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Annabelle: An Erotic Western Spanking Menage (Doms of Destiny Trail Book 1)

Page 5

by Samantha Madisen

  "We both believe we're here to make you a better woman, Annabelle," Rem said, picking up where Mack had left off. "Sometimes a husband must punish a woman who's crossed a line like you did this morning, putting yourself in danger. If you were ours, Annabelle, we'd have you over our knee with your drawers off so fast it'd make your head spin. And I don't just mean a spanking with our bare palms. You would feel the weight of a paddle or the sting of a switch for something like that, do you understand?"

  The room had started spinning now. Annabelle found herself at once aroused and dizzy by the mention of having her drawers pulled off. But to be spanked like a child? It sounded so humiliating. Yet, she did know how wrong a thing she'd done that morning, setting out on the horse then putting herself in danger in the middle of all those men. Had Blaise not seen her, or come as quickly as he had, who knows what might have happened. Despite her own indignation, even she felt like some punishment was in order for her actions.

  Everything seemed to swirl inside her head. Everything that had happened that morning, the what the men had said, to the memory that she still might have to return and face a life at the brothel. Amos' words became tangled with that of the men and their promise of a swift punishment. Had it been a question? Had they proposed? Or had they just been asking if she understood? As the sweat began to bead on her forehead and the room seemed to spin even more and she felt her body begin to sway back and forth in the chair.

  Just as a darkness began to descend upon her and she felt herself go weak and start to fall through the air, she had the thought that the last thing she wanted to appear as was disagreeable and before everything went black she felt herself being caught in someone's arms and managed to open her mouth wide enough and push enough air out to whisper faintly, "Yes..."

  When she came to, it was on the sofa, to the smell of whisky, with Blaise patting her gently on the cheek. She blinked at the light but after a moment, pushed him away gently and sat up of her own strength. Rem and the others were standing further away but they all moved and peered at her as she sat up.

  "Annabelle, are you alright?" Amos asked softly, looking into her eyes as if to see if she was there. She nodded, putting a hand to her face, still not sure if this was the real world again or a dream. "That gave us quite a fright. You almost knocked your head on the table. Lucky Blaise caught you."

  "We didn't mean for you to faint, Annabelle," Rem said softly, standing up with his arms across his chest. "We might have explained things a little more slowly. Our eagerness got the better of us."

  "Do you remember what you said? Before you fainted?" Blaise asked, his arms on either side of her on the sofa.

  Annabelle couldn't help but look at the strong muscles that could be seen where he'd rolled up his shirt sleeves. A jolt of something sprang through her, ending in the soft flesh between her legs and a dampness that came there. She looked back up at him. His strong, square jaw and blue eyes one eyebrow raised in a question.

  "I remember I said 'yes,'" she replied softly, her own voice sounding strange now that she'd spoken.

  Rem smiled. "You remember what it was you said yes to?"

  She looked up at him. His green eyes were smiling at her, a spark of something there she'd not seen before. When she spoke again, it sounded even softer.

  "You were going to spank me."

  Her words hung in the air. The men were all looking at her, their stern expressions seemed to be pushing her deeper and deeper into the pillows of the sofa and for the moment it seemed that they might punish her for what she'd just said.

  Tex burst into laughter first. Followed by Blaise, who had to lean back and clutch his stomach the harder he laughed. Mack put a hand up to his mouth and she watched his shoulders shaking as he chuckled into his fist. Rem was last. His smile seemed to spread from the corner of his lips, across his whole mouth until he, too, started shaking and threw his head back as he broke into a laugh. Even Amos who'd tried to keep a stern expression, given the gravity of the situation, couldn't help but crack a smile, though he raised a hand to his mouth and pretended to scratch at something there.

  Annabelle stared at all of them, her eyes moving from one to the other as the laughter crescendoed into the silliest cacophony she'd ever heard four men make. Not sure what the joke was about, she felt her temper begin to bubble. She'd always hated it when people laughed at her and she had no idea what was so funny about what she'd said. When she finally couldn't take another second of it, she sat bolt upright on the couch, folded her arms across her chest and with pursed lips and her eyes turned to the ground said, "I'm glad you find me so funny."

  Blaise was the first to react, being the closest to her. Trying his best to stifle the peals of laughter that gripped him still, he leaned towards her and a put a hand on her leg, just above her knee. Annabelle almost jumped at the sensation. She'd never been touched by a man there and it seemed as if there were raw heat coursing through his hand and into her leg, plunging up her body and filling it with energy. Most embarrassingly, however far it travelled, that sensation, it seemed to end between her legs where she immediately felt and even wetter dampness and an ache that would not got away.

  As she tried to move to escape his touch, he caught her eyes with his. Though she wanted to look away, to show him how displeased she was that they were all laughing at her and what she'd said, no matter how hard she tried, her head wouldn't budge. With each passing second she seemed to swim closer to him until she finally got lost in the deep blue ocean of his eyes, as if by looking at them she were looking into his very soul. The laughter had, for the most part, died down, when she heard the sound of her voice being softly spoken.


  The sound stirred her enough that she looked down to see her name coming off Blaise's full lips and only then did she manage to look away, though her desire to look back was almost irresistible.

  It was Rem next to her now, speaking softly. "Annabelle, I'm sorry, we weren't laughing at you. You're right. That was the last thing you probably heard before you fell off your chair. It's was just funny that's what you remembered. I'm not sure why."

  She looked at him and felt the same feeling that Blaise's hand had brought to her knee, but this time only from Rem's smile. She wasn't quite sure what was happening to her, or her body, but it was not altogether unpleasant at all.

  "Annabelle," Blaise said and she turned to him again, "you might not remember but we asked for your hand in marriage."'

  The words slammed into her, despite being spoken softly. Yes. She did remember. Of course she remembered that. "Of course I remember." She wanted to take back the way she'd said it and say it again, softer this time, maybe with the 'of course.' But the words had already been spoken.

  "Good," Rem said quietly beside her. "Then we'll give you some time. Amos has agreed that you may stay here for as long as it takes you to..."

  "No, I mean, that won't be necessary," Annabelle said, more quickly than she would have liked. "I suppose if you are interested in that sort of arrangement..." she trailed off. The sound of her own voice and her choice of words were suddenly very embarrassing. Why was she responding to their very romantic proposal in such a businesslike way?!? Why couldn't she find something kinder to say?!? She turned away from them, unable to meet either of their gazes. "I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to it..." she managed to whisper softly, ashamed as much of the fact that she'd said as of how it had come out.

  "Annabelle," she heard Blaise say softly in front of her, "are you saying that you'll marry us?"

  His eyes were so hopeful when she looked back up at him, she felt her heart might melt right out of her chest. Biting her lip and glancing at Rem who was staring at her just as intently, she looked back to Blaise, took a breath and whispered, "Yes."


  Rem felt a joy rising in his chest the likes of which he'd never felt before. Just from the look on Blaise's face, he knew he was feeling it too. For a moment he thought Blaise might jump up a
nd burst into dance, scaring the poor girl again or making her faint. Blaise took her by one hand and Rem reached for the other.

  "Annabelle Atkins, you just made us the happiest men west of the Mississippi. You can rest assured we're going to do our damnedest to make you just as happy for the rest of your life."

  Rem saw Annabelle flinch at the curse, then blush at the intensity of the sentiment. Blaise stood up and Rem followed.

  "Well boys, I have to say that's not something I was expecting," Amos Evans said to the two of them. Behind him Tex and Mack were beaming, seeming to be just as happy as they were. "But if that's what Annabelle wants, well, I can't think of a better ending to this whole thing."

  "You've been real understanding about all of this Mr. Evans," Rem said, stretching out a hand towards Amos. The two shook hands as Amos answered.

  "Like I said, it's an arrangement we can all be happy with. Now the only thing to settle on is when the wedding will be. I'm assuming you'll take me up on the same offer Tex and Mack have and have the wedding here?"

  Blaise stood up and turned to Amos. "It's not the only thing, Mr. Evans. You've gone to great expense to bring Annabelle here. We'll be repaying you for..."

  Amos held his hand up, stopping Blaise in mid-sentence. "You won't be doing any such thing. I won't take a cent of your money. Love's not a thing you put a price on. I'm not about to start trading in women either. Things have turned out the way they have and we'll be leaving it at that. Let's call it a favour. If I need your help one day boys, I'll ask for it."

  Blaise and Rem looked at each other uneasily. Rem, too, felt that they should repay Amos Evans in some way for his kindness, but he was right. Money wasn't going to be the way this was settled.

  "Any time you need it, Mr. Evans. You know our word is good."

  "I know it well," Amos answered. "Now, seeing as how we've all agreed how this'll be sorted out, I suggest Annabelle stay here while you finish up in the barn. It'll give you time to think on how we'll make arrangements for the wedding and whatnot."

  "Yes sir," the two men answered in turn. Taking one last look at their bride-to-be, Rem felt a pride well up in himself. He couldn't believe it was happening, but it was. It was the best thing to have happened to him in this life so far.

  The rest of the day went quickly as the four men set to cleaning the rest of the barn. Rem and Blaise worked with a particular urgency, declining the lunch Amos offered and finishing just as the sun started to set in the western sky. When it was time to go, Amos came out, leading Annabelle by the arm, having already set her suitcase on the front porch.

  "She'll go home with you tonight, boys," he said, leaving little room for argument in his tone. Not that either of them had the mind to argue about it. Rem was eager to take the girl home and start caring for her the way she was meant to be cared for, the way she needed to be cared for and he knew Blaise felt the same way about it. After they'd saddled their horses, he made to help Annabelle up onto his, but was rebuked by her outstretched hand.

  "I'm just fine doing it myself," she said, her voice curt, almost irritated at the suggestion that she need any help. Rem glanced at Blaise, but Blaise only shrugged. That was part of what drew the two of them to her, the same spirit that had put her on Amos Evans horse in the first place. Though she wouldn't be pulling any stunts like that with them.

  "That's just fine," Rem said, scowling slightly, "but it wouldn't hurt to say it nicer." He saw Annabelle shake her head and roll her eyes slightly. He didn't mind her independence one bit, but that sort of attitude didn't appeal to him in the slightest. He would make sure she understood that when they got home.

  "First thing tomorrow, Mr. Evans?" Blaise asked, turning his horse towards the road.

  "First thing tomorrow boys. Bright and early. I'll have the coffee ready. You might have to ride out and check on the herd if they don't wander back this way."

  The two of them nodded, then nudged their horses into a walk down the dusty road.

  Chapter 5

  "I suppose this will be my room?" Annabelle asked, peering into the darkness of the small room off to one side of the house. She looked at the two men, their eyebrows raised at her question.

  "I guess until we're married, yes, you're welcome to stay there."

  "Until we're married? What do you mean? Why would I stay in a different room once we're married?" she asked with a scowl. It didn't make much sense to her, getting settled in if, only to move once they were married. The two men looked at each other, then back at her.

  "Annabelle, do you know what happens between a woman and her men? After they're married, that is?" Blaise asked softly.

  Annabelle felt a twinge of irritation furrow her brow. What did they think she was? Ignorant? She decided to say as much.

  "I'm not ignorant, you know. I might be young but I'm quite well learned." She watched Rem scowl. "What?"

  "Alright," he said, sitting down on one of the chairs at the kitchen table. "First things first. You remember you agreed that if we felt it necessary, we would discipline you?"

  Annabelle frowned, still staring at Rem. "I did. What of it?"

  "Well, I'd like you to come over here and lay yourself across my lap, please."

  There was a calm air of authority to his voice that sent a shiver of excitement through her, though she had no idea where it had come from. If these two thought it was going to be that easy, that they were just going to bend her over their knee and spank her whenever they felt the urge, well they had another think coming.

  "I'm not very much disposed to that sort of thing right now, what with the excitement of the day."

  Rem leaned back in his chair. "Annabelle, I don't think you understand. We mean to love you in the way we know is best. We explained that. Now there is nothing that draws me to you more than your spirit and your independence. I'll never say a word to change that. But I will tell you that you have to learn some manners. I'll always speak to you with respect and I expect the same thing in return."

  Manners?!? What?!? First they meant to bend her over and spank her and now they were telling her that she didn't have any manners!

  "I'll speak to you the way I speak to everyone. This is my natural person and if you don't like it, well that's your trouble and not mine."

  "I'm afraid that's not the case, Annabelle," Rem said, rising from his chair and moving towards her.

  Annabelle took a step back, not sure of what he was going to do. Surely he didn't mean to hit her? Had she made the wrong choice with saying yes? When Rem reached out and took her arm, it wasn't in anger, but it was firm enough that she wasn't able to wrestle free. A fear of what might happen next swirled with the same sensation she'd felt when Blaise had laid a hand above her knee. Though she tried to push it away, she couldn't help the surge of excitement she felt as he led her towards the chair where he'd been sitting.

  "What are you doing? Let go of me!" she said, the pitch of her voice rising as the large cowboy easily swung her into position over his knee.

  "Annabelle," Rem continued his explanation, "when you were getting on the horse earlier and I tried to help you, do you remember?"

  She looked up at him over her shoulder, still wriggling on his knee, trying to escape from under the palm he'd put at the small of her back. When she finally realized she was set in that position until he decided otherwise, she let out a huff of exasperation and answered, "Yes, of course I remember! What of it?!?"

  "That's what I'm talking about Annabelle. I promise I'll not run out of patience for you. That we'll always have in abundance. We expect a little of it in return."

  "How am I being impatient!?!" Annabelle asked, starting to writhe beneath his heavy hand again. "If it's a wallflower you're looking for maybe you should have asked a different woman to marry you!"

  The first spank on her upturned bottom landed against her skirt with the sound of a dull thud. While it didn't sting her skin quite as it might have, it sent a sharp pain through her nonetheless. She let out
a breath of air at the unexpected impact and her body froze in shock at what had just happened.

  "I expect any woman, but particularly one that's to become my wife, to show me the same respect and patience I show her." The end of his sentence was punctuated by another dull thud, this time on her other cheek. It took her as much by surprise as the first one had, but this time served to pull her back into the moment.

  "Very well," she replied curtly. "Are you finished?"

  "No, Annabelle. I'm not."

  Annabelle felt her body stiffen as she realized what was happening. Rem had worked his fingers into the top of her skirt, past her drawers and she felt their roughness against the skin of her behind.

  "What are you doing?!?"

  Her question went unanswered. Instead, she felt Rem pulling at her clothes, felt her flesh being exposed to the room inch by inch until she felt that her whole rear was out of her garments and in full view of both men. His palm descended on her once again, but this time connecting with the bare flesh of her bottom. "Ow!" she yelped as the sharp sting of pain his hand had caused moved like lightning through her body. She had no time to dwell on it, though because the second smack came quickly, then the third, then she seemed to lose count as each successive swat made her bottom feel hotter and hotter until she began to whimper a little and felt the hot sting of tears at her eyes and down her cheeks.

  He alternated his hand on one cheek, then the other until she felt they were both as red as each other and though she'd struggled some through the spanking, she finally let herself drape across his knee and decided to endure what was left of it. As soon as she did, the spanking stopped.

  Without a word, Rem pulled the skirt back up over her bottom, removed his hand from the small of her back and let her stand up. She looked around the room, at his feet, at Blaise's body, anywhere but into his eyes, as she stood in front of him, slouched like an embarrassed little girl. Only when he stood up and touched a finger to her chin did she look up at him. His eyes were kind and gentle.


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