Always Angel (The List #4)

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Always Angel (The List #4) Page 16

by N. K. Love


  “It is ‘Bethany’, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Hello again, Mr Carter.”

  “Jonathan, please… Aren’t you staying?” He nods towards my suitcase. “You’re not going to leave me to fend off these vultures alone are you?”

  “Something tells me you’re quite capable of that yourself.”

  “Maybe. But, if you’ve got a moment, I’m more intrigued to talk to somebody who isn’t falling over themselves to speak to me.”

  “You didn’t strike me as a narcissist when you were on that stage earlier.”

  He looks around and chuckles.

  “No, I’m not narcissistic…just curious, perhaps.” A few others guests start shuffling closer towards Jonathan. “So, do you want to talk business? That is what you’re here for, right?”


  “Great…Mel, would you mind taking Miss…”


  “Miss Taylor’s case for a moment please?” He wheels the suitcase to the side of the desk, where the polite receptionist takes it. “Come.”

  I follow Jonathan through the crowd, towards the dining room, which seems quieter. I admire how he expertly avoids engaging in conversation with the onlookers who are fawning for his attention.

  Once we’re out of the crowd, I think Fuck It, I’m here now and I’m not really doing anything wrong…

  “I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation this afternoon. Very inspiring.”

  “So inspiring, you had to leave?”


  “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.”

  Walking over to the bar in the corner, he pulls out a stool for me.

  “So, Bethany, do you want to tell me about your current situation?” He takes the stool next to me and signals to the bartender. “Are you starting up a business or—”

  “No, I own a little bookshop.”

  “Own, outright?”

  “Yes. Well, it was left to me by my grandmother. It’s a great place and it does well for itself. It pays the bills.”

  The bartender has automatically brought a pint of Guinness over for Jonathan and then hovers patiently nearby.

  “What would you like to drink? Something sparkling?”

  Every female in this place is sipping on a flute, but this weekend has me reaching for creature comforts.

  “I could murder a cold beer, please?”

  Jonathan gives me a genuine smile, flashing me his pearly whites and my heart skips that beat again. Damn, I miss Jax.

  “So, if it pays the bills, what brings you here this weekend?”

  I share my story and Jonathan, who must’ve had similar conversations umpteen times before, but he still listens intently. He probes me for details, offering me advice just how Jax would. Their mannerisms are the same with their business hats on and I soon lose myself in the conversation. No longer worried about being found out, I’m able to enjoy his company, other than feeling guilty for keeping him to myself. I daren’t look behind him for the fear of the daggers I’d get.

  “What made you come and speak to me in the foyer?”

  “My wife, she tells me I’m a good judge of character and, I don’t know, I just felt impelled to scratch beneath the surface with you… The unfortunate thing about these type of gigs is that there’s a lot of people trying to get a free step up, or ride on the back of somebody else’s success. You have to weed out those types from the authentic people who I really want to reach out to… When you had that mic earlier, it was obvious you were like a rose between two thorns.”

  “That’s very kind of you to say.”

  “Don’t worry,” He laughs. “As beautiful as you are, I’m not hitting on you. I’m a happily married man.” He winks at me, wiggling the back of his wedding ring with his thumb, the way that I used to. “So, what do you say to another beer, Rose?”

  “Hmm… If I have another, I’ll have to stay the night.”

  “And that’s a problem because…”

  I briefly look around the room, which is slowly beginning to empty, then at my watch. Shit. I wouldn’t get back until after midnight if I leave now anyway…

  “Okay, I’ll have another. Fuck It—oh shit, sorry.”

  Jonathan chuckles, shaking his head, signaling to the bartender for another round.

  “I knew I liked you, Rose. Full of contradictions. Effortlessly standing out in the crowd.”

  “So you like people who curse, drink beer and don’t massage egos, huh?”

  “No, I like real people who don’t conform to the masses.”

  After deciding to stay, we drink and talk effortlessly. I must admit, I did try to angle the conversation around to family in the hope that he’d mention his little brother—but, he didn’t. I even got to meet his gorgeous wife, Tiana, who came down from their room to say goodnight.

  Shortly after Tiana leaves us, I finish my last beer and decide to call it a night before I start to get too tipsy. I’ve already pushed my luck, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

  “Well, it’s been great meeting you. Thank you so much for your advice and kind words.” I get down from the stool and collect my handbag from the hook. “I’ll leave you to the few remaining, die-hard vultures.”

  “Thanks for that! Listen, your bookshop will be just fine in your hands. The ideas we’ve discussed will work… Or you could always aim higher—you’re more than capable!” Holding out his hand, I take it. “Goodnight, Rose.”

  Shaking his hand, I giggle at the name.

  “Goodnight, Jonty.”

  Jonathan stops and holds my hand firmer. His smile fades and his serious eyes flick between mine.

  “What did you say?”

  “Jonathan. I said, Jonathan.”

  “No you didn’t. There’s only one person on this planet that calls me that.”

  “I’m sorry—”

  “Tell me, what the hell’s going on?!”

  “This was a mistake. I, I really do have to go.”

  I yank my hand from his grasp. My heart’s pounding through my chest. I turn to leave. My blood feels cold in my veins.

  “Please, Bethany.”

  Hearing the hurt and desperation in his voice, melts my resolve. I stop a few steps away from him, flopping my head down, I close my eyes.

  Shit. What have I done?


  I turn to face him. He’s standing with a look of hope mixed with a harrowing concern etched on his furrowing brow.

  “Did he send you…? Joseph?”

  “No. Christ, no. I had no idea you’d be here.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Jonathan, I swear. This isn’t some kind of stitch up. I wasn’t trying to check up on you so I could report back… It was you who came over to me, remember?”

  “You certainly did have me at a disadvantage though, this whole time.”

  “I realise that, and I’m sorry, honestly. I didn’t set out to deceive you. I’m sure you can understand my predicament.”

  “Yes, okay. Sorry I snapped at you. I’m just in shock. It’s been so long… Please, sit down. We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t. I’ve already fucked up. Jesus, he is going to flip.”

  Gesturing back to the stools, I realise I do need to talk to him for damage limitation at least, so I follow his lead and take a seat. He mustn’t tell the rest of his family about this.

  “How is he?”

  “He is happy, if that’s what you mean. But, I need you to promise not to tell anybody else about me. He is already going to be pissed when he finds out I met you.”

  “So, you’re his girlfriend?” I smile and nod. “That’s good… And does he talk about us… his family?”

  “Yes. A little. You can’t tell them about this though, Jonathan, please.”

  “Joseph has left a void in our family that only he can fill. They’d be relieved to know he is doing okay and that he’s happy.”

  “I understa
nd that, I do. If it was up to me, he’d be telling them himself. He just puts his barriers up when it comes to you guys. It’s a sore subject but, I think he’ll get there, eventually. I’m working on it, but I have to tread carefully.”

  Jonathan shakes his head, obviously wanting more than I can offer him.

  “Okay. It’s okay. It’s such a shock, that’s all. I’m glad though, that I’ve gotten to meet you.” His smile is warm, but his eyes show sadness. “Is this from him?”

  “Yes… How did you guess?”

  “It caught my eye earlier, but I didn’t want to pry. My brother has always had exquisite taste and I recognise the jeweler’s signature work. Our family always use them for customised, special items.”

  “Well, it certainly is special. Your brother’s a very thoughtful man.”

  “Bethany, did he ever mention our mother’s pendant?”

  “No. Not that I can recall. Why?”

  “When our parents got married, Dad used these jewellers to have a necklace made. On the back of the pendant, he had a heart stamped into it, surrounded by the letter ‘C’. He told her that it symbolised his love for her—that as long as he was breathing, he would surround her with his love and protect her, no matter what. That symbol has been engraved in every item he has ever had made… In turn, I joined in the tradition with Tiana… May I?”

  “Oh no. There’s really no need. It’s not possible. He bought it weeks ago—”

  “Bethany.” He interrupts me before I get too flustered. So I just hold out my wrist for Jonathan to take a closer look. I’m so glad I put on a long sleeved top to cover up the bruises left by Jax’s belt last week. “Which was the first charm?”

  “The book.”

  He admires the individual charms and I almost start to blush when he pays particular interest to the lollipop and then the tree. God, please don’t ask me what they represent. Please!

  Pulling his head down closer, he inspects the tree more closely, followed by the book.

  “It opens.”

  He frowns and then sees the discreet tiny clasp and pulls it apart gently. Shaking his head, smiling, I see his eyes glaze over with a deep emotion, as he stares as the photograph of Jax and I. Closing the book, he gently clasps my hand in his and they’re warm and soft.

  “Do you love him, Bethany?”

  “Yes, so much.” There’s no hesitation. “We’ve not been together long, but we are completely in love.”

  “Bethany, he doesn’t just love you. You’re not just his girlfriend.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck rise up and I’m awash with emotion. His heartfelt words cause tears to threaten. It’s ridiculous really because he hasn’t even spoken to him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s there, Bethany, our family’s symbol. He believes that you are the one.”

  My eyes widen in disbelief.

  “Wow!” I gulp hard. “On which charm?”

  “Every. Single. One.” My mouth drops open. “By marking you in this way, this means everything. If he’s stupid enough to not have told you himself and told you how sacred this is, well, I’m not about to risk him ever losing you or you never knowing.”

  With a squeeze of my hand, he lets go and I immediately cover my bracelet, pulling it into my chest. Now it is infinitely more special. He silently declared his love to me way back in Devon. He claimed me. He vowed to love and protect me for eternity without even knowing how I’d react to his secrets.

  “Thank you, Jonathan. Thank you so much for telling me.”

  “You’re the link to bring this family back together again, Bethany.”

  “No pressure then!” I smile.

  “I mean it. I see Joseph in your eyes. I hear him now, in the strength of your convictions. You’re obviously good for him too… He doesn’t call me, but I’ve noticed a difference with some of the decisions he is making at work, even the wording of his emails isn’t as formal and abrupt… The family promised him that we’d leave him be and our word means we can’t ever break that. I am helpless in that regard. But, if fate wants to bless me with you, I need you to know that you can contact me anytime. If there is absolutely anything I can do to help bring him back to us, please give me the chance.”

  Jonathan writes his personal number on the back of the familiar Carter Corp. business card. I flip it over and see his business contact details beneath the company logo. When I look at the address, an idea comes to me from out of nowhere.

  “Well, there is something, Jonathan…”

  Chapter Eleven

  Monday 1st June 2015



  Beth arrived at mine five minutes ago, having just driven back from London. Her touch seemed distant and the ominous look, haunting her freckled face, is telling me something is up.

  I pour us some orange juice and leave the glasses on the side as I pin her against the kitchen work surface.

  “You didn’t call me back last night. Were you sleeping?”

  “No.” I nuzzle her ear and she turns her head away. “Don’t, Jax.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Oh God. You’re going to be so angry. I don’t even know where to start.”

  Now she’s got my full attention and my playful mood has well and truly fucked off.

  “What’s going on, Beth…? Just say it.”

  “Okay. Okay. It all happened so fast. One minute I was enjoying the convention, the next minute, out of nowhere, it all turned upside down. I promise you I didn’t do it on purpose, he came up to me and the next thing I know we’re having a drink and he said it was fate and—”

  I take a sharp step back, obliterating my glass against the wall opposite.

  “ARRRGH!” Beth screams for a split second, but immediately rushes to my side, putting her hands on my heaving chest. My adrenalin’s spiked. I can’t believe my fucking ears. “What the f—”

  “No, no, no. Jax. Shit… Jax, listen to me.” My body’s rigid as I struggle to cage in my anger. “Jax, look at me.” She holds my face, but I can’t look down at her, in fear of what I’ll see in those windows of hers. “It’s Jonathan. Your brother…. I met your brother, Jax.”


  For the next half an hour, Beth tells me everything that happened from start to finish. When all was said and done, I was mentally drained and clammed up, rejecting her comfort. I needed some space, to process things so I took a walk out over the fields, leaving Beth pacing the kitchen.

  It certainly wasn’t her fault for being in the same place as him. The fact that he was there in the first place is the kind of coincidence that could’ve been avoided if only I’d had the foresight to check his schedule. He attends the occasional convention, but I didn’t think to—well, I just didn’t think.

  Beth shouldn’t have given in to temptation and sat down with him. Although, I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same in her position. What I find most intriguing, is that Jonty sought her out in the first place. Amongst a room full of people, Beth managed to make an impression on my stubborn brother. But then again, it’s not surprising really—she bewitched me from day one. I actually love that her uniqueness wasn’t lost on him…

  Him. Bethany has actually met Jonathan. Damn, she even met Tiana.

  If only she hadn’t slipped up with his name… Fuck.

  Now that I’m over the initial shock, I feel less anxious so head back inside the house. The situation could be better, but it could be worse too. I don’t like that my past and my future have collided because it goes against my wishes. Anyway, there’s nothing I can do about it now. Maybe it was meant to be.

  I’m not even going to acknowledge it with Jonty. That’s the best way to handle it. I don’t want him to think I’m going to try and use this as a platform to muscle my way back into the family. After what I put them through, they’re better off without me. Why would I rock the boat, when they’re happy just as they are and everything’s great between Beth
and I?

  Finding a worried looking Beth, hugging herself on the sofa, I walk over to join her.

  “I’m sorry, Angel. Come here.”

  I lie down on the other side of the sofa, with my back against the armrest and hold out my hand to her. She cautiously climbs up my body from between my legs and kisses me softly on the lips.


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