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Bang: Challenge Accepted

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by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "Jack?" she dryly says my name and grabs my hand that's rubbing my beard. My thoughts are going to screw all this up for me.

  Worry and foresight of regret is shoved to the back burner and I give her what she wants. Everything she wants. And I'm not too proud of a few things I let her do to me but each time she came it was harder and hotter. And her moans and dirty talk got louder and nastier letting me know it was exactly what she wanted. She didn't lie about making me come, recoup, then come again and I didn't mind because while I was recouping I watched her make herself come, in ways I've never even seen in pornos, but as kinky and dirty as she can be, she's hot as hell and knows it.

  When she's finally spent she collapses onto me in a fit of giggles telling me she's not sure if it's ever been better. I wrap her in my arms feeling a relief that I've needed for days and fall asleep confident she'll let me take her out again.

  I wake a little stiff, a lot sore, even more worried about what we did while we were drunk. Before I even open my eyes I begin planning my apology and how I'll get her to accept an actual date with me.

  Blinking my eyes open I rub my face, still able to smell her on my hands and beard and it makes me smirk.

  She's a sexy woman, definitely wild and crazy, but it was the best night of my life.

  "Good morn—" I stop when I look over and she's not there. With a grin I head for the shower because a little water play will be fun.

  Bathroom's empty.

  "Jenny?" I call out into the small room that I know for a fact she's not in.

  Her clothes are gone. I even check the closet. Gone. All Gone. Suitcase gone. She ditched me.

  Holy shit. I've never done the walk of shame. I'm a man! I shouldn't be doing the walk of shame. Christ, is this what a woman feels like after a one night stand? I've never put a woman through this. I wake up with the women I sleep with! I get breakfast or lunch, plan the next date! I respect a woman willing to spend the night with me.

  Holy hell. Jenny is the female equivalent of a man and she used me! She used me for hot, dirty sex and I let her do things to me I will never repeat! I feel so exploited….





  "You know, Jenny." Gage takes a swig of his beer before looking me straight in the eyes. God, he's hot. Like, older southern boy, been around the block and has stories to tell hot. "You don't need someone to love you just to make you feel good." His eyebrows raise then his eyes travel down my body. I know he's talking about how badly Dave treated me, but I can't help wonder what he's really thinking as his eyes take in the sight of 'fat Jenny' stuffed into this outfit.

  When Ryley forced me to wear this shirt tonight I pouted for the first hour. No one was going to want to see me in a low cut halter top and jean shorts that rode up my ass. When I threw on my cowboy boots my sister snickered. At least I was going to be comfortable in my shoes.

  The girls at the party all laughed when I walked in the room but I'm getting pretty good at hiding my self-consciousness. I walked right past them, head held high, dying a little inside when the only looks I got were side glares and snickers.

  "I need to be respected, Gage. Not all men do what Dave did." I roll my eyes at him. "I can't have a repeat of my first time, Gage. That…. He ruined it," I whisper looking around to make sure no one can hear me. The things Dave said to me that night were evil. Pure evil.

  Add to that, the multiple other boys that I've tried to be with, just to be let down by comments or actions, and my self-esteem has plummeted lately. Not that I'd ever let anyone in on that, but I need someone to make me feel worthwhile; not someone to make me feel used.

  "Respect and love are two different things, Jenny." His eyes lock with mine and I feel the heat that I've always felt around him. "Let me show you how good it can feel. No strings, no promises, no worries of a future. Just two people enjoying each other's body," he whispers, his voice rough, his fist tight around his bottle giving away the tension lacing through his body. "I can teach you. Those other boys were just that. Boys."

  I look around the room. No one's paying a lick of attention to the hottest man in the room all because they're too busy giving me evil glares for taking his attention.

  Me. Fat Jenny.

  "What're you saying, Gage?" I manage to whisper, slowly bringing my gaze back to his that's locked only on me, ignoring everyone else in the room.

  "Sex can be amazing if you hold all the cards, Jenny. Use your curves to your advantage. Let me show you how good it can be when there's no expectations of a relationship," he whispers then puts his hand out.

  "I don't know, Gage. Fucking people just to fuck and nothing else? No feelings? I can't do that." I have too many emotions rolling through me. I'm a teenage girl for Christ's sake!

  "You're right… I guess you're just not up for the challenge," he says nonchalantly, pulling his hand back and taking another swig of his beer.


  I narrow my eyes at him and consider his words. He knows I can't back down from a good challenge. And the longer I stare at the hot, smug asshole next to me, this challenge seems like an incredibly fun one to accept.

  He's grinning slightly, the muscles under his short sleeves tense as he waits for me to give in. I grin and tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear then slowly finish my beer. Our eyes never leave each other's as I set my beer down slowly and walk to his side of the table. Leaning in I feel his body tense.

  "Challenge accepted, Gage Porter," I whisper in his ear.

  The low growl that comes from him makes me so wet.

  I'm going to love this challenge.

  Present Day

  Eight years ago I accepted a challenge, and when I accept a challenge… I see it through. That challenge stuck with me up until the day Gage left for good. It was the worst night of my existence, the night I got the phone call. I swore then that I would see it through to the end. In his honor. No one ever knows what happened that night between us, and no one ever will. The most I've told is Ryley about the challenge, but even she would be crushed if she ever found out about us. Time can't heal everything.

  And really, trying out multiple men never felt so good. Who cares what you look like when you're behind me… as long as your dick fits nicely, you have all your teeth and you're not a douche, I'm down for just about anything.

  From then on out, I made a deal with myself: don't settle for less than I deserve, and kick ass through medical school to show my bitch ass sister (dubbed: cunt whore) that I'm actually worth something.

  It's been years of hard work, but I've finally made it. I'm finally able to rub my new practice in the faces of all the people who told me I'd never amount to anything.

  Rolling over in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I glance at the clock. Ten a.m. Shit, Jenny!

  Three months ago I took over the OBGYN office in my small town. It just so happened that old Dr. Neilson had his share of eighty-year-old poontang and was retiring just as I was finishing up medical school. Sure, it would have been nice to get out of here and make it in the big city, but a practice is a practice. I can help people here just as much as I can in a big city. Plus it's cheaper to live here, so it's a win-win.

  Last night I went out with the girls again. Five nights in a row of drinking, each morning hung over, dragging ass into work to the wonderful smell of vaginas and mothballs.

  Don't ask.

  Sometimes I wonder why I chose this profession. Why didn't I get into the field of cupping men's balls and inspecting their dicks all day?

  Probably because the thought of cupping wrinkly balls and franks makes me cringe.

  No, I like my dicks to be a little less wrinkly. Like Nick's from last night. Now that was a mighty fine specimen of a man. And I had to chuckle when he asked when he'd get a phone call from me again.

  I sigh and sit up, tousling out my blonde hair. Last month I added pink highlights to it to keep myself from goin
g insane in the dull life of a small town OB/GYN. There're only so many people in this town, and after awhile you get to know a person by their vagina. And that's just depressing. When I first added the pink I got some funny looks, but now I rock it harder than Lady Gaga. Now I've got little old ladies wanting my advice on what color they should add to their hair. And little old men 'thanking' me.

  "Hey, I'm going through your closet," Carly declares as she barges into my room like she owns the place. She doesn't even live here!

  I narrow my eyes at my sister walking across my room. She opens my closet door and huffs looking at the mess.

  Go home, bitch!

  Of course, I'd never actually tell her that. Her 'heart' is hurting ever since that douche Neil cheated on her. To make matters worse, I'm fairly certain the person he cheated with was a dude... but I'm not shoving that in her face quite yet. I hate cheaters. Never will sleep with one, never will be one. Doesn't mean I want my sister sleeping on my couch. Either way, she's here, and I'm trying my best to put up the 'I'm a better sister than you' act… which means I can't retaliate and tell her exactly how I feel about her being here.

  "Ew, Jenny. You'd think you would take better care of your stuff," she bitches as I watch her start to hold my dresses up to her.

  None of them will fit her, not unless she wants to look like a homeless bag lady. Maybe I should tell her they look good then she'll go out in public looking like an idiot. That's fantastic. Who am I kidding, she'd never do that. She's the perfect daughter. The flawless one. Or at least she really tries to be. I don't care too much. I made my point when I graduated with my Doctorate and took over the office, watching her wallow in self-pity sitting behind the receptionist desk at the local auto part store.

  "Carly, you have a closet full of clothes. Why in the world would you think any of mine are better?" I roll my eyes at her huffing and tossing my clothes around like they mean nothing. They mean something to me! And Jesus that dress cost more than a week of her pay!

  "What about this?" she asks holding up some nasty old lady dress that I banged Davie Longhorn in.

  Is that a stain? Oh god it is! I probably shoulda washed that….

  "Perfect," I say trying to give her a convincing smile.

  She strips off her current outfit in the middle of my room and throws the dress over her head. Apparently when your sister is a pussy doctor you stop caring about baring it all in front of her. Spinning in front of the mirror, she scrunches her nose and inspects the dress further.

  "Ugh. I don't know. Why does all of your stuff hang on me like this? You could really stand to lose a few," she says pulling out the waist a few inches and lifting up the straps.

  Or you could stand to stop being a bitch all the damn time, cunt whore.

  "Right, I'll get right on that. After my dinner date at Mazzio's tonight." I smile and she grimaces.

  "Ugh, just the thought of that grease filled place." Her exaggerated shutter makes me cringe at her dramatics.

  "What? Makes you wet? Does it bring that unfamiliar heat between your legs, Car?"

  "Oh stop, Jenny! God, you're so immature for being a doctor! Some of us don't need that constant attention in our lives."

  "Please, Carly. Maybe some of us just like to enjoy life and not live it stuck up the ass of some gay lawyer," I quip not letting her see the hurt she inflicts every time she talks about my life like I'm trash.

  "Metrosexual! He's metrosexual!" She stomps her feet like a petulant child, making me laugh at her insane and incredibly immature behavior.

  "Gay, Car. He's gay. Straight men don't paint their fingernails." Straight men also bang their chicks, and I'm fairly certain she's still a virgin.

  "It's for work. And it's clear," she growls crossing her arms over her flat chest.

  How did she get so unlucky in the tit department? Mine are massive.

  "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," I say nonchalantly and shrug. I know she's going to get back with him, even though he obviously cheated on her with a guy, so I drop it. It's never good to start a fight with my sister... she's too stubborn and starts to go high-pitched and my ears want to bleed.

  "You're never going to find someone to be with, you know that, Jenny?"

  "Never said I wanted to, big sis. I actually love my life." I smile wide and glance at the door. "Close that on your way out, could ya?"

  She growls and storms out of my room, slamming the door on her way out.

  I shake my head. No one in my family is really worth much of my time anymore. They don't understand me, I don't understand stupid. We're opposite ends of the spectrum here.


  I spend the day doing household shit that's always put on hold throughout the week. Working at your own office makes for long hours but I actually love it. I could joke around all day about old ladies and their junk, but the truth is I really enjoy what I do. Helping someone live a healthy life, and bringing lives into this world is a beautiful thing. Sure, I have a lot of funky smells to hold my breath through, and weird flaps to unfold, but gynecological health is important at any age. And sure, kids scare the living daylights out of me, and I'm crazy not ready to have one, but seeing that mother's face when she sees her newborn for the first time makes me feel a happiness that's unexplainable.

  Next thing I know it's almost eight and I have a dinner outing with the girls tonight. Scrambling to my closet, I dig through the outfits my sister tossed to the floor and find my black tank top noticing a rip in the side. Shit. Black dress, hot pink bra, pink heels, and messy hair will do just fine. I know what the men like. And thank you Mother Nature for letting me go a day between shaving or else I would really be late and possibly miss all the prime meat. I'm not talking cow.

  I throw on my clothes, leaving the underwear on my bed since it's about a hundred degrees outside and my vagina wants to breathe tonight. I've never understood girls who won't go commando. Totally the way to go.

  I grab my keys and phone and shove them into a little black clutch, praying I don't lose anything tonight like I've done before during a drunken stupor. Sometimes I can drink just a little too much, but never too much that I don't know to bring them to my house, use a condom, then shove them out the door before sleep hits.

  I make it to the bar in record time and find Lyla and Sam waiting for me already, looking like they've already enjoyed a drink or two.

  "Hey, girls, sorry I'm late!" I rush, half winded.

  "We know you're crazy ass slept the day away. Just gotta get caught up, that's all." Lyla grins and slides over a drink.

  Half way through my third drink I'm starting to feel good. I'm not a light weight, so it takes me awhile to feel the buzz, but once I do everything is golden. I look around the room to see what's up for picking tonight and grin when I see a table of guys hanging out, eyeballing us. Lions in a tigresses den.

  "Looks like we might have company, girls," I say as one of the men starts heading over.

  "Oh, yes please," Sam purrs and adjusts her top to let a little more cleavage peek out, calling the other two men out of their chairs. Three men. Three women. Perfect.

  I like many flavors when it comes to men so I've never had a problem with going out with two hot chicks. We all end up going home with someone most nights, and we're all satisfied. This is when living nearby a college comes in handy. All legal, all hot, all ready and rampant, all kinds of flavors.

  "Hey, boys," I say leaning on the table with my elbows. "What brings ya over?"

  The tall one clears his throat and smiles. "Just thought we'd say hi, that's all."

  That Tennessee drawl is typically hot but on him it makes him look like a tall, bumbling, backwoods lumberjack. Ick.

  The other two aren't bad looking though. I've never been a fan of buzzed heads but the tattoos on the bald dude's skull are very intriguing. His arms are covered with tattoos and I see a hint of one peeking out the neck of his shirt. My eyes travel down, wondering where else he has ink. I bite my lip as my min
d plays out all the things this bald bad boy could do to me. And the things I will do to him.

  "Jenny?" Lyla shoves me and I glance up at her.

  "This here is Stone," she says pointing to the tattooed man next to me. I'm fairly certain she introduced me to the other men standing there, but I can't focus on them. Stone's taken all of my attention since he walked to the table.

  Holy flying fuck that bulge. My eyes go wide and my mind starts to wander again until I hear him clear his throat. I look up quickly and try to make it seem like I wasn't only thinking about girth and length but it's useless when I see the lust in his eyes. The other men at the table are snickering but this dude is serious as all get out. He's got that look that says his mind wasn't wondering about names either.


  That's all it is with these guys. They see a blonde hair, blue eyed, big titted woman and immediately want to fuck it. It's a damn good thing I was born with blonde hair, blue eyes, and big tits.

  "So you wanna get outta here?" I lean in and whisper to Stone after about a half hour of awkward giggles from the other girls at the table.

  Right when he's about to answer, my phone rings the one ringtone I will always drop everything for, always. My Ryley.

  "Don't move, I'll be right back." I smile and slap his ass getting a grunt and jump from him while his buddies bust out laughing.

  Running outside I answer, probably about ten times too excited, but I miss her ass. I smile remembering the last time I saw her.

  Her wedding night. That night was insane. I've never been so drunk and never had such an awesome time with a stranger. Jack. Mmm. I bite my lip remembering that night. Remembering Jack. One dude I'd probably get a few rides out of if he didn't live so far.

  "Hey!" Ryley's excited voice comes through the phone and immediately calms me. We've been through so much and I hate that I'm so far from my best friend.


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