The Wagon (Carter Sisters Series #1)

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The Wagon (Carter Sisters Series #1) Page 9

by Morgan Dawson

  "I won't. I made Robert promise that we could stay near here. Maybe we can find a property in the area." I'm happy to see the worried looks turn into excited faces and huge smiles.

  The only one who didn't seem happy was Pa. He's sitting at the other end of the table stroking his chin.

  He sets his hand down on the table, then lets out a deep chuckle. "I imagine I could let you build on this property. As long as Robert here helps me in the field every now and again. He's a fast worker."

  "I'm sure we can make that work. Thank you Pa." Smiling at him, he nods.

  Genevieve jumps up from her seat. "Ooh! Ooh! When's the wedding going to be?"

  Even I have no idea. It seems we didn't think that part through. I look back at Robert who's now standing behind my chair.

  "Oh. Well, probably after we get the crop to town and sell it. Also, after the supper thing." Robert explains, putting his hands in his pant pockets.

  "I have a thought. Why don't we have the wedding and party together outside? We can still do the supper, but have it combined with a wedding?" Adeline suggests, pulling her fingers through her curly blonde hair.

  The rest of my sisters get excited and agree with her. Pa nods and clears his throat. "Yes, we can do that. We'll head to town early tomorrow and hopefully get there the following day so we can sell the wheat and pay the loan. A couple days to get back, and then either that night or the following day I suppose."

  Laughing, I look around at my family who had helped me sort out my wedding. Who would have thought?

  "Thanks guys. I'm glad you aren't mad. Now, if we're planning on leaving early tomorrow, I think it would be best we go to bed so we're rested up."

  "Okay Ma." Hazel laughs running to the bedroom. Adeline chases after her, followed by Lydia and Genevieve. Standing up, I go to Pa and give him a hug.

  He strokes my hair and sighs. "Darlene, I know I wasn't there for you for a long time and I'm sorry. I'll be here for you from now on. I'm thrilled for you, and your Ma would've been so proud of you. She'd probably have given me a good amount of yelling, I'm sure."

  "Yes, but now she'd be so happy that you're back and learned your lesson." I laugh, imagining Ma's stern face she always gave Pa when he was messing around.

  Pa pulls back and smiles at me. "Goodnight, Darlene."

  I watch Pa disappear into his room before giving Robert a hug too. "'Night Robert."

  "Goodnight." Robert says, as I climb up to the room where my sisters are getting ready for bed. I see Lydia's old, ripped dress laying neatly on the floor and sigh.

  "After the wedding, I'm going to make all of your new dresses." I announce while brushing my hair.

  I can barely fall asleep as I keep thinking of all the exciting things that happened today. Somehow, I manage to close my eyes and let exhaustion take over.

  Chapter 24

  "I can't believe how seriously we're all cramped in here. How are we even going to sleep in this tiny space?" Adeline moans, tilting her head back.

  We've been riding in the wagon on the way to Willowcreek for maybe ten minutes, and she's already complaining. Pa's driving the wagon, while the rest of us sit tucked in on either side of the wagon, and right at the back. We take turns squeezing in beside him on the seat. The pile of wheat takes up most of the room in the wagon.

  "We told you already, Adeline. There's no way we can sleep inside the wagon with all of the wheat. We'll all be sleeping outside under the wagon. You better get comfortable, because it isn't going to be a short trip." I reply folding my hands in my lap.

  All of us sit there all day, having lunch while Pa keeps going. Robert switches out with him to let Pa have a break. Now the sun is setting, and we've stopped for the night. Genevieve takes the horses to a nearby river for a drink while Robert starts a fire.

  The rest of us set up the beds under the wagon, while Pa gets supper going over the fire.

  Eventually, as the sky goes pink and orange, we sit down around the fire. All we're having for supper is some bacon and biscuits, and when we're done eating, we sit around the fire quietly.

  "So, Robert? We haven't heard much about you other than you met Darlene on her trip to town." Adeline lies down on the grass, resting her arms behind her head.

  Robert seems to stop and think before answering. "Yes, I'd been camped around where Darlene was at the time. I lived in a wagon, but it was destroyed in the storm. Basically, my parents are still at home and I have a little brother, but I told them I wanted to go exploring for a while on my own." He lies about why he left, but I don't say anything. I know he didn't like to talk about it.

  "After my twin sister, Alice, died in a stable fire, I realized how quick life can be gone and you've got to make the most of it. That's why I wanted to explore, you see."

  Everyone is silent at the end of his story until Genevieve pretends to wipe tears from her eyes. "Robert, that was beautiful."

  We all laugh, leaving silence after with only the sound of crickets and the wind rustling in the leaves to be heard. Watching Genevieve yawn makes me yawn too.

  "I think it would be best if we get some shut eye. We'll be up early tomorrow again." Pa sighs standing up.

  After a while of figuring out where everyone is going to sleep, I'm now lying beside Hazel, staring into darkness.

  My eyes feel heavy as I close them. I listen to the wind rustling the cover of the wagon, frogs croaking from somewhere by the creek and my sisters breathing quietly. I smile to myself, feeling content and happy.

  "We're here!" Hazel jumps up from her seat.

  After waking up and having a quick breakfast, we'd headed off, hoping to reach Willowcreek by noon. Having made good time, we are earlier than that. The wagon bumps over the dirt road as we enter Willowcreek.

  I can hear the sound of children laughing and horse's hooves thumping from different directions. As we near the feed mill, the town sounds fade as the mill is at the far end of town.

  The wagon slows to a stop and suddenly, I feel comfortable again. All of the constant vibrating and jarring as we moved has been uncomfortable for me, as I am sure it was for Robert and my sisters.

  Pa turns around, a wide grin on his face. "All right. I'll go talk to someone while you guys stay here." He jumps out from his seat at the front and I hear his footsteps disappear into the distance.

  We wait quietly, some more impatient than others, until the back hatch of the wagon opens revealing a smiling Pa and a young man with jet black hair.

  The man has lead two horses with wagons over to us, giving us two smaller wagons to fill. Pa and Robert pitch the wheat into the first wagon filling it up and they start putting some in the other. The pile becomes smaller and smaller until it's gone all together and the two wagons are full. I'd say one more piece of wheat and they would explode.

  "That's a fine good crop you have there. Help me bring one of these over here, and I'll get you your money." The man says, taking one of the horse's reins, leading it out of sight.

  Waiting is unbearable inside the wagon, with the sweltering heat and the complaints of 'how much longer' bouncing around. Finally, after what seems like forever, Pa climbs back up to the driver's seat, a bag in his hand.

  He passes it back to me and I set it on the ground, hearing coins jingling inside. The wagon jolts forward and continues on heading back toward town.

  "This is so exciting!" Genevieve laughs, rubbing her hands on her skirt.

  Clearing her voice, Adeline replies. "After this, we can relax all we want and go back to our normal lives!"

  "Oh, thank goodness! I don't think I could stand pitching one more piece of wheat!" Lydia giggles, causing me to smile at how excited they all are. They're right though. Soon, everything will be normal and I can get rid of the calluses on my hands. Although they do show how much work we did despite the problems thrown at us.

  By now, Pa has parked outside the bank and he takes the bag of money in his hand. "Darlene. I think you should come in with me. Without you, this
wouldn't be happening."

  Grinning, I climb over Pa's seat and jump down onto the dirt ground. We walk in and find Mr. Blakely standing at his desk reading through some papers.

  "Oh, good day. It's great to see you here with time to spare!" Mr. Blakely stands up and shakes Pa's hand.

  Pa nods, smiling at him. "It's good to be here!"

  Mr. Blakely walks back behind his desk and Pa sets the bag of money on it. They begin to talk about things that bore me, like how the weather's been and local town news that Mr. Blakely wants to share.

  I look out the window, blocking out their conversation.

  Looking outside, I see the sun reflecting off the windows of the building across from the bank. I watch a group of young children playing cat's cradle with a worn piece of string. A few men are standing a few paces from the window talking, while on the other side of the road there is a mother and a father walking with their children. A little girl skips in front of them, and the Ma is carrying a baby swaddled in a white blanket of some sort.

  "Darlene? Are you coming?" Pa asks, causing me to jump.

  "You paid the loan already?" After everything, I was caught daydreaming out the window while it was paid. Pa just laughs and walks out the door with a slightly smaller money bag, and I follow after him, climbing up into the wagon first.

  My sisters all look up at me with excited eyes. Hazel can't keep her excitement in. "Is it all done?"

  "You bet!" I laugh, sitting back down beside Robert, taking his hand.

  The wagon leaves town and begins bumping like mad as we head towards home.

  Pa decides that he wants to keep going through the night, and as it gets darker, I feel myself getting tired. Lydia and Hazel close their eyes and are asleep almost instantly. Adeline retrieves a blanket for them, wrapping it around their shoulders. Soon Adeline and Genevieve are asleep too, snuggled up with their blankets.

  "I told you." Robert whispers. "I told you that everything would work out fine in the end. Didn't I?"

  Giving a small smile I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. Sighing, I reply. "Yes, Robert. You did tell me that, but I suppose at the time I didn't quite trust you. Now, to get this over with. You were right and I was wrong."

  He laughs quietly and I look up at him, watching him grin. "Just remember those words and we'll have a good life, you and I."

  "No. I'm normally right. The only reason this time is any different is because you came when I was a sad mess, so I wasn't thinking straight." I say defensively, causing him to laugh again.

  "Sure, we'll go with that. Just so you can be right this time." Robert plants a quick kiss on the top of my head and I close my eyes.

  As my head rises and falls with each breath he takes, I feel myself falling asleep with the happy thoughts of everything being perfect once again.

  Chapter 25

  Robert takes both of my hands and helps me out of the wagon, like he'd done for all of my sisters. We were home sooner than I'd thought we'd be. It's just a little after noon, giving us plenty of time to start making the supper. It's decided that Adeline and Genevieve should go tell all the people who helped about the supper, and that it will be a potluck.

  I go straight to the kitchen and begin to make one of my favorite meals — potato soup, while Lydia and Hazel make a few pitchers of lemonade.

  I boil the potatoes thoroughly, then mash them, mixing some stock and seasoning it with salt and pepper. I let it boil for a bit, adding milk then letting it boil a little more. When it's done, I pour the soup into a tin container Pa had made.

  "Okay, we need to get the table outside now." I say to Robert and Pa. They nod, taking the large table outside. I help Lydia and Hazel carry out the lemonade, setting it on the middle of the table.

  Pa and Robert come back outside carrying the chairs while I go inside to get the dishes to set the table. Balancing the plates on my arms and holding some in my hands, I see Hazel gaping at me.

  "How are you doing that? I can barely carry two handfuls of cutlery!" She exclaims.

  Smiling at her, I reply. "It takes practice I guess."

  Lydia comes outside after us carrying the cups. With their help, we set the table easily and when we're done, I smile at our job. It may not be perfect, but it was a job well done.

  Still having time to spare, I take Lydia and Hazel to our room and we get ready for the evening. I braid both of their hair and they braid mine. When it's finished, I swing my braid over my shoulder the way I like it and I smooth out my dress.

  Deciding this was as good as it was going to get, I follow after my sisters to where Robert and Pa are sat discussing something.

  "Oh, you girls look lovely!" Pa exclaims, opening his arms.

  Lydia and Hazel hug him tightly and I smile seeing the happiness on their faces. I stand to the side of the chair Robert is sitting in, looking to the door where Adeline and Genevieve appear.

  "All right. We talked to everyone. Mmm... is that potato soup?" Adeline sniffs, a happy smile appearing on her face.

  "You bet. What good would a celebration be without Ma's specialty?" I reply.

  Adeline and Genevieve go to the room to freshen up, and when they're done, all of us head outside to greet people as they arrive. The first to arrive are the Wilson's. The father's name I have since learned is John, and the boy, who's younger than me, is August. They sit down at the table and we begin to talk to them.

  "Yes, it's just my son and I now. My wife Viola, and daughter Gracie, drowned in the river that runs by our house. August was with them actually. He says Gracie slipped in some mud and fell in, and Viola jumped in after her." John explains sadly.

  "It was horrific watching them struggle in the water. I jumped in to try save them, but I couldn't and nearly died too." August says looking down.

  Adeline brings her hands to her mouth. "That's terrible. I can't imagine having to see that."

  We talk some more until eventually everyone arrives and sets their bowl, plate or pitcher of food onto the table. I go inside and get the potato soup and bring it back, setting it onto the table too.

  Everyone sits down, and I'm beside Robert as we pass all of the food around. Some things we take, while others we don't. I choose to have my sister's lemonade, but there are other drinks I could have chosen.

  Pa raises his glass. "I'd like to make a toast to my dear daughter, Darlene, who dealt with this problem while I was unreachable. Without her, this wouldn't have been possible. Also, to Robert, my daughter's future husband, who came and stepped in to help a family he didn't even know. To the rest of my daughters, who followed Darlene's lead and worked so well to save our farm. And, of course, to all of our new friends we have at this table today who came to help a struggling family when they needed it. There are no words to express how thankful I am for all of you."

  Everyone reaches as far as they can, clinking glasses then drinking from them. We all talk, enjoying the celebration. Men are talking about their farms while the women they brought with them talk about their kids and families.

  There are quite a few unfamiliar faces sitting around the table, as many men have brought their wives and children. Once we're done eating, the kids start playing jump rope. Hazel is sitting in a tree with a girl she met who's her age, and I can see them talking. Adeline has a huge smile on her face while she talks to August, and I see Lydia and Genevieve are laughing at something.

  It's almost dark out now and Pa says it's time for the wedding. The ceremony is short but sweet.

  Before I know it, it's all over and we're saying goodbye to everyone as they climb back into their wagons. Many men have sleeping children on their shoulders as they walk away.

  Quickly, we all clear the table and bring everything back inside, shutting the door behind us. All my sisters go to their room, saying they're exhausted. Pa says he's going to bed as well because he wants to make a special breakfast for us early in the morning.

  This leaves Robert and I sat at the table. I rest
my head on his shoulder and he strokes my hair, not saying a word.

  A feeling of comfort and pure happiness rushes over me as I realize how everything has worked out. My family is all back and happy, the farm is under control and finally, after these past few weeks, I feel I've succeeded.

  I'm married to the most wonderful man in the world, and I don't have anything bothering me.

  The only problem now is Adeline being mad at Pa, but I hope when I'm out of the house, she'll have no choice but to forgive him.

  I've learned so much that I feel will be valuable in the future, like how quickly things can change in life. And, that sometimes, I just need to stop trying to do everything by myself and let others help me.

  There'll always be someone ready to step in and hold me when I feel everything is about to fall apart. Even if it's a man who I found unbearable at first.

  "Robert?" I look up into his blue eyes, which are sparkling as they meet mine. "I love you."

  He smiles and leans down, kissing me. I feel like the we're the only ones in the world, and that I'm safe. When he pulls back, my lips are left tingling.

  "I love you too Darlene."


  A few months later, I'm standing at the stove stirring vegetables when Robert walks in from cutting firewood. We've moved into our new house, which is still on my Pa's property but not too far away from his house. Snow is on the ground and Robert stomps his snowy boots on the front mat as he comes in the door. He carries an armful of wood to the fire and puts some of it in the fireplace and the rest in a basket beside it.

  "Oh, that smells delicious!" He sits down at the small round table after taking his heavy jacket off.

  I pour the vegetable soup in two bowls and set one in front of him. Looking out the window, there are soft flakes of snow falling, blanketing the ground in a beautiful cover of white. The sun reflects off the freshly fallen snow and the frosted trees.

  "Isn't it beautiful?" I sigh, still looking outside.


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