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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 19

by C. L. Turnage

  276Cross, Frank, The Development Of Israelite Religion, Bible Review, October 1992, page 28. Black, Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons, And Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia, University Of Texas Press, Austin, page 165.

  277Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 280.

  278Ragozin, Zenaide, Vedic India, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, pages 346-347.

  279Hulse, David, The Key Of It All, An Encyclopedic Guide To The Sacred Languages & Magickal Systems Of The World, Llewellyn Worldwide, PO Box 64383-318, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, pages 23-27.

  280Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 61, 64, & 66. Cross, Frank, The Development Of Israelite Religion, Bible Review, October 1992, page 28. Black, Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons And Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, page 165

  281Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 234-235. See figure 116 on page 234.

  282Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 87-88. See figure 2.

  283Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 94-95.

  284Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 88-89.

  285Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, page 62. See drawing of Anarajapoora Ceylon.*****************

  286Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, page 64. See drawing of Narayana.

  287Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, page 62, see drawing of Angor Thom.

  288Noyes, Ralph, The Crop Circles Enigma, Gateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath, BA2 8QJ, U.K., pages 167-168. See drawing, page 167, the "Cosmic or Celtic Dragon."

  289Ragozin, Zenaide, Vedic India, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, pages 347, see drawing Babylonian God "Oannes".

  290Black, Jeremy, & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, see drawing page 135.

  291Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 119-121.

  292Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 368, 88, 89.

  293Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 184-186 88, 89, & 368.

  294Black, Jeremy, & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons, And Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, pages 103-104.

  295Westwood, Jennifer, The Atlas Of Mysterious Places, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, New York, A division of Wheatland Corporation, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022, pages 136-137.

  296Anderson, Roy, Unfolding The Revelation, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, pages 63-67.

  297Black, Jeremy & green, Anthony, Gods, Demons And Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, pages 160-161.

  298Black, Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons And Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, pages 120-121.

  299Foster, Benjamin, (e) Nebuchadnezzar And Marduk, Before The Muses, CDL Press, Bethesda, Maryland, page 301.

  300Anderson, Roy, Unfolding The Revelation, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, pages 122-123.

  301Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 182-183.

  302Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 121-123, 204-206, 209-210, 221-223, 226-229.

  303Sitchin, Zecharia, The Wars Of Gods And Men, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10016, pages 180-181.

  304Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 140-141.

  305Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 240-241.

  306Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 185.

  307Foster, Benjamin, The Lamb, Before The Muses, CDL Press, pages 151-152.

  15. Sexagesimal Numbers: The Secret Of God

  In order to understand the hidden Kabbalistical wisdom of the Bible, we must first understand what the term "magician" meant in ancient times. Kabbalism fell under two branches, philosophical, and practical or magical, which stressed through numbers the mystical value of Hebrew words and letters.308 The Talmud made two distinctions between black and white magic. The black variety was forbidden in the scriptures in a number of places. The penalty was death. However, the white variety allowed the employment of sorcery to further religious needs, and was in some cases condoned.309 In fact, the Old Testament implies that King Solomon was himself a magician.310

  It would appear that a magician was actually the same thing as a mayji, a special caste of wise men specializing in astrology, medicine, and natural science. (This explains how these mayji were aware of the impending birth of Christ, and the arrival of the "star" of Bethlehem. The star was in all probability a spacecraft, since it had the ability to move around the sky and hover. These wise men would have also had the ability to read prophesies concerning the arrival of a Nibirian hybrid leader to earth). They were probably derived from the Babylonian "soothsayer priests," or "master astrologers," who likewise studied astronomy, science and medicine; and who understood the hidden wisdom concerning Heaven.311

  Mystical teachings were hidden inside writings in an effort to convey to those who had reached a mature level of understanding, certain truths that were too sophisticated for the average person. In fact, common citizens of antiquity did not rack their brains trying to understand the top secret messages of such writings. They had a preconceived notion that they concealed secret information only to be understood by the philosopher priests, who were initiated into the magico-mystic wisdom.312

  These astronomer priests were the savants of the ancient world. They guarded, studied, and transmitted the secrets of the "celestial hidden knowledge of the gods," and of "Heaven," that included a sophisticated mathematical system.313 This sexagesimal system was borrowed from the gods, and used to keep up with religious holy days, as well as the reappearance of planet Nibiru into Earth's vicinity. And, the Hebrew calendar and year appears to have been derived from this source. (The year being 360 days long, and divided into twelve months. Indeed, the earth year is but a shadow of the Nibirian year, or shar, of 3,600 earth years in duration).314

  Indeed, the Babylonian astronomer priest Berosus believed that world history was governed in cycles of 60, 600, and 3,600 years.315 Josephus, the Jewish historian stated that 600 years was looked upon by the Jews and others of the ancient world as an astronomical and historical cycle called the "Great Year" (not to be confused with their great number).316 As you will soon see, time cycles of the Bible are based upon this same Babylonian system of cycles, all fitting within the major Nibirian cycle of 3,600 earth years. To understand the 600 "Great Year" cycle, as well as the "year of Anu" cycle of 3,600 years (a year on planet Nibiru), we must first examine the sexagesimal system.

  The sexagesimal mathematical system was based upon the numbers 6 and 10. These were used to alternate multiplication's: once by 6, then by 10, then again by 6. Among the thousands of mathematical tablets from Mesopotamia, many contained ready made calculations. They did not run from smaller numbers up (1, 10, 60), but instead run down from an astronomic
ally large number: 12,960,000. This number was found to represent 500 complete Zodiacal Precessional cycles. (A retarding of the Zodiac constellation against which the sun rises by a full House once in 2,160 years. The complete circle of the twelve houses, by which the sun returns to its original background spot, takes 25,920 years.) However, if one divides the number 3,600 representing a year of Nibiru into 12,960,000 the result is 3,600! In other words, 12,960,000 is the square of 3,600 (3,600 x 3,600 = 12,960,000).317

  If one multiplies the "Great Year" of 600 x 6, they will again arrive at 3,600, one shar on planet Nibiru! If one then multiplies 60 x 600, they will obtain 36,000. 36,000 divided by 60 = 600. 36,000 dividedby3,600=equals10. 10x6= 60x10=600x6=3,600x10=36,000x6= 216,000x10 =2,160,000x6=12,960,000!) (6x6=36x10=360x6=2,160x10=21,600x6=129,600x10 = 12,960,000.)

  This sexagesimal system, based upon the squaring of the orbital period of Nibiru 3,600 x 3,600 = 12,960,000; is obviously where Berosus and Josephus derived their understanding of the 60, 600, and 3,600 year historical cycles. As I will demonstrate, this same system forms the basis from which some symbolic biblical calendrical numbers are derived, both prophetically and symbolically. Consider this: man was created on the sixth day. The Bible was written for man, who symbolically forms the lowest multiple of the sexagesimal system, the number 6; therefore, 3,600 divided by 6 = 600. (It is also ironic that the Nibirians are believed to have six fingers on each hand, and man was created by the hand of God.)

  Sitchin suggests that the Nibirians used two basic phenomena, cycles of a certain length that combined the movements of Nibiru and earth in a ratio of 3,600:2,160, a ratio that can be reduced to 10:6. Every 21,600 years Nibiru completes 6 orbits around the sun, and the earth shifts ten zodiacal houses. It is his belief that this is how the sexagesimal system of alternating counting was created (6 x 10 x 6 x 10). As he also points out, the Zodiacal origin of the number 12,960,000 could explain why the Bible refers to a thousand years as being equivalent to a day in the eyes of the Lord (Psalm 90.) He divided the number 12,960,000 by 2,160 (the number of years to achieve a shift from one zodiac House), and came up with 6,000. Since there were six "days" of creation, he speculated that the Psalmist may have seen the mathematical tablets bearing the line listing 12,960,000, the 2160th part of which is a thousand times' six. Remembering the 6 days of creation, the Psalmist then designated the number 1,000 as a "day" to the Lord.318

  Scholars are amazed that Sumerian tablets contain such accurate and mind-boggling astronomical information as shifts from one Zodiacal House to the next. No average human is capable of living a life span that would permit him to witness such an occurrence.319 However, Zecharia Sitchin has pointed out that the Sumerians obtained their ultra-sophisticated mathematical "wisdom" from their gods, those from planet Nibiru. In order to break the precessional shift of a Zodiacal House down into human sized proportions, a gradual shift of one degree every 72 years was observed by human astronomer-priests.320 Strangely enough, this number pops up biblically from time to time in a symbolic fashion. For example, a notable section of Psalms, entirely from the hand of David, is that from Psalms 1 to 72 in our present book of Psalms. These represent a set of 72 Davidic songs that were to be sung in some kind of succession by the 24 priestly courses. Under directions of Samuel (1 Chronicles 9;22) David subdivided the enlarged priestly family into 24 divisions or courses (1 Chronicles 2:4.) Note that 3 x 24 = 72.321 Curiously, 24 elders surround the throne of God in Revelation 4:4, 10. Eventually, another group of 72 Psalms were added by Ezra to make a total of 144, or 72 x 2 = 144 Psalms.322

  Often the number 72 is interchangeable with 70. (Remember how 666 is interchangeable with 616 in some ancient texts?)323 Six times "twelve" the number synonymous with Nibiru, equals 72. Luke chapter 10 verse one describes how "the Lord, (Jesus) appointed seventy others and sent them two and two ahead of himself to every city and place where He Himself was going to come." Verse 17 describes how "the seventy returned with joy." Some manuscripts read that "72" were sent.324 If the number was actually 72 instead of 70, and Christ sent them out two and two, he would have done this 36 times. Thirty six is one one-hundredth of 3,600, and one-tenth of a Hebrew soli-lunar year, giving these verses the hidden signature of the Elohim. Apparently, 70 or 72, seems to be the number of those appointed by God to prepare the way for Him, since 70-72 were sent out ahead of him to inform the general populace of his impending arrival.

  Numbers 11:25 describes how the Lord "came down in a cloud," and put a "spirit" upon seventy elders, who then began to prophesy. To prophesy is to speak of things that the Lord says will come to pass. Therefore these seventy were in a sense, preparing the way for the Lord. He would soon speak through the prophets, just as the seventy of the New Testament prepared the way for Christ and his twelve apostles. Perhaps the numbers 70 and 72 are used interchangeably because 70 is considered to be the "rank" of those chosen by God to provide coming revelations concerning him, while 72 approximates that rank, or designation. Since God always sends 70/72 out to prepare the way for his coming, then in all probability there will be 70 or 72 people who will alert the populace to his next and soon arrival. These people may be the "instructors who have insight" of Daniel 11:33, and 12:3 who "give understanding to the many."

  Let us examine the symbolism of the number 70 for a moment. Terah, the father of Abraham was 70 years old when he beget Abraham, the patriarch with whom God made his covenant with Israel (Genesis 12:4). Moses, Nadab, Abihu and seventy elders of Israel were invited by God to "come up to the Lord," (Exodus 24:1), where they saw God (verse 24:9). Apparently, seventy is associated with punishment as well, for the Jews were prophesied to serve the king of Babylon for seventy years because they followed after other gods (Jeremiah 25:11). When seventy years were to be accomplished, then Babylon would be punished (Jeremiah 24:12). Prophetically, 70 weeks of years are determined upon the Jews to finish the transgression, to make an end to sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophesy, and to anoint the most holy place (Daniel 9:24).

  In 689 BCE, Sennacherib conquered Babylon. Through oracle the deity Marduk decreed that

  number 70 refers only to earthlings. It could be derived from the formula 7 (earth) x 10 = 70, as an extension of the Sumerian Deity ranking system. However, it seems more likely that it is derived from the formula 72 x 360 = 25,920 years, the grand circle or the time it takes the earth's North Pole to point again at the same North Star. This creates what astronomers call the Great Year, or the Platonian Year. The apparent retardation of earth against the starry constellations amounts to about 50 seconds of arc in one year, or one degree in 72 years. Thus, the number 72 represents the number of earth years that it takes for one degree of movement across the heavens, something a human being could observe.326 (And, 72 is 12 x 6. Twelve being the number symbolizing Nibiru, and six symbolizing man).

  Interestingly, Psalm 90:10 states that the days of our lives contain "seventy" years. Does this confirm the use of the number seventy to represent human beings because 70 is the average length of a mortal's life span, and his only link to cosmological time -- one degree in 72 years? Are the long-living Elohim obsessed with time measurement, because they must divide eternity into principles that apply to finite creatures such as ourselves?

  Strangely enough, the first pre-Christian translation of the Old Testament was the Septuagint that is a Latin word meaning "seventy." According to legend, the high priest of the temple in Jerusalem chose six famous scholars from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

  When the "seventy-two" chosen translators convened on an island in the Nile Delta, each finished his own translation of the entire text in exactly seventy-two days. When all seventy-two translations were finally compared, they were found to be identical, word for word.327 Apparently, these seventy-two translators were preparing the way for Gentiles to read the word of God, in a mystical, symbolic fashion. These men were the first “Instructors who have insight”. More wi
ll appear in the last days.

  According to Leviticus 25:8-11, a Sabbatical cycle was 7 Sabbaths of years (7 x 7 = 49), and every fiftieth year was a "Jubilee." If one then multiplies 49 x 70, they will arrive at 3,430 years. Add 70 years of Jubilee, and one arrives at 3,500 the Hebrew "Great Number." Now multiply 49 x 72 to get 3,528 + 72 years of Jubilee, and one arrives at 3,600, or 50 x 72 = 3,600, one orbit of Nibiru! The Sabbattical / Jubilee cycle began when the Hebrews entered the land of Canaan approximately 1440 B.C. ( 50 X 70 = 3,500 years)

  If the Sabbattical / Jubilee cycle began in 1440 B.C., then 1440 + 3500 would equal the year 2060 A.D. (70 X 50 cycles = 3,500). This year would culminate the last Sabbattical Jubilee cycle during which Christ must return. For the end of the 70 fifty year cycles would be 2060, which tallies with other figures for the return of Nibiru as speculated in earlier chapters. It would seem logical that Christ would return sometime before the end of the "seventieth" year of Jubilee, based on what we have learned about 70 and its association with earth thus far; and because Christ has stated that he will return slightly before the "expected" time. "And, unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short" (Matthew 24:22). A likely year for his return would be 2040 A.D., since that would be "thirty" years into the seventieth SabbaticalJubilee cycle. Another is 2046, since that would be "36" years into the seventieth Sabbatical/Jubilee cycle. And, another closer date could be 2016, or six years into the seventieth Sabbatical/Jubilee cycle.

  If the temple was destroyed in the seventeenth cycle by Nebuchadnezzar as some scholars believe, during the 36th year of that cycle, then the year would have been 604 B.C.328 Counting backwards from that date, the Sabbatical/Jubilee cycles would also have commenced with 1440 B.C. The year of the Hebrew Exodus was most likely 1540 B.C., and it began the six 600 Great Year cycles (600 X 6 = 3,600), culminating in 2060 A.D. Those cycles would have been as follows: 1540-940 B.C., 940-340 B.C., 340 B.C. to 260 A.D., 260-860 A.D., 860-1460 A.D., 1460-2060 A.D. Each of these 600 year cycles just happens to contain key world empire expansions.


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