referred to in ancient texts by associating it with the Deity Marduk.240 (The number 3.600 representing a Nibirian year was sometimes called “a year of Anu”, Anu being the former king of Nibiru.)

  If Nannar-Sin is the God of the Old Testament, then who is Jesus Christ, the Son of the Deity? Incorporated into the Bible is a simple mathematical formulae for this deduction. First, we must look at the numbers associated with Christ in the Bible. The age of Christ is referred to 3 times in the scriptures. At the age of 12, he went to Jerusalem with his parents (Luke 2:42). He began his mission at the age of 30 (Luke 3:23). And, when he was not yet 50 years old, he was questioned by the Jews (John 8:57).

  Though we now use a year consisting of 365.25 days, the Hebrews used a soli-lunar year of 360 days.241

  1. 12 years of age x the 360 day soli-lunar year = 4,320 days. 4,320 days = 158.24 x 27.3 days, or 12 soli-lunar years = 158.24 Sidereal periods of the moon.242 The number 12 represents the planet of Nannar-Sin, as the twelfth celestial body of the solar system. Before he seized the "Heavenly Powers," making him the God, or King of Heaven, he was originally a prince of the twelfth planet, just as Jesus is on this planet called the "Prince of Peace" - since he has not yet returned to earth as the "King of men" or the God of Heaven and earth.

  2. 30 years of age x the 360 day soli-lunar year = 10,800 days. 10,800 days = 395.60 x 27.3 days. Therefore 30 soli-lunar years, = 395.60 Sidereal periods of the moon, 395.60 divided by the symbolic number 12 = 32.96, a close approximation of the age of Christ at his death (33) on the "cross."243 It also approximates the rank of Nannar-Sin.

  3. 50 years of age x the 360 day soli-lunar year = 18,000 days. However, 27.3 days (sidereal periods of the moon x 666 = 18,181.8 days, and 29.5 (synodic periods of the moon) x 616.9 = 198.55 days.

  Since Jesus was not quite 50; the 18,000 days of the soli-lunar year are short by 181.8, and 198.55. However, the Hebrew year is based on the moon, and normally consist of twelve months. These months are Tishri, Heshvan, Kislev, Tebet, Shebat, Adar, Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, and Elul. The months are alternately 30 and 29 days long. (30 x 6 = 180, 29 x 6 = 174, 180 + 174 = 354). Seven times during every nineteen year period, an embolismic or extra 29 day month is inserted between Adar and Nisan. This extra month is called Veadar, at the same time Adar is given thirty days instead of twenty-nine.244 (16.66 x 29 = 483.14 + 16 days of Adar = 499.14, rounded off to 500). Because the soli-lunar year was short, over 50 years it would have become about 500 days short. In order to make up for the difference, nearly ten days per year would need to be added (500 divided by 50 = 10 (9.982) + 354 = 364). Thus: 27.3 days x 666 = 18,181.8 days, and 29.5 days x 616.9 = 18,198.55 days, a few days short of the true soli-lunar year of 364 days x 50 = 18,200! Remember, the rank of fifty is the rank of ruler ship for planet earth. Since Christ is to rule earthlings in Heaven in the future, along side his father Nannar-Sin, his rank will be 50, the rank he has not yet achieved. (Sin now holds the rank of 60 because he is now the "God of Heaven." See Daniel 2:19 and Mesopotamian text "To Sin".) Man is the bride of Christ, and the bride or people of earth will join the husband, Christ in Heaven.

  Perhaps you have noticed that the numbers 666 and 616 are also the numbers mentioned in the Bible as belonging to the "beast."

  "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is 666 (some manuscripts read 616, including Codex C, and some Latin texts known to Irenaeous)245." Revelation 13:18, (NAS).

  Christ is not the beast; nor is Nannar-Sin. However, the beast, or antichrist, will pretend to be Christ during the tribulation. In order to understand this complex lesson in planetary mathematics, we must examine the number of the beast. We must discover his name, and see why he shares the same planetary and numerical symbols as Nannar-Sin, the moon. Enki held the position of moon god before Sin tried to take it over in a battle recorded by the Babylonians in the "Tale of Zu," Zu being Nannar-Sin.246

  According to the Babylonian version, it was Marduk, the son of Enki, who fought Zu in an effort to obtain the position of Enlilship. When Zu was defeated he returned to Heaven. Then a royal priestess born during the reign of Ashurbanipal, proposed a practical deal. It was the restoration of Sin's powers over his enemies in return for helping her son Nabonidus (sometimes called Nubanaid), become ruler of Sumer and Akkad.

  In 555 B.C., Nabonidus, then commander of the Babylonian armies, was named by his fellow officers to the throne. He had been directly helped by Sin, who used the "weapon of Anu," a "beam of light that touched the skies," to crush the enemies down on earth. Nabonidus rebuilt Sin's temple E.HUL.HUL ("house of great joy"), and declared Sin "Supreme God." Only then was Sin able to grasp the Anu office, wield all the power of the Enlil office, take over the Ea/Enki office, and hold in his own hands all the "Heavenly Powers." It was thus that he became the "God of Heaven and Earth." Sin had effectively defeated Marduk, and captured the powers of Marduk's father Ea/Enki -- the biblical Satan, thereby acquiring his planetary symbol, the moon!247

  A magnificent prayer: "To Sin" from a stele set up by Nabonidus at Haran, commemorates his reconstruction of the Ehulhul, the temple of Sin there. The language of the prayer illustrates Nabonidus's policy of promoting Sin over the other Mesopotamian deities. This aroused resistance in Babylon and elsewhere. The conflict between Nannar-Sin, the new "God of Heaven," and the Babylonian national God Marduk was in all probability, behind the political controversy in the biblical book of Daniel. This text appears to be the missing link between Daniel and the "Tale of Zu," as it commemorates the power struggle going on between the "God of Heaven" (Sin), and the Deity Marduk, a member of the biblical "Adversarial" forces.

  "O Sin, lord of the gods, whose name on the first day of the month is "...(Prince?) of Anu," who can strike the heavens and shatter the earth, who appropriates the supremacy of Anu, who controls the supremacy of Enlil, who takes over the supremacy of Ea, who grasps all and every heavenly responsibility in his hands, supreme god of the gods, king of kings, lord of lords, whose command they do not contest and whose word you speak not twice, with the awesomeness of whose great divinity heaven and earth are filled, as with whose features heaven and earth are overwhelmed, without you who can do anything?

  The land you have resolved to make your dwelling (Israel), you will establish therein reverence for your great divinity for all time to come. The land you have resolved to shatter (Babylon), you will remove reverence for you therefrom and you will overthrow it for all time to come. (You are the one) whom all gods and goddesses dwelling in heaven watch for, whose utterance they carry out, (that being) the command of Nannaru (Nannar-Sin), the father who begot them, who controls the responsibilities of heaven and netherworld, without whose sublime command, which he speaks in heaven daily, no land can rest secure, nor will there be light in that land...(fragmentary lines, then gap)248

  Note the similarities between this amazing text, and biblical terminology. For example: Nannar-Sin has become "god of the gods," "king of kings," and "Lord of Lords." Christ in the New Testament is called "king of kings," and "Lord of Lords" (1st Timothy 6:15.) And in Deuteronomy 10:17, it is YWHW who is “God of gods”, and “Lord of L
ords”. The Old Testament seems to have been influenced by this text: "all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord," (Numbers 14:21, see also Psalms 19:1). Even the references to God's political move to Israel, and his abandonment of Babylon is biblically supported. (See Revelation chapters 17, and 18). This texts also tells us precisely when Nannar-Sin took over the supremacy of Ea, thus appropriating Ea's cult symbol of the moon. (Bear in mind Ea was the father of Marduk.)

  The intriguing thing about "To Sin," is that it is also similar to Psalms 82 quoted earlier. Psalms 82 describes how God went to the "congregation of gods" and meted out judgment and punishment for those gods who mistreated their human charges, decreeing death for them. Psalms 82 provides the motivation for both the "Tale of Zu," and for "To Sin." Psalms 82 appears to provide the reason that Nannar-Sin went back to Heaven and seized power. Clearly, knowledge of these two Mesopotamian texts serve primarily to enhance and clarify the true meaning of Psalms 82. And, of the interplanetary politics that motivated the God of the Old Testament to return to Heaven and stage a coup.

  Since Christ inherited the symbol of the moon from his father, and Hebrew religious holidays revolved around the moon and its cycles, it stands to reason that a counterfeit Christ (antichrist), or the "son" of the deity Enki will also employ this former symbol of his father. Revelation 13:2 describes how the beast will acquire his power from the dragon, also known as the serpent, or Adversary. This biblical Adversary has been traced to the Mesopotamian deity Ea/Enki who used the serpent or dragon as his cult symbol. Ironically, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a passage that predicts a future battle on earth between the "Sons of light, and the Sons of darkness."249 The analogy is difficult to miss.

  The moon has two sides, a light side and a dark side; it waxes and it wanes. The full bright moon is symbolic of Nannar-Sin and Christ, while the dark waning moon is the symbol of Satan and the antichrist. Christ and the antichrist are opposite sides of the same coin. Polycarp, the Bishop of the Church at Smyrna, a man personally ordained by the apostles themselves, stated most emphatically that he, and the other bishops of Asia Minor, had been taught by the Apostle John to observe the time of the Eucharist on the fourteenth day of the first Jewish month, on the day of the full moon, and -- on the day before the Passover of the Jews. (Some time later, the Romans decided to abandon an association of the Eucharist with the full moon, opting to observe it on a Sunday instead). As you can see, a symbolic association with the moon was originally intended to continue even with Christians.250

  Nannar-Sin had two children, Utu-Shamash, a son who is equal to the sun and planet Saturn; and a daughter named Ishtar whose symbol was planet Venus.251 In ancient planetary zodiac astrology, the planets were considered as pairs, and each pair was a dual. In other words, one of the pair could represent the other. The pair duals we are chiefly concerned with are Saturn/Moon, and Mars/Venus.252

  The Bible clearly implies that Christ and his father are one and the same. This is part of the "mystery of the holy trinity." Can we mathematically ascertain if this is possible? The symbol IHS written with the cross are the Greek I = 10, H = 8, and S = 200, using the letter/number code. The total is 218 equaling 8 x 27.25, or eight sidereal periods of the moon, the planetary symbol of Nannar-Sin.

  In addition, the INRI written with the cross is also Greek: I = 10, N = 50, R = 100, I = 10, the total = 170. 170 = 6 x 28.333, or six mean moon months. ( 6 is symbolic of created man.) The gnostic number for Jesus is 888, equaling 30 x 29.6 or 30 Synodic moon periods!253 ( 30 is symbolic of the rank of Nannar-Sin.)

  Another important key is given to us in the book of Revelation: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8, NAS Jesus as the "Alpha and Omega" is in Greek 1 + 800 = 801. The first letter of the Greek alphabet is Alpha, equivalent to one in letter number code. The last is Omega, equal to 800. Therefore, 801 = 28.3 mean moon months x 28.3 mean moon months. The equivalent Hebrew expression for YHWH is "the beginning, the middle, and the end." The first Hebrew letter Aleph = 1, the middle is Kaph which equals 20, and the last is Tau which is equivalent to 400. The sum being 421. 15 x 28 (the mean moon month) = 420, which is close enough.

  Mathematically, we are talking about one and the same individual. The process by which Nannar-Sin could become human, and become his own son, could have involved the science of cloning. It can be scientifically accomplished, as modern scientists have already performed this very feat with lower life forms.254 Clearly, we see why Nannar-Sin might choose to clone himself. A hybrid son, who is a clone of himself, would theoretically possess the same personality traits as himself. It would be far less risky to trust a being who is virtually a carbon copy of one's self, rather than to father a son who might inherit a personality that would not be conducive with the plans of the father. With the fate of two planets hanging in the balance, it is not hard to see why cloning was the only way to go. The prophet Isaiah predicted the cloning and birth of the "father" here on earth. In chapter nine verses 6-7 he predicts that a child would be "born to us, a son will be given us; and the government will rest on his shoulders;...and his name will be called...Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." The idea that Jesus Christ was a clone also explains the biblical references to Christ as being in existence before his appearance here on earth (John 1:2). Having the same DNA as his father allowed him to literally be in existence before his birth - for he was in existence as his own father!

  Colosians 1:15 states that Jesus is the "image of the invisible God..." He looks like the unseen God of the Hebrews, the God who dwells in the Heavens. Colossians 2:9 says: "...for in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,"... Christ himself said "He who has seen Me has seen the Father..." (John 14:9). An electrifying admission by Christ that he is the father in human form! Christ apparently understood that he was a clone, and that he was a special kind of hybrid being.

  Apparently, Jesus was someone unusual, even to his father. The literal interpretation of John 3:16 states that God gave "His only unique, only One of his kind Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (See also John 3:18, side margin, literal interpretation, NAS). The function of such a genetic crossbreed in this situation is to act as a political "hybrid" between the Nibirans and the people of earth. In fact, the New Testament names Christ as the "reconciliator" (2 Corinthians 18:19, and Romans 5:11). It would appear that in order to establish trust between earthlings and the Elohim (Nibirians), a living symbol was needed.

  A being who was both God, and man had to be created. No "god" could accomplish the work of Christ by himself, which was to reconcile the two races for all time. Only such a being could teach mankind a superior method of behavior that would enable mankind to be accepted by the inhabitants of Heaven. (Christians are promised "citizenship in Heaven" Philippians 3:20). A mere human would have lacked the authority, for John 3:31 states that "He who comes from above is above all, he who is of earth is from the earth, and speaks of earth. He who comes from Heaven is above all." (See also Matthew 7:29, Matthew 28:18, and John 17:1-2). By embodying the physical and moral attributes of both worlds, and coming from royal families of both planets, Christ symbolizes unification in a manner unparalleled by any being before him. (Christ was descended from the line of King David, Matthew 22:42). As a royal son of Nannar-Sin, king of Nibiru, Christ is rightly called "Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6, & Acts 3:15, 5:31). The New Testament also predicts that the Heavenly Father of Christ will set him up as a prince in Heaven (Nibiru) where he will rule by his side, Nibirians and humans alike. (See Matthew 22:41-44, Matthew 26:64, Mark 16:19, Revelation 2:27).

  Ancient texts reveal that the Enlilship (the rank of fifty), was seized by the Deity Nannar-Sin. He was the firstborn son of Enlil, the God who originally held the rank of fifty, as discussed earlier.255 John 8:57 reveals to us that when Jesus was "not yet fifty," the Jews questioned him. Clearly, this is a symbolic reference to the Enlil rank o
f fifty, that Nannar-Sin had not yet achieved. In his military coup on Nibiru, when he took over the Anu and Enlil offices, he was most likely questioned by authorities from his world, paralleling events that took place with Christ on earth. Indeed, the Sumerian "Lamentation Texts" (written by Nannar-Sin and his spouse), describe how Sin was questioned for trying to seize power, and how Ur was destroyed by Anu and Enlil with nuclear weapons to bring to an end the fighting between the two factions.256 This horrendous event probably provided the impetus for the military coup of "To Sin."

  Luke 3:23 states that when Jesus began his ministry, he was about thirty years of age. The rank of thirty was assigned to Nannar-Sin before he began struggling to seize power. The mission of Christ was to "save man," by defeating the enemy "death," (enabling man to achieve eternal life through him), and so that he might have authority on earth, paralleling the mission of his father Sin when he tried to seize the "Heavenly powers." Luke 2:42 tells us that at the age of twelve, Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem with his parents. The number "twelve" is symbolic of his planet of origin, Nibiru. There he is regarded as a prince; just as Nannar-Sin was once a prince of Nibiru, before he seized power there. Christ is often referred to as the "Prince of Peace."

  After the destruction of Ur, Nannar-Sin returned to Nibiru for a while, having been temporarily defeated by the opposition, just as Jesus, who was temporarily defeated by death has returned to "Heaven." Nannar-Sin returned, destroyed his enemies, and seized power on earth and Heaven, as described earlier. Christ is also predicted to return from Heaven, destroy his enemies, and rule Heaven and earth. The symbolic message is clear to those who possess an understanding of past events regarding Nannar-Sin. The numbers regarding Christ in the Bible are all references to Sumerian ranks or planetary numbers effecting Nannar-Sin (Jesus) in some way, and which tell both the stories of Christ, and his father in a hidden way. Ironically, Christ has this cryptic message concerning the ability of man to know the identity of his father, and the scope of his own authority: "All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son, except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father, except the son, and anyone to whom the son wills to reveal him." Matthew 11:27, NAS


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