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The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel)

Page 9

by Liza Probz

  “I’m not lying,” he said after a moment. “And I’m sorry that I had to deceive you for so long. I couldn’t risk exposing myself. I’m fairly certain that the conspiracy goes up to the highest levels. To tell you the truth it already puts my mission in jeopardy.”

  “I can’t believe I let you into my house,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. “And I kissed you….and I…I let you…Oh God.”

  Drake put his hands on her shoulders again, and this time when she tried to pull away, he didn’t let her. Instead, he pulled her in closer, locking her in his arms. He rested his chin on her head and continued to speak.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t plan for any of this to happen. I’ve been tailing you because I thought you represented the safest access point to the restricted areas of NASA. And I would have never approached you, if you hadn’t caught me out yourself.”

  “You took advantage of me.”

  Those words were like a punch to the gut. “I’m sorry that you feel that way. But I assure you, I never planned to touch you like that. It…it just happened. I saw you and I couldn’t resist.”

  “As soon as we get out of here I’m going to report you to the authorities. You need to have your head examined.”

  “I can assure you, by the time this door unlocks, you will believe every word I say.”

  He heard her sniffle, and his heart seemed to crack in his chest. He hated the thought of causing her pain. “Please, dear heart, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Shut up,” she said, burying her face in his chest while she started to cry. “I hate you.”

  Drake wished those words didn’t have the power to rip out his insides. But they did.

  “You are a resident of JL-398,” Herman said without warning. “That means you are living evidence of life on other planets.”

  Drake laughed. “Yes, at the moment I’m living evidence, although I’m not sure everyone in the room is as thrilled as you are about it.”

  “And Dr. Sylvia Cohen is safe in your world?” the robot continued.

  “Yes,” he said. “She is the chosen mate of my brother, Xivthar Rasveen, the Supreme Regent of Zanthar.”

  “Chosen mate?” Jamie’s head flew up, her eyes filled with fire. “Are you telling me your brother has been having sex with my sister?”

  “And quite enjoying it,” Drake said with a smile. He had to dodge quickly before Jamie’s fist connected with his chin.

  “Now I know for sure you’re crazy. Sylvie doesn’t even date. There’s no way she’d fall for an alien asshole, even if he is Supreme King or whatever.”

  Drake laughed. “You’d be surprised.”

  Jamie struggled against his hold, and even though he didn’t want to, he let her go. She took a couple of steps back from him, her eyes narrow, her face a mask of anger. “Why are you making all this up? Why did you even bother to come on this wild goose chase? What are you after?”

  “My planet is in danger,” he said with a fierce tone. “And so is yours. The enemy, the Hareema, are infesting planet after planet. Governments are taken over before the people even realize that their leaders have been replaced. Zanthar is the only planet fighting against this scourge. And now they’ve come to Earth.”

  Jamie swallowed and Drake thought for a moment that she was beginning to believe him. Then she replied. “I’m going to tell the authorities that you need a padded cell, because you’re a danger to yourself and others.”

  Drake wanted to groan with frustration, but at precisely that moment, he felt the shift in his suit. He’d run out of time.

  “It’s happening,” he said softly, then felt the first tug of the suit as it began to revert to its gelatinous form.

  His face was revealed first, and he locked eyes with Jamie as she watched the transformation. In less than a minute, he was standing before her, entirely naked, his true Zantharian form completely exposed.

  He held out his hand. “Nice to finally meet you,” he said.

  Jamie’s mouth fell open. Then her eyes rolled up and she started to fall.

  Drake caught her before she could hit the floor, then went to his knees and slowly lowered her until she was resting in his lap. He sat quietly stroking her hair, waiting for consciousness to return.

  When her eyes slowly opened, he thought for a moment that she might faint again. Instead a shaky hand rose to his forehead, fingers reaching out to grasp one of the dark, agitated tendrils on his head. “So soft,” she whispered.

  He worried briefly that she was too dazed. What if her mind has snapped? He wished that he’d never had to reveal himself.

  Then again, if he was being honest with himself, he realized that he wanted her to know who he really was. It made things so much more complicated, but he hated lying to her. Now, she would see the real him.

  “You look…better,” she said with a slow smile.

  The look she was giving him set his heart to racing. “Oh yeah? You like the alien Drake?”

  Her face grew puzzled. “Before you just looked…average. But I could tell you weren’t. Now, your features fit the person you are inside.”

  Her words amazed him. Maybe her mind had snapped.

  He stood slowly, being careful not to shift her too quickly. After he settled her on her feet, he took a step back. Although he was nude, he didn’t feel nervous. In fact, he was surprised at how comfortable he felt.

  Jamie’s eyes traveled up his body slowly, from his feet to his head and back again. “Wow,” she said, after a moment. “You’re huge.”

  She was correct. In his proper form, he dwarfed her. Her head barely came up past his waist.

  “And your skin…it’s a funny color.”

  Drake peered down at himself. His skin was currently a light green, although there were striations of red that had worked their way into it because of the anxiety he’d felt. “We Zantharians have skin that changes color with our moods.”

  Her eyes widened. “Color-changing skin. Now that would be the season’s hottest accessory.”

  Drake laughed and barely stopped himself from picking her up and twirling her around. She was taking his exposure better than he could have hoped.

  “So it was all true then,” she said after a moment. “You’re an alien and my sister is on your planet and…and she’s hooked up with your brother.”

  Drake nodded. “My brother has taken her as his mate.”

  “Is that like…they’re dating or…?”

  “It’s a bit more serious than that. I suppose the closest thing would be your human marriage, but that even pales in comparison. Zantharians mate for life.”

  “Wow,” Jamie said, looking dazed. “I can’t even remember the last time my sister went out with a guy, let alone got serious with one. That happened fast.”

  Drake smiled. “We Zantharians know what we like.” He gave her a look that he hoped communicated his own liking for her.

  Jamie’s cheeks flushed and he realized she’d caught his look. “So humans and Zantharians, huh? They’re…umm…compatible?”

  “Oh yes,” he said, barely stopping himself from offering to show her just how compatible they could be.

  He caught her looking below his waist and then averting her eyes. “Are you sure, because you guys look to be…umm…a little on the large size.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Oh Lordy,” Jamie replied, fanning her face with her hand. She looked down at the puddle of red jelly on the floor. “And if you’re real, that means those things are real too?”

  “Yes,” he replied, becoming serious. “The Hareema are the biggest threat to the galaxy there is. And I’m here to try and stop them from taking over Earth and Zanthar.”

  “So those things could be anything. Or anybody?”

  Drake nodded, watching the wheels turning in her head.

  “Oh my God. And you think it goes up to the highest levels. So people here at NASA are aliens.”

  “I think so, yes. I can’t figure out a way they c
ould have sabotaged the two missions Earth had sent to Zanthar without being involved in NASA administration.” He didn’t tell her about Danner Thompson, how he’d seen three Danners on the Hareema prison planet. And he also didn’t share his suspicions about her fiancé.

  But she seemed to arrive at the same conclusion rather quickly. “Lance,” she whispered, her hand rising to her mouth. “That’s why he’s been so polite but unwilling to--“ She stopped speaking, slamming a hand over her mouth.

  Unwilling to what? he wondered. He hesitated, but in a rush of jealousy he decided he needed to know. “What was Cargraves unwilling to do?”

  Jamie looked at him, her cheeks on fire. She shook her head, and he narrowed his eyes, his anger rising. What was she hiding from him?

  “Your skin, it’s getting lighter.”

  She was right. Yellow spots of anger were mixing with the green. “Tell me,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

  “You already know,” she sputtered. “He wouldn’t make a move, remember? He’s never made a move. The most he’s given me is a chaste kiss on the lips.”

  His anger already high, Drake found it difficult to get a handle on his emotions. He surged forward, grabbing her and pulling her close. “And you wanted more, didn’t you? That’s why you dressed in that little white number, because you wanted his body writhing next to yours?”

  Jamie stared up at him, her eyes wide. “I was trying to get the security badge, remember? Besides, he turned me down.”

  “But still you wanted him.” Drake’s mind was ablaze with the heat of jealousy. He couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth. “And when I took you, were you thinking of him then? Your precious Lance?”

  Her face broadcast her shock. “No! I—“

  “I’m going to do everything I can to drive the thought of that man out of your mind for good,” he growled, then he seized her lips in a passionate kiss.

  Drake could hear the tiny part of his mind screaming that he was overreacting, but it was too late. Being in such close proximity to her, knowing she hadn’t reacted negatively to his genuine form, had made him want her more. And then the mention of her fiancé, of the body she had offered him, drove him mad with envy and the desire to claim her.

  And now he gave into that desire, whatever the consequences.

  Chapter 13

  Jamie reeled under the onslaught of Drake’s Kiss. Before when he’d kissed her, she’d felt the passion like the flame of a candle, but this was a fucking bonfire.

  She had to admit that she found the real Drake so much more attractive. Which was kind of crazy, because he was a frigging alien, but she couldn’t deny that his massive, muscular form, his color changing skin, and his rugged features turned her on much more than she’d ever felt for the human Drake. And maybe more than she’d felt for any other human, period.

  She melted under his kiss, opening her mouth and allowing his tongue to slide inside and explore. She couldn’t help noting how skilled he was at using his tongue. It was strong and moved in ways no human she’d ever been with could even dream of doing. The thought turned her on even more. She could feel how wet her panties were.

  She opened her eyes, reveling in the beauty of the alien male before her. His cheekbones were sharp angles, his nose strong and defined. And his eyes were like twin ink pools, so dark they were almost unfathomable.

  As he watched her staring at him, she noticed his skin had changed. The light green had been replaced by a purple that was becoming deeper by the moment. Then he kissed her again and she closed her eyes and just felt.

  He held her head in his hands which made her feel like a willing captive to his lust. He was so strong, so powerful, she felt almost like a living doll next to him. But the sensations he caused her to feel, were very real. She was more turned on than she had been in her entire life.

  Drake moved his mouth from hers and kissed right below her earlobe, before gently nibbling on it. He moved his mouth to her neck and kissed her down to the space where her neck and shoulder met.

  He pulled back and looked at her, she couldn’t handle the intense, hungry stare he gave her. She was so turned on and wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of her. Jamie realized she was wearing too many clothes and began to hastily remove them. First her shirt, and then her bra. Drake removed her leggings and then her panties.

  He seemed to be studying her body.

  “What?” She asked him.

  “You’re fucking beautiful.” He said and pulled her into him once again, their mouths melted into each other.

  She slid her panties down her legs and laid on the ground. This was a bold move which she would have never made under normal circumstances. But these weren’t normal circumstances. This was something different, something special. She didn’t want to drag it on anymore. She was wetter than she had ever been and was aching to feel him.

  Drake got down onto his knees and kissed her once more. She let out a soft moan and he began to leave a trail of kisses down her neck and down to her stomach. She wiggled beneath him as he got close to her pussy. He lifted his head and moved back up to where her breasts were. He took the left nipple into his mouth and massaged her right one with his hand. She moaned, her hands clenched in the waving tendrils covering his head. He sucked and squeezed until she was driven insane and all she could say was a breathless “please.”

  He sat up and moved between her legs, spreading them apart. He rubbed her clit with his thumb for just a moment. “You’re so beautiful here,” he whispered with reverence. “And so fucking wet.”

  He leaned down and once again, began licking her. Jamie yelled out in pleasure not caring how loud she was because all she wanted at this moment was for the pleasure to never stop. She wanted to feel this pleasure every moment of every day, for the rest of her life.

  He shoved his tongue inside of her and she arched her back. He moved it in and out in a rapid motion that was driving her crazy. Then he moved his mouth back to her clit and began to suck on it. And she immediately came for him.

  But he didn’t stop, not like last time. He continued to lick and suck and inserted a thick finger into her. She loved the feeling of him inside of her. It didn’t take long before she was wiggling beneath him on the edge of coming for him, once again.

  She moved her hips hoping this would make him realize how bad she needed to feel him inside of her.

  He paused for just a moment. “Not yet.” He said and slid a second finger inside of her. “I need to get you ready to receive all of me.”

  “I just want to feel you, already. Please.”

  “You’re so small, I don’t want to hurt you.” He said.

  “You won’t.” She assured him. “I need to feel your cock inside of me.” She didn’t want to wait any longer. She was aching to finally feel him.

  “Please.” She whispered.

  “I could never deny you anything, dear heart.” He said, then he spread her legs a little farther apart and kissed her mouth once more.

  She watched as he grabbed himself. He was massive, the biggest she’d ever seen. She was a little intimidated, but more excited than anything. He began to push himself inside of her and she let out a loud moan. “Oh fuck.” She said. She loved the feeling of him inside of her, stretching her, claiming her for his own.

  When he was finally fully inside of her Jamie called out his name. “Oh Drake.”

  “You’re so wet and tight.” Drake whispered to her as he began to move his hard cock in and out of her.

  He moved with a slow motion. One that was driving Jamie absolutely crazy. “Harder,” she said.

  Drake leaned down so he was laying on her chest and began to kiss her. Taking her tongue into his mouth. She wrapped her legs around him and he began to really get after it. Moving his cock in and out of her in a faster motion.

  Jamie moaned into his mouth.

  “You’re so fucking lovely like this, with my cock inside of you. You’re so fucking perfect.” He

  Drake leaned back and moved Jamie’s legs onto his shoulders, allowing him to go deeper inside of her.

  “Oh my fuck!” She called out. She drew in a sharp breath, the pleasure was so intense.

  “Oh Noruma”, he breathed. “You’re squeezing me so tightly. I can’t last much longer.”

  “Then don’t” Jamie whispered. “I want to feel you come inside of me.”

  His dark eyes were hungry with the growing pleasure. “I need to feel you once more.” He said.

  Jamie arched her back and moved her hips with him.

  “That’s it. Take me, little one. Take all of me.” He said

  Just when she thought the sensations couldn’t get any more intense, something unexpected happened. She could feel him begin to vibrate inside of her and after that there was a little shock.

  Her eyes widened and he smiled down at her as it happened again. Another little shock against her inner walls. Then another.

  Instead of the feeling bringing her out of the moment, it only served to increase her pleasure. Soon, the shocks were coming faster and she knew she couldn’t hold out under the nonstop waves of pleasure they were inducing.

  Her back arched and Jamie surrendered to another orgasm. Her body tensing, and then convulsing. Her orgasm was more intense than anything she had ever experienced.

  Chapter 14

  Drake slowly untangled himself from the beautiful creature before him. It had been the most perfect bout of lovemaking he’d ever had the privilege to experience, and he was surprised at how shaky he felt afterwards.

  Jamie had passed out, either from overstimulation or exhaustion, and he was content to let her rest for the moment. Running a trembling hand through his tendrils, Drake took a deep breath.

  And then he paused, his mouth falling open in shock.

  The hand that had risen to brush back his hair was black. He looked down at his body, the proof before him. His entire skin was midnight black.


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