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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 24

by C. L. Turnage

  Christ, in the "Lord's prayer," is really making a political statement affirming that his Father will be the ruler of Nibiru, or planet Heaven, until the end of time. In other words, when planet Nibiru, or the "kingdom of the Heavens" comes back near earth, Heaven and earth will finally, and always, be politically united under the same rule. Apparently, this will involve interplanetary war. (See "War In Heaven!). The "king of kings" will then be Jesus Christ. (1 Timothy 6:15, John 12:15, & Luke 23:2). Jesus Christ himself stated in John 18:36, "My kingdom is not of this world." If humanity as a race can come to realize that religion is in reality, the political struggle between two planets, then when "kingship is lowered from Heaven" once again, the transition will be somewhat easier for all concerned.

  I submit to you now, that steps have already been taken toward this "transition." Numerous abductees claim to have received special implants. Usually these implants are tiny metallic devices implanted beneath the skin, usually in the hand, leg, nasal cavity, sexual organs, or skull. The purpose of such devices could be to keep track of "chosen ones." Perhaps these people have been selected to perform specific functions to further the cause of either faction of the Nibirians. They may be tracking devices for the forces of the Home Planet. This would tend to explain how the mass evacuations could take place "in the clouds," and where they will then "meet the Lord in the air." ( I Thessalonians 4:17). Millions of humans, loyal to Christ and his father could be literally, and suddenly "beamed" aboard mother-ships stationed around the planet.

  Marking systems are nothing new to the Nibirians. Exodus, Ezekiel, and Revelation mention this. In Exodus we are told that the houses of the Jews were marked by the blood of a lamb, so the inhabitants inside could be spared by the angel of death (Exodus 12:22-23). In Ezekiel, those loyal to the Hebrew Deity were to be spared, while those who had served other gods and worshipped idols were to be slain. (Ezekiel 9:4-7). Finally, Revelation describes how the antichrist will institute a marking system to establish who is loyal to him - we know this as the "mark of the beast." (Revelation 13:16-18). This "mark" is to be given in either the right hand, or the forehead. No person can buy or sell, unless they have the mark. Business transactions will come to a skidding halt for anyone disloyal to the regime of the beast. If the mark is an implanted device, then the authorities could scan you electronically and instantly ascertain your political status.

  For those who say that it has been several thousand years since we have had contact with these beings, and that if they wanted to contact us, they would have done it by now - then let them consider this: time is different for them.. Planet Nibiru orbits the sun very slowly, and at extreme distances. The earth is rapidly orbiting the sun -- time on earth is therefore accelerated. It is literally passing at a faster speed here. This means that though we believe that the Nibirians haven't visited us in a long time, (according to our understanding of time), adjusting to their reckoning of time, it hasn't been that long at all. If the forces of the home planet left earth during the time of Christ, then it has been less than one year in their time. Therefore, human beings need to learn to think of the concept of time in an entirely new manner. Revelation 22:20 states that Jesus is coming “quickly”. The verse is obviously meant to be taken from God’s perspective, for almost 2,000 earth years have passed and he still hasn’t “come”.

  UFO appearances, and activity have been stepped up in the past ten years. Some researchers recognize that UFO activity has been somewhat accelerated in the past one hundred years. Still the beings have not initiated contact. This translates to them that they are not going to, because they have had ample opportunity to do so, but have not. Their way of reckoning is that they have had "enough time." Again, if time is different, elongated to the Nibirians, (or to other alien races visiting earth for that matter), then one hundred earth years is only a small amount of time. It is a very small portion of one of their extended years.

  It is unwise therefore to state that extraterrestrials have had sufficient time to establish contact, therefore, they probably won't. If we are to believe contactee/abductees, then they already have made advance. Though this is not "official contact," it could be an attempt to acclimatize large segments of the population to the idea of alien interaction with humans. And, if the Crop Circle/Agriglyphs are not communications, or "contact," then what are they? It truly appears that we are living in the last days before the initial "official" contact will be made. The type of alien interaction that is televised, broadcast over radio waves, and printed in newspapers is probably only a few years away.

  Some people find it hard to believe that extraterrestrials will ever physically and visibly land for all to see. According to ancient writings the world over, including the Bible, they already have. At one time, they lived on earth, and ruled it alongside human beings. According to the ancient Mesopotamian writings, they "lorded" over territories, and established kingdoms. Even the Bible describes their interaction with us. Right in the very beginning, Genesis chapter six verses 1-4, we are told of this intercourse. They even created hybrid families right here on earth. If such alien/human interaction could happen in the past, then it can arise again, for one rule of history is that it always repeats itself.

  Clearly, its all in the way we perceive things. We must have a new perspective, and thus gain a new understanding of our reason for being, and of our ultimate destiny. For if we accept that we are ourselves hybrid beings, and that our ancient forefathers came from "the heavens," then perhaps we can also accept the fact that we are all citizens of the cosmos, and our destination is the stars...

  17.1. Foot Notes

  381Barthel, Manfred, What The Bible Really Says, Wings Books, Avenel, New Jersey, pages 292-293. Luarence, Richard, The Book Of Enoch The Prophet, Wizards Book Shelf, San Diego, pages xxv-xxxiv.

  382Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY. 10510, pages 226-227.

  383Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 230.

  384The Lockman Foundation, The New American Standard Bible, page 1,298. See Micah 5:2. Revelation 21:25 & 22:5 also describe how there won't be any night in Heaven.

  385Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, a division of the Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10019, see chapter "A Space Base On Mars," pages 228-267. Sitchin attributes the extraterrestrial ruins, photographed by the Viking and Mariner probes to the Anunnaki of Nibiru. He describes the destruction of the Russian Phobos 2 space probe as being destroyed for intruding upon the Nibirian base. An indication that their warrior tendencies are still in effect. Steckling, Fred, We Discovered Alien Bases On The Moon, Fred Steckling, PO Box 1722, Vista, California 92805, entire book, including NASA photos, depict what some might interpret as extraterrestrial ruins, consisting of pyramids and related structures attributed to the Anunnaki/Elohim. Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments of Mars, A City On The Edge of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California 94705, entire book dedicated to the scientific analysis of extraterrestrial ruins on the surface of Mars, and how there was possible nuclear exchange on the surface of the red planet. His findings would seem to confirm nuclear warfare among the gods as described in the Bible, Vedic Indian Texts, Egyptian and Mesopotamian texts in general - as well as bearing up the concept that these beings are war-like in nature. (In pages 293, 295, 298, 299, Hoagland considers the possible link between these ruins and NE.BI.RU, as postulated by Sitchin). Sitchin, Zecharia, The Wars of Gods and Men, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10016, pages 25-342. Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 70. See the Hittite epic tale: "Kingship in Heaven," which describes the usurpation of the Heavenly throne.

  386Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, Califor
nia 94705, pages 363-364.

  387Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California 94705, page 364.

  388Noyes, Ralph, The Crop Circle Enigma, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath, BA2 8QJ, UK, pages 100-101

  389Noyes, Ralph, The Crop Circle Enigma, Gateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath, BA2 8QJ, UK, pages 100-101.

  390Noyes, Ralph, The Crop Circle Enigma, Gateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath BA2 8QJ, UK, pages 100-101.

  391Noyes, Ralph, The Crop Circle Enigma, Gateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath, BA2 8QJ, UK, pages 91, & 56. See photo plate 26 (swastika), & photo plate 18 (crucifix). Andrews, Colin, Andrews Catalog, Volume 2, 1992, Circles Phenomenon Research International, figures T6, T56, and T148

  392Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California 94705, pages 352-353.

  393Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California 94705, page 353.

  394Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments Of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, California 94705, page 353. See NASA’s photo of Neptue’s dark spot P344531.

  395Hoagland, Richard, Hoagland’s Mars: Vol II., The U.N. Briefing, The Terrestrial Connection (video), Lightworks Audio & Video, PO Box 661593, Los Angeles, CA 90066.

  396Hoagland, Richard, Hoagland’s Mars: Vol II., The U.N. Briefing, The Terrestrial Connection (video), Lightworks Audio & Video, PO Box 661593, Los Angeles, CA 90066

  397Ponce, Charles, Kabbalah, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL, pages 17 & 21.

  398Ponce, Charles, Kabbalah, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL, page 150. See drawing and notes in side margin.

  399DiPietro, Vincent, Molenaar, Gregory, & Brandenburg, John, Unusual Mars Surface Features, (fourth edition), printed by Molenaar, Inc. Press - Box 777 - Willmar, MN 56201, Pages106 - 107. See NASA frame numbers: 17599, 43A01, 43A02, 43A03, 43A04. Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, A Division Of The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York,NY 10019, pages 264-265. See photo plate L.

  400Foster, Benjamin, Before The Muses, Volumes I, The Seed Of Kingship, page 291, CDL Press, P.O. Box 34454, Bethesda, MD 20827, copyright 1993.

  18. Appendix One: The Near Death Experience

  What happens to a person when they die? At this point, it is pure speculation. Our only hope of understanding it while alive, rests with a study of the "near-death experience." The NDE experience has gained a lot of publicity recently. Some of which emanated from a book titled: Life After Life, by Dr. Raymond Moody. He documented volumes of cases, which seem to indicate that human consciousness is not attached to the body at all, but continues to think and reason independent of the body - even after the body has been declared clinically dead. Those who have experienced it, usually describe first a feeling of coming out of the body. Once disembodied, they often see their own deceased figures lying prone on the operating table, or wherever their death occurred. Some remark that though they understood themselves to be dead, they still possessed a body, but not of flesh and blood. It consisted of energy, light, or something unknown. They frequently report that they became more aware of what was happening around them, once they were dead. NDE experiencers often describe the reactions of the living who were with them when they died.

  Many of them describe a "black hole" that appears near them. They feel an irresistible attraction to this hole, and are pulled into it, only to discover that it is some kind of tunnel. After traveling swiftly in total darkness for a while, they then see a tiny pin-prick of light in the distance. As they hurtle toward this light, it gets bigger, and bigger. Once they reach it, the NDE experiencer is compelled to enter the light. Often, they are greeted by a previously deceased love one. Some have described this place of boundless light as a "planet" or world, not unlike ours. They have mentioned, bridges, houses, rooms, furniture, trees, rivers, grass, etc. Some even claim to have seen Jesus Christ himself. Often they are questioned, and asked if they are ready to stay. Some are told they must return to earth. Then, they feel themselves sucked through the tunnel of darkness and are forced back into their bodies. Most are sad upon return, for they felt at home in the place of light. They felt peace and love. (Some have reported dying, then immediately finding themselves in this place of pure light without traveling through the dark "tunnel").

  As I studies these reports, it seemed to me that the new body the dead received was actually the inner spiritual body that came from God, or the Nibirians to begin with. Maybe this was the "spirit" that could not strive with man's flesh forever in Genesis chapter six. Maybe the long black tunnel was in reality, outer space. It is a little known fact, that in the black void of interstellar night, stars are not visible because there is no atmosphere to refract the light. Could the pin-prick of light at the end of the tunnel be perhaps, the glowing realm of planet Nibiru, or planet Heaven? Jesus alluded to a great "chasm" fixed between Heaven and Hades, to keep distance between the two places, or to act as a barrier (Luke 16:26). Is this chasm the emptiness of space?

  Ecclesiastes 12:7 tells us that upon death, the spirit returns to God who gave it. Einstein pointed out that energy cannot be destroyed, but can only change form. Does the spirit body of man return to its true point of origin when he dies? This makes since if we recognize that it really evolved on Nibiru to begin with - since it was a spirit that was taken from a god and put into the first man, according to the Mesopotamians. (In Genesis 2:7 we are told that "God" (Elohim) breathed the "breath of life" into Adam, making him a living "soul"). As mentioned above, Genesis 6:3 explains that God realized that his "spirit" would not abide, or strive with man forever. The concept of an individual spirit body, independent of the flesh body, might explain the existence of ghosts. This return of the deceased spirit to planet Nibiru, the origin of the spirit, might explain the behavior of some ghosts as well. Why do some "ghosts" hang around to walk the earth after death? Maybe they have unfinished business here, or want to wait for a loved one. Such deceased persons merely avoid stepping into the tunnel, or traveling to the light. Upon death, they instinctively realize that this tunnel takes them away from this planet, and somewhere from which there is no return. Frightened by the unknown, some try to cling to the earthly plane as long as possible.

  The return of the spirit to Nibiru might also explain the notion of reincarnation. Do some spirits get to live again? Do they get another chance to learn what they did not learn in their previous life? Once they have made the journey to "heaven" are they then sent back to earth to learn new lessons, or to atone for sins in a previous life? Are they sent back into a new body to "work" for god if they were faithful previously? If so, what happens to the spirit of the person they get reborn into? Is it sent back to await its chance until a new body comes along? Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure if these speculations are correct, is to make that journey - that inevitable expedition we all have to make sooner, or later.

  19. Appendix Two: The Great Cosmic Creator Of All Things

  The previously unanswerable questions I have answered in this book, have logically led to other inexplicable and far more profound questions. Such as this: If the God of the Old Testament is an extraterrestrial being from the planet Nibiru, and his race, the Elohim of the Bible, are responsible for the creation of man on earth, then who, or what is responsible for the creation of the Nibirians? Was it evolution alone? I'm afraid all that can be offered as an explanation at this time is speculation, based on what some believe to be true.

  Scientists now believe that the universe was created by a big-bang. This explosion of a singularity created all matter in the universe, and sent it hurtling through the vast vacuum of nothing. From this matter suns were forged, planets formed, and life in its infinite varieties evolved. But, what was this s
ingularity? What caused it to explode with such force that everything, including our galaxy is still moving away from the initial explosion and toward the "edge of infinity?"

  Everything in the universe is connected to everything else. It is all bound together by an invisible energy force. Could this force be a manifestation of the singularity? Is the singularity the great cosmic creator of all things? Did it manifest itself as creation? Is it the energy force that animates a living body? Is it life itself? If so, then all men, all entities of the universe, all things everywhere in this infinitely expanding universe are our brothers, for they are all part of us... and we are all part of them.

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