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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 21

by C. L. Turnage

  "When therefore the people saw the sign which he had performed, they said, "this is of a truth the Prophet who is to come into the world." John 6:14, NAS

  The people realized he was from "Heaven" when he revealed to them the symbolic message concerning God's planet, the number of which ancient man was probably quite familiar with. Aside from his multiplication of the loaves, this may have been the "sign" he had performed which convinced them. Therefore, from a study of ancient documents, we conclude that "holy numbers" the mathematics used by ancient cultures were based upon the sexagesimal system, and celestial numbers, as well the ranking numbers of Sumerian Deities, and the ultimate holy number; 3,600.

  15.1. Foot Notes

  308Ponce, Charles, Kabbalah, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Ill., page 15.

  309Ponce, Charles, Kabbalah, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton Ill., page 15.

  310Ponce, Charles, Kabbalah, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton Ill., page 17.

  311The Lockman Foundation, The New American Standard Bible, Foundation Press Publications, Box 277, La Habra, California 90631, page 2 of the New Testament. In Matthew, Chapter two, verse one, see the side margin. See also page 1,235, the side margin for verse two.

  312Friedrich, Johannes, Extinct Languages, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, page 17.

  313Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 173.

  314Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 172, 184, 224.

  315Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon, 97225, page 110.

  316Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon, 97225, page 111.

  317Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, pages 214-217.

  318Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, pages 216-218.

  319Sitchin, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10019, pages 215-216.

  320Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10019, page 216.

  321Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon, 97225, page 82.

  322Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon, 97225, page 83.

  323The Lockman Foundation, The New American Standard Bible, Foundation Press Publications, Box 277, La Habra, Calif. 90631, page 386 of the New Testament. See Chapter thirteen, verse 18 of the side margin.

  324The Lockman Foundation, The New American Standard Bible, Foundation Press Publications, Box 277, La Habra, Calif. 90631, See pages 107-108 of the New Testament. See the side margins of Chapter ten verses 1, and 17.

  325Hulse, David, The Key Of It All, An Encyclopedic Guide To The Sacred Languages And Magickal Systems Of The World, Llewellyn Worldwide, PO Box 6483-318, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, pages 10-11.

  326Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 178.

  327Barthel, Manfred, What The Bible Really Says, Wings Books, New York, Avenel, New York, page 19.

  328Deal, Colin, PO Box 455, Rutherford College, North Carolina 28671, page 100.

  329Wallbank, Walter, World History, The World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, page 352a.

  330Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 110.

  331Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 110-111.

  332Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 110-123.

  333Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 142-143.

  334Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 145-146.

  335Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon, 97225, pages 154-155.

  336Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 155.

  337Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, pages 156-157.

  338Sitchin, Zecharia, The Stairway To Heaven, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, pages 292-295.

  339Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon 97225, page 157.

  340Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 138-139.

  341Davenport, Marc, Visitors From Time, Wild Flower Press, PO Box 230893, Tigard, OR 97281, page 111.

  342Sitchin, Zecharia, The Stairway To Heaven, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10016, pages 292-293.

  343Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, pages 238-240.

  344Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 363.

  345Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 304-305.

  346Martin, Ernest, The Original Bible Restored, ASK Publications, PO Box 25000, Portland, Oregon, 97225, 101-105.

  16. The Third Heaven

  There are clear astronomical signs given in the Bible that provide an important key for proper biblical interpretation. The twelve constellations in the heavens were reckoned early in the Old Testament to equate with the twelve "sons of Israel," and later the twelve tribes. Joseph had a dream that the sun and moon and eleven stars (constellations) would one day bow in obedience to him (Genesis 37:9-11.) When he told this dream to his father and brothers, they became envious. They believed that the sun and moon represented his parents, and that the eleven stars were his brothers (with Joseph himself being the twelfth star or constellation). Thus it was then established that the twelve sons (later tribes) of Israel were equated by God to the twelve zodiacal signs in the heavens.349 (It is intriguing that Joseph was the twelfth "star," another designation for Nibiru. Though his brothers treated him unjustly, he forgave them; then made it possible for them to live through the famine).

  Later each tribe of Israel was assigned a Zodiacal symbol as its standard. Interestingly, Jesus Christ came from the tribe of Judah, which was assigned the constellation of Leo the Lion.350 Each month of the Hebrew calendar was also assigned a Zodiacal symbol. The constellation of Leo was designated to the Hebrew month of Ab. Ab was the fifth month of the Hebrew calendar, the beginning month for astronomical interpretation, and also the "father" month.351 (The Babylonians and Sumerians also assigned Zodiacal constellations to each month of the calendar as well.)352

  The fifth Sumerian month of Ab.Sin had the constellation of the maiden or virgin designated to it. The name Ab.Sin means in Sumerian "her father was Sin,"353 Sin being the Sumerian moon deity,354 the God of the Old Testament! The sign of the Virgin, Virgo, was designated to Elul, the sixth Hebrew month.355 (The number six designates man in biblical symbology.) Thus, the astronomical story of the Messiah is found in the arrangement of the tribes in their encampment around the tabernacle (and also in Jerusalem during the time of Christ.) However, it could only be seen when proceeding in a counterclockwise direction after entering the camp of Israel from its eastern entrance.356 (This is an important point to remember, as will later be evident.)

  It would appear from
the design of the Zodiac, that the tribes of Israel displayed in their encampment prefigured the life of Christ. Jesus came from the tribe of Judah (Leo the Lion, the month of Ab.) If one moved in a counterclockwise direction upon entering the camp, the first sign of the Zodiac encountered would be Virgo, the virgin (Elul, the sixth Hebrew month.)357 This is fraught with symbolic meaning. Firstly, the earth moves in a counterclockwise movement around the sun. Next, Jesus was born of a virgin, by a human woman who represents earthlings, or the number six. Thus Christ, the Son of Man, was born in the sixth month. It was to the Sumerian's Ab.Sin, translated as "her father was Sin,"358 (the moon deity Nannar-Sin.) Right here we are told astronomically that the father of Jesus is Nannar-Sin!

  Next, one would pass the Zodiacal sign of Libra, the scales of justice. Christ was created to give mankind the justice he deserves. He made it possible for man to join the people of Nibiru, and someday to return to planet Heaven, the true place of his origin - and the true place of man's origin. Interestingly, in Sumerian, Libra was ZI.BA.AN.NA, which meant: "heavenly fate."359 (This was the Hebrew month Elul.)

  Intriguingly, Christ was next represented by the sting of the "scorpion," represented by the Zodiacal sign Scorpio. In Sumerian, this was GIR.TAB, "which claws and cuts."360 The sting of the scorpion was very painful. To the Mesopotamian, the scorpion was a creature of great power.361 The "scorpion men" of Mesopotamia were used to defend against "demons" from Heaven. Apparently, Christ will in the last days, send an elite military group of "scorpion men" to earth described in Revelation 9:1-10. The sign of the scorpion represents Christ as someone of great power. (This was the Hebrew month of Tishri).

  Next, Christ had to symbolically defend humanity against the adversary. This sign was Sagittarius, or PA.BIL in Sumerian, meaning "defender" and represented by the archer362 (the Hebrew month of Heshvan). He must prepare himself for his ultimate work as the sacrifice for the atonement of sins. That means that his passage through the next Zodiacal sign would prefigure his face off with the adversary, represented by the SUHUR.MASH, or goat-fish.363 (This was the Hebrew month of Kislev.) The adversary is the symbolic "goat." The Hebrews had a tradition of placing their sins on a goat, then sending the goat from the camp, therefore the goat represented the sins of the people. The Bible speaks of how the lambs will be separated from the goats by Christ upon his return (Matthew 25:32.) The fish identifies Ea/Enki, as the adversary, the Sumerian god of the waters.364

  Passing into the next Zodiac, we find Aquarius, the water bearer. (This was the Hebrew month of Tebet.) Christ passed through the waters of tribulation during his death on the cross. In Sumerian, this Zodiac sign was GU, or "Lord of the waters."365 Thus, Christ defeated this water deity through his death on the cross. Next comes Pisces, the fishes, or SI.MAH, in Sumerian.366 This represents mankind as Christ's harvest from the sea of death, as indicated by Christ statement to Peter, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19.) Once the adversary was defeated, Christ could haul in all the fish from the "lord of the waters" or adversary, who had been responsible for their creation according to the Sumerian texts.

  Finally, the last two Zodiacal signs form the basis for peace and a heavenly fate for Christ and for mankind. KU.MAL, in Sumerian means field dweller, and was the "Ram," or Aries,367 the Hebrew month of Shebat. This represents several things. First, Christ's resurrection, which came in the spring, and was a life renewed. It is also during this time of the year that lambs are taken to graze on the fresh spring grass. This represents mankind's new ability to be shepherded by the Good Shepherd, Christ. A shepherd leads his lambs to peace. Such a concept lends a fresh new insight into the 23rd Psalms: "The Lord is my shepherd, ...He makes me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside waters of rest (literal interpretation) He restores my soul;..." Symbolically, the sheep are in the pasture, the waters of turmoil have been stilled. The Good Shepherd has laid down his life for his lambs. When the Patriarch Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, God interceded and provided a "ram caught in the thicket by his horns." Abraham offered this up instead (Genesis 22:13.)

  Since the symbol of Marduk, the son of Enki is the ram,368 it is intriguing to find this symbolic substitute early in Genesis. This implies that the political power struggle between Nannar-Sin, the god of Abraham, and Marduk, the adversary, was actually transpiring at the time of Abraham.

  Mesopotamian texts describe this political battle between the two deities as already discussed earlier in this work. Abraham, a human, offered up the ram provided by God. This was a prefigurement of Christ, the Son of God becoming the "ram," or the symbol of Marduk to die in place of Isaac who was symbolic of mankind. In other words, God would destroy Marduk in place of mankind, by first allowing his own son to pay the price of sin for humanity. This same resurrected son would ultimately return to earth and physically destroy Marduk with the "army of Heaven."

  This brings us to GU.AN.NA, or Taurus (the Hebrew month of Adar), the "heavenly bull."369 Anu, ruler of Nibiru, and grandfather of Nannar-Sin, was said to be the "bull of Heaven." Man's ultimate fate is planet Heaven. Ancients often associated a god with a planet. Therefore, this probably means that now, humankind is free to dwell in planet Heaven, represented by Anu, the bull of Heaven, for the first time since he was created.

  During the time of Christ, the twelve tribes of the camp surrounding Jerusalem (symbolically) were located in a perfect circle from a central point in the Temple. The Central point for astronomical measurement was just inside the entrance to the Holy Place. Josephus stated that the curtain in front of the Holy Place displayed the Heavens.370 When the priests entered the Holy Place, just beyond the curtain displaying the heavens, it was as though they symbolically entered the "second heaven" where the planets and stars were.371

  The first heaven was from a biblical perspective, the atmosphere around the earth, where the birds fly and weather phenomena take place. The outer court of the temple was analogous to the "first heaven." The second heaven was where the sun, moon, planets, and stars existed, and was symbolically entered when the priests passed the curtain (resembling the heavens) and came into the holy place. The apostle Paul mentioned that there was yet a "third heaven" beyond the second heaven, which was the abode of God. This third heaven was where God had his throne (II Corinthians 12:1-4.)372, and answered in the Temple to the Holy of Holies that the High priest could enter once a year on the Day of Atonement. It was believed that the third heaven was located beyond the zodiacal signs of the second heaven found in the outer Holy Place. Josephus said that there was a Zodiac displayed in the temple in the second compartment (the Holy Place);373 further evidence that the third heaven lay somewhere beyond the constellations.

  Where was the third heaven, the heaven of God's abode? Why was it located beyond the constellations? Was it because it was actually the legendary planet Nibiru/Marduk? A planet that travels beyond the constellations as it makes its apogee? Even the Bible itself describes its incredibly distant orbit in the book of Job:374

  "Who alone stretches out the heavens, and tramples down the waves of the sea; who makes the Bear, Orion and the Pleiades, (this portion of its orbit would be the apogee or the northern part of its orbit) and the chambers (constellations) of the south..." Job 9:8-9, NAS (Intriguingly, the planet Nibiru is believed to come in from the South, and to move in a clockwise direction during its perigee.)

  That we should find astronomical and celestial symbolism in the Temple and the Wilderness tabernacle consistent with that of the Sumerian and Babylonians can lead us to only one justifiable conclusion -- the god of the Israelites had to have been one of the Sumero-Babylonian Deities. The evidence thus far points toward Nannar-Sin, the moon Deity. Why would the Hebrew Deity have the twelve tribes (twelve being the number representing Nibiru to the Sumerians), adopt a zodiacal symbol? If he were indeed a Sumerian Deity who had come from the twelfth planet originally, then he would merely have been employing the same customs and traditions orig
inally designed for the Sumerian forbears of the Hebrew nation by the Nibirians themselves.

  In the Holy Place (representing the second heaven), Jospehus placed the Temple Zodiac. He designated both the Menorah of the seven lamps and the twelve loaves of the Shewbread that were in the Holy Place to have Zodiacal significance. The Zodiacal display in the Holy Place is believed to have been a perfect circle etched into the floor of the Temple. Josephus said the seven lamps of the Menorah represented seven planets.375 Intriguingly, when the Elohim traveled from their planet to earth, they passed six planets before arriving at the seventh, earth. Thus the seven planets were the planets along their flight path from Nibiru! And, ultimately, the number seven represented earth itself.

  The twelve loaves of the Shewbread were believed to have represented the twelve months of the year and the solar year.376 However, they most likely represented the planet of the Elohim, the twelfth celestial body of the solar system if one counted as did the Sumerians, the sun, the moon, and ten planets. The Elohim considered their planet to be "supreme." Thus, the number twelve obtained a supreme significance in the biblical sense as the kingdom number of God. The fact that there were "twelve" loaves of Shewbread is significant. Biblically speaking, bread was associated with Heaven, since Jesus Christ was considered the "bread from Heaven." (John 6:35.) God also fed the Israelites manna, a type of bread from Heaven as they wandered in the wilderness (Exodus 16:21.) The bread simply represented eternal life through Jesus Christ fed by the "nourishment of Heaven," or "bread from Heaven."

  Since the seven planets are located within the zodiacal zone in Heaven, the Menorah must have been positioned within the southern portion of this Zodiacal circle in the Holy Place (representing the second heaven.) It also means that the table of shewbread was placed there to symbolically show the months and the year as part of the northern portion of the Zodiacal zone within the Holy Place.377 Intriguingly, they also pointed toward the position of the planet of God, or the third heaven. The early Israelites reckoned that the actual "throne of God," or place from which he rules, was located in a north part of the heavens (a reference to the apogee of Nibiru.) And if one were to look down on the earth from this northern aspect (as one looks on the earth from God's viewpoint), the earth would turn counterclockwise about the sun.378


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