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Annabelle: An Erotic Western Spanking Menage (Doms of Destiny Trail Book 1)

Page 12

by Samantha Madisen

  He smiled at hearing it and she knew it was because she'd submitted to his instruction and done what he wanted and that just made her want him even more. Grasping her hips even more firmly, he perched her on the end of himself then began to lower her slowly onto the thickness of his shaft.

  Thick, liquid ecstasy moved through every part of her body as she felt herself being stretched once more by the soft hardness between her legs. Her body came up from his, her breasts hanging low from her chests, nipples stiff with excitement. She body rose up the further she sank onto him and she thought surely she would get a swift spanking from behind, but she didn't have a choice in the matter. Her body was reacting of its own and all she could do was swim in the pleasure she felt at it.

  But no spanking came. He let her stay that way, mounted on top of him, until she felt him reach her end inside her, then felt that she had taken him all the way in. The let her sit there, admiring his hard body and how it made her softness feel, but when her hips began to grind against him, Rem's palm was at her ass just as swiftly and furiously as before. It caused her stop moving on top of Blaise, but it made her pussy clench around him too.

  Then, he lowered her back onto himself with a hand on her back. He brought her close, her breasts pressing up against his chest, her lips hover above his. He kissed her lightly once, then began to move.

  She closed her eyes and moaned, overwhelmed again by the feeling of his fleshy hardness travelling in and out of her. Her entire focus was on him inside her, on every flex, every ridge of flesh that pushed against her inner walls. So much that she barely felt the plug come up to her rear. It was when Rem began to push it inside her, coated in the wetness he had left there that she opened her eyes and her body tightened again.

  "Easy does it," Blaise whispered to her, slowing his thrusts beneath her. "Leave it to us."

  She did as he said, relaxing back onto his body, letting him ride beneath her as Rem slowly began to work the plug into her rear. Her eyes went wide as the thing got thicker moving into her and she felt a fullness she'd never felt before. Finally, just as she thought she wouldn't be able to take any more of it, her rear feeling completely filled, she felt the tapered end of it rest on her tight ring of muscle. "There you go," Blaise purred, quickening his pace beneath her and making her moan again. She looked at him and there was purpose in his eyes now and she realized the purpose was to make her climax again.

  Rem held her rear firmly in place as Blaise moved in and out of her and Annabelle felt her ecstasy coming on. Her mind spun with it all. Rem's mouth on her rear hole, Blaise beneath her, the firm spanking she'd received that afternoon, and the more gentle one she'd gotten just now. Between two men in a tent in the middle of nowhere. She was completely theirs, to be used and trained as they pleased but what made her most aroused was how willingly she did it. How willing she was to submit to their demands, to be their obedient pet to keep still when they told her to and to move when they decided it was time. That thought made the pleasure swell inside her and brought her to her peak.

  She moaned and felt herself clenching him again. The pressure in her rear only served to enhance the feeling as her muscles tightened around Blaise taut cock. As she sailed over the peak of her pleasure, she looked down to see his face twist again, his jaw clench, then she soon felt his hot seed spilling into her once again, filling her and running out of her and onto his cock below.

  He slowed gradually, bringing her down from her heights and making her quiver with each thrust until he finally drew himself out and let her body rest on top of him. Just as he did, she felt Rem's thick cock sliding into her from behind. She moaned, a lazy moan, but didn't move from where she was, instead just letting him take her that way, enjoying the heat of Blaise's body. With the plug still deep inside her, she felt each inch of his shaft pressing against the thin layer of flesh inside her.

  When she felt him start to flex, she moved back onto him only slightly so that he was coming up against her end with each thrust of his hips. He groaned as his seed spilled into her, a long, agonizing groan as he clutched at the two orbs of her ass. After a few more slow thrusts, delivering the last of what he had left, he too pulled himself out and she could feel the two men dripping from her.

  As she began to drift slowly to sleep, Blaise rolled her to one side and the two men cocooned her with their bodies again beneath the blankets. For Annabelle, it was quickly becoming the perfect way to sleep.

  Chapter 11

  The ride down Destiny Trail took another four days until they got to the place that Blaise and Rem had seen before. Perfect pasture curled up into rolling foothills, that pushed up into mountains beyond. The desolation of it seemed surreal. The whole time they'd been riding they hadn't seen a single person going one way or the other. If nothing else, Annabelle knew they would have no trouble from the men of Destiny Station. But she did worry that it would get lonely there, so far from anyone else. She consoled herself with the fact that she had Daisy-Lou. Besides, for the time being, the men occupied most of her attention.

  Each night on the trail they'd presented her with a new and wider plug. Each night they'd found a new and different way to put it in. She'd sat on Rem's knees, facing him, his cock buried deep inside her, riding his shaft while Blaise moved the thing into position inside her. Another night they'd put her on all fours and Blaise had taken her from behind, pushing the thing in as he drove himself into her too. Her lips had been wrapped around Rem's member and it was the first night she'd tasted him, too as he'd erupted into her mouth.

  Each night she began to feel more accustomed to the taking the thing and by the time they'd arrived at the land that Blaise and Rem were going to claim, she was ready to be claimed by them too.

  The ride that day had been an easy one and they'd arrived just after noon. Annabelle took a deep breath and looked all around the place, knowing this would be home for some time to come.

  "What do you think?" Rem asked, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning in and planting a kiss on her cheek.

  "I think it's perfect," she replied, smiling with her eyes closed at his affection and tilting her head to one side.

  "You're not scared? To be this far away from everything?" he asked, turning her around so he could look into her eyes.

  "A little," she answered, still smiling, "but not when you're this close."

  Rem smiled a gentle smile back at her just as Blaise walked up.

  "I saw a stream about a quarter mile down the trail. Annabelle, could you take two of the horses and a bucket? I think that's going to be the place we get our water for the next little while."

  Annabelle's eyes lit up. All week the men had been giving her more and more responsibility and asking her to help more and more. Blaise had taught her how to make a fire and how to build a spit over it. Rem had let her shoot the one rifle they had between them, teaching her how to hold it properly and when best to use it. They'd even taken her hunting, but hadn't found a rabbit to shoot. But they'd always kept her under watchful eye. This was the first time they had asked her to venture that far on her own. It made her feel good. The fact they trusted her, made her trust herself.

  "Sure!" she said, smiling at Blaise and letting go of Rem's hand.

  "Alright. Here's the rifle," he said, handing her the gun. "There's bear and mountain lion all around these parts. You keep an eye out, alright?"

  Annabelle became serious. "Are you sure I should go?"

  "It's up to you," Blaise said. "You don't have to. But if you want to, I think you're ready. You know how to shoot that thing, right?"

  Annabelle nodded.

  "Good. Then I think you'll be fine. If you need any help, just holler.

  She nodded again. Moving to where the horses were tied up, Annabelle untied them from the wagon. With a bucket in one hand and the horses reins in the other, she started to walk down the trail.


  "You sure she's going to be okay?" Rem asked, looking a little c

  "Nope. Not sure about anything. But I think she's ready. We can't have her out here scared the rest of her life. Besides, I want to see how fast you can run if she does holler," Blaise said with a wink and a smile.


  Annabelle glanced back at the men. Blaise had started pitching the tent but Rem was still watching her. She waved and smiled at him but didn't wait to see if he was going to wave back. Then he was gone. The road sloped slightly towards the stream and she couldn't see him any more over the crest of the hill. She felt a surge of nerves as she realized that, save for the horses, she was alone in the wilderness for the first time.

  Her senses seemed to sharpen and she began to look farther down the trail and to one side and the other, scanning for movement, the way Rem had told her too. As she came up to the river, she dropped the bucket but held onto the horses reins while they drank. Annabelle watched the large, calm animals for a while, losing herself in a daydream to the sounds of the horses gentle slurping. When she looked down the stream again, another bolt of nerves shot through her at what she saw.

  It seemed as if the big brown bear hadn't noticed either her or the horses. Annabelle froze. For a second she panicked, feeling a scream rising to her throat. But from somewhere in her mind, Rem's calm voice drifted through the fog of fear. Turn the horses away so they can't see the bear. She let out a quiet click getting the animals attention. As soon as their heads were up from the water she pulled at the reins with a gentle smile. "Come on boys. This way."

  As she walked them slowly away from the bear, she took the rifle from her shoulder and tucked the stock of the rifle under her shoulder. Her mind was racing now, but more focused. If the bear saw them, hopefully he would just wander away. Two horses and a human probably didn't seem like easy prey for the animal. But if it decided to charge, she would have to drop the reins and take aim...

  Then she remembered something else Rem had told her. If the animal was far away, she might try scaring it off with a shot in the air. The horses wouldn't spook. She'd shot her pistol around them many times. Lowering the rifle onto the shore of the stream, keeping her eye on the bear the whole time, she unholstered her pistol and pointed it up into the air. She hesitated, thinking the plan through one more time. If the animal charged instead of fleeing, would she have time to holster the pistol and pick up the rifle? She rehearsed each possibility in her mind, going through the motions she would make calmly, the way Rem had told her to. After having tried to account for every possibility, she made the decision, raised the pistol into the air and fired.

  The animal looked up quickly, it's head low, it's black eyes staring at her. Annabelle tensed, not daring to move in case she frightened the creature into charging. The horses had become skittish, not so much because they minded the noise, but because they sensed the tension in her. "Easy does it fellas," Annabelle whispered, trying to put on her calmest tone.

  In the distance, the bear swayed slightly from side to side, it's eyes on them the whole time. Then, finally, just as Annabelle thought she would have to put her plan into action, the massive creature turned and rumbled off down the stream. Annabelle watched it for as long as she could see it, until it became only a tiny speck, then disappeared from view. Once it was gone, she felt her shoulders relax and realized that her right arm was still pointed up to the sky with the pistol. She lowered it slowly and put the gun back in its holster. "Okay boys," she said to the horses, her voice much calmer now, "I think we'll be getting you back to the camp for now. I'll come for the bucket later."

  As she turned up the hill, another jolt of nerves shot through her until she realized it was Rem standing there, his rifle pointed in the direction the bear had disappeared. Relieved to see him as she was, she felt a twinge of irritation at the fact that he hadn't trusted her enough to let her come alone.

  "Hi there," she said as she climbed the small hill to where he was standing. She couldn't hide the disappointment in her voice. Rem took her arm as she was about to pass by him.

  "You did great. Just what you should have done."

  "Why are you here then?" Annabelle asked, turning to look at him. "Didn't trust that I could handle myself?"

  "Of course I trust you can. But just because I do, doesn't mean I'm not going to keep watch over you no matter what you do. No matter how good you get at shooting or hunting or any of the other things I've taught you to do, I'll never be able to stop watching out for you. That's just something you're going to have to get used to."

  It only took a moment for her to understand what he meant. What he'd done hadn't been about trust, it had been about love. She leaned in towards him, pressed her cheek to his chest. As he put an arm up around her she squeezed him, closed her eyes and smiled.

  Chapter 12

  The night was cool and quiet. They'd made spent the rest of the day scouting out forests and planning which logs they were going to cut down for the cabin. Annabelle was exhausted from everything that had happened but as she lay in the tent, the only thing she could think of was what might happen when the men joined her.

  Blaise crawled in first, the light of the moon glistening on his skin. As the tent flap closed, the space was almost completely swathed in darkness, save for the tiny sliver of light coming between the two flaps. But he didn't crawl under the blankets and lay beside her. Instead, he pulled up the blankets at her feet. The cool wave of air that swept over her was quickly warmed by the feeling of Blaise's shoulders between her legs.

  Annabelle gasped, but her legs opened easily to him and soon she felt his warm breath on her sex. She shuddered as he hovered just above her wet lips, teasing her by blowing gently. Her hips bucked towards him and she moaned quietly, begging him to taste her but she knew better than to try and push herself onto his mouth. Instead she sank into the sensation that had started at the bottom of her stomach, the ache that would only go away once he was inside her. Once they both were.

  His mouth finally moved closer and her body tensed in anticipation of his first touch. Then she felt the firm wetness of his tongue touch the center of her outer lips and soon after, his own lips pressed around hers. He lapped up and down her slit, coating it in her own juices as she revelled in the feeling of his mouth on her sex. Her knees came up, her hips tilted, her body pleading with him to find the the nub of her clit where she would get the most pleasure.

  This time, he obliged. His tongue swept up her folds, then pushed into them until he found her spot. Slowly, he began to circle it, her hips moving against his him, trying to squeeze out ever more pleasure from his touch. As he felt the urgency in her muscles, his mouth closed around the spot and he sucked on her slightly, before starting faster circles again with his tongue. She moaned in pleasure, felt the swell of a climax begin to build inside her. Her hands drifted down her body, pausing at her breasts, she squeezed them. Then her hands moved down and onto the insides of her thighs as she spread herself wider for him. Her body curled into waves, then released, preparing for the pleasure that would soon wash over her. A hand drifted over him and fingers wrapped into his thick hair, clinging to him and pressing him closer.

  Then, to her despair, he slowed down and finally stopped. Her eyes snapped open as she felt him crawling up her body. When she saw him emerge from the blankets she looked at him, her expression begging for release. "Please Blaise, please..." she whispered, her hands on his face, hoping he would reconsider and crawl back down between her legs.

  "Not tonight, beautiful," he answered with a smile. She felt the head of his cock touch against her sex and she gasped in the hope that he would put himself inside her right then. But instead, he rolled to one side of her, kissing her mouth, the taste of her juices still on him. His tongue pushed deep inside her mouth, and she took it and pushed back against it with her own. His hand moved up her body, past her pussy and over her breast. He stopped and she braced herself for the sharp shot of pain she knew was coming.

  His thumb and finger closed around her nipple and pinched
them gently. He denied her even the pain she was expecting and as he finished his kiss, she opened her eyes, unsure of what to make of this change in him.

  "Come on," he said, rolling onto his back and bringing her with him, so that she was sitting astride him again. Rem crawled into the tent. She looked back. His naked body and stiff member made her shudder as she realized that tonight was going to be the night she would take them both. She felt her pussy soak at the thought and some of it dripped down onto Blaise's stomach.

  His hands fell to her hips again. He moved her down until she felt the firmness of his cock sliding along her slit again. She gasped, her hands on his chest, pushing her body up so the weight of it would sweeten the sensation. A swift smack to her rear by Rem's hand sent her tumbling back onto Blaise's chest. His cock flexed beneath her, betraying his excitement. She looked into his eyes. There was intense purpose there, but she didn't try to rear on him again. Instead, she closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of her pussy sliding along his length, the feeling of her lips opening to take the shape of his head, then the feeling of him sliding back down her again.

  Each time he slid towards her opening, the ache in her middle grew. Each time she hoped would be the time that he would tilt her up slightly and push himself inside. Each time she hoped she would get to feel the shiver run up her spine as he split her lips open and pushed himself inside. With each disappointment came a deeper ache inside her at longing to be filled.

  Finally, when she was about to burst from the long, slow strokes of his cock along her slit, she felt the pressure of his hands changed, shifting her hips, then felt his head slide lower than it had before. She gasped. There he was, his hard meat at her entrance, prying apart her outer lips and threatening to enter her fully. He paused and held her there.


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