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Bang: Challenge Accepted

Page 7

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "Uncle Jack," Jenny coos my way. "We want to swim back."

  "Back? To shore?" I glance toward shore that's way too far to swim to.

  "Yeah, you can follow us with the boat." Her smile is too hard to say no to, but I know neither will make it even halfway.

  "Come on! We're gonna race!" Able boasts and takes off before he even gets permission.

  "Jenny, wear a life jacket," I say getting on the boat.

  "Able, don't you move another muscle, mister," she scolds and he freezes. "I know how to swim, Jack."

  "I know." I give her a smile. "I noticed, but if you're going to even attempt to swim that distance, you're wearing a life jacket." I hold it up and my eyes go to her chest realizing it probably won't fit so I start to loosen the straps in the chest. "Able, get closer to the boat," I tell him and he pouts floating back toward us.

  "I'm almost ready," she mutters while I buckle the straps.

  "You look cute." I grin at her.

  "My boobs are being crushed," she grumbles.

  "I'll loosen it."

  "No, it's fine. Thanks." She quickly kisses my lips and my heart drops from want and panic because Able is right there. When I look at him, his face is in the lake though so he didn't see. "Lighten up, Lumber-Jack." She laughs jumping in.

  As predicted, they don't even last halfway and I pull them onto the boat.

  "Aunt Jenny needs a nap," she mumbles plopping into the seat.

  "Come on, buddy." I grab Able and let him steer us into shore.

  By the time we get the boat on the trailer and we're ready to go, both Jenny and Able look beat. We spent six hours in the sun and on the water. It was a great day and if I stayed home I would have been fixing the water heater and probably obsessing over Jenny.

  The ride back through the winding woods is quiet and comfortable and I think Able's sleeping. Jenny's in the middle and she keeps running her hand up my inner thigh. Glancing back at Able, she gets a little higher.

  "Jenny," I whisper grabbing her hand.

  "Shhh." She quietly giggles and does it again.

  "Jenny," I say again and glance toward the back at Able whose eyes are closed but I'm not sure he's sleeping.

  "Shh." She licks my ear and the start of a quiet groan starts in my throat but is halted when I hit something.

  I slam on the brakes and feel the pressure of the boat trying to push the truck forward. That is not good. This is not good. I hit something. Oh shit. I hit something! What the hell was that? Hopefully a log. Good Lord, please let it be a log. I'm trying to gather my thoughts before I get out and I have Jenny yapping next to me.

  Worst end to a perfect day.




  "Ya gotta watch out for those small children, Jack. They're all over these woods." I lean in and suck on his neck just to feel his pulse beating like crazy. "Chill. It was probably just a squirrel," I whisper.

  Trying to get him back into the mood of doing me and away from whatever's running through his mind, I continue playing with his hardening dick. I've been teasing him since we got into the truck, snuggled into him so the kid doesn't see anything from the back seat incase he were to wake up. Mr. 'always so serious' has actually been relaxed all day today. When he pounced on the creeper back on the boat I felt myself being more attracted to him than ever before. I can tell what I'm doing to him is almost to the point of driving him insane. Fine, more than almost. The massive bulge in his pants has me ready to unzip him just to give him more room. How can that be comfortable?

  "If we're gonna just sit here I can find something useful to do," I smile rubbing him a little harder but the mood breaks when I see his jaw tick through his beard.

  So damned sexy with his beard that I almost forget about the child in the back seat and straddle him right here. It's not until Able starts to wake up and whine that I snap out of my lust filled haze.

  "What's going on?" he whines rubbing his eyes.

  "Uncle Jack ran over a bump, little man. It's all good, go back to sleep," I say reaching back to pat his leg.

  "Why aren't we going?" He perks up and opens his eyes wider, looking around to see where we are. "What's going on Uncle Jack?" Off comes his seatbelt.


  "Stop, Able. Don't unbuckle, we're leaving," Jack growls.

  His hands are tight on the wheel and I see his jaw ticking. He's obviously worried about something.

  If we're leaving, then why are we still sitting here?

  "Jack?" Now I'm getting worried. Shit, I've hit so many small holes and animals in my life I guess the thought of squishing a squirrel doesn't bother me as much as it does this big teddy bear.

  "Stay here," he mumbles and hops out of the truck slamming the door.

  Well okay then, mister moody pants.

  The headlights are on so I can see slightly, but the area is so wooded that there's no light from the stars helping me see what Jack's doing. I see him in front of the truck, then he leans down and disappears.


  It's probably a cougar that's eating him right now.

  "I want out, Aunt Jenny!" Able starts to wriggle out of his seat, to the point of almost crying when I see Jack at my window.

  "Hang on, Able, just hang on." I crack the door letting the cab light turn on and momentarily blind myself. When it adjusts, I see the look on Jack's face. He's flushed, frowning, and is that sweat on his brow? "Oh God, what happened?" I can feel my heart beat in my chest and the look on his face tells me it wasn't a squirrel that he hit. Either that, or this lumber Jack really has a soft spot for small woodland creatures.

  "Aunt Jenny!" Able screams trying to wrestle out of the back of the truck.

  He's successfully gotten out of his seatbelt and is now trying to crawl over the seats. Luckily it's a full bench in the front and he's having a hard time getting over top of the seat back.

  "Hang on, Able. Just stay back there, okay?" I tell him shoving my phone at him. "Here, play this." I turn on Temple Run and slip out of the truck shutting the door behind me.

  Thank God the windows are tinted. I'd hate for Able to witness whatever it is that's gotten Jack so riled up.

  Jack's eyes are wide and he's not saying anything yet. His hands are in his pocket and his lips are clamped shut.

  "What's wrong, Jack? You're scaring me. What the hell was that back there?" I try to look to the front of the truck but he clears his throat and I look back at him.

  "I… I um…." he stammers.

  "Spit it out already!"

  "I hit a dog, Jenny!" he yells then curses and walks away, kicking the dirt.

  "A dog, dog… or just a wild dog?" I'm trying not to laugh. For real, this big lug is almost in tears for hitting a wild, probably flea infested mangy dog?

  "Wild dog?" He laughs. "Jesus, what part of redneck-ville do you live in? A dog. A poor baby dog. Shit!"

  A baby dog? Oh my God!

  "Where is it?! I'm a doctor, I can help him!" I say frantically. I know CPR, I know how to check for a heart rate, I can take care of a dog!

  "You're a vagina doctor. You work on lady parts all day, not broken dogs," he mutters shaking his head and cursing.

  "You broke it in half?!" The image in my mind of dog guts spread out under the truck makes me want to vomit.

  "No! It's alive still… I think," he trails off and sighs then walks to the front of the truck. When we make it over he takes a flashlight from his pocket and shines it on the ground.

  Oh no. No, no. The poor thing! I rush to it lying on the ground whimpering. It looks like Jack just clipped his leg but it's hard to tell in the dark how much damage was really done.

  "What the fuck, Jack?! How'd you not see this?!" I'm pulling my shirt off and finding sticks before I even realize what I'm doing.

  "This thing's tiny! My truck is huge! And your hand wasn't helping either! Shit," he says kneeling down by the brown and black dog. I'm fairly certain it's a Rottweile
r but it's hard to tell.

  I hear it whimpering and my heart breaks a little more for it.

  "Here." I hand Jack my shirt. "Rip it into three pieces for me."

  He takes the shirt and looks at it like it has three heads. I can tell he didn't get a word of what I was saying, though, since his eyes are glued to my tits.

  "Earth to Jack. You've almost killed this poor thing, mind helping me so we can get it help?"

  "Shit, sorry," he mumbles then rips my shirt into a few different strips while I find sticks.

  I spend the next few minutes tying a makeshift splint on the dog's front leg, all lit by a flashlight. Able is happily playing in the backseat still, luckily he hasn't noticed us out here yet. There's so much blood, I'd hate for him to see this.

  "There, Dr. Bang comes through again," I say as I tie the last piece of fabric around its leg. Proud of my handiwork, I smile up at Jack.

  "Dr. Bang. Really?" His eyebrows pull in to create a cute little line between his eyes.

  "Hiya. Jenny Bang, nice to meet ya," I say smiling and holding my hand out.

  Smiling and shaking his head, mumbling something about Liam, he takes my hand and pulls me up to him. Our eyes connect and instantly I feel the pull between my legs. I'm certain I could fuck this man under any circumstance and have to fight the urge to kiss him senseless right here in front of the mangled puppy and child in the truck.

  He pulls back from me, breaking our connection, and I whimper at the loss of his touch.

  "Here, take this. You'll get cold," he says taking off his t-shirt and handing it to me. Oh my God, those muscles. Holy shit he has a V! I want to lick—

  "Jenny!" he says breaking my fantasy.

  He's holding out the shirt expectantly, so I grab it and thank him while I tie it back to fit a little better. Mmmm, it even smells like him.

  "Listen, we need to get her to a vet. There's only so much I can do, and I'm fairly certain dogs don't get PAP smears so I'm about useless right now." I smile when I see him cringe.

  "Great," he sighs and rolls his neck, exposing the muscles that've been asking to be licked all day.

  When he leans down I see the muscles in his back bend and move with him and all I want to do is reach over and trace them. Good God, this man's beautiful.

  "Hey, grab the door, would ya?" he asks holding the puppy. When I head towards the back door he grunts and shakes his head. "This poor thing is traumatized. Putting her back there with a hyper child isn't going to do any good to calm her down. She needs a lap."

  "So you gonna hold her?" She's covered with blood and road dirt, there's no way I'm holding her.

  "You're not driving my truck." Ooh, sexy stern Jack. I like that.

  "I'm gonna hold her?"

  Can't we just put her on the floor board?

  "Yep. Get in." He nods towards the front door, so I walk to my side and climb in, waiting for the hot mess to be put on my lap.

  Jack lifts the puppy slowly and sets it on my lap. Oh good Lord, this poor thing. It snuggles its head in the crook of my arm and I'm a goner.

  "Awww, hi baby," I whisper forgetting Jack's still staring at me right before he slams the door grumbling about something.

  I see him run his hands down his face on his walk back to his side.

  "What's that?" Able asks climbing off his seat and peering over the front seats. "A PUPPY! What's wrong with it?" His voice turns to concern when he notices the makeshift bandage.

  "We hit it, buddy," I say as Jack makes his way to the driver's side.

  "Why?" he asks resting his head on the seat separating us to get a closer look.

  This thing better not die or we're going to have one awfully sad six-year-old on our hands.

  "It was an accident, right, Jack?" I glare over at him who still hasn't said a word to Able, and he nods.

  "Yep. Takin' her to the vet right now, they'll fix her up, dude." He starts the truck and pulls his phone out.

  After calling a 'friend' of his that sounded incredibly too sexy to be just a friend, my claws are out and ready. Apparently his friend is a vet and able to take the dog right now. Of course she is, she probably wants to fuck him in the next room, too.

  By the time we get to the vet's office, which isn't an office but her house, Able is asleep in the back of the truck and the dog has finally calmed down in my arms. The bleeding has stopped and I've been able to get it to stop shaking, but the way it's just been laying here has me worried it's already dead.

  "You want me to go in with you?" I ask hoping he says yes, though really if he wants to fuck her, I shouldn't have a problem with it.

  I have no reason to claim stake on this man. I mean, my vagina really hasn't had anything better. Ever. That, and the woman on the phone sounded way too happy to be getting a late night call from Jack. But it shouldn't matter, because we're not anything special. I don't do… that. Plus, he lives so far away from me!

  "Nah, I'll be quick. You stay here with him," he whispers then takes the dog from my lap and walks up to the door. Before he knocks it opens to a brilliantly beautiful brunette.


  She ushers him in, glancing back at the car, probably trying to see if he's alone, and I want to light her on fire. Poof. Don't touch him, bitch. I watch everything I can between the two through the window but when they go inside I lose sight of them. She didn't look like she was trying to put the moves on him, and he doesn't seem like the type of guy to fuck someone while he has a woman and child waiting in the truck. I hope not at least.

  I glance back at Able and he's passed out, head resting on the seatbelt and tiny snores coming out of him. Smiling to myself, I picture him back at the lake and how happy he was all day. He's a good kid, he's just a Porter boy.

  And I know Porter boys.

  After just a few minutes, Jack comes back out to the truck puppy-less.

  "What's going on?" I ask praying he doesn't tell me that it died.

  I'm not certain I'd be able to take it if I couldn't help save it. That's why I went to school… to help people. And to prove that I could do it, but I really do like helping people. Dogs are close enough for that to count, right?!

  "She's gonna keep her overnight to watch her and get her all fixed up," he mumbles then snaps his seatbelt. "I'll take you two home."

  "When do we get her back?" I ask surprised that he doesn't seem like he cares about it. "We're getting her back, right?" I raise my eyebrows and look at him.

  He sighs and shakes his head. "I wasn't planning on it. She's not ours, Jenny. You can't just call dibs on a dog like that. Plus she's a Rot. Those things are known to be mean."

  "There's no collar, Jack! She needs a home! Animals are only mean if they are trained to be mean! Ooh, don't get me started on this, Jack… whatever your last name is. You don't take her, they'll put her in the system and she'll end up dead in a year tops. You really want that weighing on your conscious?"

  He curses under his breath and starts the truck. "I'm not sure what you want me to do. Liam and Ry aren't going to want a dog at their house with the new baby on the way."

  "So you keep her! You have to, Jack!" I'm frantic now that he's going to let this little helpless dog be murdered.

  "You want me to keep the dog? Are you insane?!" He laughs as he backs out of the driveway and pulls onto the road.

  "Will you at least think about it, please? Able would love to be able to visit it, and you could use a companion," I say then grin.

  Sliding back over to get closer to him, his arm goes around me and he sighs. "I'll think about it," he whispers then leans back in his seat.

  I take the silence in the cab as my opportunity to finally get what I've been trying to get all night. Today in the bathroom was fantastic but I need more. Seeing him flaunting his muscles all day around me and not being able to ride him when I wanted has really put me in a bind.

  "What're you doing, Jenny?" he groans as I reach between his legs to cup one of my favorite parts of him.

nbsp; I immediately feel him start to tense from my touch and it turns me on in ways I've never known possible.

  Thoughts of last night and how he took me against the wall flood my memory and make me wet just thinking about it. Most of the time I'm in charge with the men I'm with, but with Jack I don't have that urge to be the one in charge. I actually liked him having the power like that.

  "Playing," I whisper nipping his ear as I unbutton his pants. "Ever had road head, Jack?" I whisper again starting to remove his hard cock from his pants.

  "There's a kid in the back seat, Jenny!" he frantically whispers looking back to make sure Able is still asleep.

  "He's snoring, Jack, and there's no lights on in the cab. I'll be quiet if you can." I grin and go down to taste him. "Mmm, baby," I moan after popping the tip out of my mouth.

  He groans and pulls my hair up slightly. "You know this is incredibly illegal, right?" He looks down at me for a split second then his eyes go back to the road and he moans again as my mouth takes all of him.

  All the way back.

  Good God, he tastes so delicious. I've always liked to give head, but with Jack it's ten times better tasting. The moans coming out of him are far from forced, too. He might be enjoying this more than I am. I know my panties are already soaked just from the noises coming out of him.

  "Shit, Jenny." His voice is gravely and his hand is resting on my head as I bob up and down, licking, tasting, enjoying him.

  I take him all the way in and start humming, giving him a gentle vibration. My hand slips down and inside his shorts to cup his balls just as I feel everything tightening. Sucking harder now, making sure I take him all the way in, I start to drive him crazy to the point of release. He moans, thrusting his hips into my mouth, quietly cursing. I feel him start to pulse into my mouth and I greedily swallow every last drop.


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