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Temperature Rising

Page 13

by Knight, Alysia S.

  “I don’t think I can see Malcolm Warner breaking into my apartment to smash things up. I’d say it’s a little beneath him. I don’t think he’d go into a building like this even if his company designed it.”

  Mac nodded, accepting her comment and simply saying, “You never know. But I will check it out. Let’s see if your neighbors heard or saw anything while we wait.”


  Laken was exhausted when they stepped into Mac’s apartment. Just inside the door, she slumped against the wall, closed her eyes, and sighed in relief. The report had taken forever. She had expected just an officer to come and take her statement. Instead, a team of two people went over every square inch of each room. Laken knew why. Mac suspected it was the Hunter and had been hoping to find something that would lead to him. The more Laken thought about it, the more she doubted it was the Hunter. There was no feeling there, but then again, maybe there wouldn’t be if he was gone. Still, it seemed like she should know.

  As it was, they didn’t find anything except for the few dust bunnies she’d missed in cleaning on her out-of-work rampage before she was taken to the police station. None of her neighbors had noticed anything. Unfortunately, Ardith Simmons, across the hall, who never missed anything, for once was not at her post because the evening before she had been to an old friend’s birthday celebration and that morning had had a doctor’s appointment.

  She heard Mac close the door and put down her overnight bag. A second later his arms wrapped around her like they had earlier, and she was once again sheltered from the world. There were no tears this time when she rubbed her cheek against his chest. She was only aware of hard muscle and a pleasant masculine smell accented with a touch of sandalwood. She breathed in deep. She liked Mac’s scent.

  His hands ran up and down her for a second in a muscle relieving massage before Laken suddenly found herself being lifted into the air.

  “Mac.” Her eyes flew open as her arms locked around his neck.

  “Easy, I’m not going to drop you. I can make it to the couch.”

  “I didn’t think you would. I feel safe in your arms. It’s — I’ve never had a man pick me up before you. It startled me.” She let her fingers play with the edges of his hair. “I didn’t mean to seem so helpless. I’m just so tired.”

  “Well.” He eased her onto the couch. “You sit right here and rest. I’ll see what we’re going to have for dinner.”

  “You don’t need to do that. I can help.” She started to get up but he pushed her back down, sitting down on the edge of the couch beside her.

  “You know, I noticed that you don’t let people take care of you very easily.” He brushed back her hair.

  “I don’t mean to be difficult. I guess I’ve always been independent. My father raised my sister and me, so we were as capable as my brothers at doing things. My mom insisted that we learn to be ladies and my brothers, gentlemen.”

  “I’ll have to give my compliments to your parents then, because I think they did a pretty great job.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, do you think your parents will like me?” His finger dropped to brush her cheek in a slow caress.

  “Oh yes. I think you are just what my parents hoped I would fall for.” The words were airy as his head dipped toward her.

  “And have you fallen?” he said huskily.

  Laken found herself lost in the intensity of his eyes. There was no hiding the truth. “I think you already know the answer.” Her heart thundered in her chest, wiping away all the weariness from her body. She felt charged from the electricity of being so close to him. “I love you.”

  Fire leapt in his eyes in reply. The hand on her chin slid behind her neck to cradle her head, holding her as he closed in. “I want to hear those words everyday for the rest of my life. I love you.” He sealed the words with the union of their lips. The kiss lingered for several minutes before he eased back, brushing lightly across her cheek before he broke contact. “I’m supposed to be letting you rest.” There was no remorse in his tone.

  “I prefer this. I feel much better,” Laken added full-heartedly.

  “Still.” He stood, took a couple steps back from the couch and shoved his hands down in his pockets. “You lay here and relax. I’ll see what we have to eat, and no arguments.” His words were meant as an order, but it was his eyes that kept her there. The need in them was so strong she couldn’t move. He stared at her with hot intent for another minute before he turned.

  Laken followed his movements as he opened the fridge and set a few things on the counter before he crouched out of view. She heard him shift a few pans. She let her eyes wander around the room. It hit her that she was in love with this man, and this was the first time she had ever been in his apartment. They had always gone to hers for some reason. She was surprised at his place. It was tidy and very orderly but comfortable.

  A brown suede couch rested against one wall. It looked comfortable enough to nap on but she figured he spent more time in the rust-colored recliner from its position to the large flat-screen TV mounted to the wall. On the entertainment table was a stylized metal basket and a couple of magazines and a thriller by a best-selling author. One shelf of his bookcase held a surround-sound system, but the rest was filled with books showing a wide variety of interests. The most appealing thing Laken found was it all appeared to be dusted.

  Soft music brought her attention back to Mac. He stood watching her from across the room. “Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes. It’s one of those throw everything together and heat. My specialty.”

  “Do you like to cook?”

  “I don’t mind it. I like to eat. I’m finding I like it better when I have someone to do it with.” He left it hanging that he meant her. Laken got the message loud and clear from his eyes. “If you want to wash up, the bathroom is through there.”

  Two hours later, Laken lay in Mac’s bed thinking of him out on the couch. He had insisted that she sleep in his room, using the excuse that he had work to do and she needed a good night’s sleep. But she knew that was just Mac being Mac. He had this sense of honor, of chivalry.

  She sighed into the pillow and drew in a breath filled with his scent. It was all around her giving comfort, just as the feel of him. She could picture his arms around her and wished it was so.

  She tried to close her eyes and will sleep to come. All she could think of was Mac. He loved her. Funny how that thought could make all the bad things going on around her meaningless. She lay there for a few minutes more, than gave up on sleep. She wanted Mac, just to be near him, and it wasn’t for security. It was because, well, it was just because. She pushed back the blanket and stood, looking down at the satin T she had worn to bed. In his closet, she had found a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and pulled them on, hoping he wouldn’t mind.

  Mac was sitting in the chair, his feet up, looking over a file of papers in his lap. She almost reached him before he looked up. When he saw her, he quickly closed the file and dropped it on the floor by the chair. “I thought you were sleeping. Nice outfit.” He looked her up and down, raising his eyebrows, a grin kicking up the corner of his mouth, the dimple sneaking in an appearance.

  “Do you mind?” She shifted back and forth, coming to a stop in front of him.

  “You look incredible.” He opened his arms.

  She accepted the invitation and settled carefully in his lap. “I’m not hurting you?” she asked when he shifted her.

  “No. I just want you closer. It’s kind of nice to wrap my arms around you.”

  “Think you could get used to it?”

  “Oh yeah.” He brushed her hair back, caressing her cheek. When he cupped her face, she turned her head, pressing her lips into his palm. There was a growl in his voice when he spoke again. “I’ve been sitting here trying to work, but all I can think of is you. I love you, Laken. I want to marry you.”

  “Mac.” His name burst out of her as his words reached her heart.

re she could say anything else he groaned, tilting his head back, his eyes going to the ceiling. “I did not just propose to you, sitting in a chair, in my apartment, without even a ring.” Anguish echoed in his words.

  It was Laken’s lips turn to twitch up. “Yes.”

  He groaned again and she felt such love for him. She reached up and caressed his cheek, tilting his head back down to look at her. “Yes,” she repeated, looking deep in his eyes. “I would love to marry you.” There was no doubt in her. He was the only man for her and she wanted to be with him forever.

  “I love you.” She let the inner feeling shine through so there was no doubt she meant it.

  She wasn’t sure who made the move but their lips met in a kiss that sealed them together as assuredly as if they had just said their marriage vows. When they parted, his thumb caressed her cheek, and his eyes drifted over her in wondering awe.

  “Yes,” was all he said before he cuddled her down against him. His arms locked around her, holding her to him. One hand burrowed into her hair, pressing her head to his shoulder as he rocked the chair back. His other hand ran up and down her back in a soothing motion. “Sleep now,” he whispered, dipping his head to kiss her forehead. “All is how it should be and you need rest.”

  Laken wanted to say she was too excited to sleep. She was going to marry him, but the words were lost in a sigh as she, indeed, did fall asleep.


  Mac felt content as he drew in a deep breath and was filled with the unmistakable fragrance of Laken. He started to stretch and froze. It wasn’t that he realized he’d fallen asleep in his chair that halted him — that was a common enough occurrence. What was not common was the weight of the woman alongside him. He shifted carefully, trying not to disturb her but so he could look down at her. She was nestled on her side, his arm wrapped around her, her head resting on his shoulder. Her face turned up to him as in an offering. An offering he longed to take, but he didn’t want to wake her.

  Laken looked so incredibly beautiful. She was wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. He could barely make out the thick, fuzzy socks on her feet next to his own stocking-covered feet. He ran his eyes back up over the length of their entwined bodies to her face and knew such desire to taste her pale pink lips that this time he couldn’t stop himself from lowering his head to take the gentlest sip. It filled him deeply with pleasure; he wanted to shout, wanted to claim more. Again, he held himself back.

  Now was not the time. Too many things had to be resolved before it would be. Then his mind thought back on the evening before and his blurted-out proposal. He wanted to groan at the bungled way he’d done it, but he smiled when he remembered she had said yes. They hadn’t just been words to her. She had meant it. It was there deep inside her as was his love for her. She would marry him and love him for the rest of her life as he would her. He could be patient for her. He’d ask her with a ring — and flowers. Make it as romantic as any woman could dream of. But for now, he would bask in the pleasure of just holding her.

  When desire threatened to take control of his mind, he forced his thoughts back to the case, and by the time Laken stirred in his arms, he had a new plan of action.

  He was studying her again when she breathed in deeply. His eyes almost crossed with desire when she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder then stretched along the entire length of him. Unable to resist her siren’s call any longer, he promised himself only one kiss before he dipped his head to greet her lips. It was only one kiss, but as she woke to him, it blossomed into an incredibly drawn out, heated one. It was all he could do to release her.

  “Good morning.” He wanted nothing more than to continue to devour her.

  “That’s not just good morning. Oh my.” She blew out a breath and took another deep one to fill her lungs. “Oh, are you going to wake me up like that every day after we’re married?”

  “Well.” He tried to look thoughtful. “I wouldn’t object if you woke me up like that sometimes. But for now,” he pressed the footrest down, sitting them upright so fast he had to hold on to her to keep from dumping her on the ground, “time to get moving.”

  “I liked where we were,” she grouched, bringing a smile to his lips.

  “She does have a testy side, that’s good to know. And the problem was I did too. That’s why I’m going to go take a shower while you go fix me breakfast.”

  “Breakfast. And why do I have to do it by myself?”

  “Because I made dinner last night. That’s fair.”

  “Save me some hot water.” She turned to the kitchen good-naturedly. She almost stumbled when she heard the words that followed her.

  “There will be plenty of hot water because I’m going to have to make mine cold.” She turned slowly to look back at him.

  “Go on, sweetheart, I’m hungry.” He left it open to which hunger he wanted her to contemplate, and contemplate she did.

  Since Laken couldn’t help keep her thoughts away from marrying Mac, she had a whole array of things to think about, but as they got ready to leave, her mind switched focus to the problem of finding the killer. She had actually figured Mac planned to leave her tucked away in his apartment, which would’ve been fine because she did feel safe there, and he had plenty of reading material to keep her busy. She was totally surprised when he said he was taking her with him.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he turned out of the garage.

  “To your office building.”

  “Why? You really can’t think it was my boss who broke into my apartment.”

  “No. I want to see what kind of security cameras are around the front of the building. You said you felt the Hunter watching when you quit. I want to see if we can find someone that fits your description of his build who was paying a lot of attention to you that day. That is, if we’re lucky enough to have any cameras pointed that way, and they haven’t been cleared yet. A lot of places work on a week-long loop, so we still might be in time for a look if we have the angle.”

  “You think we might actually see him?”

  “It’s a long shot but worth a try. I just hope we can get permission to view the video. Otherwise, we’ll have to try for a warrant, and I’m not sure how that would go without solid proof he was there.”

  Laken missed what he said next as she felt spears of hope and dread go through her simultaneously. Could they find him? The thought had never occurred to her that a security camera might see him, or they might have a chance to pick him out. She prayed that it might actually be possible.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mac’s badge got them right in to see the chief of security. They were informed the recordings from that day were still there, and when Mac told him they hoped to find a possible killer, it didn’t take them long to get the clearance from the building manager.

  Three cameras covered the front of the building. It took only a couple minutes since they had a very close approximate time for Mac to catch the image of Laken coming out. He had the manager slow the picture down, and watched Laken, vivid even on the black and white footage, burning with righteous indignation as she confronted her boss and handed over the blueprint.

  He heard the catch of her breath beside him as she watched herself turn back to the building, and the man caught her, handing over the card. There was awe and exaltation on her face as she moved to open the door, then she faltered, almost going down. The camera again caught a view of her face, and this time, it was filled with terror. Her head turned back to study the crowd. Several people came up behind her, and she managed to stumble through the door. She remained pressed to the glass, her attention on the outside for several minutes before she finally forced herself away.

  “That’s what we want.” Mac forced his focus from her image on the screen to other people in view. “Can you back it up just a little and go through it frame by frame?”

  The scene on the sidewalk had drawn attention from several men. Mac saved pictures of each. Almost two hours had pass
ed and they were on the third and final camera angle when a man in the top corner of the screen caught Mac’s attention. Even though he was back in the shadows, Mac could tell he was riveted by what was happening. As Laken moved back to the door, the man shifted to watch her. When she turned to look back, he pulled back, stepping in behind a passing person, turning away so not to be noticeable, but he didn’t leave.

  Laken jerked beside him, her attention shifted from the section she was studying, and the security chief jumped up from the terminal where he was doing his own work to lean over the back of the chair.

  “Watch.” Mac backed up the video. “Now look at this guy here.” He pointed to the screen and played it forward in slow motion.

  When the man obviously dodged back, Mac heard a catch in Laken’s throat. He let it play a second more before he reached up to freeze the recording, and turned to her, even more certain. “What do you think?”

  Laken’s hand had come up to cover her mouth. Her eyes held a glassy, fearful look. He reached out, catching her other hand that was balled tight. Her knuckles were white. “Laken,” he said her name softly, stroking his thumb over her knuckles soothingly.

  Her eyes came from the screen to him. She swallowed hard and shuddered. “I don’t know. He’s in the shadows, and I didn’t get a very good look at him that night. He had a raincoat on, but I think it could be possible.” Her eyes went back to the frozen image, and she visibly shook. Mac could feel the fear in her and knew, though they had no proof, he was their man. That was the Hunter. He wanted to catch Laken up into his arms. To take her away were she didn’t have to think of killers and danger, but he had work to do now. His own thrill of the hunt filled him.

  He turned back to the security chief. “Can I take this to see if our tech can come up with a cleaner image?”

  The man started nodding even before he finished the question. “It’s already been approved that if you found anything interesting, you take it.”


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